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1、统考大学英语A完形填空A完形填空A1、As the plane circled over the airport, everyone sensed that something was wrong. The plane was moving unsteadily through the air, and although the passengers had _21_ their seat belts, they were suddenly thrown forward. At that moment, the air-hostess appeared. She looked very pal

2、e, but she was quite _22_. Speaking quickly but almost in a whisper she _23_ everyone that the pilot had fainted and asked _24_any of the passengers knew anything about machines - or at least how to drive a car. After a moments hesitation, a man got up and followed the stewardess into the pilots cab

3、in._25_ the pilot aside, the man took his seat and listened carefully to the urgent instructions that were _26_ by radio from the airport below. The plane was now dangerously close to the ground, but to everyones relief, it soon began to _27_. The man _28_ circle the airport several times in order t

4、o become _29_the controls.Following instructions, the man guided the plane towards the airfield. It shook violently as it touched the ground and then moved rapidly across the field, but after a long _30_ it stopped safely. Outside, a crowd of people who had been waiting anxiously rushed forward to c

5、ongratulate the pilot on a perfect landing.1)、 A.installedB.fastenedC.connectedD.loosened答案:B2)、A.calmB.pleasantC.sadD.nervous答案:A3)、A.reportedB.revealedC.announced D.informed答案:D4)、A.if B.whoeverC.what D.how答案:A5)、A.PersuadingB.LyingC.Moving D.Bringing答案:C6)、A.sent B.being be sent

6、答案:B7)、A.take offB.landC.climb D.decline答案:C8)、A.intended toB.had toC.neededD.used to答案:B9)、A.aware ofB.sensitive toC.known to D.familiar with答案:D10)、A.flight B.time C.runD.road答案:C2、If you were to begin a new job tomorrow, you would bring with you some basic strengths and weaknesses. Success or _21

7、_ in your work would depend,to a great extent, on your ability to use your strengths and weaknesses to the best advantage. _22_ the utmost importance is your attitude. A person who begins a job convinced that he isnt going to like it or is _23_ that he is going to fail is exhibiting a weakness, whic

8、h can only hinder his success. On the other hand,a person who is secure _24_ his belief that he is probably as capable of doing the work as anyone else and who is willing to make a cheerful attempt _25_ it possesses a certain strength of purpose. The chances are that he will do well. Having the prer

9、equisite skills for a particular job is strength. This book has been designed to help you capitalize _26_ the strength and overcome the weakness that you bring to the job of learning. As we get further along in the book, well be _27_ in some detail with specific processes for developing and strength

10、ening _28_ skills. However, to begin with,you should pause _29_ examine your present strengths and weaknesses in three areas that are critical to your success or failure in school: your_30_, your reading and communication skills, and your study habits.1)、 A.improvementB.victoryC.failureD.achievement

11、答案:C2)、 A.Out ofB.OfC.ToD.Into答案:B3)、 A.ensureB.certainlyC.sureD.surely答案:C4)、 A.ontoB.onC.offD.in答案:D5)、 A.toB.atC.ofD.for答案:B6)、 A.onB.butC.forD.except答案:A7)、 dealtD.dealing答案:D8)、 A.learntB.learnedC.learningD.learn答案:C9)、 A.toB.ontoC.intoD.with答案:A10)、 A.intelligenceB.workC.atti

12、tudeD.weakness答案:C3、Who designed the first helicopter (直升飞机)? Who _21_ the most famous pictures in the world? Who knew more about the human body than most _22_? There is an answer _23_ all these questions - Leonardo de Vinci (达芬奇).Leonardo may have been the greatest genius _24_ have ever known. He l

13、ived in Italy around the year 1500, but many of his inventions seem modern to us today. For example, one of his notebooks has drawings of a helicopter. Of course, he couldnt _25_ a helicopter with the things he had. But scientists say his idea would have worked. But Leonardo _26_ an inventor. He was

14、 one of the greatest artists of his day. By the time he was twenty years old, he was called a master painter, and as he got older he became _27_ more famous. Sometimes he drew a hand ten different ways _28_ he was ready to paint.Many of Leonardos wonderful paintings are still with _29_ today. You ma

15、y know one of his most famous works, the smiling woman _30_ as the Mona Lisa.1)、A.tookB.madeC.paintedD.invented答案:C2)、A.artistsB.doctorsC.paintersD.people答案:B3)、A.toB.ofC.forD.from答案:A4)、A.the scientistsB.the artistsC.the peopleD.people答案:D5)、A.drawB.paintC.workD.build答案:D6)、A.was justB.wasnt justC.

16、wasntD.was no longer答案:B7)、A.lessB.noC.evenD.very答案:C8)、A.beforeB.afterC.becauseD.when答案:A9)、A.himB.usC.themD.you答案:B10)、A.calledB.toldC.knownD.spoken答案:C4、Blogs(博客)are the place where young people go to bare their souls, to vent(发泄), and even to gossip.Many people _21_ the freedom in blogging. Some

17、, however, find that putting ones life online can have a _22_. Some students in America got suspensions(停学)_23_ on their blogs they posted threatening words to their teachers.Recent surveys found that nearly a fifth of teens who have _24_ to the Web have their own blogs. And 38% of teens say they re

18、ad other peoples blogs. By comparison, about a tenth of adults have their own _25_ and a quarter say they read other peoples online journals. With the development of the Internet, _26_ people will be engaged in blogging.In another survey, 79% of teens agreed that people at their age arent careful en

19、ough when giving out information about themselves online. Besides, careless blogging can also affect blog viewers. When you are angry or frustrated(气馁的), your blog is the first _27_ you turn to. The words you post then may not be rational which you may regret later. To _28_ the negative effect, chan

20、ge the permission setting and make such posts “private” so that only you can read them.As long as you are careful of _29_ you post, blogging is a great means of staying in _30_ with friends and displaying ones creative works.1)、 A.thinkB.enjoyC.realizeD.see答案:B2)、A.priceB.troubleC.matterD.value答案:A3

21、)、A.even ifB.whetherC.becauseD.although答案:C4)、A.abilityB.meansC.waysD.access答案:D5)、 addresses答案:A6)、A.much and muchB.more or lessC.more and moreD.less and less答案:C7)、A.ideaB.viewC.placeD.time答案:C8)、A.controlB.maximumC.cancelD.minimize答案:D9)、A.whatB.thatC.whichD.how答案

22、:A10)、A.feelingB.touchC.expectationD.wish答案:B5、A contract is an agreement between two or more people _21_ one person agrees to do something by a specified date in return for something done by _22_. Usually the contract is a written document signed and dated by both _23_. It must state clearly the co

23、nsideration, that is, what is to be given or done by one person in _24_ for what is given or done by the other. If one person does _25_ was promised and the other does not, that the other may be sued in court and required by court order to make good. He or she _26_ also be required to pay for damage

24、s suffered as a result of the failure to perform. The things _27_ by both parties must be stated in definite terms _28_ the court will hold that the contract is _29_ vague and general to be enforced. _30_, the time period within which the work is to be done must be definite or the court will say tha

25、t the document is not a contract.1)、 whichB.thatC.whichD.on that答案:A2)、A.anotherB.the otherC.otherD.others答案:B3)、A.partsB.partiesC.peopleD.aspects答案:B4)、A.replaceB.paymentC.changeD.exchange答案:D5)、A.thatB.the thingC.whatD.something答案:C6)、A.needB.oughtC.hasD.may答案:D7)、 be doD.b

26、eing done答案:A8)、A.andB.elseC.orD.so答案:C9)、A.soB.ratherC.tooD.over答案:C10)、A.SimilarB.SimilarlyC.The sameD.Too答案:B6、When I was about eight years old, I noticed a cassette in a store and, without thinking, put it in my pocket. Later at home, my mother _21_ about it. She dragged me into the store, and m

27、ade me _22_ and return the cassette. All I thought was that I would be careful not to get caught when doing something _23_.A few years later, I made a friend, Andy, who liked shoplifting (入店行窃). Every day after school, wed go to stores and steal _24_ we could get our hands on. One day, we were putti

28、ng some socks into our pockets when _25_ a store clerk grabbed us. Soon the police arrived and _26_ me home in a police car. They talked with my mother and then left. I was waiting for the severe punishment. However, my mother didnt _27_ me at all. To my surprise, she began to cry. I promised I woul

29、d never steal again, _28_ she wouldnt stop. I felt guilty to see her so distressed. Since then Ive never stolen any more. Why that “non-punishment” was more _29_ than the “real” punishment? I am not sure, but it made me think of disciplining my own children. Besides, I learned that a true friend wou

30、ld never pressure you to do bad things. When I told Andy to quit the habit, he _30_ me and we continued to be friends just as before.1)、 A.found outB.looked forC.remembered ofD.worried about答案:A2)、A.rememberB.displayC.complainD.apologize答案:D3)、A.wrongB.commonC.pleasantD.difficult答案:A4)、A.whoeverB.whateverC.whereverD.whichever答案:B5)、A.graduallyB.happilyC.suddenlyD.secretly答案:C6)、A.visitedB.drove

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