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1、英语基础训练句子四初三英语复习基础训练句子(四)9A1. Its nice of you to bring me the newspaper.2. I will have lots to eat and drink today.3. You shouldnt worry about not having breakfast.4. She is familiar with the 12 animal signs.5. She wants to find out more about them.6. She wants to learn more about Western culture.7.

2、Some of the signs are represented by creatures.8. What s your star sign?9. She wants to learn about her classmates star signs just for fun.10. A year is divided into 12 different star signs.11.Your date of birth decides your star sign.12. Some people believe that people born under the same star sign

3、 share similar characteristic.13.You like to be the leader.14. Some people think that you are selfish at times.15. You are patient and do not give up easily.16.You are outgoing but your feelings change easily.17. You love your home and family and like to take care of others.18. You like saving money

4、 and cooking.19.You like to buy your friends nice gifts.20.You worry too much.21.You always pay attention to details.22.You do not like to argue with others.23. It is silly of you not to forgive others for their mistakes.24. You are good at making or planning things.25. You are patient enough to wai

5、t for a long time without getting angry. 26.You have lots of energy.27. You hate to be like others.28.You try to do everything differently.29. You like to dream about everything.30. He spends a lot of time explaining things to us.1. 给我拿来报纸你真好。2. 我今天会有很多吃的和喝的。3. 你不应该担心没早饭吃4. 她对12生肖很熟悉。5. 她想找出更多关于他们的事

6、。6. 她想更多的了解西方文化。7. 一些星座是用生物来代表的。8. 你的星座是什么?9. 他想了解同学们的生肖只是为了取乐。10. 一年被分成12个不同的星座。11. 你的出生日期决定了你的星座。12. 有些人相信出生在同一星座的人有相似的个性。13. 你喜欢成为领导者14. 有些人认为你有时候很自私。15. 你很有耐心,不轻易放弃。16.你外向,但你的情绪易变。17. 你爱你的家和家人,喜欢照顾别人。18. 你喜欢省钱,做饭。19. 你喜欢给你的朋友买精美的礼物。20你担心的太多。21. 你经常注意细节。22. 你不喜欢和别人争吵。23.你不原谅别人的错误真愚蠢24. 你擅长制作或计划。2

7、5.你有足够的耐心等很长时间而不生气。26.你精力充沛27.你讨厌像其他人。28. 你尽力将每件事做得与众不同。29你喜欢梦想一切。30他花很多时间向我们解释。31.他有各种不同的想法。32.他从不炫耀。33. 他为我们放他的CD,他考虑得很周到。34. 她会做蛋糕很聪明。35.她带所有颜色的气球来很明智。36. Sandy 给我们每个人两个礼物,她很大方。37. Eddie 吃了整个蛋糕,他很自私。38. 你父母为我们组织晚会,他们很善良。39、他足够善良随时帮助朋友。40她足够外向,容易交朋友。41.他有足够的想象力想出不同的主意。42.他适合这个职位。43.他在一次英语考试中得了满分。4

8、4.他从不忘记做作业。45、不要害怕作演讲。46.我们推荐他当新主席。47.他不介意做额外的工作。48.他有成为好主席的所有品质。49.我们希望你们同意我们。50.你是成为下一任主席的最佳人选。51.我担心我做所有额外工作的能力。52. 你想穿哪件?53. 我宁愿穿蓝色,不愿穿粉红色。54. 粉红色没什么毛病。55. 蓝色在你身上很好看。56.我们生活在一个充满颜色的世界。57. 她向窗外看。58. 我刚在天空中看到一条彩虹。59.你知道任何关于颜色的有趣的事吗?60. 你知道颜色可以影响我们的心情吗?31. He has all kinds of different ideas.32. He

9、 never shows off.33. It is thoughtful of him to play his CDs for us.34. It is clever of her to make the birthday cake.35. It is wise of her to bring balloons of all colours36.It is generous of Sandy to give each of us two presents.37. It is selfish of Eddie to eat the whole birthday cake. 38. It is

10、kind of your parents to organize this party for us.39.He is kind enough to help his friends at all times.40. She is outgoing enough to make friends easily.41.He is imaginative enough to come up with new ideas.42. He is suitable for the post.43.He got full marks in an English test.44. He never forget

11、s to do his homework.45.Dont be afraid of making a speech.46.We recommended him as the new chairperson.47. He doesnt mind doing extra work.48. He has all the qualities to be a good chairperson.49. We hope that you agree with us.50. You are the best person to become the next chairperson .51.Im worryi

12、ng about my ability to do all the extra work.52.Which one do you want to wear?53. Id rather wear blue than pink.54.Theres nothing wrong with pink.55. Blue looks good on you.56.We live in a world full of colours.57. She looks out of her window.58. I have just seen a rainbow in the sky.59.Do you know

13、anything interesting about colours?60. Did you know that colours can affect out moods?61.颜色可以改变我们的心情并使我们开心或伤心。62.你曾走进过一个房间并感到放松吗?63.有些颜色使我们感到平静安宁。64.蓝色是这些颜色之一。65. 穿蓝色衣服或睡在蓝色的房间里对我们的身心有好处。66. 蓝色创造了一种和谐感。67.如果你感到有压力,你应该穿蓝色衣服。68.白色也是纯洁之色。69.许多女性喜欢在婚礼上穿白色。70.这些颜色可以给你一种开心,满足感。71. 住在寒冷气候条件下的人更喜欢用暖色。72. 他们

14、宁愿用橙色或黄色那样的颜色而不愿用白色或蓝色。73. 橙色代表快乐。74.它能给你带来成功并使你振作。75.黄色也是太阳之色。76. 它能使你想起阳光明媚,温暖的一天。77.黄色也是智慧之色。78. 你可以使用黄色文具。79. 你感到累或虚弱。80.你应该穿使你精力充沛的颜色。 81.它是自然之色。82.它也是嫉妒之色。83.绿色代表新生和成长。84.绿色能给你能量。85.她很妒忌。 86.任何需要精神力量或身体力量的人应该穿红色。87.穿红色使你更容易采取行动。88你难于作决定。89. 他熟睡着。90.她在考试中经常得高分。61.Colours can change our moods an

15、d make us feel happy or sad.62. Have you ever walked into a room and felt relaxed?63. Some colours make us feel calm and peaceful.64. Blue is one of these colours.65.Wearing blue clothes or sleeping in a blue room is good for our mind and body. 66. Blue creates a feeling of harmony.67. You should we

16、ar white if you are feeling stressed.68. White is also the colour of purity.69.Many women like to be in white on their wedding day.70.These colours can give you a happy and satisfied feeling. 71. People living in cold climates prefer to use warm colours.72. They would rather use colours like orange

17、or yellow than white or blue.73. Orange represents joy.74. It can bring you success and cheer you up.75. Yellow is the colour of the sun. 76.It can remind you of a warm, sunny day.77. Yellow is also the colour of wisdom.78. You may use yellow stationery.79.You feel tired or weak.80. You should wear

18、energetic colours. 81. It is the colour of nature.82. It is also the colour of envy.83. Green represents new life and growth.84. Green can give you energy.85. She is very jealous. 86.Anyone in need of physical or mental strength should wear red clothes.87. Wearing red can make it easier for you to t

19、ake action.88.You are having difficulty making a decision.89.He is in a deep sleep.90.She often gets good marks in tests.91. He can help people calm down.92. She worried a lot.93. She often gets stressed.94.He has a strong personality.95. I would rather sing than dance. 96. He would rather go shoppi

20、ng than play basketball.97. Where do you want to go for lunch?98. I want to have some noodles.99. Lets have pizza then.100. I prefer blue to red. 101. She prefers staying at home to go shopping.102. Someone/somebody has come.103. Is anybody in the room?104. No one/ Nobody has come.105. He is in a ba

21、d mood. 106. He kept making phone calls to somebody.107. She talked so much about herself.108.They found something.109.Do you have anything in your hand?110. There is nothing in my bag. 111. Would you like something to eat?112. None of us likes the idea.113. He wants to improve his English.114. She

22、promises to help me.115. Could you give me some advice? 116.I dont know what to wear.117. Why dont you wear this red shirt?118. I prefer to wear jeans.119.How about a blue shirt?120. Wearing blue will make you feel calm.91.他能帮人们平静下来。92. 她担心很多。93. 她经常变得紧张不安。94.他有很强的个性。95.我宁愿唱歌,不愿跳舞。96.他宁愿去购物,不愿去打篮球。9

23、7.你午饭想去哪里吃?98.我想吃点面条。99.那么让我们吃披萨吧。100.我更喜欢蓝色,不喜欢红色。101.她宁愿待在家里而不愿去购物。102.有人已经来了。103.房间里有人吗?104.没人来。105. 他心情不好。106. 他一直个某人打电话。107.她对自己谈了这么多。108. 他们发现了某样东西。109.你手里有东西吗?110.我的包里什么都么有。111. 你想来点吃的吗?112. 我们没有人喜欢这个主意。113. 他想要提高他的英语。114. 她承诺帮我。115.你能给我点建议吗?116.我不知道穿什么。117.你为什么不穿这件红色衬衫?118.我更喜欢穿牛仔。119. 蓝色衬衫怎

24、么样?120.穿蓝色会使你平静。121. 这位女士感到虚弱并且有点紧张不安。122. 我有个问题。123.我正在变胖。124.对于你来说吃太多是不健康的。125. 做更多的锻炼。126. 或许你是对的。127. 每个人时不时都会有问题。128. 我不知道如何解决这个问题。129.我得不到足够的睡眠。130. 我在课上感到累。131.我没有足够的时间做作业。132. 在我家电视总是开着的。133.噪音几乎使我发疯。134. 我没有任何亲密的朋友交谈。135. 我感到孤独。136. 他发出很多噪音。137. 他打扰我。138. 我的家长整天工作。139. 他们没时间陪我。140. 我别无选择,只能

25、做作业。141.我经常熬夜来完成练习。142. 我拒绝做如此多的工作。143. 做作业并按时上交很重要。144. 我几乎没空余时间给我的爱好。145. 对于那个我真的感到很糟糕。146. 如此努力很值得。147.我盼望着假日。148. 你能给我提供一些建议吗?149. 他们将对我很有价值。150. 我希望不久收到你的来信。121. The woman is feeling weak and a little bit stressed.122. I have got a problem.123. I am getting fat.124. It is unhealthy for you to e

26、at too much.125. Try more exercise.126. Maybe you are right.127.Everybody has problems from time to time.128.I dont know how to deal with the problem.129. I dont get enough sleep.130. I feel tired in class.131. I dont have enough time to do my homework.132. The TV is always on at my home.133 The noi

27、se almost drives me mad.134. I dont have any close friends to talk to.135. I feel lonely.136.He makes a lot of noise.137.He disturbs me.138. My parents work all day.139. They dont have time for me.140. I have no choice but to do my homework.141. I often stay up late to complete the exercises.142. I refuse to do so much work.143. It is important to do my homework and hand it in on time.144.I hardly have any spare time for my hobbies.145.I really feel bad about that. 146.It is worth working so hard147.I am looking forward to a holiday.148. Can

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