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1、I LOVE ENGLISHLOVEENGLISH推荐word版 9页本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!= 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! = I LOVE ENGLISH(LOVE,ENGLISH)第1篇 第2篇 第3篇 第4篇 第5篇 更多 顶部 目录 第一篇:I LOVE englIsh 第二篇:I LOVE englIsh 第一周 第三篇:I LOVE englIsh 中英文 第四篇:why I LOVE englIsh 第五篇:I LOVE englIsh 更多相关范文正文第一篇:I LOVE englIsh I

2、LOVE englIshgood afternoon everybody:the tItle of my todays lecture Is .when I was seven, I started learnIng englIsh. I played games and sang englIsh songs wIth other chIldren. sometImes, I watched englIsh cartoons. Its funny. then I found the beauty of the language, and began my colorful dream In t

3、he englIsh world.I hope I can travel around the world someday. I want to call on washIngton. of course, I want to go to london too, because england Is where englIsh language happened.I lIke the englIsh language. I hope I wIll be an englIsh teacher when I grow up,I wIll be able to use englIsh to teac

4、h foreIgn frIends chInese and share chInese culture wIth them . Ill Introduce chIna to them, such as the great wall, and the huangguoshu that more and more people wIll be able to know chIna, and the strong of our great chIna. my future Is not a dream. I belIeve that It wIll come true.t

5、hank you!我爱英语当我七岁的时候,我开始学习英语。我与其他孩子一起玩游戏和唱英语歌曲。有时候,我会观看英语动画片。它很有趣。接着我发现了语言的美丽,开始了我在英语世界里丰富多彩的的梦。我希望总有一天我能够在世界各地旅游。我要到美国华盛顿。当然,我也要到伦敦,因为英国是英语语言的发源地。我喜欢英语。我希望长大后成为一名英语教师,那时我将能够使用英语教外国朋友中文和与他们分享中华文化,我为他们来介绍中国,如长城和黄果树瀑布,让越来越多的人们将能够了解中国,繁荣我们伟大的中国。 我的未来不是梦。我相信它会成真。第二篇:I LOVE englIsh 第一周 I LOVE englIsh 第一周

6、how about your holIday?幼儿:a: happy new year!b: happy new year!a: hows your wInter holIday?b: good!how about your holIday?少儿:a: happy new year!b: happy new year!a :how many red envelopes do you have?b :I have about your holIday?少儿高段:a:hello! how about your wInter holIday?b:pretty good! I went

7、 to vIsIt some frIendsand relatIves. a nd you?a:me too! Im lookIng forward to thenext holIday now.第三篇:I LOVE englIsh 中英文 I LOVE englIshwhen I was a lIttle gIrl, I started to learn englIsh. englIsh Is a new language for me. I thInk Its very InterestIng. because when I learn englIsh ,I aways want to k

8、now more about the foreIgn countrIes. I also lIke the englIsh storIes and songs!I LOVE englIsh,It gIves me a colorful dream.I hope I can travel around the world one day. wIth my good englIsh, I can make frIends wIth many people from dIfferent contrIes. I dream that I can go to london,because It Is t

9、he bIrth place of englIsh.thanks for your lIstenIng!我爱英语当我还是个小女孩的时候,我就开始学习英语了。英语对我来说是一门新的语言,我感觉英语很有趣,因为每当我学习英语我总是想知道有关国外很多的国家的事情,我也很喜欢英语故事和歌曲。 我爱英语,英语给我一个五彩斑斓的梦想。我想我以后可以环游世界。用我流利的英语,我可以跟世界不同国家的人们做朋友。我的梦想是可以去伦敦,因为那是英语的发源地。谢谢大家!第四篇:why I LOVE englIsh why I LOVE englIshas a boy, choosIng englIsh as my

10、major, whIch Is somewhat uncommon. I take englIsh as my major, not because I am good at englIsh but I LOVE englIsh. In the followIng paragraphs, I lIke to talk about why I LOVE englIsh from three aspects.fIrst, englIsh Is the most wIdely used language In the world. englIsh has become the InternatIon

11、al language of busIness and wIll remaIn so for a long tIme. so why has englIsh taken front stage even If there are so many other languages? the answer lIes In the sImplIcIty of the grammatIcal structure of the englIsh language at Its most basIc level. In many other languages, an object can be mascul

12、Ine, femInIne or neutral and the gender of the object can affect the whole sentence. the same problems apply to adjectIves, adverbs and pronuncIatIons. the most typIcal example Is french, on the other hand, when one learns chInese, japanese, he can apprecIate the dIffIculty of learnIng even the most

13、 basIc structures of these languages. second, englIsh Is very beautIful and useful. In my eyes, englIsh Is a very beautIful language, It owns a gentle sound, whIch wound make our communIcatIon more harmonIous, besIdes, englIsh song gIves me a totally dIfferent feelIng, sometImes, It Is of hIgh passI

14、on and excItement, and sometImes, It Is pleasurable and agreeable. In addItIon Its beauty, englIsh Is very useful In our lIfe, just In yIchang, you can fInd many brands of foreIgn product, If you know a lIttle englIsh, whIch would help you to fInd out what Is the fashIon goIng on. In addItIon, havIn

15、g a good knowledge Is a great step to let the world know more about chIna, durIng thIs natIons holIday, I went to jIngzhou, when I was back, I pay specIal attentIon to what It Is on the led In the traIn, I found that everythIng Is shown In chInese Is also translated Into englIsh, to my surprIse, It

16、even offers a very perfect IntroductIon about yIchang. last, I LOVE englIsh because of some unusual experIence between me and englIsh. stIll deep In my mInd when I was In mIddle school, In my fIrst englIsh exam, I got 58, when I got home on weekend, my mum had prepared a tasty meal for me, my mum Is

17、 a farmer, she dIdnt know much about lIfe-wIsdom, beIng devoted to farm Is a very hard way to lIve a nIce lIfe as we wIsh, so she always encouraged me to study hard, therefore, from then on, I made my mInd to make more progress In study. I chose englIsh as my target, In the followIng days, I remembe

18、r englIsh words and recIte the text, after a few months, another englIsh exam came, thIs tIme I got 80, I knew If I would lIke to try, I could make It, I applIed my approach Into other dIscIplInes, fInally, I became fond of study. thIs Is why I LOVE englIsh so much, It does play a great part In my w

19、hole lIfe, and I would lIke devote more tIme and energy to englIsh and make more progress In englIsh.第五篇:I LOVE englIsh 1、I LOVE englIshas everyone knows,englIsh Is very Important today.It has been usedeverywhere In the world.It has become the most common language on Internet and for InternatIonal t

20、rade. If we can speak englIsh well,we wIll have more chance to succeed.because more and more people have taken notIce of It,the number of the people who go to learn englIsh has Increased at a hIgh speed. but for myself,I learn englIsh not only because of Its Importance and Its usefulness,but also be

21、cause of my LOVE for It.when I learn englIsh, I can feel a dIfferent way of thInkIng whIch gIves me more room to touch the world.when I read englIsh novels,I can feel the pleasure from the book whIch Is dIfferent from readIng the translatIon.when I speak englIsh, I can feel the confIdent from my wor

22、ds.when I wrIte englIsh,I can see the beauty whIch Is not the same as our chInese. I LOVE englIsh,It gIves me a colorful dream.I hope I can travel around the world one day. wIth my good englIsh, I can make frIends wIth many people from dIfferent contrIes.I can see many places of great Intrests.I dre

23、am that I can go to london,because It Is the bIrth place of englIsh. I also want to use my good englIsh to Introduce our great places to the englIsh spoken people,I hope that they can LOVE our country lIke us.I know, rome was not buIlt In a day. I belIeve that after contInuous hard study, one day I

24、can speak englIsh very well.If you want to be LOVEd, you should learn to LOVE and be lovable. so I belIeve as I LOVE englIsh everyday , It wIll LOVE me too.I am sure that I wIll realIze my dream one day!thank you!2、Ill never forgethello, name Is *,I am very glad here to say somethIng about m

25、e.I would lIke to tell you one thIng Ill never forget.when I was young,I was In poor health.I got a strange dIsease.I coughed day and nIght.whIle the chIldren of my age were goIng to school happIly,I was stayIng In bed because of the Illness.seeIng thIs,my father who supported the famIly calmed me,d

26、ont worry,lIttle boy,youll be fIne and can go to school agaIn.In order to look after me,he gave up hIs job.he took me from hospItal to hospItal,seeIng doctors one after another.unluckIly,my Illness was got worse and worse.then one day,a terrIble Idea came to me that no doctor could cure me,I was dyI

27、ng.I lost heart and thought of kIllIng myself.knowIng that,my father got sad and angry,how could you want to do that? we should not gIve up at anytIme.were father and son,well be always together.I know,father,but.dont say that agaIn,lIttle boy.father stopped me,addIng,just rest,youre recover soonwIt

28、h fathers encouragIng,I was confIdent of beIng well.father took me to see the doctor agaIn.fortunately,I recoverd before long.It was father who gave me a second lIfe,and It was father too who taught me to know how to deal wIth the dIffIcultIes.though the matter happened many years ago,I wont forget

29、It.thats all,thank you!3、ladIes and genelmen,Im .,today Im very glad to standIng here,my topIc Is:learn speanIsh Is an Importent about thIs thIng,I can tIll you two lIsts:one:In the mIllIon of years befor,there Is no lunguge,people always fIght because they nont know whats the other,thInk

30、Ing.two:the new year Is comIng,the mouses goes to the supermarket,to fInd some thIng to eat.the met a cat,every one wants to run,but the mouses father says :woof,woof,woof.and the cats runs.back to there home ,the father mouse says,;Its very Importent to learn a forIng luanguge. of these thIngs,we k

31、new that learn a kInds of lunguge Is very Inmportent.every one have know,the world today Is more hard to must learn a lunguage well.lIke:to fInd a good job,pass the unIvercIty or the collage test and so on.In years ago tIll know.not many people know or lIke spanIsh ,If you speak and rIght

32、spanIsh very wIll,you can get a good,I thInk It Is very Inportent.we must learn It well.4、good mornIng, everyone!Im honored to stand here to share somethIng about fashIon wIth you.ok,I thInk you may know who Im goIng to talk about, rIght?yes, Its zhou jIelun - jay chou., who Is a musIcIan, sInger, musIc and fIlm producer, actor. jay chou was born onjanuary 18, 1979, In taIwan, chIna. he grew up wIth hIs mother, and was a quIte an

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