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牛津小学英语3A 单词歌谣.docx

1、牛津小学英语3A 单词歌谣牛津小学英语3A 单词歌谣 Unit1动物园里真热闹, 让我们过来瞧一瞧dog dog汪汪汪,cat cat喵喵喵bird bird天上飞,monkey monkey最顽皮tiger tiger真凶猛,zebra zebra黑又白panda panda吃竹子,elephant elephant鼻子长bird, bird, 飞飞飞;dog, dog, 汪汪汪;cat, cat, 喵喵喵;monkey, monkey, 真调皮;zebra, zebra, 黑白条;elephant, elephant, 长鼻子;panda, panda, 是国宝;tiger, tiger,

2、 王中王。Unit 2我是你的好朋友见面问候说Hellogood morning早上好good afternoon下午好Wang Bing, Wang Bing 新朋友This is Wang Bing(新朋友)!遇见你,我很高兴,Nice, nice to meet you.遇见你,我也很高兴,Nice, nice to meet you, too.水彩笔, 真漂亮, 色彩丰富又鲜艳yellow yellow 是黄色, blue blue 蓝又蓝red red 是红色, green green 绿油油orange orange 是橙色, white white 白又白brown brown

3、像咖啡, black black 黑黑黑Unit 3家庭成员我熟悉,英语说来挺容易:最忙碌的是爸爸,father,father, my fatherThis is my father.亲爱的妈妈是mother,my mother, my motherThis is my mother.调皮的兄弟my brother,my brother, my brotherThis is my brother.文静的姐姐/妹妹sister,my sister, my sisterThis is my sister.果园里的水果成熟了香蕉banana 软又香,苹果apple 红又甜桔子orange酸又酸, 桃

4、子peach甜又鲜芒果mango有营养, 梨子pear 水分多西瓜watermelon 大又甜,菠萝pineapple香香香Unit 4叮铃铃, 闹钟响,get up, get up 快起床,背上书包go to school,go home , go home快回家,Bye bye, bye bye,See you, see you是再见Good night道晚安!小朋友, 小朋友, 欢迎你到我家来,我家的东西/家具可多啦:sofa sofa是沙发, bed bed是小床fridge fridge是冰箱, chair chair是椅子table, table是饭桌, desk, desk 是书

5、桌bookcase, bookcase是书柜,telephone , telephone电话机Unit 5Hello, hello, How are you ?Fine, fine, thank you,and you , and you, and you?Im fine, Im fine, Im fine, too!Morning, morning, how are you?Not bad, not bad, thank you!Afternoon, afternoon, how are you?Not, not, not so good!Sorry, sorry, Im sorry!同学们

6、,开学啦! 文具用品少不了pencil pencil是铅笔, pen pen是钢笔ruler ruler是直尺, ball pen ball pen圆珠笔book book是书本, rubber rubber是橡皮pencil box文具盒, pencil sharpner 卷笔刀Unit 7Shirt shirt, look at his shirt. Smart smart, its smart!Blouse blouse, look at my new blouse. Pretty pretty, its pretty!Jacket jacket, this is her jacket.

7、Nice, nice, its nice!Sweater, sweater, thats my sweater.Nice ,nice, How nice!学校举行时装秀, 各种衣服齐登场coat coat是风衣 jacket jacket是夹克skirt skirt是短裙 dress dress是长裙shirt shirt男衬衫 blouse blouse女衬衫T-shirt T-shirt T恤衫 Sweater sweater是毛衣Unit 8双休日,上哪去?park park,go to the park(去公园)cinema cinema 电影院,go to the cinema去看电

8、影zoo zoo 动物园,go to the zoo去看动物supermarket supermarket 是超市go to the supermarket去逛超市长城长城 the Great Wallgo to the Great Wall去看长城Tom 虽然年纪小,交通工具他都知道:car car 小轿车, by car, by car 坐轿车bus bus 公共车, by bus, by bus 乘公交车plane plane 大飞机, by plane,by plane乘飞机bike bike 自行车, by bike, by bike骑自行车Unit 9 (可配上小星星的旋律进行演唱

9、)On on, turn on the TV / light / walkman / tapOff off, turn off the TV / light / walkman / tapOpen open the window / door / boxClose close the window / door / boxUnit 10蛋糕cake 松又软, 汉堡hamburger 香又香鸡蛋egg 有营养, 冰激凌ice cream 凉又甜milk , milk 是牛奶, milk, milk ,a glass of milkjuice, juice 是果汁, juice, juice, a

10、 glass of juicecoffee, coffee 是咖啡, coffee, coffee, a cup of coffeetea , tea 是茶水, tea, tea, a cup of tea cake, cake, some cake? No no no no, thanks!Ice-cream, ice-cream, an ice-cream? Yes yes yes, two please!Milk, milk, a glass of milk? No, no no no, thank you!Juice, juice, a glass of orange juice? Y

11、es yes yes, please!Unit 11He is a man. She is a woman.He is a boy. she is a girl.你拍一, 我拍一, tall tall高, short short矮你拍二, 我拍二, thin thin 瘦, fat fat胖你拍三, 我拍三, long long长, short short短你拍四, 我拍四, big big大, small small小个子高,个子高,tall tall个子矮,个子矮,short short高高瘦瘦 tall and thin矮矮胖胖short and fat头发长,头发长,long long

12、头发短,头发短,short short眼睛大,眼睛大,big big眼睛小,眼睛小,small small牛津小学英语3B单词歌谣Unit One书包school bag上学去 蜡笔crayon色彩多小刀knife用处多 修正带tape改错字订书机stapler来订书 故事书story知识多抄写本copybook来写字 玩具火车toy train呜呜一声响 Unit Two闹钟clock滴答响 电脑computer查资料钥匙key来开门 手表watch随身带录音机radio听音乐 相机camera咔嚓一声响,笑呵呵。Unit Three爷爷grandfather爱钓鱼 奶奶grandmothe

13、r笑眯眯爸爸father真严厉 妈妈mother真能干阿姨aunt真漂亮 叔叔uncle爱跑步兄弟brother真团结 姐妹sister爱学习儿子son真调皮 女儿daughter真可爱朋友friend互相帮 Unit Fourone two three 一二三,ABCfour five six 四五六,stand up ,pleaseseven eight nine七八九 sit down, pleaseten eleven twelve十 十一 十二 say goodbyeUnit Seven饭厅dining-roon来吃饭 卧室bedroom做美梦书房study来学习 厨房kitchen

14、饭菜香浴室bathroom来梳洗 客厅sitting-room大家坐Unit Eight热狗hot dog香喷喷 三明治sandwich真可口面包bread软又香 米饭rice人人吃软性饮料soft drinks真解渴 馅饼pie味道香巧克力chocolate人人爱 Unit Nine 礼帽hat真时尚 背心vest真凉快领带tie花样多 便帽cap款式新裤子trousers多样式 袜子socks一双双鞋子shoes脚上穿 皮带belt像条蛇Unit Ten足球football来射门 排球volleyball扣球快棒球baseball打得狠 篮球basketball来投篮钢琴piano曲子妙

15、吉他guitar 真动听小提琴violin肩上拉 手风琴accordion弹又拉 Unit Eleven游泳swimming真有趣 钓鱼fishing真悠闲跑步running来比赛 慢跑jogging身体好 爬山climbing凳山去 溜冰skating花样多滑雪skiing真刺激 滑船rowing赛龙舟 4A歌谣Of all the four seasons in a year, I love autumn best, because I was born in autumn. The Mid-autumn Day is in autumn. We can eat all kinds of

16、mooncakes, watch the bright moon in the evening and look for Change and Wu Gang. National Day is also in this season. We dont go to school, and have a rest for seven days. It is neither hot nor cold in this season. I love autumn best. 【译文】 一年四季之中,我最喜欢秋天,因为我是秋天出生的。 中秋节在秋天。我们可以吃各种各样的月饼,晚上 仰望明月,寻找嫦娥与吴刚

17、。国庆节也在这个季节,我们不上学,休息7天。 这个季节天气不冷也不热,我最喜欢秋天 I had a very bad day yesterday. Everything went wrong. In the morning, my alarm clock didnt ring, so I woke up one hour later. When i was making breakfast, I burned my hand. Then I ran out of the house to catch the bus, but I missed it. I ran three kilometre

18、s to school only to find that it was Sunday. 【译文】 我昨天真倒霉,诸事不顺!早晨我的闹钟没响,结果我晚醒了一个小时。当我做早饭时,我烧伤了手。后来我跑出家外面去赶公共汽车,可是误了车。我跑了三公里到了学校,结果发现是星期日。回答时间:2010-9-25 15:541.Once a fox invited a stork to dinner. He put nothing on the table except some soup in a very shallow dish. The fox could easily lap up the sou

19、p, but the stork could only wet the end of her long bill in it. When she left the meal, she was still very hungry. I am sorry, said the fox, the soup is not to your taste. Please do not apologize, said the stork. I hope you will come to my house, and dine with me soon. A few days later the fox visit

20、ed the stork. He found that his food was put in a long bottle, and the mouth of the bottle was very narrow. He could not insert his big mouth into it, so he ate nothing. I will not apologize, said the stork. One bad turn deserves another. 一次,狐狸请鹳来吃饭。他除了浅盘子中的一点汤以外,什么也没有准备。 狐狸可以轻而易举地喝到汤,但是鹳只够蘸湿他长长的嘴尖。

21、吃完饭后,鹳仍旧很饥饿。很抱歉!狐狸说,这汤不合你的口味。 别客气,鹳说,过几天请到我家来和我一起吃饭吧。 几天后,狐狸应邀而至,他发现食物都装在一个长长的瓶子里,而瓶口很细,他无法将他的大嘴伸进去,什么也吃不到。 我不想道歉,这是你应得的回报。鹳说。Milly and EllaMilly sees an apple on the tree. She wants to eat it,but the tree is tall.Ella comes. She shakes the tree. The apple falls down.Some leaves fall down too.Milly

22、eats the apple.She likes it.Ella eats the leaves.第一单元This is my classroom.Look,look,look.The wall is white.The floor is green. This is my classroom.Look,look,look.The fans are green.The lights are white.This is my classroom.Look,look,look.The desks are yellow.The chairs are yellow,too. 歌曲If yourre h

23、appy中文名字叫如果感到幸福你就拍拍手If yourre happy and you know it, clap your hands(唱完这一句拍两下手)If yourre happy and you know it, clap your handsIf yourre happy and you know it,(双手在胸前交叉摆动)And your face will surely show it(伸出两个食指从嘴巴往上划,做微笑状)If yourre happy and you know it, clap your hands将clap your hands改成stomp your f

24、eet(跺脚)成一段,改成shout “hurray”(双手举起来做欢呼状),再改成do all three(把拍手、跺脚、欢呼连起来做一遍)。这首歌曲对节奏感要求比较强,尤其要等到唱完clap your hands才能拍手,很好地训练了孩子的音乐节奏感,以及眼睛和手的协调,更促进了孩子的社交互动力。唱这首歌的时候可以把全家人甚至周围歌曲one little fingerOne little finger, one litter finger(依次伸出左右两个食指)One little finger, tap tap tap(同时伸出两个食指,对敲三下)Point to the ceiling

25、, point to the floor (指天花板,指地板)Put it on your head(放在脑袋上)最后一个head改成nose,mouth,ear等其它身体部位,甚至可以改成chair、table等等地方,呵呵,可以灵活运用哦。的人都发动起来,唱的人越多就越快乐!手指歌(10个印地安小朋友)One littleTwo littleThree little fingers(双手握拳,先从右手的小拇指依序数起,每数一个数目,就翘起一根手指来)Four littleFive littleSix little fingers(再数到左手的大拇指来)Seven littleEight l

26、ittleNine little fingers(左手继续数下去,右手的5个手指头此时全是张开状)Ten fingers on my hand!(双手食指全部张开,再拍2次手)Ten littleNine littleEight little fingers(十指都张开以后,再倒数回去,这次从左手小拇指开始,每数一次收一根手指)Seven littleSix littleFive little fingers(继续收回右手指)Four littleThree littleTwo little fingers(随着数目越来越少,手指头也越比越少)One finger on my hand!(最后

27、只剩一只右手小拇指还竖起来,可以故意左右摇摆,秀给宝宝看)The finger familyDaddy finger, daddy finger(把拇指藏在拳头中间)Here I am, here I am(伸出拇指)How are you today?(一只拇指向另一只弯腰鞠躬)Very well I thank you(另一个拇指鞠躬还礼)Run away , run way(两只拇指一起消失)小学英语歌谣及动作 歌曲If yourre happy中文名字叫如果感到幸福你就拍拍手 If yourre happy and you know it, clap your hands(唱完这一句拍

28、两下手) If yourre happy and you know it, clap your hands If yourre happy and you know it, (双手在胸前交叉摆动) And your face will surely show it (伸出两个食指从嘴巴往上划,做微笑状) If yourre happy and you know it, clap your hands 将clap your hands改成stomp your feet(跺脚)成一段,改成shout “hurray”(双手举起来做欢呼状),再改成do all three(把拍手、跺脚、欢呼连起来做

29、一遍)。这首歌曲对节奏感要求比较强,尤其要等到唱完clap your hands才能拍手,很好地训练了孩子的音乐节奏感,以及眼睛和手的协调,更促进了孩子的社交互动力。唱这首歌的时候可以把全家人甚至周围的人都发动起来,唱的人越多就越快乐! 歌曲one little finger One little finger, one litter finger (依次伸出左右两个食指) One little finger, tap tap tap (同时伸出两个食指,对敲三下) Point to the ceiling, point to the floor (指天花板,指地板) Put it on yo

30、ur head. (放在脑袋上)最后一个head改成nose,mouth,ear等其它身体部位,甚至可以改成chair、table等等地方,呵呵,可以灵活运用哦。 洪恩节拍英语:歌曲One little flower One little flower(伸出一个食指做“1”状,然后两个手腕并在一起放在下巴下面,做“花朵”状) One little bee(两个手臂放在身体两侧,手掌快速扇动做蜜蜂飞) One little blue bird, high in the tree.(两只手臂大幅度地扇动做小鸟飞行状,然后举到空中) One little brown deer, smiling at me.(手掌张开,拇指顶在太阳穴扮成小鹿的角,脸部做一个大大的微笑)这是洪恩节拍英语里一个数字歌谣,洪恩节拍英语的特色就是把歌谣跟身体动作协调地结合起来,让孩子在手舞足蹈中快乐地学习英语。 洪恩节拍英语:歌曲Ten little fingers Ten little fingers (伸出十个手指) And ten little toes (指指你的脚趾) Two little arms, and one little nose(摸摸你的手臂,指指鼻子) One little mouth, and two little ears(指指嘴巴,摸摸耳朵) Two l

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