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1、中考英语试题分类汇编对话填空练习与答案中考英语试题分类汇编对话填空练习与答案 (2010.湖南长沙 ,完成对话 通读下面的对话,根据上下文补全对话内容。计10分) A:Hi,Sandy ,what are you going to do this weekend? B:Im going to see a you give me some advice? A:Sure._1_? B:I like action movies. A:Have you ever seen the movie Avatar(阿凡达)? B:_2_.But I heard it is great. A;Oh,I saw

2、it yesterday. B:_3_? A:I think it is the best movie I have seen. B:_4_? A:It lasts about two and a half hours. B:Is lasts about two and a half hours. B:Is the ticket price high? A: it in 3D costs 120 yuan. B:_5_. A:Youre welcome. 【答案】 kind of movie do you like? do you think of it? long is it? you! (

3、2010湖北省黄冈市,四,10)根据语境,用恰当的语言完成对话。 (Miguel ,a volunteer in 2010 Shanghai Expo,is talking with his pen pal Xiang Peng in Huanggang on the phone).Miguel-M Xiang Peng X M:Hi,Xiang Peng!The final exam is coming ,I feel a bit nervous. X:So do time flies!Well gradute from junior school soon. M:I have the sa

4、me feeling as ,did you see the open ceremony of 2010 Shanghai Expo on TV last night? X:1._.You know ,I am busy with my entrance exam to senior school these days. M:2_!It was really wonderful and unique. X:But my father said he would take me to Shanghai after the think Ill know better about it. M3._?

5、 X:No,but my father has been there before. M:HmIts more beautiful than the way 4._? X:Well take a train s much safer and hope that you can be our guide then. M:5._.Im a volunteer in China Pavilion (中国馆),Ill show you around when you come. X:Great!Im looking forward to the coming day. M:Oh,Its time to

6、 go to youll have a good luck in your exam. X:Thank you!Yoo ! M:Bye! 【答案】 a pity! you ever been to Shanghai? are you going there? course 此答案不唯一 (2010吉林省通化市,X,5)根据对话内容,在空白处填写适当的词语。(话语可能是一个句子,也可能是一个短语或一个词),使对话完整。 A:Can you tell me where there is a good place to eat? course 1_would you like? A:I like h

7、ot pot(火锅) B:I think Sichuan Hot Pot Town is the best. A3_? B:Because it is delicious and s quite near. A:Thanks 3_there any good museums near here? B:Yes,theres a fascinating history museum. A:Could you tell me 4_? B:Walk about three can see a beautiful museum is across from the park. A5_is it? B:I

8、ts not far from here,just ten minutes walk 【答案】 kind of food do you like? is thatthere a good museum near here you tell me how to get there it far from here 此答案不唯一 (2010河南省,六,10)六、补全对话(5小题,每小题2分,共10分) A:Hello, Charles. B: Hello, Claire. Nice to see you here. How are you? A: Fine, thanks, Where are y

9、ou going for your summer holidays, Clarles? B:1. . Im going to stay with my uncle for three weeks. A: You certainly are lucky. How are you going there? B: By air, of ? A: Im going to visit my grandparents in a small villageI go there every summer B:Sounds great! Ive never been to the countrysideWhat

10、 do you do there? A:I do many things3 . B:Its fantastic! Are you going there alone? A:N04 By the way, whats John going to do this summer? B:He says hes going to the mountains with his parentsWell,Ive got to 90Have fun,C1aire A:5 I11 see you in September 【答案】1 To my hometownAustraliaShanghai Im going

11、 to my hometownAustraliaShanghai/ 2Where are you going(for your summer holidays) What are you going to do this summer Whats your plan (for summer holidays)What are your plans (for Summer holidays)What plans do you have (for summer holidays) What about youHow about you 31 help my grandparents do farm

12、 work I feed chickens,water plants and ride horses l go swimming and boating/I play basketball or tennis 4 Im going with my cousinmy brother/ With my cousinmy brother My cousinbrotheris going with me My parentsare going with me 5 You too(,Charles)You,too The same to you Thanks(a lot)Thank you(very m

13、uch)A lot of thanks (2010山西省,VIII,10)根据下面对话的情景,在空白处填入适当的语句,使对话完整 。 A : Hello , Lin Tao. B:Hello, are all here._1. ? A: We are planning for a good-bye party ,for the 3-year middle school life will be over. B:That sounds good .Can I join the party ? A:_2 Everyone in our class is welcome. B:Great! Is t

14、here anything I can do to help? A:Let me ,_3. B:Yes,I have a digital camera. A:We want to take some may remind us of the time we had in middle school in the future._4 B:Not at m sure to bring it to the else? A:Well,would you like to get some fruit and snacks for the party with me ? B:_5. Lets go. 【答

15、案】1. What are you doing (here) 2. Sure/Certainly/Of course/All right/I agree/No problem/Yes,I think so /OK /Yes/ Yes,you can/ Yes,please/ Of course you can. 3. do you have a (digital) camera? 4 Would you mind bringing it to the party/Would you mind if you bring it to the party? 5. Yes,I d like to /Y

16、es,I d love to /OK/Allright/That would be fine/That would be nice. (2010四川省成都市 二、完成对话。 每小题1分,计10分) Policeman:Excuse me ,madam. Madam:Yes? P:Would you mid letting me take a _1_ in your bag? M:What ?Im afraid I will _2_mind if you do so,Now go away. P:Im afraid I have to do s my duty in the supermarke

17、t,madam. M:Who are you?Go away ,_3_I will call the police. P:I am a _4_.Here is my police card. M:Really?Do you always look into peoples bags if you like ? P: will do so whenever I have a _5_ to believe that there is something in your bag that belongs to someone_6_. M:What do you mean? P:Well ,perha

18、ps youve got _7_that havent been paid for in your bag. P:Well ,if you are honest,you wouldnt _9_,would you?So may I look into your bag,madam? I dont want to do _10_to hurt you. 【答案】 (2010江苏省宿迁市 B) 根据情景,把下面对话内容补充完整,使其意思连贯!每小题2分) (P=Peter, an exchange student from the UK; W=Wang Tao, Peters classmate)

19、 W: Hi, Peter. Shall we play football after school? P: 1. But I would like to try something new. W: Oh, whats that? P: Table tennis. 2. W: Yes, we play it a lot. Can you play it? P: No, I cant. I tried, but 3. W: Well, never mind. You can play football very well. P: 4. for saying so, but you must te

20、ach me how to play table tennis. W: No problem. 5. P: Great. Every Friday after school. 【答案】1. Good idea. /Yes, Id like(love) to./That sounds nice./ 2. Do you often play it?/I find table tennis is very popular here./People here like table tennis very much./ 3. I failed./I still cant play it well./it

21、 is(was) difficult for me./I find it (is/was) difficult./I find it hard to play./ 4. Thank you/Thanks/Thanks a lot 5. Lets practise every Friday after school./Lets play together every Friday after school./Ill teach you every Friday after school./Why not play it every Friday after school./Shall we pl

22、ay it every Friday after school?/What (How) about (playing it) every Friday after school?/ (2010陕西省,七,5) B)根据下面对话中的情景,在每个空白处填入一个适当的语句,使对话恢复完整。 A:Hello!Jane _ B:This is didnt come to school this _ A:Sorry ,I forgot to ask for feel cant fall asleep these days . B:_But how is that? A:I keep thinking ab

23、out the coming exam. B:_.Im sure you can do it quite well. Try to relax to some music or do some sports. A:_ B:I hope you will be better A:Goodbye. 【答案】 is that? ? m sorry to hear that. it easy. you! (2010新疆省阜康市,八,5) 根据对话内容及上下文在空白处填入适当的单词,使对话意思完整。 A:Good afternoon,Mrs White. B:Good _1_,Mr Black. A:I

24、ts a very nice day,_2_it? B:Yes. A:Did you see the _3_yesterday morning ? B:Yes,I was walking past the corner near the shop _4_the accident _5_ A:It was really motorbike suddenly came and hit the stone on the street. B:The young man was _6_ people carried him to the nearest hospital_7_quickly _8_pos

25、sible. A:The policeman _9_there a moment later. B:Its dangerous to travel too _10_in the must be careful. 【答案】 t (2010福建省福州市,II,5)用恰当的词语填空,完成对话。每空一词。 A:Excuse me,may I smoke here? B:Look at the sign, says “No Smoking”. A:Would you _1_my smoking in the office next door? B:Im afraid the offices are no

26、n-smoking areas . A:Oh,dear!_2_cam I sinoke ,then? B:There is a smoking room _3_the first may smoke there. A:Sorry .Im _4_ you please show me the way? B: me ,m afraid smoking is bad for your d better _5_it up. A:Thanks for your ll think about it. 【答案】 (2010黑龙江省哈尔滨市,六,5) A: Hi, Li Yan! Have you ever

27、been _1_ the local library before? B: You mean the one near the Dragon Tower? A: That the one. B: I go to the English Corner in the library every Saturday. A lot of English lovers practice spoken English together. Why _2_ you join us? A: Sounds great! Could you tell me how to get there? B: The No. 7

28、 bus will take you right there. A: How _3_ is it? B: Its about twenty minutes ride. A: _4_ is the nearest bus stop? B: Walk along the street, and take the first turning on the left. Its opposite the post office. You cant _85_ it. A: Thanks a lot. B: Youre welcome. 【答案】 t (2010湖北省荆门市,五,5)根据上下文的语境,用适当的单词完成句子,每空一词。 (Rob=R Mom=M) R: Hi, Mom. Im back now! M: Where have you _1 ? Its almost

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