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1、普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟英语试题附答案2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟英语试题第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共l5小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,井在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ADEATH OF A SALESMANWidely considered to he one of the greatest plays of the twentieth century,Death of A Salesman is about the cost of not being able to let go to

2、 the American Dream.This major touring revival(老戏重演)of Arthur Millers Pulitzer Prize winning masterpiece sees 2016 Tim Pigott Smith play the role of Willy Loman.It is greatly directed by Abigail Graham.Duration: Tue.2-Sat.6 May 2017HENCEFORWARDA new revival directed by the author,Alan Ayckbourns cla

3、ssic comedy was first produced in Scarborough in 1987 and then at the Vaudeville Theatre,London in 1988,starring Ian McKellen and Jane Asher,where it won the Evening Standard Best Comedy award.It is about composer Jerome who struggles vainly to complete his lifes masterwork about love.Duration: Tue.

4、21-Sat.25 February 2017FOOTLIGHTSCambridge Footlights is the world-famous comedy troupe who first aired the talents of some of the foremost British comedians and actors of this century.Founded in 1880,this university drama society boasts an impressive alumni(校友)including Stephen Fry,Hugh Laurie,Trev

5、or Nunn and Peter Shaffer.Duration: Sun.12-Sun.19 March 2017SILVER LININCSilver Lining is a cheerful new comedy by writer,actor,presenter and political activist Sandi Toksvig.It tells the tale of five extraordinary yet forgotten women,who come together one night to recreate The Great Escapesenior ci

6、tizen style!Duration: Tue.7-Sat.11 March 20171.What does Willy Loman struggle to do?A.Realize the American Dream. B.Finish his romantic novel.C.Star in the greatest play. D.Sell his goods.2.Who starred in a comedy about a composer?A.Tim Pigott Smith. B.Ian McKellen. C.Peter Shaffer. D.Sandi Toksvig.

7、3.Cambridge Footlights is a(n) .A.drama B.comedy D.association4.On 2017 Womens Day,women could enjoy .A.DEATH OF A SALESMAN B.HENCEFORWARDC.SILVER LINING D.THE GREAT ESCAPEBOn a cold March evening in 2014 in Lucedale,Mississippi,Ann Bosche,then 53,stood on her front steps while her mini da

8、chshund,Gracie,Look a bathroom break.Gracie sniffed an unwelcome visitor under the camellia bush(山茶花树)and barked. Ann bent and saw a pair of green eyes.Hello,there, Ann said,and heard a meow in reply.Ann,who had two resident cats,Bosco and Junior,went inside. She returned with a bowl of cat food and

9、 slid it beneath the bush.The next night,the cat returned.Ann fed him again,moving the bowl closer to the house.After a week,the mystery cat showed himself.He was long-haired,wick a plume(羽毛状)of tail ended by a white tip.Ann called him Mr.Fancy,or Fancy for short.Soon,Mr.Fancy was walking in and out

10、 of the cat door.However,Anns husband,Gene,argued that Fancy should find a new home.We dont need another mouth to feed,and vet bills are expensive, he said.Reluctantly(勉强的), Ann agreed.The drive to the animal shelter was heartbreaking.Ann cried.Her son Jimmy cried.She comforted Jimmy by saying,Hes s

11、o beautiful and lovable.Somebody will want him.A month later,Ann woke to the sound of Genes voice.She went to see which animal he was talking toand saw a white-tipped tail.A thinner Fancy ran across the room to her.When she asked the shelter what had happened,she learned that Fancy had escaped 20 mi

12、nutes after she had left, when a worker opened the cage to feed him.Somehow,over the next month,hes navigated the three milestravelling along railroad tracks,busy streets,and neighborhoodsback to the Bosches.He is meant to he here, Ann said.Even Gene agreed Whatever time I have with him,Ann said,the

13、yre going to be the best years of his life.5.Who is Gracie?A.Anns dog. B.Anns child. C.Anns housekeeper. D.Anns cat.6.Why did Gene think Fancy should find a new home?A.Other two cats may fight against Fancy. B.Fancy is so lovable that someone will want him.C.Fancy is walking in and out regardless of

14、 other pets. D.To raise Fancy will burden them with mare bills.7.The underlined word He in the last paragraph refers to .A.Gene B.Jimmy C.Fancy D.Bosco8.Which word can best describe Ann Bosche?A.Generous. B.Compassionate. C.Merciless. D.Selfish.CThe UK is a rich tapestry of cultures and traditions.W

15、hile appearing similar on the surface,each of the four countries are so diverse both in the languages spoken and the food thats eaten.I come from a small town in Wales and as such have a strong sense of pride for my country.One of the stranger and more interesting traditions is the Mari Lwyd in Wels

16、h,or the Grey Mare in English.The Mari Lwyd is a midwinter tradition and can take place any time in December through to January.The Mari Lwyd is a horses skull.Its decorated in white and attached to a long pole.Sometimes the skull is painted and decorated with coloured ribbons and bells.The Mari Lwy

17、d goes around the town and tries to bite innocent villagers. If you are bitten you have to pay a fine but today its just for fun!I love the evening;everyone comes out and follows the horses skull as it makes its way through the town singing at each door,usually stopping at various pubs and trying to

18、 gain entry,food and drink.Theres traditional music and dancing.Sometimes there are Morris dancers who paint their faces black and wear colourful ribbons to disguise themselves.Many of the children are dressed in national dress.It really brings everyone together and you feel such a great sense of co

19、mmunity!Although one of the oldest traditions in Wales,it nearly died out!Luckily today,there has been a rise in popularity with many Welsh towns breathing life again to these old-age customs.Its believed that it will be a hit again.9.What can we learn about the Mari Lwyd?A.It is celebrated in early

20、 winter. B.In the custom,a living horse bites villagers.C.A decorated skull goes around the town. D.It is the oldest tradition in Wales.10.What does the underlined phrase a hit mean?A.A failure. B.A popular activity.C.A serious crash. D.A promising plan.11.What is the authors purpose in writing the

21、text?A.To introduce an interesting tradition. B.To tell the differences among traditions.C.To cell for people to observe traditions. D.To show his pride of his country.DThere has been a technological revolution where kindles,e-books,and various online reading apps have taken over the world.Is readin

22、g a print hook out of date?Well,not exactly.There are so many wonderful factors involved with reading a print copy of the book.I remember the excitement of going to the bookstore with my mom when I was in elementary school.The feel of sitting down in the hook store and selecting the books I wanted t

23、o read was just so much fun!I think that reading paperback books has its own charm and excitement that cannot be replaced by an electronic book.Holding the physical copy of the book in my hands,and turning over each page makes the reading experience so much more real and memorable.Admittedly,e-books

24、 seem to be more convenient than print books.Purchasing an e-book can take place in seconds and these books are often priced less expensively than print copy books.With e-books,there most likely isnt going to be a storage problem,unless the device has a limit on how many books can be purchased.Then

25、again,in order to read e-books one must have a particular devicetablet,iPad,Kindle or laptop to read it on.Thus,an additional payment has to he made in order to read e-books,whereas reading print copies does not involve any extra device.Print books never actually stopped leading the charge,consideri

26、ng that e-book sales have never made up more than a third of all book sales.And although they rose to that number extremely quicklyAmazon,only introduced the Kindle in 2007the majority of all hooks sold has always been print.The reality is that there is absolutely no reason print and e-books cant co

27、exist in the book market,but print hooks may carry the day.12.What pleasure does the author have when he reads print copy books?A.He doesnt have to buy a tablet or iPad. B.He can get home and stay on the couch to enjoy reading.C.He can enjoy filling his shelf with books. D.He can sit down in the boo

28、kshop and read what he likes.13.What advantage do e-books have according to the passage?A.The reading experience is more real. B.There is no storage problem at all.C.Purchasing them takes less time. D.They are very priceless.14.What can we infer about the book market?A.E-book sales make up more than

29、 1/3 of it. B.E-book sales have never surpassed print book sales.C.Amazon occupies most of the market. D.Print books and e-books cant coexist.15.What can be a suitable title for the text?A.Print Books May Outlast E-BooksB.Books Change with the TechnologyC.E-books Are More Convenient than Print Books

30、 D.Technological Revolution is Creating a Reading Revolution第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。How to Keep a Sharp MindNo matter your age,there are times when memory lapses(失误)seem to get you down._16_Exercise daily.Exercise has a whole host of benefits for your physical

31、health.But physical fitness also has been shown to increase mental sharpness as people age.In one study,elderly men who were fit were able to perform better than those who were unfit in decision-making tasks.Eat a healthy diet.Brain health may be key to maintaining memory stores as we age._17_Be sur

32、e your diet includes: healthy fats,fruits,veggies,grains,and moderate amount of alcohol.These things can help reduce your risk for stroke.Get enough sleep._18_Our brains store daily memories while we sleep.You might consider taking a short nap after learning something new to help store it in your long-term memory._19_You can easily practice,especially simple things that you can easily total up in your head or on

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