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1、电大英语形考答案开放本科英语II(1)第十二单元参考答案第一部分:阅读下面的小对话,从四个选项中选出一个最佳答案_ tried to take action to stop it. 参考答案:The authorities_ you involved in the matter 参考答案:Are_ he said is quite right. 参考答案:What_ majority of people agree with him. 参考答案:The_ every day for 20 minutes. 参考答案:Exercise_fine weather it is! 参考答案:WhatA

2、 lecture hall is _ where students attend lectures. 参考答案:oneA new hotel _ in the centre of town at the moment. 参考答案:is being builtAll the airports in the country are working _ today. 参考答案:normallyAll the team members tried their best. We lost the game, _. 参考答案:howeverAre you aware _ what you have sai

3、d 参考答案:ofAs he grows old his health _. 参考答案:declinesAsia is the biggest _ on earth. 参考答案: continentBefore I got to the cinema, the film _ . 参考答案:had begunBy the end of this year, I _enough money for a holiday. 参考答案:will have savedCan I get you a couple of tea-_ 参考答案:Thats very nice of youCould you p

4、lease pay me _ advance 参考答案:inDo you like your school _ 参考答案:uniformsDoes the restaurant have a non-smoking _ 参考答案:sectionDont be sorry for that. We all _ mistakes. 参考答案:makeDont worry. There is _ room for all your books here. 参考答案:muchFirst you should switch the machine _ before you stop your work.

5、 参考答案:offGiven the high price, _ its not surprising they didnt buy it. 参考答案:-Have the police looked into the bank _. 参考答案:robberyHave you moved into the new houseNot rooms_. 参考答案:are being paintedHe _ about the time of the train. 参考答案:enquiredHe _ his wallet in the street yesterday. 参考答案:was robbed

6、ofHe _ when we were at a meeting. 参考答案:burst inHe _ conversation. 参考答案:was engaged inHe always has a lot of business work _. 参考答案:on the goHe has _ four successful books. 参考答案:writtenHe is a man of _. 参考答案:high intelligenceHe is doing some research on the _ system of animals. 参考答案:auditoryHe is the

7、man _ dog bit me. 参考答案:whoseHe made _ changes in his new book. 参考答案:extensiveHe never sticks _ anything for very long. 参考答案:toHe said that he _ already _ the English film. 参考答案:had; seenHe spent _ day in his room. 参考答案: an entireHe was _ of what he said. 参考答案:afraidHe was deeply _ by the film. 参考答案:

8、affectedHer uncle takes a_ interest in her progress. 参考答案; personalI _ her to marry me and she agreed. 参考答案;askedI am afraid that I can not _ with you. 参考答案:agreeI am leaving for New York _ three days time. 参考答案:inI am not guilty _ this crime. 参考答案:ofI broke my leg when I _ skiing in America. 参考答案:w

9、asI can do that job _ myself. 参考答案: byI cant put _ what he said. 参考答案:up withI dont suppose he will attend the meeting, _ 参考答案:do II have _ finished the report. 参考答案:alreadyI have given _ eating meat. 参考答案:upI have lived here _ 1997. 参考答案:sinceI have to _ all the mess in this room. 参考答案:clear upI kn

10、ow it isnt important but I cant help _ about it. 参考答案:thinkingI met my old friend _ in the street yesterday. 参考答案:by chanceI prefer classic music _ pop music. 参考答案:toI prefer tea _coffee. 参考答案:toI prefer the TV _ the radio. 参考答案:toI spent most of my money in the first week _ had very little to eat b

11、y the end of the holiday.参考答案:and consequentlyI stopped _ last year. 参考答案:smokingI think music can _ your pain. 参考答案:lessenI was told he _ just a minor offence. 参考答案:committedI was very much _ by his word. 参考答案:hurtIm in Greece at the moment. I like the weather _. 参考答案:hereIm tired. I _ working very

12、 hard. 参考答案:have beenIf he was fitter, he _ live longer. 参考答案:wouldIf I _ time, I _ something better. 参考答案:had would makeIf I get the new job, I _ buy a better car. 参考答案:willIf you are doctor, you must have a doctors_. 参考答案:certificateIf you drive your car in that way, youll end _ in hospital. 参考答案:

13、upIt happened _ a winter night. 参考答案:onIt is said the matter was under _ . 参考答案:investigationIt matters little _ it will rain or snow. 参考答案:whetherIts very convenient _ here. 参考答案:livingJenny _ on her homework after supper. 参考答案:has been doingLet me _ the case carefully before I draw a conclusion. 参

14、考答案:look intoMany are finding it difficult to make _ meet, especially whose with young children.参考答案:endsMary forgot _ a letter to her mother, so she wrote to her just now. 参考答案:to writeMr. Robert has a _ of five. 参考答案:familyMy car was being _ when it was stolen. 参考答案:repairedMy dog will _ by my fri

15、end when I am on holiday. 参考答案:be looked afterMy father_ take me to work with him when I was a child. 参考答案:wouldNext year, I _ plan to go to Italy. 参考答案:xNot only I but also Jane and Mary _ tired of having one examination after another. 参考答案:areOh, time is up and we must go _. 参考答案:straight awayShe

16、_ talking when I am watching TV. 参考答案:keepsShe comes from _Peoples Republic of China. 参考答案:theShe has brought _ two children by herself. 参考答案:upShe has lived here _ three years. 参考答案:forShe is _ schools development committee. 参考答案:onShe is a girl _ at knitting. 参考答案:skilledShe likes to spend time _

17、with her grandchildren. 参考答案:playingShe looked _ . 参考答案:annoyedShe said that, _, she still loves him. 参考答案:in a senseShe was convicted _ murder. 参考答案:ofSilk _ by Chinese for thousands of years now. 参考答案:has been usedThat place is _ the south of the city. 参考答案:inThats all settled. It _ talked about.

18、参考答案:neednt beThe bedroom needs _. 参考答案:decoratingThe blue whale is _ largest animal in the world. 参考答案:theThe boat went _ on the rough sea. 参考答案:up and downThe book had a great impact _ its readers. 参考答案:onThe boss _ our holiday by two more days. 参考答案:extendedThe bridge _ the banks of the river. 参考

19、答案:linksThe bridge _ by the farmers themselves in 1982. 参考答案:was builtThe delay was _ heavy traffic. 参考答案:due toThe doctor asked him to _. 参考答案:go on a dietThe dog _ a hole in my trousers yesterday. 参考答案:bitThe Germans, as _, are often thought to be well organized. 参考答案:a nationThe girl _ his father

20、. 参考答案:looked up toThe girl is keen _ music. 参考答案:onThe girl was _ about her new toy. 参考答案:over the moonThe king had the greatest power in _ times. 参考答案:ancientThe land _ sharply away from the house. 参考答案:declinesThe patient acted on the doctors _ and finally recovered. 参考答案:adviceThe photograph see

21、ms quite _. 参考答案:recentThe policeman was attacked _ a knife . 参考答案:withThe problem is_by pollution. 参考答案:causedThe road _ built last year. 参考答案:wasThe roof needs _. 参考答案:repairingThe sound outside distracted him _ his homework. 参考答案:fromThe teacher _ for breaking the window. 参考答案:told him offThere a

22、re many differences _ the two languages. 参考答案:betweenThese old housed are to be knocked_. 参考答案:offThey _ for almost two years. 参考答案:have been marriedThey _ the football match because it rained today. 参考答案:cancelledThey _ the old house and built a restaurant. 参考答案:demolishedThey _ the train until it

23、disappeared in the distance. 参考答案:watchedThey are doing some _ on AIDS. 参考答案:researchThey had a good time at the _. 参考答案;funfairThey held a dinner _ the important guests. 参考答案:in honour ofThey were convicted _ having killed 20 persons. 参考答案:ofThis medicine will _ you a good nights sleep. 参考答案:ensure

24、Those cakes look nice. Can I have_ 参考答案:oneTime is money! We should _ our time. 参考答案:make good use ofTom _ Helen four years ago. 参考答案:marriedUnder the tree was _ an old man. 参考答案:lyingWe _ each other for almost three years. 参考答案:have been in love withWe _ every day when we were children. 参考答案:used t

25、o swimWe are all _ being a Chinese. 参考答案:proud ofWe are trying to _ funds for the poor people. 参考答案:raiseWe have our office _ every day by a cleaner. 参考答案:cleanedWe must make a difference between _ language and _language. 参考答案:spoken, writtenWe were deeply _ at what he said. 参考答案:disappointedWeve of

26、fered her the job, but I dont know whether shell _ it. 参考答案:acceptWhat a fool I have been! Why _I think of that before 参考答案:didntWhat has _ to the woman 参考答案:happenedWhat he did _ the companys policy. 参考答案:flied in the face ofWhat he said _ all the people in the office. 参考答案:amusedWhat you said _ th

27、e mater. 参考答案:is not relevant toWhats happened to Tom 参考答案:Hes been takenWhen I was a child, we _wear a uniform for school. 参考答案:had toWhen we were having a meeting, the director _ the bad news by telephone.参考答案:was toldWhich do you like better, real movies _ cartoons-I prefer cartoons _ real movies

28、.参考答案:or, toWhy did you choose that one _ 参考答案:in particularWould you like _ more drinks 参考答案:a littleYou _ to exercise more. 参考答案:oughtYou _ to lock the door at night. 参考答案:oughtYou can ask the driver to _ at the station. 参考答案:drop you offYou can see _ people gathering in front of the building. 参考答案:hundreds ofYou can see the ball _ when the temperature is high. 参考答案:expandYou can see the user _ of our website are up this month. 参考答案:figuresYou cant use the bike at once-you have to _. 参考答案:take turnsYou like playing football, _ you 参考答案:dontYou must explain _how they succeeded _ the

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