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1、GIS复习题Chapter 1 IntroductionPart:Explanation of Terms 1.GIS :Computer system for capturing storing querying analyzing and displaying geographically referenced data. 地理信息系统(GIS) 是用于输入、存储、查询、分析和显示地理参照数据的计算机系统。2.Geographically referenced data: Also called geospatial data, describe both locations and ch

2、aracteristics of spatial features. 地理参照数据又称地理空间数据,描述空间要素的位置和特征3.Attrbute data:描述空间要素特征的数据4. Spatial Data:描述空间要素几何特征的数据5. Discrete features:指观测值不连续的要素,形成分离的实体,并可单个地识别。6. Continuous features:指观测值连续的要素Part:Short Answer1. Define geographically referenced data.定义地理参照数据Geographically referenced data are d

3、ata that describe both the locations and characteristics of spatial features such as roads, land parcels, and vegetation stands on the Earths surface.2. Define spatial data and attribute data.定义空间数据和属性数据Spatial data describe the locations of spatial features, which may be discrete or continuous. Att

4、ribute data describe the characteristics of spatial features.3. Explain the difference between vector data and raster data.解释矢量数据和栅格数据之间的不同Vector data use points and their x-, y-coordinates to represent spatial features of points, lines, and areas. Raster data use a grid and grid cells to represent

5、the spatial variation of a feature.4. Explain the difference between the georelational data model and the object-based data model.解释地理相关数据模型和基于对象数据模型之间的不同The georelational data model uses a split system to store spatial data and attribute data. The object-based data model stores spatial data and att

6、ribute data in a single system.5. How does data exploration differ from data analysis?数据探查与数据分析有何不同Data exploration involves the activities of exploring the general trends in the data, taking a close look at data subsets, and focusing on possible relationships between data sets, whereas data analysi

7、s uses GIS commands to perform operations on data. Part :Single-choice 1. (T or F) GIS software is only one of the components of a GIS.True False2. Which of the following features is a discrete feature?Precipitation Elevation Roads None of the above3. Which of the following features is a continuous

8、feature?Precipitation Elevation Land use All of the above a and b only4. Vector data are better suited for representing _ features and raster data are better suited for representing _ features.continuous, discrete discrete, continuous5. (T or F) One can use both vector data and raster data in a GIS

9、project.True False6. Which of the following statement is not true?The geodatabase data model is the new data model introduced in ArcGIS.The geodatabase data model uses object-oriented technology.The geodatabase data model is built on ArcObjects.None of the above7. Which of the following represents c

10、omposite features?Polygons TINs Lines None of the above8. One would normally begin with _ in a GIS project:data display database construction data analysis data exploration9. Which of the following statements is true?Shapefiles are topology-based but coverages are not.Coverages are topology-based bu

11、t shapefiles are not. Both shapefiles and coverages are topology-based.10. Which is the simplest version of ArcGIS?ArcView ArcEditor ArcInfo 11. Which of the following statements is true?ArcToolbox is available in both ArcCatalog and ArcMap. ArcToolbox is only available in ArcMap.ArcToolbox is only

12、available in ArcCatalog.None of the above12. Which of the following applications in ArcGIS Desktop is designed for data management?ArcMap ArcCatalog13. Which of the following statements is true about the Spatial Analyst extension to ArcGIS?The extension is available in both ArcCatalog and ArcMap.The

13、 extension is only available in ArcMap. The extension is only available in ArcCatalog.14. To open the context menu of a data set, one should _the data set:highlight right-click left-click Chapter 2 Coordinate SystemsPart:Explanation of Terms Map Projections :Projecting from the spherical shape of th

14、e Earth to the planar shape of the mapPart:Short Answer1.Why is the datum important in GIS? 大地基准在GIS中的重要性何在? A datum is important in GIS because it serves as the reference or base for calculating the geographic coordinates of a location.2.Explain the importance of map projection.解释地图投影的重要性A map proj

15、ection offers a couple of advantages. First, a map projection allows us to use two-dimensional maps, either paper or digital, instead of a globe. Second, a map projection allows us to work with plane or projected coordinates rather than longitude and latitude values. Computations with geographic coo

16、rdinates are more complex and yield less accurate distance measurements.Part :Single-choice1. (T or F) All layers to be used together in a GIS operation should be based on the same coordinate system. True False2. Map projection is a process of converting froma three-dimensional surface to a two-dime

17、nsional surface. a two-dimensional surface to a three-dimensional surface.a two-dimensional surface to a two-dimensional surface.none of the above.3. A conformal projection preserves the property of:relative size local shapes distances none of the above4. Which of the following statements is true ab

18、out North American Datum (NAD)?NAD83 is a newer datum than NAD27.NAD83 is based on a satellite-determined spheroid.Maps based on NAD83 can register spatially with maps based on NAD27.All of the aboveOnly a and b5. (T or F) When converted from NAD27 to NAD83, horizontal shifts of point positions in t

19、he conterminous United States can be as much as 100 meters (328 ft).True False6. Which of the following statements is not true about a meridian with a scale factor of 1?The meridian must be a standard meridian.There is no projection distortion along the meridian.he meridian must be the line of 00 lo

20、ngitude. None of the above.7. The center of a map projection is determined by the:standard parallel and standard meridianstandard parallel and central meridianstandard meridian and central parallelcentral parallel and central meridian8. The secant case means that a cylindrical projection has _ line(

21、s) of tangency:1 2 39. Which of the following spheroids is ground-measured, rather than satellite-determined?Clarke1866 WGS84 GRS8010. The longitude reading of a point in Oregon should be entered as a _ value in a GIS package:positive negative11. Which of the following statements is true?A coordinat

22、e system is based on a map projection. A map projection is based on a coordinate system.Map projection and coordinate system are unrelated.12. Each UTM zone covers _ degrees in longitude:4 5 6 713. The two common map projections used for the SPC (State Plane Coordinate) system are:transverse Mercato

23、r and Albers conic equal-areatransverse Mercator and Lambert conformal conicLambert conformal conic and Albers conic equal-area14. The central meridian of a UTM zone has a scale factor of:1 0.9996 0.9 None of the above15. (T or F) An X-shift of -500,000 means you add 500,000 to the original X coordi

24、nate value.True False16. When converted from DMS to DD units, 4603000 will read:46.30 46.50 46.70 none of the above17. Which coordinate does a false easting apply to?X Y 18. The Geographic Coordinate Data Base (GCDB) is a database based on the:UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) Grid systemSPC (Stat

25、e Plane Coordinate) systemPLSS (Public Land Survey System) None of the above19. Which of the following coordinate systems is treated as a predefined coordinate system in ArcGIS?UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) STP (State Plane)IDTM (Idaho Transverse Mercator) all of the aboveonly a and bChapter 3

26、 Georelational Vector Data ModelPart:Explanation of Terms Vector data model:Uses x, y coordinates of points to represent points, lines, areas 用点的 x, y 坐标来代表点、线、面Georelational data model:Stores spatial and attribute data separately with a link in a split system 空间数据和属性数据分别贮存在链接的分离系统Topology:Explicit

27、expression of spatial relationship between features 要素空间关系的清晰表达Composite Features:Features represented as composites of points, lines, and areas 要素以点、线、面的复合体表示TIN:Approximates terrain with a set of non-overlapping triangles用一系列不叠置三角形近似表示地形Part:Short Answer1.Name the three data formats that ESRI, Inc

28、. has developed for vector data over the past 20 years.说出ESRI公司过去20多年来开发的三种矢量数据格式 They are the coverage, shapefile, and geodatabase.2.The georelational data model uses a split system to store vector data. What does a split system mean?地理关系数据模型用独立的系统存储矢量数据。“独立的系统”表示什么意思? A split system stores spatial

29、 data in graphic files and attribute data in a relational database. Typically, a georelational data model uses the feature label or ID to link the two components.3.Name the three types of simple features used in GIS and their geometric properties.说出三种GIS中的简单要素及其几何属性 A point has 0 dimension and has o

30、nly the property of location. A line is one-dimensional and has the property of length. And an area is two-dimensional and has the properties of area (size) and perimeter.4.Explain the importance of topology in GIS.阐述拓扑在GIS中的重要性 Topology is important in GIS for two reasons. First, it ensures data qu

31、ality, such as lines meeting perfectly and polygons closed properly. Second, topology can enhance certain types of GIS analysis such as geocoding and traffic volume analysis.Part :Single-choice1. (T or F) The TIGER database is topology-based.True False2. Which of the following is true about the vector data model?The model uses x-, y-coordinates to store the geometry of spatial features.The model uses points, lines, and areas to represent spatial features.The representation of spatial f

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