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本文(九年级英语下人教版Unit11 Sad movies make me cry课时同步练习及单元质量评估.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

九年级英语下人教版Unit11 Sad movies make me cry课时同步练习及单元质量评估.docx

1、九年级英语下人教版Unit11 Sad movies make me cry课时同步练习及单元质量评估九年级英语下 新目标【人】Unit 11Sad movies make me cry.课时同步练习及单元质量评估第一课时Section A 1a2d【基础训练】.要点词汇1.迫使 2.友谊;友情 . 翻译短语3.宁愿4.使人发疯/发狂5.成为某人的朋友6.忽略;不提及;不包括 7.等待 8.有共同点 9.如此以至于 .用方框中所给词(组)的适当形式填空leave out,be friends with,wait for,would rather,have fun,lately10.If you

2、 want to buy the new house,you should the price.11.They me.We often play games together.12.Many people are the train now.13.I go to Hainan than Hunan.14.I havent been sleeping well just .15.Did you with your friends last night?【综合运用】.单项填空1.The novel is wonderful I want to read it,that B.t

3、oo,to,as,as2.Tom said that light music him happy.A.makes B.making C.made make3.Lets play football on the playground.Its too hot outside.I would rather at home than stay,go B.staying,goingC.stay,to go D.stay,go4.The doctor told me not to eat too much,but I find it difficult.Th

4、e doctor is right. you eat,you will be.A.The less,the healthierB.The less,the more healthierC.The more,the healthierD.The more,the more healthier5.Why not John a toy car for his birthday?Good idea!He is crazy about cars.A.buying buy D.buys.句型转换6.Why dont you go out for a picnic with your

5、friends?(改为同义句)Why out for a picnic with your friends?7.can,this,our,friendship,stronger,make(.)(连词成句)_8.Our teacher often makes us do a lot of homework.(改为被动语态)We are often made a lot of homework by our teacher.9.She was so weak that she couldnt look after her baby.(改为同义句)She was weak look after he

6、r baby.10.The sunny days always make me happy.(改为同义句)I always happy the sunny days.根据汉语意思完成句子11.男孩是如此小以至于他不能够去上学。The boy is young he cant go to school.12.你挣的钱越多,你的生活就会越好。money you make,your life will be.13.他和她只有一个共同点。He and she only one thing .14.你知道他在等谁吗?Do you know whom he is ?15.我宁愿踢足球也不愿打篮球。I fo

7、otball basketball.【参考答案】【基础训练】.1.drive2.friendship.3.would sb.crazy / friends with sb.6.leave out7.wait for8.have in common9.sothat.10.leave out11.are friends with12.waiting for13.would rather14.lately15.have fun【综合运用】.1.A2.C3.D4.A5.B.6.not go7.This can make our friendship stron

8、 do9.too,,made,,that12.The more,the better13.have,in common14.waiting for15.would rather play,than play第二课时Section A 3a4c【基础训练】.要点词汇1.国王 2.权力;力量 3.银行家 4.王后;女王 5.检查;检验 6.王宫;宫殿 7.财富 8.柠檬 9.使人不舒服的 . 翻译短语10.召来;叫来11.既不 也不 12.起初;开始时.根据汉语意思完成句子13.一天,一个医生被召来给国王检查。One day,a doctor was

9、to examine the king.14.别担心我的安全。我会小心的。my safety.I will be careful.15.起初,天空多云又阴沉。,it was cloudy and grey.【综合运用】.用所给词的适当形式填空1.Though I have a lot of power,it doesnt make me (feel)happy.2.The king told the general (go)out and find a happy man.3.The old woman sleeps (bad)and doesnt feel like eating.4.I a

10、m always (worry)about failing in the test.5.Neither you nor I (be)a student.单项填空6.How does your mother like your presents for Mothers Day?Well, this sweater that one is fit for her.Theyre too big.A.both,and B.either,orC.neither,nor D.not only,but also7.I hear our teacher will be back three weeks tim

11、 C.for D.after8.Snowy days children happy.A.give B.make C.let D.send9.Today was an unlucky day.,I lost my wallet.A.To start with B.At lastC.Begin with D.To start from10.Neither my father nor my mother rock music.They think that its too noisy.A.dont like B.likeC.doesnt like D.likes.翻译句子11.

12、他从来没有睡不好。(sleep badly)_12.医生发现他的身体有毛病。(something wrong)_13.他和大卫都不为失去权力或财富而担心。(neithernor)_14.他常为荣誉而担心,因此他总是面如死灰。(worry about)_15.第二天他被告知去代替银行家的职位。(take the position of)_【参考答案】【基础训练】 in11.neither start with.1

13、3.called in14.Dont be worried about15.To start with【综合运用】 has never slept badly.12.The doctor found something wrong with his body.13.Neither he nor David worried about losing power or wealth. 14.He often worries about his fame,so his face is a

14、lways pale as chalk.15.He was told to take the position of the banker the next day.第三课时Section B 1a2b【基础训练】.要点词汇1.重量;分量 2.肩膀 3.球门;射门 4.教练 5.踢;踹 6.勇敢;勇气 7.拉;拖 8.点头 9.同意 10.使失望. 翻译短语11.使失望12.开除某人 13.对某人苛刻;对某人要求严厉 14.而不是 15.齐心协力;通力合作 .用所给词的适当形式填空16.He went to school without (have)breakfast yesterday.17

15、.She (sudden)becomes happy with the good grades.18.They searched for some days and (find)a happy man.19.It took me two hours (do)my homework last night.20.We agree with the poor mans thoughts about (happy).【综合运用】.用方框中所给词组的适当形式填空search for,even though,let down,communicatewith,rather than,agree with,l

16、isten to,how long1.The woman was so happy she had no money.2.They a week and found a boy.3.I would like to go to Beijing go to Shanghai.4.Study hard and dont your parents .5.You should learn how your classmates.6.As students,we should the teacher carefully in class.7. does it take you to get to scho

17、ol?About twenty minutes.8.Do you your partners ideas about money?.单项填空9.Daisy, your bedroom.What a mess!Sorry,Ill clean it up right now.A.look for B.look upC.look after D.look at10. does it take you from our school to the farm by bus?About one hour and a half.A.How far B.How longC.How often D.How mu

18、ch11.It only me half an hour to school every day last term.A.takes,riding B.spent,to rideC.cost,walk D.took,to walk.连词成句12.could,he,not,find,happy,person,a(.)_13.the,poor,what,was,man,on,doing,street,the(?),he,shirt,to,his,king,the,wear,to(.)_15.made,what,poor,the,so,man,happy(?)_【参考答案】【基础训

19、练】.1.weight2.shoulder3.goal4.coach5.kick6.courage7.pull8.nod9.agreement10.disappoint.11.letdown12.kick hard on sb.14.rather than15.pull do 20.happiness【综合运用】.1.even though2.searched for3.rather than4.let, communicate with6.listen to7.How

20、 long8.agree with.9.D10.B11.D.12.He could not find a happy person.13.What was the poor man doing on the street?14.He gives his shirt to the king to wear.15.What made the poor man so happy?第四课时Section B 2cSelf Check【基础训练】.用所给词的适当形式填空1.I heard someone (sing)songs in the next room.2.There (be)an Englis

21、h-Chinese dictionary on the desk.3.I feel lucky (pass)the drive test.4.Our teacher often tells us (work)hard together.5.Lets (play)football this Sunday.6.Our teacher went out without (say)a word.7.Tom was sad that he was asked (leave)the team.根据汉语意思完成句子8.那种音乐让我发困。That kind of music me .9.我怕我也不高兴。Im

22、Im not happy .10.他听到父亲敲门。He his father on the door.11.会议因为糟糕的天气被推迟了。The meeting was put off the bad weather.连词成句12.opened,he,door,the,let,in,to,her(.)_13.will,they,never,probably,me,let,again,swim(.)_14.did,he,not,the,get,ball,the,into,basket(.)_15.did,you,what,from,the,learn,experience(?)_【综合运用】.单项

23、填空1.Whos that man sunglasses?Hes Jack Ding.Ive just got his autograph from him.A.on B.for C.of D.with2.My brother was reading a book I came in.A.because B.since D.though3.Class is beginning.Please stop talk C.talking D.talked4.Sam likes walking the forest,because he thinks its exci

24、ting.A.over B.under C.across D.through5.Once the actor Edwards told his fans,“Be yourself and dont let anybody you around.” A.pull B.push C.take D.turn6.I wonder if the psychologist will come to our school this weekend.If he ,we will be very excited.A.come B.comesC.will come D.came7.Why would some workers die continue working in the factory?Psychologists say they are under too much pressure.A.better than accidentC.instead of D.rather than8.I

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