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1、出国坐飞机常用英语机场 Sorry, I cant speak English. Could you do me a favor? 对不起我不会讲英语。能帮我一个忙吗 Where is the restroom? Thank you so much. 请问洗手间在哪儿谢谢。 Where is the Baggage Claim? Thank you so much. 请问行李认领处在哪儿谢谢。 These are our boarding passes, could you tell us where the gate is and how to get there? 这是我们的登机牌请您告诉

2、我们怎么去这个登机口。 飞机上 Could you do me a favor to help me put my bag on the rack? 请您帮忙将我的旅行袋放到架子上好吗 Excuse me, could you bring me a cup of tea? 劳驾您给我倒杯茶 Excuse me, may I have a cup of water? 劳驾您给我倒杯水 Excuse me, may I have one blanket? 劳驾您给我拿条毛毯。 Could you help me adjust the air flow? Its blowing right on m

3、e. 您能不能帮我调整一下这个气流它正吹着我的头。 Could you help me turn off the reading light? 您能不能帮我关掉我座位上面的小灯 Could you help me adjust my seat, I would like to lie back and take a nap. 您能不能帮我调整我的座位我想躺平点小睡一会。 Where is the restroom? 请问洗手间在哪儿 常用词汇 转机时在机场里可能要用的词汇 Flight Number, Flight No. 航班号 Gate 登机口 North 北 South 南 East 东

4、 West 西 Level 1 第一层楼 Level 2 第二层楼 Level 3 第三层 楼 Shuttle 机场小巴 Baggage Claim 行李认领 Connecting flights counter 转机服务台 Boarding Pass 登机牌 Exit 出口 Emergency Exit 紧急出口只用作紧急状况时 Terminal 机场终端出口 Telephone 电话 American Airlines 美国航空公司 Restroom 洗手间 Mens 男洗手间 Gentleman 男洗手间 Womens 女洗手间 Ladies女洗手间 Airport 机场 Air Tic

5、ket 飞机票 Arrival 抵达 Belt 带, 传送带 Date 日期 Time 时间 Departure 出发 Domestic 国内 Take off 起飞 Customer 顾客, 乘客 Elevator, Lift 电梯 Employee Only 只限工作人员进入 Information 信息 Information Center 问讯处 International 国际 No Entry 勿进 No Smoking 严禁吸烟 No Cellphone 严禁手机 No Photo/Camera 严禁拍照 过海关可能要用的词汇 China 中国 Chinese 中国人 Custo

6、ms 海关 Customs declaration 海关申报表 Foreign 外国的 Foreigner 外国人 Immigration 入境 Itinerary 行程 I-20 form 留学生身分表 I-94 form 出入境表 Name 姓名 Nationals 国民 Officer 官员 Passport 护照 Tax Free, duty free 免税 Tourist 游客 United States (U.S.) 美国 Visa 签证 在飞机上用的词汇 Water 水 Tea 茶 Orange Juice 橙汁 Apple Juice 苹果汁 Coke 可乐 Sprite 雪碧

7、 Pillow 枕头 Blanket 毛毯 其它词汇 Number 号码, 数字 Office 办公室 Parking 停车 Police 警察 Public Transportation 公共交通 Room 房间 Safety 安全 Security Check 安全检查 Services 服务 Shop 商店 Smoking Room 吸烟室 Staff Only 只限职员 Stamp 邮戳, 印章 Ticket 票据 Time 时间 Window 窗口 在飞机上英语怎么说 in the aircraft 在飞机上地道常用表达 on the plane 坐飞机 in the plane 在

8、飞机内 乘坐飞机常用英语表达 Where do I board my plane? 我在哪儿登机 How long is this flight? 这趟飞机有多长时间 What time will the plane land? 飞机什么时间降落 Could you change my seat, please? 是否可替我更换座位 Will this flight get there on time? 这班班机會准时到达吗 Excuse me.whats the time diffrence betweon Beijing and New Yrok? 打扰一下北京和纽约的时差是多少 May

9、I have a pillow and a blanket, please? 请给我一个枕头和毛毯。 I feel a little sick, Can I have some medicine? 我觉得有些不舒服是否可给我一些药I have trouble with diarrhea 我拉肚子Where is my seat? 我的座位在哪里?Seat number 座位号码Where should I put this? 手提行李放在哪里?Airline ticket 飞机票Could you change my seat,please? 请换一换我的座位boarding pass 登机牌

10、May I have tea/coffee/juice/water? 请给我来杯茶emergency exit 紧急出口Beer, please 请给我来杯啤酒life jacket 救生衣Will this flight get there on time? 航班正点到达吗?This form? 这张表格?Aisle(window) seat 靠走廊(窗户)位take-off 起飞Could you tell me how to fill in 请告诉我如何填写Landing 著陆I want to go to Bahamas.Im in transit to Nassau Bahamas.

11、我要转机去巴哈马的拿骚Where can I check in?在那里办理登记手续Where is gate?登机口在那里Transfer counter where 转机柜台在哪?What is the gate number?在几号登机口登机?May I see your passport, please?请出示你的护照Here is my passport. 这是我的护照。Whats is the purpose of your visit?你的拜访目的是什么?Sightseeing(business, study)观光(商务,留学)How long will you be stayin

12、g in Bahamas?你在巴哈马住多长时间I earnestly beseech you to give me four weeks,Bahamas is very beautiful, the air is clean,the sky is blue.Where are you staying?你住在那里?I will live in coper town.Do you have a return ticket to Beijing. 你有回北京的返程机票么。How much money do you have with you?你随身带了多少钱?I have 3000 U.S doll

13、ars. 3000美元.Does anyone here speak Chinese?有懂中文的工作人员么?出国坐飞机、转机英语Please help me请帮助我. Can I have a window seat, please?可以给我一个靠窗的位子吗 Can I have an aisle seat, please?可以给我一个靠过道的位子吗 Which gate do I need to board from?我应该在几号登机口登机Where is boarding gate登机口在哪里 What terminal does my flight leave from airport?

14、我应该在机场的哪个航站楼转机 Where can I complete the entry formalities?去哪里办理入关手续 Im in transit to Cincinnati.我是换机去辛辛那提.Where is the gate?在哪里登机 Where can I check in? 在哪里办理登机手续 Where can I get my baggage? 我上哪里取行李 Where is my seat? 我的座位在哪里?Could you tell me how to fill in? 请告诉我如何填写 Could you give me a comparison ta

15、ble in English and Chinese, please?请给我一张中英文对照表 Could you change my seat, please? 请换一换我的座位 May I have juice?请给我杯果汁 Im sorry. I cant understand English. Does anyone here can speak Chinese?对不起我不懂英语。有懂中文的工作人员吗 This is my sisters phone number. Please call her. She can speak English. 0018063827130 这是我妹妹的电

16、话号码。请打给她。她会说英语。 Airline ticket 飞机票 Boarding pass 登机牌 Emergency exit 紧急出口 This form 这张表格 Take-off 起飞 Landing 着陆 Aisle seat 靠走廊的座位 Window seat 靠窗座位 Seat number 座位号码 出国旅游英语之(二)坐飞机乘飞机going by plane必备表达 key expressionshello.which way should i go? 请问我该往哪边走?would you put this bag up there? 你能帮我把行李放上去吗?is i

17、t ok to leave my baggage? 我可以把行李放在这里吗?what did she say in the announcement? 她在广播什么呢?excuse me,but i think youre sitting in my seat. 对不起,我想你坐在我座位上了。this seat is non-smoking,isnt it? 这座位是不是禁烟座位呢?can i change seats for a while? 我可以暂时换个位子吗?would you mind trading seats with me? 我可不可以和您换座位呢?when are we ta

18、king-off? 何时起飞?when are we arriving in san francisco? 何时到达旧金山呢?are we arriving on time? 是不是准时到达?whats the local time? 当地时间是几点呢?excuse me,but i feel sick. 对不起,我觉得不舒服.do you have any medicine? 有药吗?i feel cold. 我觉得冷.i need some sleep. 我想睡觉.can i have a blanket? 请给我一条毛毯好吗?what kind of soft drinks do you

19、 have? 有什么饮料呢?have you finished?您用完了吗?oh,thank you.l enjoyed it. 是的,谢谢!no,not yet. 不,还没有吃完.could you clear the table? 请清理一下餐桌,好吗? 对话1 dialogue 1g:good morning,madam. 早上好,夫人。l:good this the right counter to check in for the flight to new york?早上好!这是到纽约去的航班登机处吗?c:yes,it is.may i have your t

20、icket and passport,please? 正是.请拿出您的机票和护照好吗?l:here they are. 好的。c:do you have any seat preferences? 您对座位有什么偏好吗?l:well,could i have a seat by the window in the non-smoking area?嗯,我能不能在无烟舱要一个靠窗口的座位?window seat或seat by the window是靠近窗口的座位,aisle seat是靠近走道的位.c:there is one availble. here is your ticket,pas

21、sport and boarding pass.还有一个.这是您的机票,山护照和登机牌.l:thanks a lot. 谢谢.c:have a pleasant flight.对话2 dialogue 2f-foreigner l-limingl:excuse me.would you mind if we switched seats?抱歉,可以和你换座位吗?f:of course not.当然可以.这里问的是你介不介意换个座位.所以这儿的not是不介意的意思,而不是不原意换.l:thank you.thats very nice of you.谢谢.你真好.f:you bet.the ai

22、sle seat is fine with me. 不客气,走道旁的座位,对我也好.you bet,是美国式的回答,也可以用you are welcome.或not at all.对话3 dialoue 3s-stewardess l-li mingl:stewardess! 空姐!s:yes? 您有什么事?l:im feeling a bit cool.may i have one more blanket? 我觉得有点冷.能不能再给我一条毛毯?s:wait a minute,please.ill go and find one for you. 请稍等.我去给您找一条来.l:ok. 好的.

23、a few minutes later几分钟之后s:ive got you a new sure youll feel better with it.我给您拿来一床新的.有了它.您一定会感觉好些.l:thank you very much. 十分感谢.出国旅游英语之(三)抵达抵达 arrival必备表达key expressionssightseeing 观光.business. 洽谈studying 留学深造.visiting my friend. 拜访朋友.at the park hotel. 派克饭店.at my friends house. 朋友家.four hundre

24、d dollars in cash and two thousand dollars in travelers checks. 400美元的现金和2000美元的旅行支票.may i see your customs declaration? 让我看看您的海关申报单.anything to declare?有没有要申报的东西?any liquor or cigarettes?带烟酒了吗?these are gifts for my friends. 这是给朋友的礼物.this is for myself. 这是自己用的.id like to cash this check.我想把这张支票兑现.对

25、话 1 dialogue 1o-officer l-li mingo:welcome to america.may l have a look at your passport,please? 欢迎到美国来.可以看看您的护照吗?l:sure,here it is. 当然可以.给.o:let me see. what is the purpose of your trip? 让我看看.旅社的目的是什么?l:sightseeing. 观光.o:where are you staying? 您要住在哪里?l:at the park hotel. 派克饭店。o:how often are you st

26、aying? 停留多久 ?l:twenty days. 20天. 转自学易网 对话2 dialogue 2o-officer l-li mingo:may i see your declaration form? 可以看看您的报关表吗?l:yes.ive brought some personal things and a few small gifts for friends. 当然,我只带了些个人用品及给朋友带的小礼物 .o:now please open your two suitcases.whats in that box? 请打开您的两个箱子.那个盒子里是什么?l:thats a

27、gold ring for my wife. 那时我太太的一个金戒指.o:any liquor or cigarettes? 带烟酒了吗 ?l:three bottles of shaoxing wune. 带了三瓶绍兴酒.c:all right.have a happy stay in america. 好的.祝您在美国旅行愉快.转自学易网 对话3 dialogue 3c-clerk l-li mikel:rmb to dollars,please. 请把人民币换为美元.c:all right. 好的.l:could you tell me todays exchange rate? 请告诉

28、我今天的汇率是多少?c:one us dollar for 8.5 rmb,how would you like it? 一美元兑8.5元人民币.要如何换.l:id prefer small change. 请换成零钱.第一次出国坐飞机注意事项1)护照要随身带放在安全的地方什么都可以掉护照最好别掉2) 不管在哪里转机沿着transfer的指示灯走。如果已经办理登机手续牢记自己在几号GATE就没问题。如果还未办理登机手续找到自己航空公司的柜台办理。 3) 飞国外的流程跟国内有点不同但无非都是要经过建设费、办理登机手续和安检的步骤 出境需要多一个出境手续是在办理登机手续之后安检之前需要核对你是否符

29、合出境要求。在面对海关前要填一张出境卡中国公民需要用中文填写。我第一次出国的时候慌慌忙忙就填到英文那一面去了结果被打回来重填中国人就是看不起那些明明是中国人却要充懂英文的人。 4) 不管出境还是入境都要确定海关人员在你的护照上盖章并看清楚时间。如果少了一个章就少了一次出入境记录以后会有偷渡嫌疑会非常麻烦。 5) 在飞机降落前需要填入境卡非美国公民需要再填另一张忘记叫什么了好像是I94吧。i94和报关税表。 6) 下飞机后要以豹的速度奔向海关沿着Arrival的指示灯冲在visitor的柜台前等候入境。为什么要用冲呢不要看你前面只有几十个人或者十几个人要知道美国入境检查的时间非常长平均一个人5分

30、钟左右运气不好10来分钟都有的如果前面排了十个人就要至少等上1个小时出关不过别落东西在飞机上就好了 7) 过关的时候需要拿着你的护照飞机上填的两张表如果是第一次入境需要学校的证明之类的不知道是不是I20本来是工作人员填些的他们忙就会让你自己填。就是几个学校代号。还有I20上的空位。美可/glow。先左手食指按指纹再右手食指按指纹再对摄像头照相。接着海关人员会向你提问第一次入境提问的时间会比较长不用紧张一般情况下他们是不能拒绝你入境的。最后他们会给你的I94上盖上你可以在美国停留的时间。 因此有人曾经问我的签证只有三个月但我一个学期至少六个月怎么办其实签证有效期只是你入境时间的有效期入境之后可以停留的时间按 I-94为准

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