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1、春专升本公共英语模拟卷2019春专升本公共英语模拟卷选择题(50题 共150分)1、_ is known to everyone, the moon travels round the earth once every month.A、It B、As C、That D、What 正确答案:B2、Students sometimes support themselves by _ of part-time jobs.A、efforts B、means C、methods D、ways正确答案:B3、The joy of travel, having long _ the disabled, ar

2、e opening up to virtually anyone who has the means.A、canceled B、neglected C、missed D、discarded正确答案:B4、The horse is getting old and cant run _ it did.A、as faster as B、so fast than C、so fast as D、such fast as正确答案:C5、All the arrangements should have been completed prior _our departure.A、in B、to C、by D、

3、before正确答案:B6、His mother had talked to him for many minutes while he was watching TV, but _.A、a little did he hear B、little did he hear C、little heard he D、a little heard he正确答案:B7、Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology _ so rapidly.A、is changing B、has changed C

4、、will have changed D、will change正确答案:A8、By no means _ to our plan for the trip.A、will she agree B、she will agree C、agrees she D、will agree she正确答案:A9、You _ return the dictionary now. You can keep it till next week if you like.A、cant B、mustnt C、neednt D、may not正确答案:C10、Larry is the only one of the cl

5、ub members who _ to be invited.A、is going B、are going C、has been going D、have been going正确答案:A11、Getting a right job can be difficult _the students_ prepared to deal with the job interview.A、if;be B、unless;be C、unless;are D、if;are正确答案:C12、The doctor tried to _ the patient with a new drug.A、recover B

6、、heal C、treat D、handle正确答案:C13、I will not spend so much money on that fur coat, for I dont think it is _.A、worth buying B、worth to buy C、worthy buying D、worthy of buy正确答案:A14、Weather _, the picnic will be held as scheduled.A、permits B、should permit C、will permit D、permitting正确答案:D15、He spoke so quic

7、kly that I didnt _ what he said.A、make for B、make sure C、make up D、make out正确答案:D16、The book contained a large _ of information.A、deal B、amount C、number D、sum正确答案:B17、I took _ for granted that he would believe in us.A、that B、the thing C、it D、this正确答案:C18、After ten years, she changed a lot and looked

8、 different from _ she used to be.A、that B、whom C、what D、who正确答案:C19、I got his mothers phone call at eleven. _that he was badly hurt in an accident yesterday.A、Then did I know B、Only then I knew C、Only then did I know D、Only then knew I正确答案:C20、Id like to take _of this opportunity to thank you for yo

9、ur co-operation.A、advantage B、occasion C、benefit D、profit正确答案:A21、You didnt let me drive. If we _ in turn, you _ so tired.A、drove; didnt get B、drove; wouldnt get C、were driving; wouldnt get D、had driven; wouldnt have got正确答案:D22、While he _ the poster, a door somewhere behind him opened.A、is staring

10、at B、stared at C、did stare at D、was staring at正确答案:D23、Listening to music and sports news _ what I enjoy most.A、are B、is C、become D、have been正确答案:B24、With all the work on hand, she_ to the cinema last night.A、mustnt go B、might have gone C、could not go D、couldnt have gone正确答案:D25、The number of articl

11、es published on entertainment _ amazing.A、is B、are C、were D、have been正确答案:A26、I _ like to make a comment on this proposal.A、could B、would C、must D、might正确答案:B27、I wonder how long ago this school _.A、has begun B、begins C、began D、had begun正确答案:C28、By last night she _ 200 pages of this book.A、has read

12、B、have read C、read D、had read正确答案:D29、Can you imagine what the world would be like if _ no computers?A、there are B、there has been C、there were D、we have正确答案:C30、Twenty dollars _ more than I could afford.A、will be B、is C、are D、were正确答案:B31、They _ in Chicago, but now they live in New York.A、used to li

13、ving B、were living C、would live D、used to live正确答案:D32、I dont think this room will be big enough to _ all the guests.A、contain B、hold C、keep D、swallow正确答案:B33、_ the people have become the master of their own country _ science can really serve the people.A、It is only then;that B、It was that;when C、It

14、 is only when;that D、It was when;then正确答案:C34、I wish you _ go with me tomorrow.A、will B、would C、shall D、can正确答案:B35、Americans eat _ as they actually need every day.A、twice as much protein B、protein twice as much C、twice protein as much D、protein as twice much正确答案:A36、I didnt accept his offer last we

15、ek, but I _.A、had B、would do C、should have D、might have to正确答案:C37、_ that we couldnt catch up with him.A、So fast he ran B、So fast did he run C、So fast ran he D、Such fast did he run正确答案:B38、I will not _ my children be treated in such a way.A、permit B、admit C、allow D、let正确答案:D39、The workers are not al

16、lowed to smoke in the factory. They _ do that.A、mustnt B、dont have to C、neednt D、have to正确答案:A40、Dont let the child play with knives _ he cuts himself.A、in case B、so that C、now that D、only if正确答案:A41、His long service with the company was _ with a present.A、admitted B、acknowledged C、attributed D、acce

17、pted正确答案:B42、_ you join us in the vocabulary game?A、Should B、Shall C、May D、Will正确答案:D43、The Government has expressed its _ of the plan to build three new factories.A、trust B、faith C、effort D、approval正确答案:D44、The subject of these lectures _ by the lecture committee.A、announces B、have been announced C

18、、announced D、has been announced正确答案:D45、The teacher spoke so fast that it was hard for the students to _what he was saying.A、take in B、take out C、take up D、take over正确答案:A46、The house always_ me of a holiday I spent in England.A、remembers B、recalls C、connects D、reminds正确答案:D47、The students are forbi

19、dden, unless they have special passes, _ after 11 pm.A、to stay out B、from staying out C、staying out D、not to stay out正确答案:A48、In the weeks _ followed, we lived in the factory _ you visited last year.A、when; where B、which; where C、when; that D、that; that正确答案:D49、The Prime Minister worked hard all his

20、 life on _ of the poor.A、benefit B、advantage C、happiness D、behalf正确答案:D50、The accident _ him of his sight and the use of his legs.A、excluded B、disabled C、deprived D、gripped正确答案:C2019春专升本计算机模拟卷选择题(50题 共150分)1、PowerPoint中,设置幻灯片放映时的换页效果为垂直百叶窗,应使用幻灯片放映菜单下的选项是_。A、动作按钮 B、幻灯片切换 C、动画方案 D、自定义动画正确答案:B2、PowerP

21、oint中,有关幻灯片母版中的页眉页脚下列说法错误的是_。A、页眉或页脚是加在演示文稿中的注释性内容B、典型的页眉/页脚内容是日期、时间以及幻灯片编号C、在打印演示文稿的幻灯片时,页眉/页脚的内容也可打印出来D、不能设置页眉和页脚的文本格式正确答案:D3、在资源管理器中,选定多个连续文件的操作为_。A、按住SHIFT键,单击每一个要选定的文件名B、按住ALT键,单击每一个要选定的文件名C、先选中第一个文件,按住SHIFT键,再单击最后一个要选定的文件名D、先选中第一个文件,按住CTRL键,再单击最后一个要选定的文件名正确答案:C4、在Excel 工作表中,单元格区域D2:E4所包含的单元格个数

22、是_个。A、5 B、6 C、7 D、8正确答案:B5、在计算机中,信息存储的最小单位是A、字节 B、位 C、字 D、KB正确答案:B6、在word的编辑状态,执行文件菜单中的保存命令后_A、将所有打开的文档存盘B、只能将当前文档存储在原文件夹内C、可以将当前文档存储在已有的任意文件内D、可以先建立一个新文件夹,再将文档存储在该文件夹内正确答案:B7、Word的“文件”菜单下部一般列出4个用户最近用过的文档名,此文档名的个数最多可设置为A、6个 B、8个 C、9个 D、12个正确答案:C8、计算机硬件的五大基本构件包括:运算器、存储器、输入设备、输出设备和_A、显示器 B、控制器 C、磁盘驱动器

23、 D、鼠标器正确答案:B9、下列软件中,_一定是系统软件。A、自编的一个C程序,功能是求解一个一元二次方程B、WINDOWS操作系统C、用汇编语言编写的一个练习程序D、存储有计算机基本输入输出系统的ROM芯片正确答案:B10、在Windows 中,对“任务栏”进行操作, _A、只能改变位置不能改变大小 B、只能改变大小不能改变位置 C、既不能改变位置也不能改变大小 D、既能改变位置也能改变大小正确答案:D11、在我的电脑各级文件夹窗口中,如果需要选择多个不连续排列的文件,正确的操作是_A、按Alt+单击要选定的文件对象 B、按Ctrl+单击要选定的文件对象 C、按Shift+单击要选定的文件对

24、象 D、按Ctrl+双击要选定的文件对象正确答案:B12、十进制数100转换成二进制数是_A、1100100 B、1100101 C、1100110 D、1101000正确答案:A13、在Word的编辑状态打开了一个文档,对文档作了修改,进行“关闭”文档操作后A、文档被关闭,并自动保存修改后的内容B、文档不能关闭,并提示出错C、文档被关闭,修改后的内容不能保存D、弹出对话框,并询问是否保存对文档的修改正确答案:D14、在Word编辑状态下,若光标位于表格外右侧的行尾处,按Enter(回车)键,结果_。A、光标移到下一列B、光标移到下一行,表格行数不变C、插入一行,表格行数改变D、在本单元格内换

25、行,表格行数不变正确答案:C15、在EXCEL中进行排序操作时,最多可按_个关键字进行排序A、1个 B、2个 C、3个 D、须根据排序方式确定其项目个数正确答案:C16、在Excel中,选取整个工作表的方法是_A、单击“编辑”菜单的“全选”命令B、单击工作表的“全选”按钮C、单击A1单元格,然后按住SHIFT键单击当前屏幕的右下角单元格D、单击A1单元格,然后按住CTRL键单击工作表的右下角单元格正确答案:B17、计算机显示器画面的清晰度主要是决定于显示器的A、亮度 B、色彩 C、分辨率 D、图形正确答案:C18、在Excel中,给当前单元格输入数值型数据时,默认为_。A、居中 B、左对齐 C

26、、右对齐 D、随机正确答案:C19、Word程序启动后就自动打开一个名为_的文档。A、Noname B、Untitled C、文件1 D、文档1正确答案:D20、在Excel中,要在同一工作簿中把工作表sheet3移动到sheet1前面,应_A、单击工作表sheet3标签,并沿着标签行拖动到sheet1前B、单击工作表sheet3标签,并按住Ctrl键沿着标签行拖动到sheet1前C、单击工作表sheet3标签,并选“编辑”菜单的“复制”命令,然后单击工作表sheet1标签,再选“编辑”菜单的“粘贴”命令D、单击工作表sheet3标签,并选“编辑”菜单的“剪切”命令,然后单击工作表sheet1

27、标签,再选“编辑”菜单的“粘贴”命令正确答案:A21、WINDOWS中“画图”文件默认的扩展名是_。A、CRD B、TXT C、WRI D、BMP正确答案:D22、世界上首次提出存储程序计算机体系结构的科学家是A、莫奇莱 B、艾仑 图灵 C、乔治布乐 D、冯诺依曼正确答案:D23、在Word的默认状态下,不用“打开”文件对话框就能直接打开最近使用过的文档的方法是_A、快捷键Ctrl+O B、工具栏上“打开”按钮 C、选择“文件”菜单中“打开”命令 D、选“文件”菜单底部文件列表中的文件正确答案:D24、在插入超级链接中,所链接的目标不能是_A、另一个演示文稿 B、同一个演示稿的某一张幻灯片 C

28、、其它应用程序的文档 D、幻灯片中的某个对象正确答案:D25、在Excel工作表中,_操作可以删除工作表D列。A、单击列号D,按delete键B、单击列号D,选择编辑菜单下的删除C、单击列号D,选择工具条上的剪切按钮D、单击列号D,选择编辑菜单下的清除 下的全部正确答案:B26、计算机病毒是一种_。A、破坏硬件的程序 B、输入设备 C、微生物“病毒体” D、程序正确答案:D27、键盘一般分为四个区域,其中shift为换档键,它属于A、主键盘区 B、小键盘区 C、功能键区 D、编辑键区正确答案:A28、Word的文件命令菜单底部显示的文件名所对应的文件是_A、当前被操作的文件B、当前已经打开的所

29、有文件C、最近被操作过的文件D、扩展名是.doc的所有文件正确答案:C29、ROM中的信息是_A、由计算机制造厂预先写入的B、在系统安装时写入的C、根据用户需求不同,由用户随时写入的D、由程序临时写入的正确答案:A30、在WINDOWS中,文件是指_的总称。A、用文字编辑器编写的文章 B、应用程序 C、设备 D、文档、应用程序、设备正确答案:D31、在PowerPoint中,一般在_视图下复制幻灯片。A、幻灯片浏览 B、幻灯片播放 C、预留框 D、注释页正确答案:A32、在Windows中,下面_不属于控制面板操作。A、创建用户帐户 B、添加新硬件 C、造字 D、调整鼠标的使用设置正确答案:C33、在Word中,如果要打开“绘图”工具栏,则应执行的菜单命令是A、编辑 B、插入 C、视图 D、工具正确答案:C34、中央处理器(CPU)主要由_组成。A、控制器和内存 B、运算器和内存 C、控制器和寄存器 D、运算器和控制器正确答案:D35、通常所说的IO设备指的是_A、输入输出设备 B、通信设备 C、网络设备 D、控制设备

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