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高中英语 Unit3 Australia单元测试2 新人教版选修9.docx

1、高中英语 Unit3 Australia单元测试2 新人教版选修9选修九 Unit 3Australia单元测试2笔试部分:I. 单项选择1. Some parents are just too protective. They want to _ their kids from every kind of danger, real or imaginary. A. benefit B. remove C. shelter D. distinguish2. More and more people in that country are losing their jobs. In additi

2、on, no one knows how long it will be before the nation _ from its economic crisis. A. suffers B. disappears C. returns D. recovers3. While all the audience were listening attentively, the speaker suddenly _ his lecture and went out of the hall. A. broke out B. broke off C. broke into D. broke down 4

3、. Some kids _ to peer pressure because they want to be liked, to fit in, or because they worry that other kids may make fun of them if they dont go along with the group. A. give away B. give out C. give in D. give up 5. The twelve-year-old girl told the reporter, “My father has been _ for half a yea

4、r and we have no money to rent a house. It is why we have to live in an abandoned car at present.” A. out of place B. out of order C. out of touch D. out of work 6. With more and more earthquakes happening, it is necessary for scientists to find out how human beings can predict earthquakes _. A. obv

5、iously B. permanently C. exactly D. punctually7. Owens doesnt think that theres anything too special about him, “I think everyone has business sense; they just need to gain experience and be _ to make it.” A. free B. determined C. afraid D. hesitant 8. The findings can be important for producers, an

6、d they can be of _ importance for public health experts trying to persuade people to make healthier choices. A. complex B. proper C. equal D. suitable 9. Being a parent, you should give positive comments, appreciation and _ when you see your kid seek new things or even try with full passion. A. adva

7、ntages B. rewards C. benefits D. profits 10. The course is designed to provide _ on how to relieve pressure for students who will take the College Entrance Examination in the near future. A. impression B. distinction C. assumption D. guidanceII 完形填空Recently I went into retreat (静修) in a foreign coun

8、try with some friends. We were all given duties to 11, such as cleaning and cooking. I was in the team serving 12. On the first day I tried hard to please everyone, but it was hard to know how. Some people 13 it when you were fast and just gave them their food, some people preferred it 14 and steady

9、 so that they could choose exactly how much they 15, and some didnt know what I was serving and didnt speak English. If they werent 16 in the way they wanted, some grew annoyed. As you can imagine, after an hour of this it started to get cold. So the next day, we tried a 17 way. I learnt how to say

10、“Would you like.” in several 18 and tried to see everyones name badge (证), which also 19 where they were from, to make sure that they 20 what I was saying to them. I was serving beans so when people came up to me, I 21 them and said, “Would you like beans?” If they said they did I smiled more and sa

11、id, “Yeah, you want some beans!”I was so 22 that we actually ran out of beans before everyone got served! To be honest, I wasnt sure if I was making them smile, or 23 them! After a few days of this though, whenever I saw people I had served they smiled and 24 me, saying how it had brightened up thei

12、r 25 that we hadnt just put food on their plates. We 26 got an award for the 27 servers at the end!We did other things that werent our 28 too, like cleaning up, or washing dishes. At first people were confused when we did this, then they 29 they were getting a favor without 30 anything in return and

13、 they would be thankful to us.11. A. compete B. perform C. improve D. observe12. A. tables B. interests C. goods D. meals13. A. checked B. invented C. liked D. realized14. A. hot B. fresh C. soft D. slow15. A. wanted B. afforded C. spared D. divided16. A. comforted B. served C. admired D. encouraged

14、17. A. different B. familiar C. right D. secret18. A. orders B. directions C. languages D. places19. A. remembered B. achieved C. admitted D. indicated20. A. explained B. heard C. understood D. imagined21. A. looked for B. depended on C. thought of D. smiled at22. A. enthusiastic B. aware C. sure D.

15、 confident23. A. shocking B. scaring C. annoying D. cheating24. A. convinced B. trusted C. paid D. thanked25. A. house B. day C. voice D. hair26. A. just B. even C. occasionally D. frequently27. A. daily B. professional C. best D. fastest28. A. duty B. promise C. point D. action29. A. realized B. no

16、ticed C. showed D. hoped30. A. expressing B. giving C. changing D. producing III 阅读理解AThere is no question that teenagers need rules, which is often not a difficult thing for parents to give. What can be more challenging is giving teenagers their freedom. It can be difficult to draw the line between

17、 the two. However, some issues cannot be changed by discussion and require firm rules. For instance, rules should be established concerning driving the family car. I will admit that I have no problem coming up with rules. To me they make life easier and they leave no room for questioning. What can b

18、e more difficult, however, is giving my teens their freedom. I guess there are really two primary reasons for this. One is that I sometimes am afraid to give them freedom. The second is that Im not always so sure what the freedom should be.It helps that I have a husband with whom I can discuss these

19、 problems. We talk about them, give our thoughts and then we come up with an agreement. Sometimes one of us might be more unwilling but we know that there comes a time when we really do have to learn how to let go of the reins (缰绳) a bit.If we try to make life have nothing but rules, we are more lik

20、ely to see our teens rebelling (反抗). They need to know that while we do have certain expectations, we also trust them to begin making their own choices and decisions. How else can they do that unless they are given the space and room to do it?Its really all about balance and I will be the first to a

21、dmit that it can be a challenge to carry out. However, it is a necessary part of growing up. Yes, teens definitely need rules but they also need freedom.31. According to the first paragraph, it is difficult to decide . A. whether the children need rules B. whether the children should be given freedo

22、m C. how much freedom should be given to children D. what issues require non-negotiable rules32. According to the text, we can infer that the author . A. refuses to give her children freedom B. finds it difficult to make rules C. doesnt have a good relationship with her children D. has trouble in gi

23、ving freedom to her children33. According to the author, only rules without freedom will make the children . A. strong-willed B. rebellious C. weak D. independent34. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Rules are difficult to make for parents. B. Rules and freedom are similarl

24、y important. C. We should give children freedom as much as possible. D. Rules are more important than freedom.BIf there ever was a study that people shouldnt get too little sleep, its this one. People deprived (剥夺) of a good nights rest are more likely to experience changes in brain activity that ca

25、n increase the urge to eat high-calorie foods.Matthew Walker at the University of California in Berkeley and his colleagues conducted the first study of brain activity in relation to food among sleep-deprived people. The team used fMRI (功能磁共振成像) to study brain patterns of 23 people, first after a ni

26、ght of peaceful sleep and then after a night without sleep.Sleep deprivation reduced activity in three areas of the brain that helps process flavor signals. It also led to more activity in the amygdala (扁桃腺), which helps govern the motivation for eating. The team also found that volunteers considere

27、d the pictures of high-calorie foods more desirable after no sleep than after a good rest.When the researchers compared people allowed to sleep as much as they wished with those who slept just two-thirds of their normal time, they found that sleep deprivation had direct effects on eating behavior. “

28、When people were sleep deprived, they ate an extra 549 calories per day,” say the researchers.“It may make evolutionary sense,” says Laurent Brondel at the University of Burgundy in Dijon, France. The long summer days at higher latitudes deprive animals of sleep, but animals use their time awake to

29、eat more, which helps them get through the short days of winter when there is not enough food. “Thats only part of the story, though,” says Stephanie Greer, another member of the team. The body does need more energy if someone remains awake for longer, but the high-calorie foods that become more des

30、irable after sleep deprivation would more than meet this additional need. The changes in food desirability encouraged by the sleep-deprived brain may originally have been important adaptation but today they no longer benefit our health.Brondel agrees with this conclusion. “Sleep deprivation could, b

31、y an unknown mechanism, modify the pleasant sensation and change eating behavior,” he says. Whatever the mechanism is, theres one clear message from the study. “These findings provide opportunities to adjust our behavior in new ways to handle such health issues,” says Greer. “Specifically, our study

32、 indicates that one choice people can make is to regularly obtain enough amounts of sleep.” 35. Matthew Walker conducted the study on sleep-deprived people to _. A. learn more about sleep patterns B. warn of the danger of high-calorie foods C. show the importance of getting enough rest D. find the relation between brain activity and food36. It can be inferred from the passage that _. A. sleep-depriv

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