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本文(安徽六校教育研究会级高一新生入学素质测试英语试题含答案.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、安徽六校教育研究会级高一新生入学素质测试英语试题含答案安徽六校研讨会英语试题答案一、听力(共20分,每小题1分)15 CBACB 610 AABAC 1115 AACBB 1620 ACCBA二、单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)21-25 ABDCB 2630 CDACD3135 CBDCA 三、完形填空(共20分,每小题1分)36-40 BDCAC 4145 ABDBD 4650 CACAB 5155 CADDC小男孩无法做决定买什么糖果,最后空手而归。这个故事告诉我们要大胆地去做决定,只有决定了才知道它好不好。36B 考查动词。Athink思考;Bchoose选择;Csay说; Dmake

2、做。有太多的糖果,不知道该如何选择,故选B。37D考查名词。Apower力量;Bmoney金钱;Cinterest兴趣;Dtime时间。根据后文说要去参加会议,故没有多少时间了,选D。38C 考查名词。Asecrets秘密;Bideas主意;Cfavorites最喜欢的东西;Dneeds需要。这些都是我最喜欢的,我不知道该如何选择。39A考查副词。Aback后面;Baway远离;Cin在里面;Daside在旁边。根据后文他无法决定可知,他拿起袋子,然后又放回去,put back:放回去。故选C。40C 考查动词短语。AHold on请稍等;BCome over过来;CHurry up快点;DG

3、o on继续。根据后文的“我们没时间了”,可知此处是催促,快一点,故选C。41A 考查形容词。Abusy忙碌的;Btired疲劳的;Cfair公平的;Dpatient有耐心的。我很忙的,故选A。42B 考查副词。Acarefully小心地;Bquickly快速地;Cquietly安静地;Dnervously紧张地。根据前文的催促可知,小男孩快速地环绕这个店,选B。43D 考查连词。Aand而且;Bor或者;Cthough尽管;Dbut但是。前后句之间明显是转折关系,用but,故选D。44B 考查副词。ALuckily幸运地;BFinally最后;CCertainly肯定;DHopefully希

4、望。最后,这个父亲等够了,选B。45D 考查动词短语。Agot hold of抓住,捉住;Bchecked with检查;Csearched for寻找;Dwalked out of走出。他们两手空空地走出了店。故选D。46C 考查动词。Areturned回来;Bwaited等待;Ccried哭泣;Dunderstood理解。没有买到糖果,故小男孩哭了,选C。47A 考查名词。Anothing没有;Bfear害怕;Cpeace和平;Dfun好玩。因为无法选择一个而最后什么都没有,选A。48C 考查名词。Asky天空;Bschool学校;Cworld世界;Dcompany公司。我们一些人就是那个

5、男孩,世界就是那个糖果店。选C。49A 考查名词。Adecision决定;Bplan计划;Cguess猜;Dending结束。根据前文可知此处为做决定,选A。50B 考查形容词。Asimple简单的;Bimportant重要的;Ccommon普通的;Dgood好的。前面提到的工作,教育,关系,婚姻,这些都是重要的事情,故选B。51C 考查形容词。Afight正确的;Bgreat伟大的;Cwrong错的;Ddifficult困难的。有时候我们担心做出错误的决定,选C。52A 考查动词。Aregret后悔;Bchange改变;Caccept接受;Dface面对。要是我们后悔了又无法回头该怎么办?选

6、A。53D 考查动词短语。Awork out解决;Bdeal with处理;Clook into调查;Dworry about担心。我们不用担心这一点。故选D。54D 考查动词。Adoubt怀疑;Bexplain解释;Cexpect期待;Dknow知道。如果我们不做决定怎么知道这个决定是好还是不好呢?选D。55C 考查名词。Adifference不同;Bgame游戏;Cdanger危险;Dfact事实。更大的危险是我们不做决定最后什么都做不了哪里也去不了。故选C。四、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)5659 CCBD 6063 CABD 6466 DDB 6770 CBCA五、单

7、词拼写(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)71 developing 72 passenger 73 progress 74 modern 75 language 六、书面表达(共1小题,满分10分)One possible version:Exercise an Hour Every Day, Healthy Life for a LifetimeNowadays, doing sports is becoming more and more popular. As we know, a person who keeps on taking exercises regularly will k

8、eep fit and live a happy life.As for me, my favorite sport is playing basketball. After school I usually spend half an hour on it, which not only builds up my body but also makes me refreshed. Playing basketball helps me relax after a period of tiring study and improves my study efficiency. Besides,

9、 through the game, I have learned the spirit of teamwork. It is also a good way for me to make new friends. In short, playing basketball enriches my life and makes me more confident.Lets do sports together and enjoy a healthy life!听力原文:(Text 1)M. Jane, (1)do you need some help with your cooking?W. (

10、1) No, thanks. I can manage myself.(Text 2)W: How long have you known Mary?M: Ive known her about 3 years. (2)I first met her in the National Library.(Text 3)M. How could you do that?W: It was easy. (3)The play on the radio was in English, so I listened and studied at the same time.(Text 4)W: Hey, I

11、 was told you went to Australia last week.M: Yes, its a nice place. Its well worth going to. (4) You can enjoy the beautiful beaches of some seaside cities. Its really great fun.W: Really? Maybe Ill go and visit this summer.M: I hope youll enjoy yourself there.(Text 5)W: Carlos, (5) you use the Inte

12、rnet a lot.M: Yes, in fact, my friends say they cant ever reach me by phone because Im always online. I guess Im online about three to four hours a daymaybe 25 hours a week.W: Wow! You must have a big phone bill. (Text 6)W: You look tired, Jack.M: Yes, Im tried. (6)I worked hard on my report.W: (7)Y

13、ou need a rest. Youve finished your report. So why dont you go to the seaside for a couple of days?M: Thats a good idea. (8)Im sure Mary will come with me.(Text 7)M: Oh, Jane. When did you get back from China?W: (9)The day before yesterday. I only visited Beijing and Shanghai but I had a great time.

14、M: Which city do you like better?W: (10)Thats hard to say. I think Beijing is better. The Great Wall and the Summer Palace are really wonderful.M: And whats Shanghai like? What do you think of it?W: Shanghai is more exciting. (11)It has better shopping. The stores are less expensive now than before

15、and more interesting.M: Which one has a better night life?W: Oh, Shanghai for sure. The beach at Huangpu River is the place tourists should visit for sure.(Text 8)W. (12)How old do children start school in your country?M: At seven.W: Do boys and girls study in the same school?M: Yes, they do. W: Do

16、you think this is a good idea?M: Yes, I do.W: Do all children go on to college?M: Oh, no, only some of them, perhaps about fifty percent.W: What examinations do they take first?M: The College Entrance Examinations.W: How long do they usually stay at university?M: Two or four years.(Text 9)W: You kno

17、w. Ive just finished some very interesting research for the newspaper about things people do in their spare time.M: Really? What did you learn?W: Well, I talked to 20 people, and 19 of them watch TV.M: Thats interesting. I never watch it. Do you?W: Not much. Anyway, about half of them, 9 people play

18、 some kind of sport.M: Im not surprised. People are getting more exercise these days.W: Yes. A few of them go to the movies.M: Hmm, I do, too.W: But here is the most interesting result. Only one of them reads.M: Thats terrible. (Text 10)M: Cars are an important part of life in the United States. Wit

19、hout a car, most people feel that they are poor. Even if a person is poor, he doesnt really feel poor when he has a car. Cars are very popular in the United States. There are two main reasons. First, the car is the cheapest form of transportation. With a car, people can go anywhere without spending too much money. Second, Americans dont like to wait for a bus, or a train or even a plane. They dont like to follow exact schedules. A car gives them thefreedom to arrange their own time. And this freedom is what Americans want most.

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