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1、施心远主编听力教程1第2版Unit12听力原文和答案Unit 12Section One Tactics for Listening Part 1 PhoneticsExercise: Complete the following short dialogue as you listen to the tape. Pay special attention to the weak forms, link-ups and contractions.Sound of busy streetJeff: Hi, Carl, (I) Whats up?Carl: Hey, Jeff. Were (2)

2、on our way to see that new comedy Running From the Mob. Want to (3) go with us?Jeff: I (4) hear its really funny.Carl: Yeah, its got a lot of good (5) people in it. Should be great. Lets go.Jeff: Ah, I (6) wish I could, but Ive got to study.Carl: Well, maybe next time. Youre (7) missing a good thing

3、.Jeff: I know. (8) Got to go. See you.Carl: Bye. Part 2 Listening and Note-TakingTAPESCRIPTExercise: Complete the passages as you listen to it.The (1) first thing I do at the office is to (2) open all the bosss letters, I (3) answer the easy ones and I (4) leave the difficult ones on the (5) bosss d

4、esk. At about (6) 10 oclock I make (7) a cup of coffee for the boss and for myself. Then the boss (8) dictates letters for about (9) an hour. Of course, I answer the phone (10) all day. Sometimes it doesnt (11) stop. I have about (120 half an hour for lunch at about (13) one oclock. Then I do jobs i

5、n the (140 office till about (15) five o clock. Section Two Listening Comprehension Part 1 DialoguesDialogue 1 Job InterviewTAPESCRIPTMs Brown: What was your previous job?Mr Wigmore: I worked for the National Bus Company. Ms Brown: And how long have you worked for them?Mr Wigmore: Ive worked for the

6、m for five years. Ms Brown: How long have you been an area sales manager?Mr Wigmore: Eighteen months. Ms Brown: And what did you do before joining the Bus Company?Mr Wigmore: I worked for a chain of hotels as junior manager. Ms Brown: The post youve applied for involves a lot of traveling. Have you

7、been abroad much?Mr Wigmore: Ive been to most of Western Europe, and Ive been to eastern Europe once, to Hungary. Ms Brown: Why did you go there?Mr Wigmore: The hotel sent me to attend a conference. Ms Brown: I see. Have you ever organized a conference yourself?Mr Wigmore: Yes. I have actually. Why?

8、 Ms Brown: Well, this job would require rather a lot of organizing meetings and conferences.Exercise: Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.1. How many jobs has the interviewee had before he applies for this job? What are they?(He has had two jobs. He worked for the National Bus Company as

9、 an area sales manager. Before that, he worked for a chain of hotels as junior manager.)2. What are the requirements for this job?(This job involves a lot of traveling and requires rather a lot of organization meetings and conferences.)3. Do you think the interviewee is qualified for this job? Give

10、your reasons. (Probably he is qualified for the job. Because he has been a manager for many years and he has been abroad much. He has been to most of Western Europe. He actually has the experience of organization a conference.)Dialogue 2 Job RedundancyDavid: Cheer up, George. Whats happened to that

11、happy smile we all know and love?George: Oh, hello, David .I was miles away, Im afraid.David: Whats the problem? You look as if youve lost a pound and found 10 pence.George: Decisions, decisions. Ive lost my job.David: You havent.George: I have.David: I thought you were doing so well.George: So did

12、I. Then yesterday they gave us all the official letter. Apparently the business has been losing money, so theyve decided to close it down.David: Gracious, when?George: End of the week.David: Youve worked there for quite a long time, havent you?George: Nearly six years.David: So youre entitled to som

13、e redundancy* money?George: Not a lot. Not if theyve been losing money.David: What are you going to do? Are you going to try and get another job in the music business?George: Well, I thought I might start a little business of my own.David: Thats a good idea. What sort of business? A music shop?Georg

14、e: No. A recording studio. Recording studios charge the earth these days and there are lots of youngsters who cant afford those prices. I thought if I find suitable premises*I could offer a cut-price* recording service.David: That sounds a marvelous idea. Then, as you get more famous, you could incr

15、ease your charges.George: No, Id rather encourage young musicians to come and make their first recording with me and then I thought maybe I could branch out and become an agent.David: Ah, I see. Then you could sell the recording made by your protgs* to the big record companies.George: Thats the gene

16、ral idea.David: Great. Well, if you decide you need someone to look after the accounts and make the coffee, let me know. I might be interested.George: OK. I may take you up on* that offer. Bye.David: Bye.Exercise: Listen to the dialogue and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T or F in the

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