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七年级下英语Unit 6.docx

1、七年级下英语Unit 6Unit 6 Its raining! 单元教材分析本单元是英语(新目标)七年级下册第6单元。本单元的中心话题为谈论天气及在不同的天气状态下人们所从事的活动。具体涉及了寒暄、根据图片等信息描述城市的天气状况、描述各地区的气候等。语言技能和语言知识基本上都是围绕介绍中心话题“天气和活动”设计的。 Section A部分的活动设计侧重本单元基本目标语的学习和操练。 1a 和1b的活动设计是让学生通过观察图片引出表达不同天气特征的词语;1c的活动是在对话中操练这些描述天气的词语。 2a、2b和2c部分的设计是延续了Unit 5中现在进行时的学习,帮助学生复习如何表达人们正在从

2、事的活动,为下一步对话形式的练习中表达在不同的天气背景下人们从事的不同活动做好准备。 3a的活动设计为通过活动巩固在小学阶段学习过的打招呼的方式以及个人感受的表达;3b的活动为对话练习,目的是通过口语操练表达问候以及询问天气状况的词语和句型。Activity 4部分的设计是一个找不同的游戏,目的是让学生在愉悦的活动中巩固与提升Section A部分所学习的内容。 Section B部分的活动设计侧重本单元目标语的进一步学习和运用。 1a 的设计是让学生通过观察图片引出新的描述天气的词语;1b的设计是让学生在对话中操练新学习的表示天气状态的词语。 2a、2b和2c部分提供了听说练习来巩固目标语。

3、3a、3b和3c部分提供了阅读短文和写作任务,目的是帮助学生在语言综合运用中巩固本单元的目标语。Activity 4部分设计了一个层次较高、有一定开放性的“调查”任务,目的是让学生在使用目标语的过程中巩固本单元所学习的内容。 单元目标1知识目标:1)核心词汇及短语:raining, sunny, cloudy, snowing, windy, hot, cold, cool, warm, humid, cooking, beach, weather, terrible, pretty good, surprised, relaxed, on vacation, take photos 2)功能

4、:学会打招呼、谈论天气及描述不同天气背景下人们的活动。3)语言结构:What, How 引导的特殊疑问句。4)句型: Hows the weather? Its raining. What are you doing? Im watching TV. What are they doing? Theyre studying. Whats he doing? Hes playing basketball. Whats she doing? Shes cooking. Hows it going? Great! 2语言技能:1)听:能听懂本单元学习活动中关于“天气和活动”话题的问题,并能做出较得体

5、的回答。2)说:能正确朗读本单元的目标词汇、句型和对话,并能在任务型活动中使用本单元所学的语言知识进行简单的交流,如:天气报告,电视报道等。 3)读:能完成本单元短文阅读任务;能通过网络查阅世界各地的天气情况;以及不同国家和地区气候及天气的相关信息,扩展视野,获取更多与本单元话题相关的信息和知识。 4)写:能写出本节课学习的单词和句型;能运用句子描述不同地区天气的情况以及人们所从事的活动。 3学习策略: 1)资源策略,个性化学习(搜集与话题相关的资料)。2)交际策略,合作化学习,启发学生思维。4情感目标: 1)通过活动,学会交流思想,学会尊重,提高人际交往能力。2)通过对各种天气情况的对比,增

6、强爱护环境,保护大气等自然资源的意识。 单元知识重点难点1教学重点:1)词汇: 熟练掌握以下词汇: raining, sunny, cloudy, snowing, windy, hot, cold, cool, warm, humid, cooking, beach, weather, terrible, pretty good, surprised, relaxed, on vacation, take photos 2)句型:熟练运用以下句子进行语言交流: Hows the weather? Its raining. What are you doing? Im watching TV.

7、 What are they doing? Theyre studying. Whats she doing? Shes cooking. Hows it going? Great! 2教学难点:1)询问天气的两种表达法。 Hows the weather? Whats the weather like? 2)描述天气时形容词和动词的恰当使用,例如:Its rainy.Its raining. It rains.等。 单元课时安排:由于本单元内容涉及到的交通方式、时间以及路程在小学英语的学习中已经有过相关知识的讲解,因此,在课时安排上建议如下:课时安排学习内容第一课时Section A由以往所

8、学的与天气相关的知识进行导入,引出本单元与描述天气相关的主要句型。并对句型进行相关的练习与任务的布置。 第二课时Section A在第一课时完成了本单元主题句型的学习之后,进入3a 进行打招呼的学习,并安排Section A部分的学后练习,对所学知识进行巩固。 第三课时Section B完成Section B 的课内知识的教学,同时建议教师安排扩展资源中的相关任务,使学生的知识能够得以巩固与延伸。第四课时单元复习通过安排单元复习以及课后的巩固测试,帮助学生发现学习中的疏漏与疑问,并及时补缺。 Unit 6 Its raining! 单元复习复习前活动复习内容:词汇活动设计意图:激发学生的学习兴

9、趣,引出将要复习的内容。教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step 1把学生分组,看看哪组学生在一分钟之内写出与活动相关的词汇最多。通过这种活动形式,帮助学生巩固所学词汇。Ask students to write more words about activities in groups. Work in groups. Write as many words about activities as possible. 分组进行词汇竞赛。基础知识测评词汇测评复习内容:教材Unit 6 Self Check Activity 3 活动设计意图:通过练习,检测学生本单元基础知识掌握情况。 教学步骤教师行为

10、学生行为Step 2要求学生完成Activity 3任务。利用PPT演示,核对答案。 Ask students to do the exercise in Activity 3. Check the answers.Do the exercise in Activity 3. Check the answers. 独立完成任务,核对答案Step 3布置目标语检测练习(见基础句型学习评价),利用PPT演示,操练,然后核对答案。 Ask students to complete sentences. Read and complete sentences.句型练习。综合测评复习内容:见单元学习评价

11、。活动设计意图:通过练习进行单元达标检测。教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step 4可以先布置学生利用30-40分钟完成测试题,利用PPT演示答案,进行核对及讲解。 Ask students to finish the test. Finish the test.独立完成测试题,核对答案,理解掌握单元目标语。单元综合测评复习内容:评价手册Unit 6 Tests CD 活动设计意图:通过练习进行单元达标检测。 教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step 6可以先布置学生用30分钟完成测试题(见Self Check学习评价1基础句型学习效果评价),然后让学生与同桌互换答卷, 根据PPT演示,并播放音频,进行核对

12、。 Ask students to finish Tests DE individually Finish Tests DE individually. 独立完成测试。Step 7布置学生讨论答案,纠正错误,建议有疑问的学生向教师或其他同学请求帮助。 Ask students to discuss the answers with their partner first and correct the mistakes. (建议教师在本单元结束之后,可以布置适当的与本单元相关的任务和语言运用活动。) Discuss the answers with their partners, correc

13、t the mistakes, self-assess their own work, peer-assess each others work, and make sure they have learned what is taught in this unit well.讨论答案,纠正错误,自评,互评,掌握本单元的学习内容。 Step 8布置单元检测练习(见单元复习学习评价2)。教师也可以根据学生情况,安排小组合作完成单元学习效果评价任务,在合作和相互帮助中,掌握单元核心知识。教师给予适当帮助和指导。Ask students to finish the test. Finish the

14、test.完成单元学习效果评价,明确本单元应该掌握的知识内容。单元综合运用Task 1: Weather Report小组活动:介绍天气(见Self Check 课件)。 教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step 9 布置小组活动,参考所给提示,进行播报天气预报练习。Ask students to make a weather report in groups. Sample:Good morning! Heres the weather report from some big cities in the world. Shanghai is cloudy. The high temperature

15、 will be 6. There will be beautiful sunshine in the daytime, but the low temperature tonight will be minus 6. Dont forget to wear warm clothes, if you go out tonight. Seoul is raining. The high temperature will be 12. The low temperature tonight will be minus 4. Ottawa will be windy today. The high

16、temperature will be minus 8, and the low temperature will be minus 12. It is a little cold. That is the weather report for today. Thank you for listening. Make a weather report in groups.小组活动,操练口语。Step 10选择几组进行表演,其他小组听,并进行简单的评价。Ask several groups to present their weather report. Listen and judge.听,并

17、评价。Task 2: Four Seasons and activities小组活动:介绍四季及相关的活动(见Self Check 课件)。 教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step 11布置小组活动,参考所给提示,进行谈论四季的小组活动。(根据学生情况,该项活动也可改为扩展阅读或朗读活动。)Ask students to write an article about the four seasons in groups.Sample 1: There are four seasons in a year. When winter comes, the days get shorter and the

18、 nights longer. And it is cold most of the time. The low temperature can sometimes reach below zero. But many people like this season because they can go skating, go skiing or make snowmen in the field. Spring is warm and pleasant. People can take off heavy clothes and enjoy green trees and colorful

19、 flowers everywhere. Summer is very hot and wet. You dont want to stay out very long. I think it will be very nice to stay under a tree or have lots of ice cream. And dont forget to take an umbrella with you when you go out because it often rains in summer. It is a great time for swimming in summer.

20、 Leaves begin to fall from trees in autumn and its time for farmers to get in crops. Hiking and riding bikes are the best sports in this season. The weather in four seasons are so different, so people can take their favorite activities in different seasons.Sample 2:Summer is the hottest season of th

21、e year. The days are long and the nights are short. The sun always shines brightly, but sometimes it is cloudy with heavy clouds and there are sudden storms. If it rains too much, floods occur. Autumn brings with it the harvest time. The crops are gathered in and the fruits are picked in the orchard

22、s. The days get shorter and the nights longer. The woods turn yellow and brown, leaves begin to fall from the trees, and the ground is covered with them. The sky is blue and people feel comfortable. When winter comes, we have to spend more time indoors because it is cold outside. Lakes and rivers ar

23、e frozen, and the roads are sometimes covered with ice or snow. The trees are bare. Bitter north winds blow and people have to put on more clothes.Finish the task in groups.按要求完成小组活动任务。学习评价1 基础句型学习效果评价 C Part 2 Complete the conversations. 1.Q: What are you doing in France? A: _ 2.Q: _ A: No, hes at

24、work.3.Q: _ A: No, Im playing computer games. 4.Q:_ A: Its okay. Its pretty hot and humid today.5.Q: _ A: Fine, thanks. How are you?6.Q: _ A: I dont know. She isnt here right now.Key: 1. Im visiting a friend in Paris.2. Is Uncle Bill there?3. Are you studying now?4. How is the weather in Hong Kong?5

25、. How is it going with you?6. What is your sister doing?D Part 1 Complete the letter using the words in the doing calling going visiting having readingDear Jack,Im 1) a great and relaxing summer. Im 2) my grandmother in Florida. The weather is hot and sunny. I am staying at my grandmothe

26、rs home. It is very nice and near the beach. I go to the beach with my friends every day. We play volleyball there a lot. I watch TV or read in the evening. Im 3) an interesting book this week. Its really scary. Uhoh! My grandmother is 4) me right now. Shes 5) dinner. She wants me to help her. How i

27、s your summer 6) ? What are you 7) ? Please write soon. Love Angela Key: 1. having 2. visiting 3. reading 4. calling 5. cooking 6. going 7. doing Part 2 Read Alices travel diary and circle five more description words. I am in London with my friend Karen. We are staying here for four days.Yesterday w

28、as sunny and warm, but today its windy and a little cold. Im drinking tea in our hotel room and Karen is out shopping. Were having a great time in London. There are many interesting places here! My favorite places are the British Museum and Hyde Park.There are many beautiful old buildings here. We a

29、re really having lots of fun! Im looking out of my window at the street below. Its raining hard. There are a lot of cars in the street. The cars and buses are moving slowly. The people are walking fast or running. Everyone is carrying an umbrella. I hope the rain stops soon. I want to visit more pla

30、ces in London.Key: warm, windy, cold, great, interesting, hard, slowly, fast E Part 1 Complete the conversation with your own words. A: Hey, 1) . B: 2) . A: Fine, thanks. Hows the weather 3) ? B: Its 4) and 5) . A: What 6) doing? B: Im 7) . Part 2 Answer the questions. Write about yourself.1. Where are you? _ 2. Hows it going wit

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