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1、七年级下期期末知识点七年级(下期)英语复习要点 By Mr Shen in 2009UNIT 11.Where is your pen pal from? Shes from from=come from “来自于” eg.( ) Where does your pen pal ? from B. come from C. comes from D. from ( )My pen pal France from B. come from C. comes from D. is come from My pen pal is from the USA.= M

2、y pen pal comes from the USA.我的笔友来自于美国。2.Where does he live? He lives in Paris France.What city does he live in? He lives in Paris France. 他居住在哪儿? 他住在法国巴黎。live in+地名 “居住在”。介词in后只能接名词,接副词时则要去掉介词in。 in London 住在伦敦, live there/here 住在那儿/这儿。Where do/does sb live?What city do /does sb live in?3.Wh

3、at language does she speak? 她说什么语言?She speaks English. 她说英语。What language “什么语言”, speak “说、讲”,强调说话能力以及说某种语言。speak English/Chinese/French“说英语/中文/法语”.eg.( )Can you English? Yes,I can.but only a little. A.say B. tell C. talk D.speak4.Can you write to me soon?你能早点写信给我吗?write to sb =write a letter to sb

4、“给某人写信”。5. Where is Sydney?悉尼在哪儿?Its in Australia.在澳大利亚。6.短语: be from=come from来自于, live in居住在, go to a movie/movies 看电影,play/do sports做运动,write to sb 给某人写信 ,pen pal=pen friend笔友。UNIT 21.There be 句型的现在时的用法:表示某地有某物。There is单数可数名词/不可数名词。There are +可数名词复数形式。eg.( )There some milk in the glass.( ) There

5、some oranges in the basket.( ) There an orange on the table.( ) There some orange in the glass. B. is C. are D. be 2.问路及指点方向小结:a.Excuse me.Is there a post office near here?请问这附近有邮局吗?b.Excuse me.Where is the post office?请问邮局在哪儿?c.Excuse me.Which is the way to the post office?请问哪一条路是到邮局的?(the way

6、 to 到的路)。d.Excuse me.How can I get to the post office?请问我怎样才能到达邮局?指点方向:Walk/Go along the road/street.沿着这条路走。Its next to靠近/across from在的对面/betweenand在和之间/in front of 在的前面/behind在的后面/on the right/left of 在左边/右边。eg. 1)这个邮局在超市的对面。The post office is the supermarket.2)这个邮局在书店和超市之间。The post office is the l

7、ibrary the supermarket.3)这个邮局在超市的前面。The post office is the supermarket.3.excuse me和sorry的区别。当我们所说的话或所做的事可能引起对方不便或可能打扰对方时,或者我们要引起对方注意时,比如问路、问问题等,时先常说excuse me译作“对不起”或“打扰一下”等。当我们做错了事或者说错了话之后表示歉意时应该说sorry ,译作“对不起”eg.( ) ,can you help me with my English? ,I cant. I am busy now.A.Excuse me , Sorry B. Sor

8、ry , SorryC. Sorry, Excuse me D. Excuse me, Excuse me4. Thank you very much!非常感谢你! Youre welcome.不用谢。表示感谢的表达还有:Many thanks.Thanks a lot/very much.Thank you for sth. Thank you for doing sth.表示不用谢的表达有:Youre welcome;Thats OK/all right;Not at all;Its a/my pleasure。5.Next to the hospital is a small house

9、 with an interesting garden.靠近医院有一座带有有趣的花园的小房子。句中的with是“含有、带有”的意思,用作定语,修饰前面的名词,说明其性质。eg. She is a beautiful girl with long blond hair.她是一个长有金黄色长发的女生。The man with glasses is our Chinese teacher.戴着眼镜的那个人是我们的中文老师。6.enjoy “喜欢、享受的乐趣”。enjoy doing sth “喜欢干某事”。动词enjoy之后接动词只能用其ing形式(动名词)。eg.( )My friend,Davi

10、d,enjoys soccer after play C. playing D. plays7.arrive“到达” arrive in大地名“到达”;arrive at小地名 “到达”。get to “到达、抵达”,但是接副词home、here或there时,则不能用介词。get/arrive there 到达那儿。get home 到家。eg.( ) They arrived Shanghai the morning of June 11.A. in, in B. in ,on C. on ,in D. at ,on 8.短语:in front of

11、在的对面, across from在的对面, arrive in/at 到达, next to靠近, betweenand 在和之间, post office邮局 in the neighborhood在附近, go straight 一直走, turn left/right 向左/右转, on the left/right,在左/右边, pay phone投币式公用电话, enjoy doing sth喜欢干某事,have fun=have a good time 玩得高兴/愉快, UNIT 31. Why do you like koalas? Because they are cute.

12、你为什么喜欢考拉? 因为它们很可爱why “为什么” ,用来对原因提问。由why引导的句子,回答用because来陈述原因。eg.Why does she like comedies? Because they are funny.你为什么喜欢喜剧片? 因为他们有趣。2. kind of “几分、有一点” ,常放在形容词之前,修饰形容词。eg. I like pandas because they are kind of cute. 我喜欢熊猫因为它们很可爱。kind 还有“种类”的意思。a kind of “一种” , many kinds of “许多种” , all kinds of“各

13、种各样的” , this/that kind of “这种那种” 。eg.( )I like penguins because they are interesting.A. a kind of B. kind of C. kinds of D. kind 3. She likes to play with her friends and eat grass.她喜欢和她的朋友一起玩和吃草。 with “玩、和玩” ,eg.He usually plays with his friends on weekends.他经常和他的朋友在周末一起玩。 doing sth 和li

14、ke to do sth“喜欢干某事” 。like to do sth常表示一次性动作,也可接表示劳动的动词。like doing sth常表示习惯性动作,也可接表示娱乐的动词。现在一般不做区别了。eg.Mary likes playing the violin in her free time.玛丽喜欢在她的空余时间拉小提琴。Mary likes to play the violin today. 玛丽今天喜欢拉小提琴。He likes to clean the room on the weekends.他喜欢在周末打扫房间。 He likes visiting his friends on

15、 the weekends.他喜欢在周末拜访他的朋友。4. 一Where are lions from?狮子来自于哪儿?一Lions are from South Africa.狮子来自于南非。be from 来自于,与come from 同意。5.短语: kind of 有几分 in/during the day 在白天 at night 在夜里 want to do sth“想要干某事” Lets do sth “让我们干某事”。UNIT 41. What do/does sb do? What be sb? Whats ones job? “某人是干什么的?” 用来对职业提问。回答:Sb

16、 be 职业名词。eg. What do you do? /What are you ? /What is your job?你是干什么的?I am an actor/a reporter. 我是一个演员/记者。我们要掌握“What do/does sb do? Sb be职业名词。”这个句型。对职业提问只能用疑问词what“什么工作”。eg.What does your father do? Hes a doctor. ( ) What does your uncle do? .A. He is fine. B. He often watches TV at home. C. He work

17、s in a hospital. D.He is a doctor . 2. Where does your sister work? She works in a hostipal.你姐姐在哪儿工作? 她在医院工作。 Where “在哪儿”,用来对地点提问。eg. Where does your cousin live? He lives in New York.你的表哥住在哪儿? 他住在纽约。3. What do you want to be ? I want to be an actor.你长大想干什么? 我想成为一名演员。句型“What do/does sb want to be ?”

18、 常用来询问对方将来打算干什么职业。回答时直接 “Sb want(s) to be ”说出自己想干的职业或工作。eg. What does your brother want to be? 你的弟弟想干什么? He wants to be a singer. 他想成为一名歌手。4. I work with people and money. 我和人和钱一起工作。people “人、人们、人民” ,作可数名词,其单复数形式同形。但是在表示一个人时只能说:a person 而不能说a people. 如果变成peoples,其意思为“民族”。eg. There are many (people)

19、in the park on weekends.5. Then come and for us as a reporter.来并且为我们作为记者而工作。as“作为、当”。eg.My sister works in the restaurant as a waiter.我的姐姐作为一名服务员在这个饭店工作。6. 部分动词转化为名词的规则:a.一般的在动词后加er构成名词。eg.cleancleaner清洁工, workworker工人, waitwaiter服务员,侍者, reportreporter 记者,singsinger 歌手,readreader 读者。 b.以e结尾的动词在后加r构成

20、名词。writewriter 作家,drivedriver司机, dancedancer 舞蹈家。c.有些动词在其后加or构成名词。visitvisitor参观者, actactor演员, inventinventor 发明家。d.要双写末尾的辅音字母再加er的动词。swimswimmer 游泳者 winwinner获胜者, runrunner 跑步者。7.一般现在时的用法。一般现在时表示a.现在的状态,如:He is twelve years old.他十二岁了;She is at home.她在家。b.经常的或习惯性的动作,如:I go to school at 7:30 every da

21、y. 我每天7:30去上学。c.表示主语具备的性格和能力等,如:She likes apples.她喜欢苹果。They know English.他们懂英语。一般现在时常与一些表示频率的词,如:usually 通常,often 经常,sometimes 有时,every day(morning,year)每天(早晨,年)等连用。(usually,often,sometimes,every.等可作为一般现在时的标志词。)一般现在时的谓语构成可分为三种:第一种:主语+be动词+其他,如:The T-shirt is 37 dollars.第二种:主语+情态动词(can)+动词原形+其他,He ca

22、n play the piano very well. 他弹钢琴弹得很好。第三种:主语+行为动词(实义动词)+其他,He usually grts up at 6:30.。 他通常在6:30起床。以下着重讲述谓语动词是实义动词时的句子。肯定句:主语(sb)+动词原形(s)+其他。(注:动词原形(s)为动词的第三人称单数形式)。We often clean the classroom every morning.我们经常每天早晨打扫教室They usually play basketball after school every day.他们通常每天放学后打篮球。I go to school a

23、t 8 every morning.我每天早晨8点钟去上学。He sometimes helps his parents with the housework at home.他有时候在家里帮助他父母亲做家务。当谓语动词是实义动词时,变成否定句或一般疑问句要用助动词do或does【第三人称单数(he she it)用does,其他人称(I ,we,you,you they等)则用do。】否定句:主语(sb)+ dont/doesnt +动词原形+其他。We dont often clean the classroom every morning.They dont usually play b

24、asketball after school every day.I dont go to school at 8 every morning.He doesnt sometimes help his parents with the housework at home.一般疑问句:Do/Does+主语(sb)+动词原形+其他?Yes,主语(sb)do/does. No,sb dont/doesnt.a.Do you often clean the classroom every morning?Yes,we do./No,we dont.b.Do They usually play bask

25、etball after school every day?Yes,we do./No,we dont.c.Do you go to school at 8 every morning?Yes,we do./No,we dont.d.Does He sometimes help his parents with the housework at home?Yes,he does./No,he doesnt.7. 短语:shop assistant 店员, bank clerk 银行职员, want to be 想成为 , in the day 在白天 , at night 在夜间 , in a

26、/the hospital 在医院 , in hospital 住院 , an exciting job一件有激情的工作 , work as 作为工作,call sb at # 以#(电话号码)打电话给某人。 UNIT 51. What are you doing? I am watching TV. 你在干什么? 我在看电视。这两句都用了现在进行时。现在进行时主要用来表示此刻或现阶段正在发生的事或正在进行的动作。常与now、at this time 等连用;句中也可有look或listen 等词,以引起人们对正在发生的事的注意。(look,listen,now是现在进行时的标志词。)现在进行

27、时的构成:be(am、is、are)doing(动词现在分词)sth“正在干某事” 。肯定句:主语be(am、is、are)doing(动词现在分词)sth.否定句:主语be(am、is、are)notdoing动词现在分词)sth.一般疑问句:Be(am、is、are)+主语doing(动词现在分词)sth?肯定回答:Yes,sb be(am、is、are)。否定回答: No,sb bent(am、isnt、arent)eg.a.They are playing soccer ball over there. 他们在那儿踢足球。They arent playing soccer ball o

28、ver there.Are they playing soccer ball over there? Yes,they are./No, they arent.b.My brother is doing his homework in his bedroom.我的哥哥在他房间做作业My brother isnt doing his homework in his bedroom.Is your brother doing his homework in his bedroom. Yes,he is./No, he isnt.2. 动词ing形式的构成规则:a.一般动词后ing 构成。

29、ayplaying watchwatching b.以不发音的e结尾的动词,去e再加ing。eg. havehaving makemakingc.末尾只有一个辅音字母并重读的闭音节动词,要双写末尾的辅音字母再加ing。(坐、跑、放、得到、开始、游泳、购物eg.sitsitting runrunning putputting getgetting beginbeginning swimswimming shopshopping d.以ie结尾的动词,要变ie为y再加ing。eg.lielying tietying diedying eg.(1).Look.The kids (play) game

30、s on the playground.(2).Listen. Some students (read) English in the classroom.(3).They (listen) to the teacher carefully now.(4).The students (not have) an English class now. They (have) a Chinese class.(5). your parents (watch) TV now ?No.They (read) newspapers.3.What are you talking about? 你们在谈论什么? talk about“谈论(人或物)” 。eg. They are talking about an interesting movie.他们正在谈论一部有趣的电影。talk to/with sb “和某人谈话”。eg.Look. Your teacher is talking to/with your parents over there.看!你的老师正在那儿和你的父母亲交谈。4.wait for “等候某人”。eg.Who are you waiting for? I am waiting for my little broth

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