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1、高考英语写作专题训练1、高考写作专题训练发展问题自从改革开放以来,我们伟大的祖国可谓发生了翻天覆地的变化。请你根据下面图表所选取的生活片段,用英语写一篇关于中国前后发展变化的短文。 时间类型许多年前现在家用产品收音机、缝纫机、手表等彩电、洗衣机、移动电话、电脑等交通工具自行车、公共汽车火车、飞机、甚至拥有私家小车居住条件建筑简单,低矮平房高楼大厦,公寓住宅注意:1、文章必须包括表格中的所有内容。2、词数100左右。3、参考词汇:移动mobile写作指导:1、本文选了老百姓生活中的实际变化,从小处着眼,侧面反映了全局的发展变化。2、写作时,注意文章的时态,表中已明确说明了过去与现在。3、注意文章

2、的分段及叙述的方法和顺序,同时,留意表中所出现的众多名词的拼写。例文:With the rapid development of the society, great changes have taken place in family life.Many years ago, people considered owing radios, sewing machines, watches as rich. When they went out, they sometimes had to walk. If the living conditions were good, they could

3、 ride a bicycle or take a bus. And some lived in the cottages. It was not easy for one family to settle in the house made of brick.Nowadays, life is much better than in the past. Many ordinary families have colour TV sets, washing machines, mobile telephones and other modern equipment. People can of

4、ten go traveling by train or plane, and even some have their own cars. You can see high buildings everywhere. The rich prefer to buy a flat far from the busy city.No one couldnt imagine what a great change she would have . What will our life be in many years?同步练习衣食住行如何,直接体现出老百姓的生活变化,下表以前两者为例,请你据此用英语

5、写一篇短文。 时间类别多年前如今穿着条件1、手工缝制衣服2、一件衣服有时兄弟姐妹轮换穿3、衣服色调灰暗,款式单一1、款式多样,颜色多种2、许多人穿上了西服、羊毛衫、皮衣等饮食条件1、粮食少,经常挨饿2、大米,蔬菜,偶尔吃肉1、粮食富足,完全解决了吃饭问题2、吃上了海产品、牛奶、水果感受1、改革开放的伟大政策2、全国各族人民的努力奋斗注意:1、短文必须包括表中所有内容。2、词数100左右。3、参考词汇:政策policy 改革开放reform and opening-up参考答案:The living standard of the people has been improved a lot d

6、uring the past years. In the past, we seldom had new clothes. All we had on was often handed down from our brothers and sisters. Also, the colour of them were grey and the styles were almost the same. People were often hungry lack of food. We mainly depended on rice and vegetables. Once in a while,

7、we could have meat.Now, we can see the changes in these two ways. There are many styles and colours to choose from. Many people wear suits, wool sweaters, fur coats and so on. We are not only satisfied with being full, but also are rich enough to buy milk, fruits, seafood, etc.The reason why we can

8、live a happy life is that we benefit from the policy of the reform and opening-up. Besides, the hard work of the nation is the key to success.2、高考写作专题训练北京奥运导入:2001年北京申奥成功以来,北京的变化真大。市民争相学英语;北京的交通今非昔比。例题:根据下面的提示,写一篇约100个单词的英语短文。题目和开头已给出。1、2001年7月13日,中国获得2008年在北京举办奥运会的权利。2、申奥的成功,使得北京与国外交往的机会大增。3、在北京,业余

9、时间学习英语的人数比前几年增长了近70%;出租车司机至少能讲100句英语日常用语。 English is Getting More ImportantThe year 2001 was a great year in the history of China. 写作要求:短文应包括以上提示要点 ,可适当增加必要的语句,使短文内容更加充实,结构更加紧凑。写作指导:根据提示将要点表达清楚,可适当增加一些细节。注意时态,主谓一致,词的用法等语言知识。例文: English is Getting More ImportantThe year 2001 was a great year in the h

10、istory of China. On July 13, China succeeded in winning the right of holding the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. This means we Chinese will have more chances to communicate with people from all parts of the world. Therefore, English is getting more and more important.It is said that in Beijing more a

11、nd more people are learning English in their spare time. The number of people learning English is nearly 70 percent larger than that of the last years. Even the taxi drivers have been asked to speak 100 words and expressions of everyday English learning.同步练习假设你是一名北京大学学生,奥运前夕,你义务担任业余导游。在导游过程中,外宾问起北京的

12、交通情况以及政府采取了哪些措施治理交通问题。请按以下提示回答:1、北京申奥成功后,越来越多的国内游客来北京观光旅游。交通问题成为北京一大问题,政府通过努力,问题已得到解决。2、在这方面政府做了大量工作,如国际机场的建成、现代化公路的建设、天桥的增建、公共汽车和出租车的增加。另外,还制定了严格的交通规则。3、人们感到北京的交通形势越来越好。注意:1、短文应包括以上所有内容。2、词数100左右。参考答案:After Beijing won the bid for the 2008 Olympic Games, more and more tourists both at home and abro

13、ad have come to Beijing. Traffic became a big problem in Beijing. Our government has tried its best to solve it. Much work has been done to improve the situation. The International Airport and several modern highways around the city have been built. More overbridges have been built and more buses an

14、d taxies have been added in the city. Besides, the government has made some strict traffic rules, which helped the city to reduce the accidents. The citizens of Beijing is getting better and better.3、高考写作专题训练就业问题写作要求:中年人就业,由于年龄问题,导致困难重重,因此也就需要特别的关注。现根据下述情况,写一篇关于这方面的短文。命名:4050工程目的:为40-50岁之间的下岗工人创造再就业

15、机会。原因:1、中年人通常要承受家庭重担。 2、缺乏职业技能。措施:1、在职业市场为其提供更多的机会。 2、免费让他们参加一些培训。 3、多为他们联系些外地用人单位。注意:1、短文需包括上述所有内容,但不要逐条翻译。 2、词数120左右。 3、参考词汇:下岗 lay off写作指导:1、就业问题属于社会热点问题,而40-50岁之间的人们更需要特别的关注,由此可见本篇文章的社会及现实意义重大。2、之所以命名为“4050”工程,其实是以年龄层次为标记,更易于我们记忆。3、写作中,我们应把所列的要点串联成一篇文章,不要逐条翻译。4、注意“迂回”表达,特别是对于一些自己无把握的语言,不可硬译、直译。例

16、文:Have you heard of project 4050? It is the project to create opportunities for those who are laid off. Usually these people are between 40 and 50 years old. They often bear the heavy burden of life. And they each have a family to support. Besides, they are lack of special skills.In order to help th

17、em out of trouble, the project starts to offer them more chances in the job market. Also, they can have some training to learn new things for free. Meanwhile, the workers of the project try to connect with some companies that need persons, which lie in somewhere else.Make sure that these people will

18、 have a bright future by their own hard work. Of course, we hope our society pay more attention to them and help them.同步练习在企业改革,转换机制之际,不少企业无法适应市场形式,皆以倒闭而告终,而广大职工也纷纷自谋出路。下面以你的叔叔为例,写一篇关于再就业的文章。人物我的叔叔时间情况过去现在身份玻璃厂工人销售人员经过经营不善,工厂倒闭,自己失业参加培训,获得机会心情无所适从,非常沮丧万分舒畅感受多学知识,面对困难,相信自己,努力适应社会需求注意:1、短文需用第一人称。2、短文必

19、须包括上述表中的内容。3、词数120左右。例文:My uncle used to be a worker in a glass factory. As business was bad, the factory was closed down and he lost his job. For a time he felt sad and didnt know what to do. Luckily, he recovered from his trouble soon. He went to a training class and had a chance to be a salesman.

20、 Now he is having his second career. I met him the other day and found he was very happy. He feels that it is natural that one should meet the difficulties. The key is that we must learn more knowledge. When we face the trouble, we should believe in ourselves and made every effort to meet the needs

21、of the society.I think what he said is right. His experience is also a lesson for me. I must study hard and become an able man.4、高考写作专题训练网络重视看图作文的书面表达看图作文的特点主要是通过一幅或数幅图示内容揭示一故事情节,除语言运用能力之外,考生需要更多的思维空间,通过细致地观察、认真地推敲、准确地理解、地道地表达,从形式到内容都要和谐得体。体裁以记叙文为主;题材内容主要是家庭、环境及社会的普通生活细节。写作要求:Peter曾是一公司雇员,请根据下图内容写一篇

22、短文,可以适当增加一些情节,使短文连贯,最后应设计一合理的结局。字数100左右。已给出短文第一句。提示:错字wrongly written characters 聊天室:the chat room写作指导:1、理解到位:根据已给的短文第一句,仔细推敲每幅图的大意,整体把握一组图的连贯性理解及题目要求,确定思维范围,如人物对象;知识范围,如语法结构、时态、词汇和句型等。2、要点到位:用一简单句写出每幅图的主题句(谁做什么?),可以保证不会因为遗漏要点而丢分。3、细节到位:对每幅图主题句进行扩写、补充每幅图的次要内容(时间、地点、方式、原因等),基本保证短文对词汇数量的要求。4、表达到位:按情节发

23、展先后,整理成文。有效的使用语句间的连接成分,承上启下运用必要的连接词来体现较强的语言应用能力,使全文紧凑。5、检查到位:对照各图看是否覆盖所有内容要点,检查全文定稿。例文:Peter was an employee in a company. He liked listening to music as he worked. One day he was typing a paper. Of course he listened to music as he worked. After finishing the paper, he handed it to his boss. The bo

24、ss was very angry when he read it. He asked Peter to come to his office and shouted at him, “Peter! Can you explain why you have made so many wrongly written characters in the papers recently?”Looking at the paper, Peter didnt take it seriously and said with a smile, “I go to the chat room very ofte

25、n so Ive got the habit of doing that.” As a result, he lost his job.同步练习请根据下图内容写一篇短文,可以适当增加一些情节,使短文连贯。字数100左右。已给出短文的第一句。提示:网吧Internet CafI was once a good student in our class. But -参考答案:I was once a good student in our class. But later I liked going to Internet Caf. I often chatted with others on t

26、he web sites and sent messages by E-mail far into the night. So I had wasted too much time that I should have spent working hard at my studies. I failed in the exam again this time and made my teacher very angry. He asked me to his office and asked me to explain why I always couldnt pass the exams.

27、It was at this time that I felt great shame and apologized to him, admitting that I often went to the Internet Caf. I promised that I would study hard and I was sure to catch up with my classmates.5、高考写作专题训练环境保护写作要求:请根据下列提示和图画,写一篇100字左右的文章。近几年来,沙尘暴多次肆虐我国。请根据下列图画内容,以李华的名义向报社投稿,呼吁大家植树造林,保护环境。注意:1、字数10

28、0词左右;2、开头已为你写好。生词:荒地-wasteland (n.)沙尘暴-sandstorm (n.)Dear editor,In the past, my hometown used to be a beautiful place.写作指导:本题要求根据图画内容写一封信。首先要注意信的格式和用词。信的开头已经给出,信的末尾要有落款。用词要中肯,要切合实际情况。内容要包括图画的所有内容,可以适当增减细节,使文章连贯。读取图画内容时,要注意所提供的细节,如图画中的文字提示等。参考范文:Dear editor,In the past, my hometown used to be a beau

29、tiful place. Thick trees and green grass could be seen everywhere. In order to build houses and grow more crops, people cut down more and more trees. As time went on, the whole forest was almost destroyed. Gradually, the green hills have been changed into wasteland. As a result, sandstorms have been

30、 striking us now and then, from which we have suffered a lot. So I do hope all the people should realize the terrible result of not caring about our environment. Whats more, we should take good care of the forests and plant more trees instead of cutting them down so as to improve our living conditio

31、ns.同步练习:River PollutedNumerous dead fish can be found floating on the surface of Haihe River, the symbol of Tianjin city, because of serious pollution this summer. In a report, Tianjin Evening called on people to help protect the river against pollution. (From China Daily)以上是摘自中国日报的一则短讯。读后,请你写一篇100字

32、左右的短评,要求包括以下内容要点:1、像中国日报所报道的此类河水污染情况,还不止海河,在全国不少地区也存在。2、众所周知,环境污染对人类危害极大。现在越来越多的人开始认识到这个问题的严重性。3、我国政府正在努力采取措施与污染作斗争。相信我们一定能取得胜利。参考答案:China Daily reports that numerous fishes in Haihe River die from serious pollution. Such river pollution exists not only in Haihe River but also in some other places of

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