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本文(高考英语全程复习方略 课时提升作业十四Unit2 The environment Word.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

高考英语全程复习方略 课时提升作业十四Unit2 The environment Word.docx

1、高考英语全程复习方略 课时提升作业十四Unit2 The environment Word温馨提示: 此套题为Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关闭Word文档返回原板块。课时提升作业(十四)必修5Unit 2. 单项填空1. (原创)One valuable tip for graduates is that first _ during a job interview really counts. A. expression B. attentionC. satisfaction D. impression2. The experts have g

2、iven some practical advice _ the problems that most people are concerned about in food safety. A. in charge of B. in terms of C. in spite of D. in regard to 3. The annual _ of temperatures in the north can be from 30 to 40, which we seldom see in the south. A. range B. concernC. diversity D. level4.

3、 There was a feeling in me _ he was not telling the truth to us. A. which B. what C. that D. why 5. (2013福州模拟)I appreciate _ the opportunity to work in your company two years ago. A. giving B. to giveC. being given D. to be given6. _ is no doubt that the Dallas Mavericks will defeat the Washington W

4、izards in the next game. A. It B. As C. That D. There7. (2013阆中模拟)It would be very short-sighted to hold the _ that our present good fortune will last forever. A. advice B. demandC. belief D. determination8. When my visa _, I had to come back. A. ran out B. put outC. stood out D. pointed out9. Sever

5、al severe traffic accidents occurred on the highway due to the heavy fog, _ a couple dead and many people seriously injured. A. left B. to leaveC. leaving D. having left10. On the floor _ a pile of dirty clothes and baby toys, newspapers and magazines. The room is in a total mess. A. lay B. were lai

6、dC. have placed D. had collected11. She was found sitting in her wheelchair, completely _ in a fashion magazine her son had just bought. A. absorbing B. being absorbed C. absorbed D. to absorb12. Every day he _ three bottles of alcohol, which has done great harm to his health. A. consumes B. conduct

7、sC. converts D. convinces13. It is easy to _ my car from others in the parking lot. It has an advertisement for a car company on its back. A. let out B. give outC. pick out D. run out14. The room _ 10 meters across is large enough for a single man to live in. A. measuring B. measuresC. to be measure

8、d D. measured 15. You are somewhat _ about his work. After all, he is fresh here. A. curious B. particularC. concerned D. cautious. 阅读理解A study published in todays edition of the Science finds that,overall,species are moving to higher latitudes(纬度)at 10. 5 miles per decade. The rate is two or three

9、times faster than when it was last measured in 2003. “The climate is shifting everything towards the north and higher latitudes,”says Chris Thomas,the author on the paper and a professor at the University of York in the United Kingdom. “Animals,plants and insects closer to the equator are starting t

10、o find it too hot and are retreating upwards. ”The study was an analysis covering 764 species moving north or south depending on which hemisphere(半球)they were in. Although each species moved at different rates and some even moved towards the equator,overall the strong trend was towards the poles. Fo

11、r the most part,its not that animals are walking,hopping or winging their way north,Thomas says. Rather,individuals at a species southernmost range are breeding(繁殖)less successfully while individuals in that same species northernmost range are breeding more successfully. The result is that the entir

12、e species moves up. “There is practically no basis to doubt the fact that species are shifting as a function of rapidly changing climate. ” says Jeremy Kerr, a professor of biology at the University of Ottawa in Canada, who did not participate in the study. One species Kerr studies is the bog copper

13、, a beautiful little butterfly that appears to practically be on an expressway to the North Pole. It has moved more than 90 miles north in the past decade. For farmers,what crops they grow and livestock they keep is also beginning to shift, says Philip Thornton,an agricultural economist in Nairobi,K

14、enya. In Africa,small farms are changing the kinds of animals they keep. In Northern Kenya,there is a move in some places away from the traditional cattle to camels,which are more drought resistant;the price of adult camels there is increasing quite rapidly. (367W) 1. Which picture can describe the

15、result of the study? 2. According to the third paragraph,we can learn a fact that _. A. the animals are moving northwards so fastB. there are too many species at polesC. fewer babies are born in the southD. not all animals move to higher latitudes3. The example of the bog copper is mentioned to tell

16、 us that it _. A. can fly as fast as an expressB. is moving northwards at a high speedC. blocks the way towards the North PoleD. prefers to travel on an expressway4. In the last paragraph,farmers prefer camels _. A. because of the sizes changes of their farms B. as a result of changing climateC. wit

17、h the purpose of earning more moneyD. due to the changes in crop growing5. We can infer from the passage that _. A. immediate action has been taken to prevent the immigrationB. rare animals can only be found at poles in not so far futureC. it is natural for species to adapt themselves to the environ

18、mentD. changes in climate make no difference to peoples life. 任务型阅读请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格处填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填一个单词。Have you ever intended to be fully absorbed in your work but found yourself distracted (走神) by e-mail, the Internet or other things throughout the day? “People often lose their con

19、centration when they are bored, of course, but also when they are engaged in challenging tasks, ” says Peter Bregman. “They sometimes have a feeling to escape from whats difficult or boring, so they jump out, ” he says. The part of the brain devoted to attention is connected to the brains emotional

20、center. Any strong emotionquarrels with colleagues, problems at homecan interrupt our attention. Studies over the last decade have shown that too much work to do at a time can easily lead to distraction. Refocusing is hard for many people. Robert Epstein suggests the following, “Stop and listen to m

21、usic for a few minutes. Go for a short walk or take a deep breath, where you breathe in deeply, count to five slowly, hold it and breathe out very slowly. ” This can “blow out all the tension and the unwanted in your mind to restore your focus. ”Take more control by structuring your time and becomin

22、g more aware of your behaviors. “Setting the phone alarm to go off every hour is my way of creating awareness, ”Mr. Bregman says, “You have to inform yourself that youve lost focus in order to do something about it. ” Starting the day with a to-do list is important, such as when to eat, when to go t

23、o the gym or take a walk. But if its overly ambitious, you will put yourself in a state of anxiety, which makes it hard for the brain to concentrate. “Choosing three or four things as your priority (优先) for the day allows your brain to settle down and focus, ” he says. TopicHow to become more (1) _

24、on the work?(2) _ of getting distractedPeople tend to get away from things that theyre (3) _ up with.Strong (4) _ affect the brain s part for attention.People get distracted easily if (5) _ multitasks at a time.(6) _ of strong emotionshaving a (7) _ with a colleague.meeting with problems at home.Tip

25、s on holding attentionStop working to restore your focus by (8) _ your breath and try different relaxing things.(9) _ your time effectively and create awareness of your behaviors.Make a to-do list at the beginning of a working day.Focus on three or four things and get them done (10) _ for the day.【语

26、篇随练】根据阅读理解翻译句子1. The climate is shifting everything towards the north and higher latitudes. 【译】_2. There is practically no basis to doubt the fact that species are shifting as a function of rapidly changing climate. 【译】_答案解析1.【解析】选D。考查名词辨析。句意:对于毕业生而言一个有价值的提示是面试中的第一印象非常重要。impression 印象,与句意相符。expressi

27、on 表达;attention 注意力,关心;satisfaction 满意。2. 【解析】选D。考查介词短语。句意:就大多数人所关心的食品安全方面的问题,专家们给出了一些实际的建议。in charge of负责;in terms of 根据,就而言;in spite of 不管,不顾;in regard to 关于,至于。由句意知D项正确。3. 【解析】选A。考查名词辨析。句意:北方气温的年度变化范围有可能达30 到 40,这在南方很少看到。range 范围;concern 关心,关注;diversity 差异,多样性;level 水平。由句意可知,选A。【变式备选】(2013嘉峪关模拟)A

28、ll human beings have a comfortable zone regulating the _ they keep from someone they talk with. A. distance B. scope C. range D. boundary【解析】选A。考查名词辨析。句意:所有的人在控制他们和与之谈话的人之间所保持的距离时都有一个舒适的范围。keep a distance from sb. 与某人保持距离,与句意相符;scope 范围,余地;视野;range 范围,幅度;boundary 边界;分界线,界限。4. 【解析】选C。考查同位语从句的引导词。句意:我

29、内心有一种感觉,他不是在对我们说实话。句中的名词feeling之后为同位语从句,句子成分完整,用that来引导。5.【解析】选C。考查非谓语动词的用法。句意:两年前我得到在你的公司工作的机会,我对此非常感激。appreciate表示“感激”,其后通常接动名词作宾语,而句中的动词give表示被动意义,故选C项。【变式备选】Outstanding as the young man is, his talents are not fully _ in the company. A. approached B. appreciated C. arranged D. applied 【解析】选B。考查动

30、词辨析。句意:尽管这个年轻人非常优秀,但是他的才能并没有在公司内完全受到赏识。approach 接近,靠近;appreciate 感激,欣赏,赏识;arrange安排;apply 应用。由句意可知选B。6. 【解析】选D。There is no doubt that. . . 是固定句型,意为“毫无疑问”。【知识拓展】doubt后接从句的用法小结(1)doubt作动词后接宾语从句在否定句和疑问句中,doubt后面接that引导的宾语从句。例如:I dont doubt that he can finish the task on time. 我相信他能按时完成任务。Do you doubt that she will succeed? 你怀疑她会成功吗?在肯定句中,doubt后面一般接whether或if引导的宾语从句。例如:I doubt whether they can swim across the river. 我怀疑他们能否游过河去。He doubts if she will keep her word. 他不敢肯定她是否会遵守诺言。注意:在肯定句中,doubt后面也可以接that引导的宾语从句,但表示疑虑较

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