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1、学年新课标最新广东省七年级下学期期末考试英语试题特色班有答案精品试题2017-2018学年广东省七年级下学期期末测试题考生注意事项:本试卷分选择题与非选择题,选择题答案用2B铅笔涂在答题卡相应的位置上,非选择题部分用黑色钢笔、签字笔在答题卷上作答;考试时间80分钟,全卷满分100分。一、 听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节:听力理解(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分) 听下面几段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第(1)(3)三个小题。(1)Where is Steven going for vacation?

2、A. San Francisco.B. New York.C. San Francisco and New York.(2)When will Steven leave?A. Next Monday. B. Next Tuesday. C. Next Wednesday.(3)What is Mary going to do for vacation?A. She is going to the beach and fishing with her friends. B. She is going to watch videos and relax at home . C. She is go

3、ing to visit her friends in New York. 听下面一段对话,回答第(4)(6)三个小题。(4)How many times has Bill read the novel?A. Once. B.Twice. C. Three times.(5)Where is the book shop?A. Next to a cinema. B. Next to a park.C. Next to a bus stop.(6)What will Mary do next?A. Borrow the novel from Bill.B. Go to buy the novel

4、.C. Go to the Peoples Cinema.听下面一段对话,回答第(7)(9)三个问题。(7)Why does David call Bruce?A. Because he wants to ask Bruce for some coins. B. Because he wants to give Bruce some coins.C. Because Bruce wants to buy some coins from him.(8)When does David want Bruce to call him back?A. This evening.B. Tomorrow m

5、orning.C. Tomorrow evening.(9)Whats Davids new telephone number?A. 69129853. B. 68178502. C. 66129853.听下面一段独白,回答第(10)(12)三个小题。(10)What was the weather like that day?A. Warm and rainy. B. Cold and sunny. C. Cold and windy.(11)Where did Kate run into the car?A. At the school gate. B. Near her home. C.

6、 At the traffic lights.(12)Which part of Kates body was hurt?A. Her right leg.B. Her right arm.C. Her left arm.听下面一段独白,回答第(13)(15)三个小题。(13)What did the speaker do last summer?A. Watched TV.B. Played computer games.C. Joined the volunteer organization.(14)What can we learn from the talk?A. The .speak

7、er helped in a hospital in Africa.B. The .speaker helped in an animal centre in Africa.C. The .speaker built a hospital in Africa. (15)What does the speaker think of the travel? A.Terrible. B.Dangerous. C.Helpful.第二节:听取信息(共小题;每小题分,满分分)听下面一段独白。请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入题号为AE的空格中。独白读两遍。 A Travel of Mi

8、ke and HenryHow long have they known each other?For _ years.Where are they going to visit this summer? They are going to visit _.When will they be off?Next _.How long will they stay in the city?For one _.How will they come back?By _.二、语法选择(每题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从1625各题所给的选项中选出最佳选项,并在答

9、题卡上将该项涂黑。 Once upon time, a man taught some monkeys how to dance.The monkeys were 16 clever that they began to dance well very soon. The man was happy. He 17 the monkeys up in special clothes and masks(面具). Then he took them to 18 party. He wanted people 19 his dancing monkeys.The dancing monkeys we

10、re very popular at the party. 20 knew they were monkeys, and everyone enjoyed 21 them dance.Then a naughty boy threw some bananas in front of the dancing monkeys. 22 the sight of the bananas,the monkeysforgot all about 23 . They tore off 24 masks and rushed over to the bananas and began to eat.All t

11、he people at the party began to laugh. They arent dancers at all, said one person. They are just monkeys! I guess not everything you see is 25 it appe- ars to be!And, said another, you should never try to be something youre not.16. A. so B. very C. too D. such17. A. dress B. dresses C. dressed D. dr

12、essing18. A. an B. a C. the D. /19. A. to admire B. admire C. admiring D. Admired20. A. Somebody B. Nobody C. Anybody D. Everybody 21. A. watch B.watched C. to watch D. Watching22. A. In B. Under C. With D. At 23. A. dance B. dances C. dancing D. to dance 24. A. them B. they C. theirs D. their 25. A

13、. that B. how C. who D.what 三、完形填空(10小题,计l0分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从每小题A、B、C、D中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。Will Smith is famous for his movies. He thinks its 26 that people like his movies. The actor admitted that he was touched 27 by the warm welcome from his fans.He said that he judged(评价) the 28 of the material by how

14、 it was liked by people. People worked hard to make a living and then on a Friday night they went to the 29 , and a lot of the time they 30 his movies over a lot of other movies. So he thought that was very ,very crazy.Will who made the most money in Hollywood in 2008 31 almost an hour talking to th

15、e thousands of exciting fans who came all the way to see him though it was a freezing cold day.Huge letters, W-I-L-L S-M-I-T-H, also made a deep 32 upon the married actor.The Men in Black star was deeply moved and said, Oh this is so fantastic.You see that? Its beautiful you know. I told them I want

16、ed my 33 40 metres high!In his new movie, Will 34 a man with a secret who starts out to set himself free by changing the 35 of seven strangers,but unexpectedly falls in love with one of them26Afunny Binteresting Ccrazy Dexciting27Aproudly Bgreatly Chappily Dsadly28Aquality Bquantity Csize Dappearanc

17、e29Aparties Bshops Crestaurants Dmovies30Abought Bwanted Cgot Dchose31Acost Bspent Ctook Dpaid32Aimpression Bdecision Cchoice Ddifference33Aphoto Bmovie Cfans Dname34Aplays Bwakes Cdoes Dbecomes35Afaces Bhopes Clives DWords四、阅读理解(共20小题,40分;每小题2分) A We always want to prepare ourselves to the changes

18、we may face when we go to a different country. Well, I have to say that for me,even after living in the US for one year and a half, I am still not used to the changes of weather, or how to manage my money well. There are many things that can give us culture shocks, but it is up to us whether to make

19、 it a big shock or a small one.I know that changing schools was a big thing for me. It helped me to be stronger and open towards meeting new people. Sometimes it feels like everybody is already in a group. This makes it harder for someone else to go in. But, it is not that hard. Actually many people

20、 know that you are from another country. They feel curious about your “history”, and would often think you are a different man. Another thing that can produce a shock to me is the sudden change of weather. During the last couple of days, there was an ice-snow storm. It was the biggest in 15 years in

21、 the state of Missouri. It was raining ice, really, and you could hear sounds outside the window like little pieces of rocks hitting it, of course it was the ice. It started accumulating so heavily that the University had to close down for two days, and it got worse when it started snowing after the

22、 ice storm.As international students, you may at times find something very difficult, but hey, anyone can beat and overcome it to make studying aboard an unforgettable experience. 36. The author has been in the US for . A. one year B. one and a half years C. two years D. two and a half years37.Chang

23、ing schools .A. was just a small thing for the authorB. made it harder for the author to go into new peoples groupC. helped the author to be stronger and open towards meeting new peopleD. made all people think the author was a different man38.The underlined word “accumulating” means in Chinese. A.堆积

24、 B.融化 C.结冰 39.Which of the following is NOT mentioned to be a shock for the author when he studied in the US?A. The big changes of weather. B.Managing money.C.Changing schools. D.Difference in language. 40.What is the main idea of this article?A. We may often change school to get used to living

25、 in a different country.B. The author exercised a lot during the ice-snow storm and became stronger.C. Students form other countries are curious about American history.D. Studying abroad is cool though there are difficulties.BSome time ago I received a gift from both of my children. It had nothing t

26、o do with Fathers Day. Yet, at the same time it had everything to do with Fathers Day.My son was studying in a high school in Colorado. He lived in the school. While we were talking on the phone he shared some wonderful news with me.He said, “You know Dad, I am really happy with my life. I cant thin

27、k of a thing that I would change about the way that I grew up, or the way that my life is now. ”My daughter was living with her mother in Northern California at that time. She said almost the same thing to me just a few days later.Of course,I was delighted to hear this from both of them. And I told

28、them both how happy I was, not only that they were happy ,but that they expressed it to me.And that was the gift that they were giving me -with the heart to communicate. Certainly I hope for good news when I hear from them. But mostly I love that they will share their real feelings with me. Happy or

29、 sad, I love to be touched(感动)by their real thoughts and feelings.For a child, Fathers Day isnt really about giving Dad a gift. It is about understanding the love that fathers express when they help put food on the table, teach their child to ride a bike, cheer at a soccer game, etc.For a father, Fa

30、thers Day isnt so much about receiving gifts for a job well done. Remember, the greatest gift that we give our children is the real expression of our love. It isnt enough for them to feel love inside ourselves: we need to express that love.41.The writers son said on the phone.A. he was happy but wan

31、ted to have a changeB. he was really happy with his lifeC. he hoped to grow up quicklyD. he wished to get a gift from him42.The writers daughter .A. loved her mother more than him B. was studying in ColoradoC. told him she was happy with her lifeD. once lived alone 43.The author is more touched by childrens .A. good news B. real feelings C. improvement D. gifts44. For a chil

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