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1、大学英语B网络阅读理解题阅读理解 (1)Passage 1Long, long ago there was a very foolish thief. Do you know what he did one day? When he wanted to steal the bell on his neighbours door, ,1 The thief was trying to get his neighbours doorbell. 小偷试图偷他的邻居的门铃。A. T (对) B. F(错)2. The thief put some cotton in his ears so as no

2、t to hear anything. 小偷把一些棉花在他的耳朵,这样他听不到任何声音。A. T B. F3. The neighbour ran out probably because he knew his doorbell was being stolen.邻居跑出去,可能是因为他知道他的门铃被偷走。A. T B. F4. The neighbour hit the thief to punish him for stealing. 邻居打小偷,来惩罚他的偷窃行为。A. T B. F5. The thief thought the neighbour couldnt hear the

3、noise of the bell.小偷认为邻居听不到铃的噪音。A. T B. FKEY:AAAAAPassage 2Miss Grey lived in a small house. She was old and did not like noise at all, so she was very pleased when her noisy neighbor moved out. A young man moved in 1. Miss Grey felt sorry when her noisy neighbour moved out. 格雷小姐觉得很遗憾,当她的吵闹的邻居搬走了。A.

4、 T B. F2. Miss Greys new neighbour was as noisy as the old one 格雷小姐的新邻居和旧邻居一样很吵。A. T B. F3. Some noise woke her up in the early morning. 在清晨一些噪音把她叫醒了。A. T B. F4. She thought the new neighbour had brought a dog with him. 她认为新邻居随身带了条狗。A. T B. F5. The young man rang up Miss Grey in the early morning, b

5、ecause he wanted to punish her.早晨年轻人打给格雷小姐,因为他想惩罚她。A. T B. FKEY:BBAAAPassage 3Yesterday evening, when I went to town with my mother, we met a strange old man. It was raining hard and we had no umbrella. We were trying to get into a taxi when he came up to us.1. The old man sold an umbrella to the wr

6、iter and her mother. 老人把伞卖给作家和她的母亲。A. T B. F2. He gave it to them for only a pound because he had forgotten his wallet and needed taxi fare to go back home. 他把雨伞卖给他们只要1磅,因为他忘了他的钱包,需要出租车费回家去。A. T B. F3. The umbrella was worth more than one pound. 伞是价值超过一磅。A. T B. F4. The old man sold his own umbrella

7、.老人卖掉自己的伞。A. T B. F5. He was an honest man. 他是一个诚实的人。A. T B. FKEY:ABABBPassage 4December 25th is Christmas Day. In most countries it is the most important day in the year. All the people come back to their homes to have the day with their parents or their children. 1. Christmas is a very important d

8、ay in some countries in a year. 圣诞节是一些国家一年中一个非常重要的一天,。A. T B. F2. Many people have a good time on Christmas Day. 在圣诞节那天,很多人玩的很开心。A. T B. F3. Father Christmas wears red clothes. 圣诞老人穿红色的衣服。A. T B. F4. There are a lot of Christmas trees in Father Christmas bag. 在圣诞老人的包里有很多圣诞树。A. T B. F5. Some poor peo

9、ple die on Christmas Day because they have no homes and no food很多穷人在圣诞节那天因为没有家,没有事物而死去。A. T B. FKEY:BAABAPassage 5Once upon a time there was a great Greek hero, Hercules. He was taller and stronger than anyone you have ever seen. On his shoulder he carried a club and in his hand he held a bow (弓).1.

10、 Hercules was the tallest man in the world. 赫克斯是世上最高的男人。A. T B. F2. Hercules was given many difficult tasks because the king wanted to get rid of him. 赫克斯被给很多困难的任务,因为国王想除掉他。A. T B. F3. Atlas was the giant who held up the sky. 阿特拉斯是个举起天空的巨人。A. T B. F4. Atlas got the golden apples for Hercules because

11、 he wanted to be the king himself. 阿特拉斯为赫克斯得到金苹果,因为他自己想做国王。A. T B. F5. Hercules finally managed to get the apples by defeating Atlas.赫克斯通过打败阿特拉斯最终设法得到苹果。A. T B. FKEY:AAABBPassage 6“Get up, the water is coming.” Yan Xinzhi, director of the neighborhood committee of Chaoyang Street, Taiyuan, capital o

12、f Shanxi Province, would knock at the door of every 1. As neighborhood committee director, the major part of Yan Xinzhis job was to wake up her neighbors at midnight to get water. 作为居委会主任,严新芝的主要工作是叫醒她的邻居在午夜得到水。A. T B. F2. The passage reveals that all the cities in China suffer from water shortage.本文

13、揭示了中国所有的城市面临水短缺A. T B. F3. The passage is written by a water expert.文章是被一个水专家所写的。A. T B. F4. The lack of water has lead to a loss of US $24 billion in industrial output.水资源的缺乏已经导致损失美元的工业产值。A. T B. F5. Xian is another city with water in short supply.是另外一个水资源短缺的城市。A. T B. FKEY:ABBABPassage 7People who

14、 cannot tell all colors apart are said to be color blind. Most color-blind people can see yellow and blues, but confuse reds with greens.1. A color-blind person can tell correctly red and green. 一个色盲的人能正确分辨红色和绿色。 A. T B. F 2. Many color-blind people are unaware (没意识到) that they are color-blind.很多色盲人

15、没有意识到他们是色盲。A. T B. F3. Its especially dangerous for a color-blind person to cross a street when there are no traffic lights at the cross of the streets. 这是特别危险的,对色盲的人过没有交通灯的十字街的马路 A. T B. F4. A person who is color-blind is not allowed to drive.一个色盲的人不允许开车。A. T B. F5. Up to now, doctors have found a

16、way to free a person from his color blindness.到目前为止,医生找到了一个可以从色盲中解放的方法。A. T B. FKEY:BABBBPassage 8Lily is 70 years old and she takes care of her 91-year-old mother. She told us about caring for her mother.1. Lily wakes before her mother. 莉莉在她母亲之前醒来。A. T B. F 2. Tilly is satisfied with her hairdresse

17、r. 提莉对她的发型师很满意。A. T B. F 3. Joan sometimes spends the day with Lilys mother. 琼有时候和莉莉的母亲一起度过白天。A. T B. F 4. Lilys brother comes to visit every three weeks. 莉莉的弟弟每三个礼拜来拜访。A. T B. F 5. Lily and her mother play cards more than they watch TV. 莉莉和她的母亲打牌比看电视多。A. T B. F KEY:ABABBPassage 9Benjamin Disraeli,

18、the famous nineteenth century prime minister, said, “London is not a city, it is a nation.” Today this is an understatement; London,。1. London is a nation.伦敦是一个国家。A. T B. F 2. The city of London was founded by the Romans.伦敦的城市是被罗马人建立的。A. T B. F3. All African population live in London.所有的非洲人口住在伦敦。A.

19、T B. F 4. 39% of the total population of London are Chinese. 39%的伦敦人口是中国人。A. T B. F 5. Old people are also “skilled cross-cultural travelers”.老人也是熟练的跨文化的旅游者。A. T B. F KEY:BABBB.Passage 10For a Web user, the home page is the first Web page that is displayed after starting a Web browser like Netscapes

20、 Navigator or Microsofts Internet Explorer. 1. Home pages for a Web user or a Web site developer have the same meanings. 主页对一个网络用户或开发者来说,具有相同的含义。A. T B. F2. The home page displayed on a Web browser is usually preset by the browser manufacturer. 在一个网页浏览器显示的主页通常是由浏览器厂商预设的。A. T B. F 3. The home page fo

21、r a Web user can be reset to any Web site you prefer. 对一个的用户来说,主页是可以被你喜欢的任何所重置 的。 A. T B. F 4. You have to enter or select Web addresses every time with a blank sA5. Web addresses usually lead to relative home pages. A. T B. FKEY:BAAAAPassage 11Wang Xiaojun is l2 years old. He lives in the country i

22、n Hubei Province. Today is his birthday. His parents prepare a nice dinner for him,but the boy says,”1.It is Wang Xiaojuns first birthday.今天是王小军第一个生日。A. T B. F2.Wang Xiaojun wont have the birthday dinner because he is not hungry at all.王小军不想吃生日饭,是因为他一点也不饿。A. T B. F3.There are many stay-athome childr

23、en in the country of China.在中国农村,有很多留守儿童。A. T B. F4.Maybe Xiaojuns parents will take him to Shenzhen at last.也许小军的父母最终会把他带到去。A. T B. F5.The Chinese government is doing something to solve the problems of the stay-at-home children.中国政府正在做一些事情来解决留守儿童的问题。A. T B. FKEY:BBABAPassage 12About 130 years ago.

24、Thomas Edison of the US invented the light bulb. Edisons bulb has turned night into day ever since. But today, many want to turn the light off.1. Thomas Edison invented the CFL bulb 130 years ago.托马斯爱迪生在130年前发明了荧光灯A. T B. F2. Countries in the European Union will not use Edison-style bulbs by 2009.欧盟

25、的国家到2009年不会使用爱迪生式的灯泡。A. T B. F3. Using CFLs helps protect environment.使用荧光灯帮助保护环境。A. T B. F4. If you get an older bulb for 1 Euro . the CFL bulb will cost you 8 Euros.如果你花1欧元买一个老灯泡,荧光灯泡将花你8欧元。A. T B. F5. CFLs have been widely used instead of the older bulbs for several years.荧光灯在最近几年将广泛取代老的灯泡被使用。A.

26、T B. FKEY:BAAABPassage 13On Sunday Xiao Zou takes Chen Hua to the study centre and introduces him to Professor Liang. She says Chen Hua is her husbands best friends younger brother. He wants to study 1. Xiao Zou takes Chen Hua to the study centre on Saturday.周六小邹带华去研究中心A. T B. F2. Chen Hua is her be

27、st friends husbands brother.华是她最好朋友老公的兄弟。A. T B. F3. Xiao Zou wants to study Natural Science.小邹想学习自然科学。A. T B. F4. The semesters are shorter at the conventional university.学期比普通大学的短A. T B. F5. The exams are more difficult at the TVU.考试比电大更难。A. T B. FKEY:BBABBPassage 14Poll reveals TV news too negati

28、veA recent Time CNN poll in the USA has discovered that 75% of people agreed that thenews media is sensationalist, 63%found it too negative and 73%said they are skepticalabout the accuracy of the news they are receiving.1. The majority of people polled think that the news media is accurate.多数人们调查认为,

29、新闻媒体是准确的。A. T B. F2. There is not enough time to talk about a wider range of subjects on the news.有没有足够的时间来谈论一个广泛的新闻的话题。A. T B. F3. 42%of all crimes committed are murders.所有犯罪的42%是谋杀。A. T B. F4. Advertising companies invest in TV programmes with high ratings.广告公司投资电视节目有高的回报。A. T B. F5. TV stations m

30、ake too much money from news.电视台从新闻中赚了太多的钱。A. T B. FKEY:BABABPassage 15My grandfather was a very interesting man. He died when I was 11, but I remember heused to tell me stories about his early life. he told the one about how he used to race dogs.1. The authors grandfather doesnt tell stories now.作者的爷爷现在不讲故事。A. T B. F2. His dog always won when

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