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1、四六级英语作文高级句型精心整理英语作文句型开放式/提纲式1、Recently has aroused wide concern in the public.2、Recent years have witnessed a spurt of progress in X(速度、干劲、活动或感情的)短时间激增,迸发3、With the advent of , has/have become a trend(重要事件、人物、发明等的)出现,到来4、 stir a heated discussion 拨弄是非5、Opinions vary from person to person.一组类似的事物(大小、

2、形状等)相异,不同,有别6、X has found itself at the centre of controversy.(公开的)争论,争议,论战7、Manifold factors account for this phenomenon. To begin with, the one that dominates is YY多的;多种多样的;许多种类的支配;控制;左右;影响8、Playing an increasingly irreplaceable role in , the significance of should never be underestimated.(因贵重或独特)

3、不能替代的低估;对估计不足9、we cannot emphasize the importance of too much.10、As far as I am concerned, / To my mind,/ From my perspective,11、Needless to say, 12、When it comes to , 13、I firmly hold the belief that, which deserves our applause.14、On no account can we do15、embrace a brighter future抱;拥抱16、 seriousl

4、y threaten 17、expose to 18、at the expense of 在牺牲(或损害)的情况下19、 is a double-edged sword20、First and foremost / To begin with Additionly/Whats more/Besides/Furthermore Last but not least21、When it comes to X, opinions vary. Some people firmly hold the belief that ,while others are opposite.相反的;迥然不同的22、s

5、trike a balance (between A and B)(在对立二者之间)找到折中办法;平衡(对立的双方)23、All those above,thoughnotauniversalpanaceafortheproblemsofYY,wouldbeastepintherightdirection.普遍存在的;广泛适用的万灵药;万能之计24、Having a hard/tough nut (to crack), effective measures should be taken to ease the problem/issue.棘手的问题;不好对付的情形(使)宽慰;减轻;缓解25、

6、lay the foundations for 26、spare no effort to 27、the advantages/benefits/merits outweigh the disadvantages/drawbacks/demerits重于;大于;超过28、nevertheless 尽管如此;不过;然而 替代however、butThere is little chance that we will succeed in changing the law.Nevertheless,it is important that we try.29、thus 因此;从而;所以 替代soW

7、e do not own the building.Thus,it would be impossible for us to make any major changes to it.30、for instance31、To sum up, 32、give priority to 优先;优先权;重点33、facilitate sth 促进;促使;使便利 facilitate more rapid economic growth.Structured teaching facilitates learning.34、the government/authority should enact t

8、he relevant laws to通过(法律)35、不确定性A(big)question-markhangsover.=Thereisagreatdealofuncertaintyabout.,36、沉迷(游戏、手机) begluedto=beaddictedto=buryoneselfin= beobsessedwith=beengrossedin37、随着发展AsXXbloom,.=withthedevelopmentof38、Butthoseconcernsareoverblown.应用文1、I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to

9、 you for 提供;给予2、I am obliged to you for 感激;感谢3、If it had not been for your help/assistance/guidance, I would not have 4、In a word, my appreciation to you is beyond words5、I feel that my pen fails me when I am writing this letter.6、Again I would like to express my great appreciation for you.7、Best re

10、gards for your health and success.(用于信函结尾或转达问候)致意,问候名言警句类1、Nowadays an old saying comes into vogue流行;时髦;风行;风尚2、Simple though the saying is , its profound implication beneath the surface ought to be taken into account.巨大的;深切的;深远的含意;暗指漫画图表类1、Accordingtothecharts/ graph,.图表图;图表;曲线图2、What the cartoon vi

11、vidly depicts/illustrates is that 描写;描述;刻画(用示例、图画等)说明,解释3、the vast majority of 辽阔的;巨大的;庞大的;大量的4、increaseby增长了The rate of inflation increased by 2%.increaseto增加到了The population has increased from 1.2million to 1.8million.5、creepup (数量、价格等)逐渐增长House prices are creeping up again.shoot up 陡增;猛涨;迅速上升Tick

12、et prices shot up last year.leap 骤增;剧增;猛涨The shares leapt in value from 476p to close at 536p.soar 急升;猛增Unemployment has soared to 18%.rocket 快速增长;猛增The total has rocketed from 376 to 532.6、gradually/steadily grow/rise 7、be at a low ebb 处于低潮;状况不佳dive(价格)突然下降;暴跌The share price dived from 75p to an al

13、ltime low of 50p.tumble (价格或数量)暴跌,骤降The price of oil is still tumbling.8、decrease,fall,drop,slip,decline,下降;退步;变差His popularity has slipped recently.9、stand at 达特定水平(或数量、高度等)Interest rates stand at 3%.10、sharply 急剧地;突然大幅度地Profits fell sharply.Dramatically 突然地;巨大地;令人吃惊地Prices have fallen dramatically

14、.Remarkably非凡的;奇异的;显著的;引人注目的SuddenlyConsiderably 非常;很;相当多地The need for sleep varies considerably from person to person.11、slowlySlightly 略微;稍微Modestly 些许地;不太大(或太贵、太重要等)地12、accountfor (数量上、比例上)占The japanese market accounts for 35% of the companys sth 形成;构成Women make up 56% of the stude

15、nt pose组成,构成(一个整体)Ten men compose the committee.13、Fromthestatistics/informationgiveninthetable,wecandraw the conclusion that 表;一览表14、Whatisshowninthetableaboveindicatesthatdrasticchangeshavetakenplacein.极端的;急剧的;严厉的;猛烈的15、Theperiodofwitnessdrasticchangesin16、thistendencywillcontinueintheforthcomingy

16、ears17、Accordingto/Ascanbeseenfromthechart/graph/table/diagram/figure/statistics, it is apparent that18、A ranks only second to B补充:1、number,figure,data,proportion部分;份额, Water covers a large proportion of the earths surface.rate,population、area,、volume量;额Sales volumes fell 0.2% in June.、amount、cost、e

17、xpense、income、earning、revenue财政收入;税收收入;收益The companys annual revenues rose by 30%.user、customer、visitor、subscriber(报刊的)订阅人,订购者,订户、tourist、resident、citizen常用原因:经济原因:WiththerapidimprovementoftheChinesepeoplelivingstandardsWith the rapid development of economic strength文化原因:thechangeofsocialtraditionsa

18、ndculturalconceptsthe increase of cultural confidence教育原因:thelackofpropereducationthe disadvantages of traditional education政治原因:theshift(lack)ofgovernmentfunctions/thereleaseofrelativepolicies政府职能的转变(缺失)/相关政策的出台。科技原因theadvancementofscienceandtechnology/thepopularizationoftheInternet科技的进步/因特网的普及。As technology develops/improves by leaps and bounds.生态原因: withhumanpopulation shooting up,inhabitableareasareexpandingat the expense of damaging theenvironment.

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