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1、八年级英语下册Unit6教学案例Unit 6教学目标语言知识类别内 容课次要求词汇field,vehicle,group,task,airplane,airline,book1A掌握hotel,standard1Braise,come up with, queen, draw,sell1Cstone,land1Dreceive, postcard, vacation,cinema, look forward to, perfect, camp2Amarriage,death,face,south,airport,search,mark,camel,east,southern,west,west

2、ern,north,middle2Bspace,huge,passage,push,direction,step,realize,sight,beat,toward,beside2Csatisfy,diary,imagine,inside,guard,notice, Thank goodness!2Dpassenger,crazy,anywhere,law,avoid,warn,slow,truck,wall,wheel,condition3Arush,cross,path,fine3Brace,Asia3Ctop,anyone,lead,impossible,perhaps,certain,

3、courage,record3Dmount,cycle,province,sleeper,agency1A理 解bathtub,air conditioning,reservation,journey1Bfund,raiser,principal,greet,organize1Csunrise,appreciate1Dexplore, adventure2Asurvey,dynasty,northwest,imperial,beginning,SacredWay,fficial,kneel,southeast,eastern,northeast,southwest, arch2Bcrowd,e

4、lbow,flash,sweat,pour,slowly,slap,hug,destination,sightseeing2Chelmet,destroy,Dragon and Phoenix Gate, treat, historical2Djam,pollution,sharp,opposite,broken,hotline,victim3Apedestrian, signal,zebra crossing,crossroads3Baltitude,union,International Cycling Union,Tour de France, timed,stage,athlete3C

5、the World Championship, Italian,event,Olympic, ever powerful,likely,cyclist3D语言知识类别内 容语法1.由so,so.that.和so that引导的结果状语从句We dont have much money,so we should go fund raising.I was so tired that I couldnt go on any longer.Miss Wang planned very well so that her students enjoyed a good trip.2.由after,bef

6、ore,when,not.until,while,as和as soon as 引导的时间状语从句They started to walk after they parked their bikes.I tried to imagine the Qing emperors walking around there before it was destroyed.When he finally pushed his way out,he realized that his friends were out of sight.He didnt raise his head until someone

7、 slapped him on the back.While he was pushing out in different directions,someone stepped on his toes.As they came to Dingling Tomb, the crowd of people became even larger.As soon as Darren saw his two friends, he jumped up and gave each of them a big hug.3.由if引导的条件状语从句If you ride at night, dont for

8、get to use a bike light.If we know more traffic rules,we can tell them to other people.If you drive car in Britain, you must drive on the left-hand side of the road.4.动词不定式作定语Well decide on the best way to go on our field trip.作表语Your groups task is to find out the cost to go by train.作宾语I want to m

9、ake hotel reservation.作目的状语They surveyed the area to make sure the tomb faced south and had moutains at the back.作主语Its easy to park bikes,too.It will be impossible to beat him.功能和话题1.谈论有关旅游。2.谈论有关预定(车票、旅馆等)。3.谈论筹集旅游资金。4.谈论交通规则和交通安全。5.打电话邀请。6.谈论方向、方位。Unit6 SectionA案例分析1.Teaching aims and demands 教学目

10、标1.Learn some expressions about transport:(1)cycle,vehicle,airplane,airport,airline(2)a two-day visit to Mount Tai,the best way,by airplane(3)We will go on a two-day visit to Mount Tai.2.Learn adverbial clause of result:(1)Its too far for cycling,so wed better take a bus.(2)Its takes too long to go

11、by bus,so I want to take the train.3.Learn the usage of infinitive:(1)Its too long to go by bus.Its too expensive to go by airplane.(2)I choose to take the train.I decide to take the train.(3)Its hard to say.(4)Your groups task is to find out the cost to go by train.Teaching aids 教具8种交通工具的卡片或玩具/泰山、长

12、城、十三陵、故宫、天坛、香港、深圳等一些风景名胜的图片. Teaching Plan教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)1.(组织教学。)(1)T:Good morning,class!Ss:Good morning, Miss/Mr!(2)T:Im very happy to see you again. When I heard Michael was ill, I felt so sad. Now Im happy, because he is well now. How do you feel about this thing? You can talk

13、about it in groups, then think of different feelings in our lives. You can use the words of the feelings in Unit 5(学生们积极讨论了一会儿。)T:Please stop. Give your own feelings about the thing to us S1:S2:S3:(学会说出各种情感。)(3)T:We know different colors, environments or things can cause different feelings. What can

14、 make you happy? What do you like to do? You can discuss it. Then give me your answers.(学生讨论了一会儿。)S1:Swimming can make me happy. I like to swim.S2:Going to Beijing can make me happy. I like to go to Beijing.S3:I like to climb hills.S4:I like to play basketball.(学生们流利地回答了问题,说出自己喜欢做的事。)T:Do you know w

15、hat I like to do?Ss:T:I like to go on a trip. I like to visit places of interest. Do you like it?S:Yes.T:Now. Here are some pictures of places of interest. You can look at it.(把图片分发给学生轮流看,激发学生的学习兴趣。)(过一会儿从学生那儿拿回图片,抽出泰山的图片给学生看。)T:I have never been to Mount Tai.(板书)go on a tripMount TaiT:If Im free, I

16、d like to visit Mount Tai. Mount Tai is a famous place of interest in Shandong Province. Would you like to visit it with me?Ss:Yes,of couse.T:If we can go there,there are enough vehicles for us to choose. Which do you think is the best way of transport to go there? Review the ways of transport and g

17、ive me your best answer. You can discuss in groups.(给学生交通工具的卡片,让学生分组讨论,板书。)There are enough vehicles (for us)to bus / airplane / trainairport / airlinecycletaskprovincebooksleeperreservation agencyT:Now,please give me your best answer.S1:We can go there by bus.S2:By bike.S3:By plane.S4:By

18、train.(在学生发言的过程中,教师在黑板上写出本课关于交通的新单词,让学生注意它们的发音。)T:Yes, we can go there by bike / plane / airplane / train / bus / We must think about the cost because we dont have much money. How much does it cost by bus, by train or by airplane? Please discuss it in groups.(学生分三组讨论一会儿。)T:Now, please stop. Maria cl

19、ass want to go on a two-ay visit to Mount Tai.Step 2 presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)1.T:Please listen and answer the question: Which is the best way to go there?(让学生带着问题听录音1a,让学生集中注意力。)Please close your books and listen to the tape carefully.(在学生听的过程中遇到相关的语句,停下来,板书到黑板上,以便呈现这一部分的语法。)We will go on a two-

20、day visit to Mount Tai.Its hard to say.Your groups task is to find out the cost to go by train.I love to go by airplane.We will decide on the best way to go on our field trip.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)1.(领读黑板上的句子。)T:Please look at the blackboard. Read them after me. Pay attention to the pr

21、onunciation.(确定学生的语音语调正确。)T:Please listen to the tape again then answer the question.(放录音,速度适中,录音放完后。)T:Now, please answer the question:Which is the best way to go there?S1:I dont know.S2:I dont know.S3:T:Good. You listened so carefully. There is no answer in this dialog. Now practice the dialog in

22、groups.(学生们分组进行操练。)2.T:Now, stop. Please look at the pictures and the information in 1b. Work alone to find out which is the best way to go Mount Tai. You can discuss in three groups.(学生们看了图片和信息,讨论了一会儿。)T:Which is the best way to travel?Group A:By train.Group B:By train.Group C:By train.T:Very good.

23、(板书)too+adj.+to太而不能so.以致于/所以T:Read the sentences in 2a loudly. Then make similar sentences.(叫两个同学上黑板,写出他们所造的句子,纠正错误,让学生大声朗读两遍。)3.T:Marias class want to visit Mount Tai and they decide to go there by train. They ask Kangkang to book the tickets. Now, lets listen and find how Kangkang book the tickets

24、.(放录音2a,关键处停下来板书,让学生注意语音,语调。)Id like to book some tickets,please.hard sleeper / soft sleeperTel numberT:Please listen and read.(第二遍放录音2a,让学生跟读。注意对话提供的重要信息。) Step 4 Proctice 第四步 练习(时间:5分钟)T:Read the dialog loudly together. Then fill in the form in 2b by yourself. Make a similar conversation according

25、 to the form. (给学生一些时间去完成2b。)T:Now, would you like to act out your conversation. Ss:Yes. We would love to.S1:S2:T:Now you can act it out in pairs.(学生自己练习了一会儿,叫两对到讲台前表演。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)1.T:Please look at the blackboard. Read the new words and the sentences by yourselves. Then lets

26、retell 1a and 2a.(给学生适当的建议。)S1:S2:S3:2.Homework:(1)Use “tooto” and “so” to make sentences.(2)Review the usage of infinitive.Unit6 Section B案例分析2The main activities are 1b, 2 and 3.本课重点活动是1b,2和3.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1.Learn some words and phrases of hotel:hotel,bathtub,air-conditioning,stand

27、ard room2.Learn how to book rooms and get the information of hotel:(1)We want to make hotel reservations.(2)We have rooms with a bathtub, TV(3)How much does a standard room cost?(4)We want to book some rooms.3.Learn the usage of infinitive:(1)Its too espensive to go by airplane.(2)Spring is the best

28、 time to climb Mount Tai.(3)We want to make hotel reservations.4.Learn the uage of adverial of result:Its so cold that we would like the rooms with bathtubs and air-conditioning.Teaching aids 教具录音机/关于旅馆信息的一些图片或宣传页等。. Teaching Plan教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:15分钟)1.T:We know Marias class want to go o

29、n a two-day visit to Mount Tai. There are enough vehicles for them to choose. Lets review the ways of transport. One student speaks out one way. Lets do it one by one quickly.S1:by bike / bicycle.S2:by train.S3:by airplane.S4:by ship.S5:by bus.(板书)by bike / bicycleby trainby airplane / plane (airpor

30、t / airline)by ship / boatby buson footby taxiby land / sea / airT:Please look at the blackboard and review the ways of transport.(学生复习一会儿后。)T:Which is the best way for Marias class to travel?Ss:By train.2.(快速提问如下问题,让学生抢答来复习上节重要的内容。)T:Why didnt they walk there?Why didnt they go there by bike?Why didnt they go by bus?Why didnt they decide to go there by airplane?How much does it cost by train?Whom did they ask to book tickets?How many kinds of the tickets can he choose?How many tickets would he like to book?What time should he pay for the tickets?3.(以旧带新,导入新课。)T:They booked the tickets an

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