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牛津版高中英语 高三英语词汇句型复习讲义1.docx

1、牛津版高中英语 高三英语词汇句型复习讲义109高三英语词汇句型复习讲义alien n. 侨民, 外国人; 外星人 a. 外国的,外国人的;外国侨民的Many people believe in the existence of aliens.很多人相信外星人的存在。arch n. 拱门,弓形 (M11-U4-P62) Go through the arch and follow the path. 穿过拱门, 沿着那条路走.assembly n. 集会;与会者;聚集在一起的人 Morning assembly is held in the school hall. 晨会在学校礼堂举行.assi

2、gnment n. 功课;作业;工作;分配 How are you going to get through the assignment?你将如何完成作业呢?associate v 把.联想在一起使有联系;使结合;交往(M7-U1-P15) They associate turkey with Thanksgiving Day.他们把火鸡和感恩节联系在一起。bake v 烘;烤 We bake bread and cake in an oven.我们用烤箱烘面包与糕点。bang v 砰地敲;撞伤;猛击;猛撞 He banged his fist on the table to emphasi

3、ze his argument.他用拳头敲著桌子为自己的辩驳助威。booklet n. 小册子 Recent changes in the tax law are clearly set out in the booklet.在那本小册子里清楚地描述了近来税务法的变更情况。bump n. 撞击;肿块v. 碰撞;撞;颠簸而行 She tripped over a bump on the road.她被路上一块隆起的地面绊了一下。 The room was dark and he bumped his head against the shelf.房间一片漆黑,他将头撞到了架子上。capable

4、a 有能力的, 能干的 Only human beings are capable of speech.只有人类才具有说话的能力。chamber n 室;枪膛;房间 A birds heart has three chambers.鸟有三个心室。charity n 慈善;慈善团体 The fire victims received food and clothes from several charities.火灾灾民从数个慈善团体收到食物和衣服。chase n. 追求;狩猎v. 追捕;追逐There was a long chase before the criminal was caugh

5、t.追捕了好久才抓到罪犯。Why do modern people chase material possessions?为什么现在的人们追求物质财富?coach n 四轮大马车;教练(M4-U2-P31,M6-U2-P26) I had made on the coach a good impression when I went out for volleyball.我申请加入排球队时给教练留下了良好的印象。column n 专栏;纵队;圆柱 He used to write a column for this newspaper.他过去曾为这家报纸写专栏文章。community n 社区

6、 We visited the Chinese community in San Francisco.我们访问了旧金山的华人社区。complaint n. 诉苦;牢骚;抱怨 You have no cause for complaint.你没有理由抱怨。conscious a. 有意识的;觉察的;知觉的 He was badly hurt, but he still remained conscious.他伤得很重,但仍未失去知觉。contact n. 接触;联系v. 接触;联系;接触;交际 He tried in vain to get into contact with the local

7、 branch.他试图与当地分部取得联络,但没有成功。 I will contact him by telephone.我将打电话和他联系。context n 上下文;文章脉络 You can often tell the meaning of a word from its context.我们往往可以从一个字的上下文知道它的意思。cooperation n 合作;协力 The success of the project relies on the cooperation of all involved parties.这个项目的成功依赖于所有相关部门的合作。corridor n 走廊;回

8、廊 Go down the corridor, to the second room on the right.沿着走廊,右边第二个房间。county n 县;郡 He lives in a faraway county. 他住在一个偏僻的小县。cricket n 板球;蟋蟀 I would never choose to watch cricket as an amusement.我决不会把看板球当作消遣.crisis n 危机;紧要关头 They suffered huge losses in the financial crisis.他们在经济危机时遭受了巨大的损失。critic n 批

9、评家;鉴定家 He has a reputation for being a forthright critic.他是以直率著称的评论家.crown v 加冕;表彰 She was crowned (queen) in 1952. 她於1952年继(王)位.current n 趋势;潮流;电流;气流;水流 The current in this place is very rapid.这儿的水流很急。cute a. 可爱的;伶俐的;聪明的 It was cute of you to spot that.你能把那个挑出来真是精明的很。darling n 亲爱的人;可爱的物 Darling, wo

10、uld you please wait a second.亲爱的,请稍等片刻。define v 定义;详细说明 Do you know who defined man as a rational animal?你知道是谁将人说成是有理智的动物的?definite a. 明确的;一定的 You have our definite support.我们绝对支持您。definition n 定义 To give a definition of a word is more difficult than to give an illustration of its use.给一个词下定义要比举例说明它

11、的用法困难。deposit v 存放;堆积;沉淀 The Nile floods the fields and deposits mud on them.尼罗河泛滥,在田野上淤积一层泥。depression n 不景气;沮丧;消沉 The threat of an economic depression hangs over the world.经济衰退的威胁笼罩着世界。despite prep 虽然,尽管 Despite all our efforts we still lost the game.尽管我们尽了全力,我们还是输掉了比赛。destruction n 破坏;毁灭;消灭 The f

12、lood caused serious destruction to the railway.洪水严重毁坏了铁路。detail n. 细节;详情 The full details of the agreement havent been made public.协议的细节尚未公布。determination n 决心;果断 She has the determination to overcome all the obstacles to success.她有决心克服通往成功路上的一切障碍。device n 装置;图案;设计 The device will be in production b

13、y the end of the year.该装置将於年底投入生产.economic a. 经济上的;经济学的 They had led the country into economic disaster.他们把国家带入了经济灾难中。economy n 经济;节约;理财 The nations economy is growing rapidly.这个国家的经济在快速增长。element n 成分;要素;分子 Theres an element of truth in his story.他说的有些道理.emotion n 情绪;强烈的情感;激动 Love, hatred, and grie

14、f are emotions.爱,恨和悲都是情感。emotional a. 情绪的;情感的 His emotional language reduced many of the audience to tears.他满怀感情的话语使许多观众流下眼泪。engineering n 工程 In this course, students receive instruction in basic engineering.在本课程中, 学生能学到基础工程学的知识.essential a. 必要的;本质的;重要的 Her most essential quality is kindness.她最主要的品质

15、是善良。estimate n. 估计;判断v. 估计;判断;评价 They estimated the number of visitors at 10 million.他们估计参观者人数为1000万。 My estimate of the situation is not so optimistic.我对形势的估计不那么乐观。ethnic a. 种族的;人种学的 The school teaches pupils from different ethnic groups . 那所学校拥有来自不同种族的孩子。evil a. 邪恶的;有害的;不幸的 The man was punished fo

16、r his evil acts.此人因其恶行受到惩罚。facility n 设备 She had no cooking facilities in the room.她房间里没有烧煮设备。factor n 因素;代理人 He analyzed the various factors.他分析了各种因素。fascinating a 迷人的;醉人的 This is a fascinating city full of ancient buildings.这是座有着许多古老建筑的迷人的城市。feature n 特征;特色v 是.的特色;放映;特写 This is a key feature of ou

17、r society.这是我们社会的一个主要特点。 Painting in her spare time features largely in her life.业余时间内画画成为她生活中的一大特色。financial a 财政的;金融的 This company was in serious financial difficulties.这家公司陷入严重的财政困难。gene n 因子;基因 In addition to gene, intelligence also depends on an adequate diet, a good education and a decent home

18、 environment.除了遗传基因外,智力的高低还取决于良好的营养,良好的教育和良好的家庭环境。household n. 家庭;家族a 家庭的;家属的;家族的 Dustbins are used for household waste.垃圾箱是盛扔掉的破烂东西的.A growing number of households have at least one computer.很多家庭都至少有一台电脑。image n 雕像;肖像;形象;印象 How can we improve our image?我们要如何来改进我们的形象呢?impact n 冲击;碰撞;撞击;影响 The book m

19、ade a great impact on its readers.这本书对读者有很大的影响。individual a个别的;独特的 She is acting as a private individual in this matter.她在这个问题上只代表她个人意见.infection n 传染;影响 This infection is transmitted by mosquitoes.这种传染病是由蚊子传染的。intellectual a 智力的;聪明的 Hes a kind of intellectual superman.他是智力超常的人.interpret v 口译;翻译 Wou

20、ld you please interpret for me?请你为我翻译一下好吗?invest v 投资;授予;花费 He invested all his money in real estate.他把钱全部投资房地产。ladder n 梯子;进身的阶梯 Diligence is often a ladder to success.勤勉常常是通往成功的阶梯。landscape n 风景;景象;风景画 From the hill he looked down on the peaceful landscape.他站在山上眺望下面的宁静景色。lane n 巷;弄;跑道 A four-lane

21、highway connects the two cities.一条四车道的公路连接这两个城市。loan n 贷款;债权人;借出 The bank made a loan of ten thousand pounds to the factory.银行贷给那家工厂一万英镑。location n位置;特定区域;场所 First, we must decide on the location of our new swimming pool.我们先得给新游泳池选个地点。maintain v 保持;维修;保养 Ann and Mary maintained their friendship for

22、the next thirty years.安妮和玛丽在此后的三十年中一直保持着她们之间的友谊。margin n 页边的空白;边缘 Please write on both sides of the paper, and dont write in the margin.请在纸的正反两面书写, 但不要写在四周的边上.military a军事的;军人的 There used to be a military base in the region.这地区过去有个军事基地。mood n 心情;情绪;心境 That evening he was in an unusual light-hearted

23、mood.那晚他的心情异常轻松。mystery n 神秘;秘密;难以理解的事物 His death has remained a mystery.他的死仍是个谜。negative a否定的;消极的 He gave me a negative answer.他给了我一个否定的答案。nevertheless ad 然而;虽然如此 We cant act on your advice. Nevertheless, thank you for giving it.我们不能照你的建议去办。不过承蒙您提出来,十分感谢。numerous a 很多的;多数的;数目众多的 The Earth is only o

24、ne of the numerous planets in the universe.地球只是宇宙中众多星球中的一个。obtain v 得到;获得 They obtained a loan from the government.他们从政府那里得到一笔贷款。occasion n 场合;机会;时机 He seized the occasion to invite her home for dinner.他抓住机会邀请她回家里吃饭。offence n 犯罪;违反;冒犯 Im sure he didnt mean to cause offence (to you).我肯定他并非有意得罪你.oppor

25、tunity n 机会, 时机 Soon he had an opportunity of explaining that to her.不久他便有了向她解释那件事的机会。oven n 烤箱;炉 Open the window, its like an oven in here! 打开窗户吧, 这里热得像火炉!panel n 面板;仪表盘;座谈小组 One of the glass panels in the front door was cracked. 前门上的一块玻璃面板被打碎了。peak n 山峰;最高点;尖端 The mountain peaks are covered with s

26、now all the year.山顶上终年积雪。penalty n 刑罚;报应;罚款 One of those arrested could face the death penalty. 那些被逮捕的人中有人可能面对死刑。philosophy n 哲学 He is looking for a philosophy he can believe in.他在寻求一种他可以相信的哲学。pole n 杆;竿;柱 We used a branch as a fishing pole.我们用树枝做钓竿。poverty n 贫穷 People in this area were suffering fr

27、om hunger and poverty.这个地区的人们受着饥饿和贫穷的折磨。priest n 牧师;神父 The priest conducts the church service.牧师主持教堂的礼拜仪式。prince n 王子 She managed to interview the British Prince.她设法采访了英国王子.property n 财产;所有权 This small house is my only property.这所小房子是我的唯一财产。proposal n提议;计划 We will discuss the proposal at the meeting

28、.我们将在会议上讨论这项提议。protein n 蛋白质 You need more protein to build you up.你需要增加蛋白质以增强体质.psychological a心理学的;精神上的 Is there any possible psychological explanation for his bad health?他健康状况不好,有没有可能具有什么心理上的原因呢?qualified a有资格的 She is qualified for the job.她能胜任这一工作。release v 释放;解放 The terrorists will only release

29、 their hostages on certain conditions.恐怖分子只有在某些条件下才释放人质.responsible a有责任的;负责的 Whos responsible for the terrible mess?谁应该对这种混乱负责?restore v 恢复;使恢复健康 The government ordered the police out to restore order in the streets.政府派警方出动恢复治安.rural a乡下的;田园的 The disease occurs most frequently in rural areas.那疾病多见於

30、农村地区.secondary a 中级的;次要的 All other considerations are secondary to his safety.现在首先要考虑的是他的安全,其他事都是次要的。series n 系列;连续 Then began a series of wet days that spoiled our vacation.之后就是一连串的下雨天,把我们的假期弄得一团糟。shift v 转移;替换;移动 The Left is shifting its ground.左派正在改变立场。sign n 记号;符号;招牌v签字;署名;做手势示意The sign says Parking Forbidden.告示牌上写着禁止停车。He signed his name on the cheque.他在支票上签了名。site n 位置;地点;场所 Our school has a good site in town.我们学校位于镇上一个好地点。smart a 聪明的;漂亮的 This boy is very smart; he may be another Edison.这男孩很聪明,他可能成为另一个爱迪生。snap v 咬;抓;猛咬 Th

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