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1、届高考必备之高频词汇一2020高考必备高频词汇(一)1.appreciatev不用于进行时欣赏;赏识;感激;感谢: His talents arent appreciated by his boss, whichmakes him depressed.他de才干不为老板赏识,这使得他很沮丧。 I appreciate your help very much and what you havedone means something to me.非常感谢你de帮助,你所做de对我来说意义非凡。2. blamev责备;把归咎于:Youve failed to do what you were ex

2、pected to and Im afraid the teacher will blame you.你没做成期望你做de事,我恐怕老师会责备你。3.conditionn状况;情况:We were astonished to find the temple still in itsoriginal condition.我们惊奇地发现这座庙宇仍然保存完好。4. curiousadj好奇de;爱探究de:Hes such a curious boy, always asking questions.他是个好奇心很强de孩子,总爱问问题。5. disturbv打扰;扰乱;使心神不安:Sorry to

3、 disturb you, but can I talk to you for aminute?抱歉打扰您,我能跟您聊一会儿吗?6. directionn方向;方位;指导;指挥;管理: Tom went off in the direction of the post office.汤姆朝邮局de方向走去。 We did the work under his direction.我们在他de指导下工作。7.disastern灾难:Quite a few people used to believe that disaster wassure to strike if a mirror was

4、broken.过去曾经有不少人认为如果镜子碎了灾难就会降临。8. diseasen疾病:A disease known is half cured.病情弄清楚,病根除一半。9. eageradj渴望de;热切de(keen):His classes were crowded with eager students.他de课上挤满了求知若渴de学生。10.familiaradj熟悉de;常见de:The theme park you are probably most familiar withis Disneyland.你最熟悉de主题公园大概就是迪士尼乐园。11. guiltyadj内疚de

5、;惭愧de:I felt guilty about / at breaking my promise.我对违背诺言感到内疚。12. hidev(把)藏起来;隐藏:She and her family hid away for nearly twenty-fivemonths before they were discovered.她和家人躲藏了近25个月后才被发现。13. hesitatev踌躇;犹豫;顾虑:He hesitated before he replied.回答前,他犹豫了一下。14. influencen影响;v影响: My physics teacher is my role

6、model, whoseinfluence on me had to do with my decision.物理老师是我de榜样,他对我de影响与我所作de决定有关系。 Confucius greatly influenced the development ofChinas culture and education.孔子对中国de文化和教育de发展产生了深远de影响。15. instructionn指示;命令:用法说明:Read the instructions on medicine thoroughly.仔细阅读药品说明。16. judgenC法官;裁判员;鉴定人;v判断: The

7、prisoner was taken before the judge.犯人被带到法官面前。 Judging from her accent, she must be from Sichuan.听口音,她准是四川人。17.knowledgen知识;学问:The research program broadened students knowledge.该研究课程拓宽了学生de知识面。18.lacknU 常用单数缺乏;不足:These children have health problems linked to poordiet and a lack of exercise.这些孩子有与不良饮

8、食和缺乏运动相关de健康问题。19.materialn常用复数材料;原料:raw materials 原材料He is a good soldier, but not really officer material.他是个好士兵,但不太是当军官de料。20.narrowadj(宽度等)狭窄de;(心胸、视野等)狭隘de/狭窄de: As we set out, I was shocked at how narrow thepath was.出发后,我吃惊地发现这条小路是多么狭窄! She has a very narrow view of the world.她de世界观非常狭隘。21.obj

9、ectn物体;v反对;不赞成: Whats that dark object lying in the street?街道上那个黑乎乎de东西是什么? We object to leaving him alone.我们不赞成留下他一个人。22.particularadj只用于名词前特定de特别de;格外de: He did not show up on that particular day.他并没有在那一天露面。 We must pay particular attention to this point.我们必须要特别注意这一点。23.qualitynC & U质;质量;C 常用复数品质;

10、品德: This model is of good / high quality, but its tooexpensive.这个型号质量好,但太贵。 What qualities does a great person have?伟人具有什么样de品德?24. recoverv 恢复(意识、知觉等);恢复(健康;常态): It took her a few minutes to recover consciousness.过了几分钟她才恢复意识。 With my special care, my mother recovered quickly.在我de精心照料下,妈妈很快就康复了。25.

11、remindv提醒:I forgot to remind him about / of the time for theinterview.我忘了提醒他面试de时间。26.schedulen日程安排;时刻表:Thanks to your help, we accomplished the task aheadof schedule.多亏你们de帮助,我们提前完成了任务。27.seekv寻找They sought for a place to shelter from the rain, butin vain.他们寻找避雨de地方,但没能找到。28.satisfyv(使)满足;(使)满意:Nic

12、k is looking for another job because he feels thatnothing he does satisfies his boss.尼克正在找新工作,因为他感到老板对他做de工作都不满意。29.satisfactionn满意;满足;乐事反义词dissatisfaction:She expressed her satisfaction with / at the result.她对结果表示满意。30. situationn处境;形势:Its helpful to put children in a situation where theycan see th

13、emselves differently.让孩子置身于能让他们看到不一样de自己de局面里,这对他们是有帮助de。31.toughadj强壮de;坚强de:Are you sure youre physically tough enough for thisjob?你确定你de身体足够强壮能应付这份工作吗32. upsetadj不用于名词前心烦意乱de;难过de:She was very upset to hear that the holiday had beencancelled.听说假期取消了,她感到非常失望。33.varietynU多样性;变化:Chinese food is famo

14、us for its wide variety.中餐以菜系多样而闻名。34. warnv警告;告诫;提醒:I tried to warn him, but he wouldnt listen.我试图警告过他,但他不听。35. commentn评论:It is impolite to make unfavorable comments on apersons appearance.对他人de外貌作负面评价是不礼貌de。36. mentaladj只用于名词前精神de;心理de;脑力de反义词physical:Its important to maintain good mental health.

15、保持心理健康很重要。37. recommendv推荐;介绍:I recommend this book to anyone with an interest inart.我把这本书推荐给对艺术感兴趣de人。38.expressv表达;表示:On behalf of our school, I would like to express ourwarm welcome to you.我代表我校,向您表示热烈de欢迎。39. impressv不用于进行时 给留下极深de印象:Li Kang is very impressed with the teachers and thetechnology

16、in his new school.新学校de老师和教学设施给李康留下了很深de印象。40. pressuren压力:I know studying is very important, but my parentsput too much pressure on me.我知道学习很重要,但父母给我施加了太多de压力。41.tendv用于以下惯用语tend to / toward(s) sth倾向于;有de趋势:The sort of music I listen to varies, but it tendstoward light music.我所听de音乐形形色色,不过一般都是轻音乐。4

17、2.attendv出席;参加:Please let us know if you are unable to attend.如果不能出席请通知我们。43.attentionn注意;专心:Attention to detail is essential in this job.关注细节是这份工作必不可少de。44. pretendv假装;装作:When his mother came in, he pretended to be doinghis homework.妈妈进来时,他假装在做作业。45. intendv打算;想要:He intends studying / to study abro

18、ad next year.他打算明年去国外留学。46.intentionn意图;目de(aim /purpose):She had a firm intention within herself to be the bestswimmer.她内心具有坚定de意志,要成为最优秀de游泳者。47. adventuren冒险:Do you like adventure in your life?生活中你喜欢冒险吗?48. preventv阻止;防止:In this way we prevented the spread of this disease.我们用这种方式防止了这种疾病de蔓延。49.ev

19、entn重大事件;(发生de)事情:It is easy to be wise after the event.事后诸葛亮人人都会做。50. inventn发明;创造:In 1930, German scientists invented the tape we usetoday.1930年,德国科学家发明了我们如今使用de磁带。51.eventuallyadv最终;终于:You will succeed eventually.你终会成功de。52. opposev反对;抵制:All the members present opposed the plan bitterly.所有与会de成员都

20、坚决反对这个计划。53. oppositeadj相反de;(截然) 不同de:I thought this medicine would make me sleep, butit had the opposite effect.我以为这种药能让我睡着,但效果恰恰相反。54. supposev认为;猜想:I suppose (that) price will go up.我认为价格会上涨。(be) supposed to be / to do sth 被认为;被当做; 应该;理应: I havent seen it myself, but it is supposed to be a great

21、movie.我没看过这部电影,但是据说很不错。 The college years are supposed to be a time forimportant growth in independence.大学期间应是培养独立性de重要时期。55. exposev使暴露;使显露:Being exposed to sunlight for too much time willdo harm to ones skin.在阳光下暴露太久对皮肤有伤害。56. possessv正式用语 不用于进行时拥有;占有;具有:Any creature who possesses one of these rin

22、gs hasgreat power.任何人只要拥有其中一枚戒指,就会拥有巨大de力量。57. positionn位置;方位; 职位;职务: Can you show me the position of the city on the map?你能在地图上给我指出那个城市de位置吗? He is thinking of applying for the position of ChiefEditor.他正在考虑申请主编de职位。58. positiveadj正面de;积极乐观de;有益de:I believe that the Internet has positive effects on

23、our lives.我认为互联网对我们de生活有正面de影响。59. existv不用于进行时存在:The world exists, whether you like it or not.不管你喜欢与否,这个世界照样存在。60. consistv由构成:Life consists of not only sunshine but also hard times.生活不仅有阳光,还有艰难困苦。高频词汇61. insistv 坚持;坚决要求 坚持说;坚持认为He insisted on walking me to the station to see me off.他坚持要陪我走到车站为我送行。

24、 He insisted on his innocence.他坚持说自己是无辜de。62. permitv许可;准许:Mobile phone conversations are not permittedanywhere in the library.图书馆内任何地方都禁止使用手机打电话。63. admitv正式用语容许进入; 承认: Only ticket-holders will be admitted to / into thestadium.持票者方可进入体育场。 I had to admit (to) being nervous about the test.我不得不承认对这次考试

25、感到紧张。64.appointv任命;委派; 指定;约定: Sam has been appointed manager of the engineeringdepartment to take the place of George.山姆被任命为工程部经理,接替乔治。 We appointed a day in June for celebration.我们把庆祝会定在六月de一天。65.disappointv使失望:Im sorry to disappoint you, but I cant come afterall.真抱歉让你失望,可我实在不能来。66. profitn利润;赢利反义词

26、loss:In recent years many football clubs have been runas business to make a profit.近年来,很多足球俱乐部都进行商业运作,以谋求利润。67. progressn进步;进展:Thanks to her help, I made great progress in my study.多亏她帮忙,我在学习上取得了巨大de进步。68. previousadj只用于名词前 以前de;先前de:He has no previous experience of this kind of work.他以前没有做这类工作de经验。

27、69. predictv预言;预计:Population experts predict that most people will livein cities in the near future.人口专家预言,在不久de将来大多数人都会住到城市里。70. indicatev正式用语指示;指出表明;显示: The arrow on a sign indicates the way to go.牌子上de箭头指明道路de方向。Progress indicates a persons ability to change theway he is living at the moment.进步表明

28、一个人改变目前生活方式de能力。学后检测一、根据汉语释义写出下列英文单词。1. 方向;方位 _2. 灾难 _3. 疾病 _4. 渴望de;热切de _5. 警告;告诫;提醒 _6. 熟悉de;常见de _7. 内疚de;惭愧de _8. (把) 藏起来;隐藏 _9. 踌躇;犹豫;顾虑 _10.影响_11. 指示;命令:用法说明 _12.判断_13.知识;学问 _14. 缺乏;不足 _15. 材料;原料 _16. 狭窄de _17. 物体 _18. 特别de;格外de _19. 欣赏;赏识 _20. 责备;把归咎于_21. 状况;情况 _22. 好奇de;爱探究de _23. 打扰;扰乱;使心神不安 _24. 质;质量 _25.恢复(意识、知觉等)_26. 提醒 _27. 日程安排;时刻表 _

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