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学年 初三英语一模词转模块分析.docx

1、学年 初三英语一模词转模块分析2014-2015学年初三英语一模词转分析One【普陀】. Complete the sentences with the given words in their suitable form(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)54. The new CEO has already given three _ in public. (speech)【答案】:speeches【解析】:序数词three后应填名词复数55. Jane said she enjoyed _ very much during the Art Festival. (sh

2、e)【答案】:speeches【解析】:序数词three后应填名词复数56. My sister is on the left and Im the _ one on the right.(ten)【答案】:tenth【解析】:根据空格前定冠词the说明应填序数词tenth。57. He was quite _ in how to draw funny cartoon faces. (interest)【答案】:interested【解析】:根据词组be interested in58. Damin hopes his son would like to be a _ like him. (f

3、ish)【答案】:fisherman【解析】:根据空格前的不定冠词a,又根据句子意思,此处应填名词fisherman59. The story is _ told in pictures instead of with words. (main)【答案】:mainly【解析】:此句是被动语态,谓语动词是told所以应用副词来修饰动词told,所以应填副词mainly60. The fans all felt very sad about the _ of the famous actor. (dead)【答案】:death【解析】:名词所有格of前应填名词death.61. Father wa

4、rns me that _ people always find excuses for their mistakes. (honest)【答案】:dishonest【解析】:名词people前应加形容词修饰Two【奉贤】IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子) (共8分)54. The young couple decided to have the _ baby. ( two )【参考答案】second【考查内容】考查基数词和序数词的转换【难度等级】简

5、单【思路解析】the后用序数词55. Bank _ are reported almost every day in the newspaper. ( robbery )【参考答案】robberies【考查内容】考查可数名词单复数【难度等级】简单【思路解析】辅音加y ,变y 为ies56. I learned a lesson on how to protect _ from the stampede in Shanghai on the last day of 2014. ( me )【参考答案】myself【考查内容】考查反身代词【难度等级】简单【思路解析】根据句意可知学到了保护自己的一课

6、,所以填反身代词57. Alice felt _ when she saw a horror film at night. ( frighten )【参考答案】frightened【考查内容】考查形容词与动词的相互转换【难度等级】简单【思路解析】主语是人,因此加ed.58. He is _ that he will win in the coming contest. ( confidence )【参考答案】confident【考查内容】考查名词变形容词的用法【难度等级】简单【思路解析】以ce结尾的名词变形容词时去ce变t.59. It hasnt rained a lot in Yunnan

7、 _. ( recent)【参考答案】recently【考查内容】考查形容词变副词的用法【难度等级】简单【思路解析】形容词变副词只要在词尾加ly即可。60. The doctor was too tired after he _ on the patient for a long time. ( operation )【参考答案】operated【考查内容】考查名词与动词的相互转变61. The poor girl is so _ that she can look after her family. ( depend)【参考答案】independent【考查内容】考查动词变形容词【难度等级】

8、简单【思路解析】根据句意look after the family 可知是independent.Three【松江】IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词 的适当形式完成下列句子) (共8分)54. Bob was too old to walk upstairs to the _ floor. (twelve) 【正确答案】twelfth【题目解析】本题考查基数词与序数词转换。注意twelve需要去ve加fth55. The lady gave her money to th

9、e homeless, although she is not rich _. (she) 【正确答案】herself【题目解析】本题考查反身代词表强调。56. _, the animal shelter saved the poor dog in time. (Luck) 【正确答案】Luckily【题目解析】本题考查名词与副词转换。57. Im sure you will _ in working out the problem unless you give up. (success) 【正确答案】succeed【题目解析】本题考查名词与动词转换。前文中有will,后面跟动词原形。58.

10、 The golden fish said to the fisherman, “All your _ will come true.” (wish) 【正确答案】wishes【题目解析】本题考查名词单复数转换59. When people get older and older, their short-term memory becomes _. (bad) 【正确答案】worse【题目解析】本题考查形容词比较级。60. Its amazing to see these local people wear their _ hats and skirts in festivals. (tra

11、dition) 【正确答案】traditional【题目解析】本题考查名词与形容词转换。61. Recently there have been a _ of health education activities in our school. (vary) 【正确答案】variety【题目解析】本题考查动词与形容词转换,various是形容词,variety是名词。这里是词组搭配,a variety of=variousFour【长宁】IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.54.The tr

12、ee which stands by the side of the river is about 35_ tall. (foot)【参考答案】feet【考查内容】考查可数名词单复数【难度等级】简单【思路解析】英寸变复数是不规则的55.It is the _ gold medal that Ning Zetao has won for China. (four)【参考答案】fourth【考查内容】考查基数词变序数词【难度等级】简单【思路解析】直接加th56.The article tells us that sometimes money doesnt bring _ to us. (happ

13、y)【参考答案】happiness【考查内容】考查名词的用法【难度等级】简单【思路解析】happy变名词要变y 为i,再加es57.Mr. Black will make a _ in our school hall at 12:00 tomorrow. (speak)【参考答案】speech【考查内容】考查名词的用法【难度等级】简单【思路解析】不规则变化,需要自己记忆58.Do you agree “Often praising a child is a good way to make the child_”?(success)【参考答案】successful【考查内容】考查固定搭配&形容

14、词【难度等级】中等【思路解析】根据make sb. + adj. 59.It was _ of you to tell a lie about your age in the interview. (honest)【参考答案】dishonest【考查内容】考查固定搭配&形容词【难度等级】难【思路解析】首先根据句型its + adj. + of sb. + to do sth. 其次理解句子意思,是不诚实,注意不是unhonest60.The air in Beijing is too _ polluted for people to breathe. (serious)【参考答案】seriou

15、sly【考查内容】考查副词用法【难度等级】简单【思路解析】形容词变副词直接加ly61.These softwares will _ us to connect computers to the Internet more easily. (ability)【参考答案】enable【考查内容】考查will的用法&动词【难度等级】难【思路解析】根据will + do ,判断填动词,able 变动词前面加enFive【虹口】IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词 的适当形式完成下列句

16、子) (共8分)54. - When were you born? - On January the _ , 2000. (nine)【正确答案】ninth【题目解析】表示日期时用月份后加序数词,注意拼写。55. To my great surprise, I saw many different kinds of _ in the exhibition. (radio)【正确答案】radios【题目解析】radio是可数名词,不同种类的肯定不止一个,用复数形式。56. _ , together with twelve other countries, has joined the organ

17、ization. (Chinese)【正确答案】China【题目解析】分析句子后,需要填的词是句子的主语,用名词,Chinese的名词是Chinese表示中国人或者China表示国家,谓语动词是has joined,说明主语是单数,故用China。57. “Would you please not make a noise here?” said the gentleman _ . (polite)【正确答案】politely【题目解析】题中“礼貌的”应该用来修饰“said”,用副词修饰动词。58. Dont use the lift when you escape from a high _

18、 during a fire. (building)【正确答案】building【题目解析】根据a high说明需要填名词。59. From my point of view, its _ to discuss his case if he is not present. (fair)【正确答案】unfair【题目解析】根据句意,在他不在的时候讨论他的事情是不公平的。60. London has many museums. You can visit one and learn something _ . (excite)【正确答案】exciting【题目解析】修饰不定代词的形容词放在不定代词

19、的后面,这边是修饰something,是令人激动的。61. As the saying goes, _ in yourself is the first step on the road to success. (confident)【正确答案】confidence【题目解析】分析句子结构,需要填的词在句中做主语,用名词作主语。Six【徐汇】IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)62. Children should get into a good ha

20、bit of brushing their_ at least twice a day.(tooth)【答案】:teeth【解析】:their后应填名词复数63. Emily left her parents and came to teach in China in her late_.(twenty)【答案】:twenties【解析】:in ones twenties”在某人二十多岁时”64. The school is planning to _some parents to share their success stories with the students.(invitatio

21、n)【答案】:invite【解析】:plan to+动词原形65. Its_ dangerous to tell your personal information to a stranger online.(extreme)【答案】:extremely【解析】:修饰形容词用副词66. Some runners quit(退出)the marathon because they thought it was_ to run in the haze.(harm)【答案】:harmful【解析】:be harmful to”对有害”67. Dans neighbor is from_ and th

22、e family has 3 lovely children.(German)【答案】:Germany【解析】:from后接国家名68. It is no_ teaching the 3-year-old child that much. He cant understand at all.(useful)【答案】:use【解析】:no相当于形容词的用法。It is no use doing sth”做是没有用的”69. To add_, some comic strips appear in different frame sizes.(various)【答案】:variety【解析】:增加

23、多样性Seven【嘉定】IV. Complete the following sentences with the given words in their suitable forms.(8%)54. Our English teacher told us that there were quite a few _ in western countries.(church) 【正确答案】 churches【题目解析】名词变复数.55. Jim said that a cheese roll couldnt satisfy his _ at all.(hungry)【正确答案】 hunger【

24、题目解析】此处需名词,hungry的名词形式为hunger。56. Jacks uncle will celebrate his _ birthday in a month.(forty)【正确答案】fortieth【题目解析】考查forty的序数词,应为fortieth。57. We should be careful about how we behave because people can identify us _.(easy)【正确答案】easily【题目解析】此处需副词,easy的副词形式为easily。58. The people in that street hope tha

25、t all their troubles can _ soon.(appear)【正确答案】disappear【题目解析】disappear“消失”。59. I think Tom should _ to the policeman for his rude behavior.(apology)【正确答案】apologize【题目解析】此处需动词,apologyapologize60. People usually decorate the Christmas tree with bells and _ lights.(colour)【正确答案】colorful【题目解析】此处需形容词,col

26、our-colourful61. Jeans success in drawing brought her parents lots of _.(please)【正确答案】pleasure【题目解析】此处需名词,please-pleasureEight【浦东】IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词 的适当形式完成下列句子) (共8分)54. The program introduced how the police dealt with two in the small tow

27、n. (robbery)【正确答案】robberies【题目解析】本题考查单数与复数转换。55. Mr. Smith and his wife are preparing for their sons birthday party. (nine)【正确答案】ninth【题目解析】本题考查基数词与序数词转换。注意nine需要去e加th56. Dont always depend on parents because you have grown up. (you)【正确答案】your【题目解析】本题考查所有格。57. I havent received any letters from my p

28、en friend in England (recent)【正确答案】recently【题目解析】本题考查形容词与副词转换。58. The street artists make the audience glad in a of ways. (vary)【正确答案】variety【题目解析】本题考查动词与形容词转换,various是形容词,variety是名词。这里是词组搭配,a variety of=various59. Keep trying hard, and you will in making your dream come true.(success)【正确答案】succeed【

29、题目解析】本题考查名词与动词转换。前文中有will,后面跟动词原形。60. Paper cutting is a Chinese skill with a history of thousands of years.(tradition)【正确答案】traditional【题目解析】本题考查名词与形容词转换。61. It is said that these students cards can us to travel half-price for a trip.(able)【正确答案】enable【题目解析】本题考查形容词与动词转换。Able是形容词,enable是动词,ability是名

30、词。Nine【金山】IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词) (共8分)54. This is my _time to take this kind of pills(four).【正确答案】fourth【题目解析】基数词转序数词,直接加th 55. In _opinion, DVD-ROMS will soon be more popular than books. (he).【正确答案】his【题目解析】物主代词“他的”,用his56. We like our class teacher because

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