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1、鄂州英语中考真题含答案word鄂州市2015年初中毕业生学业考试英 语 试 题学校: 考生姓名: 准考证号:注意事项:1本试题卷共8页,满分120分,考试时间120分钟。2答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。3选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。答在试题卷上无效。4非选择题用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。答在试题卷上无效。5考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交。第一部分 听力测试. 听力测试

2、(共三节,20小题,满分25分)第一节:听描述或对话, 选图画。听下面2段描述和3段对话。听完以后,从A、B、C三幅图画中选出正确的一幅。每段描述和对话读一遍。(共5小题,每题1分,计5分) 第二节:听对话,选答案。听下面4段对话。根据所提的问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。(共10小题,每题1分,计10分)听第六段材料,完成第6、7小题。6. What show is Paul watching? A. A TV play. B. Music videos. C. A football match.7. Why doesnt Pauls grand

3、ma sit down and watch?A. Because she is tired. B. Because she has watched it.C. Because she doesnt like what Paul likes.听第七段材料,完成第8至10小题。8. Where will the two speakers go for the picnic?A. In James house. B. In the mountain. C. In the park.9. How will the two speakers go there?A. By bike. B. By boat

4、. C. By bus.10. Who will go with the two speakers?A. Jacky. B. Betty. C. James. 听第八段材料,完成第11、12小题。11. Why doesnt the man like his job? A. Because he feels lonely. B. Because he has to work at night. C. Because he meets all kinds of people.12. Where does the man want to work? A. At the Great Wall Hot

5、el. B. At the Garden Hotel. C. At the Golden Hotel.听第九段材料,完成第13至15小题。13. What time did Mr. and Mrs. Taylor get up yesterday?A. At five. B. At six. C. At half past six. 14. What kind of farm work did Mr. Taylor do this morning? A. Milked the cows. B. Collected the eggs. C. Watered the vegetables.15.

6、How often does Mr. Taylor milk his cows? A. Twice a day. B. Three times a day. C. Once a day. 第三节:听短文,选答案。听下面一段短文。根据短文内容选出最佳答案。短文读两遍。(共5小题,每题2分,计10分)16. When do some students take jobs in England? A. After school. B. During the winter holidays. C. During the summer holidays.17. How old must the stud

7、ents be if they want to take jobs? A. At 18 years old. B. At least 16 years old. C. More than 16 years old.18. Where do the students find jobs? A. In business centers. B. In police stations. C. In factories.19. How long do the students work a day? A. Five or six hours. B. Eight hours. C. Both A and

8、B.20. Why can some students take jobs at that time? A. Because many of the workers want to go abroad to spend their holidays. B. Because many of the workers are tired and want to stay at home. C. Because the students want to make money for their daily life.第二部分 语言知识. 单项选择 (共15小题,每题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D

9、四个选项中选出最佳选项。21. Do you know _ this iphone5 belongs to? Let me see. Oh, its _. A. whose; her B. whose; hers C. who; her D. who; hers22. I always get nervous when I start a(n) _ with others. Take it easy. Believe in yourself. A. expression B. introduction C. communication D. celebration23. Would you p

10、lease provide us _ some information about the school sports meeting? Sure. Its said that it will start _ the morning of September 20th. A. for; on B. with; on C. for; in D. with; in24. you come to my party on Sunday? Sorry, Im not available. I study for the math test. A. Can; must B. Must; can C. Ne

11、ed; may D. May; can25. Chinas hot words, like tuhao, dama and renxing, _ widely in the western media (媒体) last year. Really? A. use B. are used C. used D. were used26. I hope to be a volunteer on weekends. You could help to _ the city parks. A. cheer up B. make up C. take up D. clean up27. What do y

12、ou think of lemon? Terrible. I like fruit _ tastes sweet. A. who B. what C. which D. when28. What do you remember about Grade 7? I remember _ a prize. A. to win B. winning C. win D. wining 29. Is Tina _ than Tara? Yes, but Tara is _ in her class. A. taller; the heaviest B. tall; heavy C. taller; hea

13、vier D. the tallest; the heaviest30. What _ Candy _ just now? Sorry, I didnt hear it. I _ up the phone. A. was.saying; was picking B. did.say; was picking C. does.say; am picking D. did.say; pick31. Im sorry to have kept you waiting long. Never mind. I _ here for only a few minutes. A. came B. have

14、been C. have come D. had come32. Whats the secret of success, Dad? More time and effort, _ youll make it some day. A. or B. then C. but D. and33. Do you know the song Where has the time gone? Sure. It _ beautiful. I like it a lot.A. smells B. tastes C. sounds D. looks34. Be careful when you are driv

15、ing, _ in a rainstorm like this. Thanks. I will.A. seriously B. exactly C. especially D. probably35. The light in his room is still on. Do you know _? Maybe at midnight again.A. whats he doing B. why he stays up so lateC. if he is busy studying D. when he will stop workingIII完形填空(共10小题,每题1分,满分10分)阅读

16、下面短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,使短文完整、通顺。 It was the first time that my wife and I had flown first class. As we boarded the plane, we felt as if (好像) we were 36 of a wealthy group. We were filled with a sense of pride at 37 with those important people. We 38 that the stewardess (空姐) was working non-stop to

17、 make sure of the comfort of the first class passengers. She could not walk by a seat 39 being given an order. I thought she must love her job very much, since she gave each person such a big 40 . As the stewardess 41 our seats near the end of the flight, I looked up at her and said, “Thank you and

18、I hope you have a great night.” She stopped with a look of disbelief on her face, and said: “Excuse me?” I 42 my words and she smiled in a rather funny way. It seemed as if I had asked a question that she did not know how to 43 . A little later, as we were getting off the plane, the stewardess said

19、to me: “Thank you very much, sir.” Then she said 44 : “You are the only passenger who has thanked me or said anything nice to me all night. I really appreciate your kindness.” The sense of belonging to an elite(精英) group in first class 45 as soon as I heard those words. We were reminded that without

20、 kindness, there would be no first-class flying.36. B.part C.member D.sign37. A.sitting B.driving C.getting D.taking38. A.showed B.surveyed C.noticed D.looked39. A.without B.while C.after D.for40. A.excitement B.shyness D.sadness41. A.passed B.walked C.crossed D.went42. A.repeated B.sp

21、oke C.talked D.wrote 43. A.decide B.answer C.discuss D.consider44. A.loudly B.suddenly C.sadly D.quietly45. A.remained B.appeared C.disappeared D.continued第三部分 阅读理解IV.阅读理解(共20小题,每题2分,满分40分)阅读下面四篇材料,根据其内容,选择正确答案或完成阅读任务。AMARS The Red Planet “MARSThe Red Planet!” is one of our Early Reader Space books.

22、 It has surprising facts and photos explaining all about Mars. Aiming mainly at kids aged 710, its an interesting way for readers to find out more about the red planet. The Weather“The Weather” is one of our Early Earth books for boys and girls aged 1315. This is a fun and fantastic way for readers

23、to find out more about the weather on our earth. It offers information in a fun waymixing facts, photos, and even has a web page with video clips explaining more about the information in the book.HorsesKids Book of Fun Facts & Amazing Pictures on Animals in Nature A Perfect Horse Book for Kids Aged

24、58.The book written by Kate describes the most noble animal on the planet for early readers. The book is packed with beautiful and clear pictures that help your child to understand the (fun) facts about this animal. It also includes anatomy(解剖) of horses.46. If your sister wants to know more about t

25、he space, she can choose _. A. MARS The Red Planet! B. The Weather C. Horses D. The Earth47. “The Weather” is one of our Early Earth books for boys and girls aged _. A. 58 B. 1315 C. 710 D. 81348. “Horses” is about _. A. the most noble animal on the planet B. the weather on our earth C. the red plan

26、et D. a web page with video clips49. Which is true according to the ads(广告) above? A. The Weather is about the Moon. B. Horses was written by Kate. C. MARSThe Red Planet! is about the most noble animal. D. Horses is a perfect book for kids aged 710.50. The subject of the three books is on _. A. hist

27、ory B. geography C. science D. math B One morning, Wu Liang discovered that her classroom had changed. She found that the desks were no longer in rows, but pushed together to make eight bigger desks. She was so excited about it for the first two days that she couldnt listen to the teachers carefully

28、. But soon she and her classmates got used to this new classroom arrangement (安排). “Now our class is quieter,” said Wu. “Whats more, we can come up with our own ideas and learn more through discussion. Its a better way to study.” Li Yu liked it, too. “Group members first discuss,” he said, “and then

29、 present to the whole class. It makes us believe in ourselves.” This was part of a reform (改革) at Lis school. The school made this reform because they wanted to offer students easier ways to study and more chances to discuss. “Our school hopes to improve students abilities to study by themselves and

30、 work in groups.” said Zhang Ming, an English teacher. However, the reform has demanded more from teachers. Now they have only 15 minutes to give a lesson that would have been taught in 45 minutes before. It is difficult to teach in such a short time. The teachers have to find better ways to teach more effectively. “The reform demands more, but Im sure it is helpful.” added Zhang Ming.51. It was easier for Wu Liang to _ in class after the new classroom

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