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标题学年高中新三维一轮复习英语外研版选修八 Module 1 Deep South.docx

1、标题学年高中新三维一轮复习英语外研版选修八 Module 1 Deep SouthModule 1Deep South一、单词表词汇全查验运用多媒体,提问默写词汇.阅读词汇(英译汉)第一屏听写 1aircraft n 飞机;飞行器2battery n. 电池3canteen n. (工厂学校等的)食堂,餐厅4clothing n. 衣服;(尤指)某种服装5cosy adj. 温暖舒适的 第二屏听写 6daylight n 日光;白天7delicate adj. 娇气的,纤弱的8dormitory n. 宿舍;寝室9drill n. 钻;钻机10ecology n. 生态;生态学 第三屏听写 1

2、1eyesight n 视力;目力12fragile adj. 脆弱的;易碎的13glare n. 刺眼的光14gravity n. 重力,地心引力15inhabit v. 居住 第四屏听写 16intense adj. 强烈的17isolated adj. 孤单的,孤立的18laundry n. 待洗的衣物19luxury n. 奢侈品20minimum adj. 最少量;最小数 第五屏听写 21modest adj. 不很昂贵的;适中的22numb adj. 麻木的;失去知觉的23platform n. 平台24portable adj. 轻便的;便携的25powder n. 粉;粉末26

3、radioactive adj. (具有)放射性的 .高频词汇(汉译英)第六屏听写 1absence n缺乏;没有2annual adj. 每年的3Antarctica n. 南极洲4balance v. 使平衡5commercial adj. 商业的6conventional adj. 常规的;普通的 第七屏听写 7crew n(全体)船员8depth n. 深度9emergency n. 紧急情况;突发事情10flower v. 开花11mass n. 块,堆,团12nuclear adj. 核的,核能的 第八屏听写 13promote v促进,增进14pure adj. 干净的;不含有害

4、物质的15severe adj. 艰难的,艰巨的16state n. 状态;状况17test n. 试验18via prep. 经由,取道 第九屏听写 19insight n洞察力,眼光20abnormal adj. 不正常的,反常的21depressing adj. 令人沮丧的;令人抑郁的22discourage v. 阻止;打消的念头23exploration n. (对某地区的)勘查24explorer n. 探险者 第十屏听写 25extreme adj.极端的,极度的26inspiration n. 鼓舞;启示;灵感27privilege n. 荣幸28rainfall n. 降水量

5、;降雨量29sunburnt adj. 晒伤的30sunglasses n. 太阳镜;墨镜 第十一屏听写 31sunrise n日出32sunset n. 日落33tale n. 传说;故事34tiresome adj. 烦人的,令人讨厌的35trap v. 储存,留存;使陷入困境 第十二屏听写 36voyage n(乘船的)旅行,航行37befriend v. 对待如朋友38adapt_(to) (使)适应39in_case_of 如果;假使40set_foot_on 进入,到达 二、单元核心考点初热身提供语境,单元考点自测回顾(一)分类识记单词用时少功效高识记单词写对.知其意(英译汉)1.

6、battery n电池2.canteen n.(工厂学校等 的)食堂,餐厅3.dormitory n. 宿舍;寝室4.ecology n. 生态;生态学5.fragile adj. 脆弱的;易碎的6.gravity n. 重力,地心引力7.inhabit v居住8.intense adj. 强烈的9.isolated adj. 孤单的,孤立的 n. 奢侈品11.modest adj. 不很昂贵的;适 中的12.portable adj. 轻便的;便携的.写其形(汉译英)mercial adj.商业的2.conventional adj. 常规的;普通的3.crew n. (全

7、体)船员4.emergency n. 紧急情况;突发事情5.flower v. 开花6.mass n. 块,堆,团7.insight n. 洞察力,眼光8.test n. 试验核心单词练通1.Look at the state (状态) of you! You cant go out looking like that.2.It rains very heavily in this area, which has an annual (每年的) rainfall of 7,000 mm, an ideal environment for forests.3.If you can speak v

8、ery pure (纯正的) English, you will have more chances to find a job than others.4.Although he had gone through many severe (艰难的) tests during his lifetime, he succeeded at last.5.On the long voyage (航行) the men saw many sharks and some whales.6.According to the latest report, human beings are to blame

9、for the abnormal (反常的) climate around the whole world.7.It was reported that 115 miners trapped (使陷入困境) in the flooded mine for eight days were pulled out alive at last.8.Education should be a universal right and not a privilege (特权)拓展单词用活记全记牢1.explorer n探险者explore v探险;勘探exploration n探险;勘探;勘查2.depth

10、 n深度deep adj.& adv.深的;深深地deeply adv.强烈地;深刻地deepen v加深;深化3.extreme adj.极端的,极度的extremely adv.极端地,极其;非常4.balance v使平衡balanced adj.平衡的5.tiresome adj.烦人的,令人讨厌的tired adj.厌烦的;疲倦的tiring adj.令人厌烦的;令人疲倦的6.depressing adj.令人沮丧的;令人抑郁的depress v使沮丧;使萧条depressed adj.沮丧的;萧条的depression n沮丧;不景气,萧条(期)7.discourage v阻止;打

11、消的念头discouraging adj.令人沮丧的discouraged adj.沮丧的discouragement n泄气;使人泄气的人(事)(反义词)encourage v鼓励8.inspiration n鼓舞;启示;灵感inspire v鼓舞;激励inspiring adj.鼓舞人心的;启发灵感的inspired adj.富有灵感的9.promote v促进,增进;晋升,提升;促销promotion n晋级;晋升;促进;促销10.absence n缺乏;没有;不在;缺席absent adj.缺席的;缺少的用准用活1.Listening to his inspiring speech,

12、we were inspired to make great efforts.It gave us not only hope but also inspiration.(inspire)2.John is tired of watching the tiring soap operas on TV.He cant stand them any longer.(tire)3.The lake is over 20 meters in depth.So we were all moved deeply by the man who dived deep into the lake to save

13、 the boy.(depth)4.With the extreme weather coming, people felt extremely cold and many got ill.(extreme)5.On hearing the depressing news, he felt depressed and soon got into a state of depression.(depress)6.From his discouraged look, I judged he wasnt hired, which was really discouraging.But I still

14、 encouraged him to go to other companies to try his fortune.(discourage)7.A team of explorers will explore the valley and the exploration will last 10 days.(explore)8.We launched a big advertising campaign to promote our new toothpaste, and the promotion succeeded at last.In return for our efforts,

15、all the staff in our department were promoted.(promote)1.“状态,状况”名词大荟萃state状态,状况status 状况,情形condition 状态,情况situation 状况,形势2.以ency结尾的高频名词小结emergency 紧急情况efficiency 效率;功率tendency 趋向;趋势fluency 流利;流畅3.聚焦“职场经历”高频名词promotion升职employment 雇用appointment 任命interview 面试dismissal 解雇unemployment 失业green hand 新手4.

16、以ance结尾名词集锦balance平衡acquaintance 熟人;相识advance 发展;前进allowance 津贴,零用钱;允许ambulance 救护车finance 财政;金融assistance 协助(二)语段串记短语不枯燥兴趣高先 写 对再 用 准第一组1.in_case_of如果;假使 2.break_up 打碎;解体;分开3.in_detail 详细地 4.keep_ones_promise信守诺言 5.in_charge_of 负责;掌管 e_up_with 想出;提出 7.adapt_(to) (使)适应When Mr Zhang was young, he pro

17、mised that he would help those most in need of help.Now, he keeps_his_promise.He is in_charge_of a food factory.Once he went to the poorest area of the country, he was shocked at what he had seen there.After that, he came_up_with an idea that he would donate as more food as he could to the people th

18、ere.第二组1.on_average平均2.be_fond_of 喜欢 3.in_the_form_of 以的形式 e_into_sight 进入视野,看得见5.stand_out 引人注目,突出,显眼 6.set_foot_on 进入,到达;踏上 7.in_particular 尤其,特别The moment we set_foot_on the beach, the magnificent view came_into_sight.In_particular,_a huge sand sculpture stood_out from the numerous other sculptur

19、es.Youd better keep your kids close if you go there with your children, because therere so many people from all over the country that nobody can move fast.1.“inn.of”短语面面观in case of如果;假使in defence of 保卫;为辩护in (the) face of 面临;面对in honour of 为纪念in view of 鉴于,由于in search of 寻找2.“v.up with”短语汇总come up w

20、ith想出;提出keep up with 与同步;跟上(强调状态)catch up with 跟上(强调动作)end up with 以结束put up with 忍耐;忍受;熬过fill up with 用填满(三)仿写用活句式造佳句表达高背 原 句明 句 式学 仿 写1.Covering about 14 million square kilometres around the South Pole, it is the fifth largest continent in the world.它(南极洲)覆盖了南极周围约1 400万平方千米的面积,是世界第五大洲。现在分词短语作伴随状语。

21、你每天早晨醒来都感到精力充沛并准备好开始新的一天吗?Do you wake up every morning feeling_energetic and ready to start a new day?2.Not until the late 18th century did the British explorer James Cook cross the Antarctic Circle, but he never saw land.直到18世纪末,英国探险家詹姆斯库克才穿越了南极圈,但他却从未发现任何陆地。not until 置于句首引导的部分倒装句。直到下周才开运动会。Not unt

22、il next week will_the_sports_meeting_be_held.3.Then in 1895, a Norwegian called Carstens Borchgrevink became the first man to set foot on the Antarctic mainland.后来到了1895年,一个叫卡斯腾博克格雷温克的挪威人成为第一个踏上南极大陆的人。动词不定式作后置定语。杰克是做这项工作的最佳人选。Jack was the_best_man_to_do_the_job.考点新组合阅读微技能I was the first man who was

23、promoted from a worker to a workshop director. But only a few workers supported me, and I was trapped in an embarrassing situation, _ made me discouraged.Sometimes I was very worried in case of trouble in work, but I told myself to keep calm and finally I adapted _ the new working state.1.句是一个用定语从句作

24、定语的句子。2.处应填入关系词which,在此引导非限制性定语从句,指代前面的整个内容。3.处应填入的介词为 to。1promote v促进,增进;晋升;提升;宣传,促销(1)promote sb.(from sth.) to sth. 把某人(从某职位)提升到某职位be promoted to . 被提升为promote .as . 把提拔为/宣传为(2)promotion n. 提升,晋级;促进get/win/gain promotion 得到晋升,受到提拔题点全练 单句语法填空The area is being promoted as a tourist destination.Whil

25、e waiting for the opportunity to get promoted/promotion (promote), Henry did his best to perform his duty.Her promotion (promote) to Sales Manager took everyone by surprise.I wanted to know when he was promoted to the present position.2trap v储存;留存;使困住;使陷入圈套;使陷入困境n.陷阱;圈套;困境(1)trap sb.into (doing) sth

26、. 诱骗某人做某事be/get trapped in 被困在中(2)fall into the trap of doing sth. 落入做某事的圈套fall/walk into a trap 落入圈套set/lay a trap for . 为设圈套多角练透 单句语法填空 The shopkeeper trapped me into buying (buy) their poor quality milk.Dont fall into the trap of investing all your money in one place. 补全句子 The old man was_trapped

27、_in the burning house at that moment.那时候老人被困在着火的房子里。联想发散表示“被困在中”的短语还有:be/get locked in be/get caught inbe/get stuck in be/get blocked in3discourage v阻止;打消的念头;使气馁(1)discourage sb.from doing sth. 劝阻某人做某事;使某人失去做某事的信心discouraged adj. 沮丧的,灰心丧气的discouraging adj. 令人泄气的,令人沮丧的discouragement n. 灰心丧气;挫折;阻止(2)c

28、ourage n. 勇气encourage vt. 鼓励encourage do sth. 鼓励某人做某事多角练透 单句语法填空Move on to the next person if someone tells you she is not interested in talking on camera.Dont get discouraged (courage)(2017浙江高考)Parents should encourage their children to_overcome (overcome) difficulties and inspire them to develop by themselves. 补全句子His parents tried to discourage_him_from_going_abroad,_but failed.他的父母尽力劝他不要出国,但失败了。4in case of 如果;假使;万一in no case 无论如何不;决不(位于句首用部分倒装)in case (that) . 万一;以防in any case 无论如何;总之in this/that case 如果这样/那样的话as is often the c

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