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1、高二英语下册期末考试试题3嘉峪关市第一中学2010-2011学年第二学期期末考试高二英语试卷第一部分; 英语知识运用(共三节,满分50分)第一节: 语音知识(共5题;每小题1分,满分5分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。1.existA. Exit B. example C.expect D.excellent2.disasterA. Advise B.surpise C. promise D. time3.channelA. character B. chemical C. cheat D. machine4.uniqueA. status B.

2、 suffering C. future D.trust5.formerA. passport B. effort C. forbid D. forgive第二节:单项填空(共15题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。6. The conference had been held last week in the Y city to discuss the effects of tourism _ the wild life in the area.A. in B. on C. at D. with7. Dalian i

3、s _ most attractive coastal city and how I wish I would go there for _ second time.A. a; a B. the; a C. the; the D. the; a8. Its quite a long time _ Yao Ming was injured, but it wont be long _ he returns to the court.A. since; before B. after; when C. before; since D. that; when9. - Can I smoke here

4、?- Sorry, we are not allowed _. It is a No-smoking place. A. people smoking B. smoking C. people smoke D. to smoke 10. - Why are you so late?- I was on the way when it _ to me that I had left my book home, so I had to fetch it.A. occurred B. hit C. happened D. reminded11. He didnt pass the exam. He

5、regretted _ harder.A. not having worked B. having not workedC. to have not worked D. not to work12. Without my glasses, I couldnt _ whether that figure on the blackboard was a three or an eight.A. make out B. make up C. make for D. make off13. Dont worry. The students have decided to _ a peaceful so

6、lution. A. put up with B. come up with C. keep up with D. bring forward14. I was busy yesterday, otherwise I _ your birthday party. A. attended B. had attended C. would attend D. would have attended 15. Is this the studio you referred to? Right, just the one you know I used to work for years. A. whe

7、re B. which C. that D. what16. _, the climbers would try their best to reach its top without the aid from other people.A. However the mountain might be high B. However high the mountain might beC. No matter how the mountain might be high D. No matter high the mountain might beks5u17. Tony will never

8、 forget these days she lived in China with her mother,has a great effect on her life. A. that; which B. when; which C. which; that D. when; that 18. Your time should have been made full use of _ the final exams, but to my regret, it wasnt.A. to pass B. passing C. to have passed D. having passed19. T

9、he problem _ keenly now is of great importance.A. to be discussed B. being discussedC. that discussed D. having been discussed20. There will be an English exam next week. My English needs _.A. studying carefully B. to study carefullyC. reading and writing D. to studying carefully 第三节完型填空(共20题;每小题1分,

10、满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从2140各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出一个最佳答案, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。One day, a poor boy who was trying to pay his way through school by selling goods from door to door found that he only had one dime left. He was hungry so he decided to 21 for a meal at the next house.However, he lost his nerve 22 a

11、lovely young woman opened the door. Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water. She thought he looked 23 so she brought him a large glass of milk. He drank 24 slowly, and then asked, “How much do I 25 you?” “You dont owe me anything,” she 26 . “Mother has taught me never to accept pay for a kin

12、dness.” Hearing this, he said, “Then I thank you from the bottom of my heart.” As Howard Kelly left that house, he not only felt stronger 27 , but it also increased his faith in God and human race. Before this point he was about to 28 and quit.Years later the young woman became critically ill. The l

13、ocal doctors finally sent her to the big city, where specialists can be called 29 to study her rare disease. Dr. Howard Kelly, now 30 , was called in for the consultation(会诊). When he heard the name of the town she came from, a strange light filled his eyes. Immediately, he 31 and went down through

14、the hospital hall into her room, 32 in his doctors gown. He 33 her at once. He went back to the consultation room and 34 to do his best to save her life. From that day on, he gave 35 attention to her case.After a long 36 the battle was won. Dr. Kelly request the business office to pass the 37 bill t

15、o him for approval. He looked at it and wrote something on the side. The bill was then sent to her room. She was afraid to open it because she was 38 that it would take the rest of her life to pay it off. Finally she looked, and the note on the 39 of the bill caught her attention. She read these wor

16、ds, “Paid in full with a glass of milk. (Signed) Dr. Howard Kelly.”Tears of joy flooded her eyes as she 40 silently. “Thank you, God. Your love has spread through human hearts and hands.”21. A. call B. make C. beg D. prepare22. A. while B. when C. though D. unless23. A. thirsty B. sleepy C. tired D.

17、 hungry24. A. it B. that C. milk D. glass25. A. give B. return C. owe D. offer26. A. announced B. declared C. replied D. whispered27. A. physically B. mentally C. normally D. properly28. A. give up B. give out C. give in D. give away29. A. up B. for C. on D. in30. A. rich B. famous C. grown-up D. le

18、arned31. A. rose B. raised C. walked D. left32. A. worn B. having C. putting D. dressed33. A. recognized B. knew C. saw D. found34. A. designed B. declared C. determined D. developed35. A. general B. ordinary C. normal D. special36. A. saving B. struggle C. preparation D. exercise37. A. first B. fin

19、al C. last D. whole38. A. clear B. obvious C. certain D. uncertain39. A. top B. bottom C. middle D. side40. A. praised B. cried C. sang D. prayed第二部分 阅读理解(共20题;每小题2分,满分40分)第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳答案, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ks5uA Advertising gives useful information about which products to buy . But

20、 modern advertising does more than gives news about products and services . Todays advertisements , or ads , try to get consumers(消费者)to buy certain brands(品牌). Writers of advertising are so skillful that they can sometimes persuade a consumer to wear a certain kind of clothing , eat a special kind

21、of cereal(麦片), or see a movie . Consumers might never even want a product if they did not see or hear advertisement for it . For example , you probably do not need the newest cereal in the supermarket . There are probably many cereal brands on your kitchen shelves . You may not have space on your sh

22、elf for another . But if you see ads about a new cereal that is your extratasty and has a free prize in the box , you may want it . Advertising must get attention . To be effective , it must be exciting , entertaining , or provide pleasure . The secret of writing good advertising copy is to offer a

23、good idea as well as a product . The idea is what the ad is really selling . One example is an ad that says eating a certain cereal will make a person do well in sports . That cereal brand may sell better if consumers think it offers strength and energy .41. What is discussed in this passage ?A. The

24、 content of modern advertising .B. The skills of modern advertising .C. The results of modern advertising .D. The writing of modern advertising .42. According to the passage , a good advertisement should .A. be both persuasive and effective B. give people useful information C. show people a product

25、D. show people a new idea of a product 43. From the passage , we can infer that .A. modern advertising has less effect on customers B. once customers see ads about a new cereal , they are sure to buy it C. cereal can make people strong D. cereal is a kind of food which is popular among people 44. Wh

26、at can we infer from the passage ? ks5uA. Customers can easily be persuaded by advertisements .B. Customers should be persuaded by advertisements .C. Its impossible for customers to buy a product without advertisement .D. Customers buy products according to their demands rather than the advertisemen

27、ts .BEat, drink and be merry. Thats what Spring Festival is all about. But there are millions of people, too, who love to let happiness go up in smoke.Offering cigarettes to guests is a traditional Chinese way of showing respect to them. A cup of tea and cigarettes are perhaps the most common way of

28、 welcoming a guest in China, especially during festive occasions.No wonder, 40 percent of the people surveyed(调查) recently said they would smoke at least twice the usual number of cigarettes during the Spring Festival because of all those gatherings and parties. Only 20 percent of the respondents sa

29、id they would refuse a cigarette when offered one. Why cant the others do the same? Because they could be seen as being rude, said more than half in the respondents. 15 percent feared they could be taken as “someone who cannot get along well with others”.The Think-tank Research Centre for Health Dev

30、elopment and sohu. com survey shows 61 percent Chinese think offering a cigarette is useful for socialising, and 52 percent have offered cigarettes to others. The study surveyed 3,800 people, and 64 percent of them were men.One-third of those surveyed were smokers, out of which 57 percent said they

31、couldnt give up smoking because of the offering-and-accepting culture. “People have accepted offering cigarettes as an effective way of making friends,” research centre director Wu Yiqun says.China has more than 350 million smokers, catering to the tobacco market that is worth 500 billion yuan. “The survey shows we still have a lot of work to do,” Wu says. “It is time to let people know that offering a cigarette is a bad habit and it should be given up immediately.”45. The passage is written with the purpose of _.A. telling us a custom about the

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