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8、准请他人代写2)工程设计类题目的图纸,要求部分用尺规绘制,部分用计算机绘制,所有图纸应符合国家技术标准规范。图表整洁,布局合理,文字注释必须使用工程字书写,不准用徒手画3)毕业论文须用A4单面打印,论文50页以上的双面打印4)图表应绘制于无格子的页面上5)软件工程类课题应有程序清单,并提供电子文档5.装订顺序1)设计(论文)2)附件:按照任务书、开题报告、外文译文、译文原文(复印件)次序装订摘 要国际工程施工的实践经验证明:要发展国际工程事业,在国际市场中逐渐占有重要地位,工程索赔是必不可少的业务,是决定施工经济效益的关键环节, 在日趋激烈的国际承包市场,国际工程索赔不仅是承包商减少风险损失的

9、有效途径,也是承包商维护其合同权益的重要手段,还是承包商经营管理水平的体现。因此国际工程索赔也越来越受到承包商的重视。工程变更和工程索赔对工程造价的巨大影响,决定了工程变更和工程索赔的管理成为工程项目管理中极其重要的一部分。因此,对工程变更和工程索赔进行分析研究,对项目的经营管理具有极大的指导意义。本文以FIDIC合同条件为基础,站在承包商的立场,论述了国际工程中的工程变更索赔。本文主要从以下四个部分来论述承包商变更索赔的问题。第一部分介绍了FIDIC合同条件的来源和发展历程,详细分析了1999 版FIDIC合同条件的相关索赔条款。第二部分主要是FIDIC合同条件下承包商索赔的法律依据,工程变

10、更的分类及其与索赔的关系。第三部分主要分析了FIDIC合同条件下承包商索赔的内容和程序。该部分首先对索赔内容分为工期索赔和费用索赔,并详细分析了两者的特点、计算方式等。第四部分通过分析一个大型国际工程承包商索赔成功的案例,更加详细的了解承包商索赔的方法。关键词:FIDIC合同条件;工程变更;费用索赔;工期索赔AbstractIt is proved by the practice of international construction that developing the international project will occupy the important position i

11、n the international market gradually, the claim of project is the essential business, determine the key links of the benefits of construction. The claim of international project is not merely that the contractor reduces the effective way with low risk; it is the contractor that maintains his rights

12、and interests of contract, or the embodiment of contractors managerial skill. So the international project claim is paid attention to more and more by contractor.The huge influence of engineering changes and claim to the engineering cost determines the management of the engineering change and claim

13、become an extremely important part of project management. Therefore, studying the engineering change and claim is of great guiding significance to the project management.In this paper, based on the FIDIC contract conditions, standing on the ground of the contractor, this paper discusses the engineer

14、ing change in international engineering claims. This paper is mainly from the following four parts to discuss the contractor change problem of the claim.The first part introduces the source of the FIDIC contract conditions and the development course, analyzed the 1999 version of the relevant claim c

15、lause of FIDIC contract conditions.The second part is the legal basis of FIDIC contract conditions, the contractor claim, the classification of engineering change and its relationship with the claim.The third part analyzes the contents and procedures of FIDIC contract conditions, the contractor clai

16、m. This part firstly divided into time claim and cost claim, and analyzes in detail the characteristics of both, calculation, etc.The fourth part through the analysis of a large international engineering contractor claims success, more detailed understanding of the contractor claims.KEY WORDS:Condit

17、ions of FIDIC contract;Project changes;Time claims;Cost claims第1章 绪论1.1 研究背景自从20世纪80年代我国对外工程贸易企业开始参与国际工程市场竞争以来,随着我国对外经济技术合作事业的不断开展,国内越来越多的工程承包企业不断开拓国际市场,在国际工程承包领域担当的角色越来越重要,我国对外工程承包事业经历了从无到有、从小到大、从弱到强的过程,目前我国国际工程承包已经取得了骄人的成绩,并成为我国对外经济的重要内容之一。 然而,通过比较我们不难看出,我国企业国际工程项目管理能力与国际大型承包企业项目仍然有很大的差距,主要表现在我国国际

18、工程承包企业的海外项目的营业额和利润远低于欧美同行。而这种差距的深层次原因就在于我国企业在项目管理规划、合同管理、索赔管理方面与国际知名的大承包商存在很大的差距。合同管理是工程项目施工管理的重要内容,而索赔管理是合同管理的关键所在。在市场经济条件下,施工合同是业主和承包商在自愿、平等、诚信的基础上签订的,业主与承包商在法律地位上是平等的,享受的权利受到有关法律的保护,承担的义务受法律的约束,双方都应履行合同。如果一方不按(或不完全按)合同办事,就构成了违约事件,违约必须按合同和法律的规定给予受损方以补偿,这就产生了索赔。索赔管理是合同管理中非常重要、也是相当复杂的一项工作。在国际 EPC 工程

19、中,承包商担当的风险较高,在合同执行过程中有更多的不可预测和不确定性因素不同程度地干扰项目的实施,所以加强合同管理势在必行。作为“土木工程圣经”的 FIDIC合同条件对承包商索赔的具体内容、操作方法等都做出了详细而周密的规定,受到了国际上的广泛认可,代表了国际承包商索赔规定的较高水平。因此,FIDIC合同条件下的承包商索赔问题将有利于提高我国承包商的索赔管理水平,加强其国际竞争力。1.2 研究意义索赔管理是为了能够充分应对项目的各种风险,及时采取措施,减少我国境外工程项目的损失。从国家层面,索赔管理保证了我国海外工程承包事业的发展,增加了国家的外汇收入;对于企业,索赔管理维护了承包公司的合同利

20、益,提高了承包公司经营管理水平。本文研究的主要目的是通过对工期索赔和费用索赔的费用构成要素、计算方法和相互关系的分析,提出承包商在索赔过程中应根据合同情况和自身实际条件综合考虑工期索赔和费用索赔,实现自身利益的最大化。Chapter 1 The Introduction1.1 Research BackgroundSince the 80s of the 20th century, Chinese foreign engineering trade enterprises started to participate in international engineering market co

21、mpetition, with the continuous development of foreign economic and technological cooperation undertakings in China, more and more domestic engineering contracting companies continue to open up the international market, playing a more and more important role in the field of international project cont

22、racting. Our foreign project contracting business has experienced the process start from scratch, from small to large, from weak to strong, at present the international project contracting in our country has made remarkable achievements, and has become one of the important content of Chinas foreign

23、economic.However, through the comparison of international engineering project management ability between with Chinese enterprises and other large international contracting enterprises, we can see that there is still a big gap, mainly showed in that the overseas project turnover and profit of Chinas

24、international project contracting enterprises is much lower than that of their peers in Europe and America. The deep reason of this difference lies in the fact that there is a big gap in the project management plan, contract management and claims management between with our countrys enterprises and

25、the international famous large contractors.Contract management is an important part of project construction management, and claim management is the key to contract management. Under the condition of market economy, the construction contract is the owner and contractor in the voluntary, equality, bas

26、ed on the integrity of the signed, the owner and the contractor in the legal status is equal, the enjoyment of the right by legal protection, bear the obligation subject to legal constraints, the two sides should fulfill the contract. If a party does not act in accordance with (or not) the contract,

27、 it constitutes a breach of contract, the contract and the law of the contract must be given to the injured party to compensate, which generates a claim. Claim management is a very important and complicated work in contract management. In international EPC project, contractor bear higher risk, the m

28、ore unpredictable and different degrees of uncertainty factors interfere with the project implementation, so to strengthen contract management is imperative in the process in the implementation of the contract. As the Bible of civil engineering of FIDIC conditions of contract for the Contractors cla

29、im for specific content, method of operation and made detailed and thorough, widely recognized by the international, the Contractors claims provisions represents a higher level. Therefore, the Contractors claims under the FIDIC contract will be beneficial to the improvement of the management level o

30、f the Contractors claims, and to strengthen the international competitiveness of our country.1.2 Research SignificanceClaims management is to be able to adequately deal with the various risks of the project, to take measures to reduce the loss of Chinas offshore projects. From the national level, cl

31、aim management ensures the development of our overseas project contracting business, increase the income of foreign exchange; for enterprises, claims management maintain the company contracted contract interest, improve the level of management of the companys contract. The main purpose of this paper

32、 is the cost of time claims and cost claims by elements, calculation method and the relationship between the analysis and the contractor in the process of claim should be according to the contract and its actual conditions comprehensive consideration of time claims and cost claims, to achieve their own interests to maximize it.第2章 FIDIC合同条件及其索赔条款2.1 FIDIC合同的特点FIDIC是国际咨询工程师联合会(Fdration lnternational Des lngnieurs Conseils)的法文缩写

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