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1、东师英美文学15春在线作业东师英美文学15春在线作业一、单选题:1.Author of Gullivers Ttravels also wrote (满分:2.5) A. A Modest Proposal B. Robinson Crusoe C. Henry V D. The Tyger2.American romanticism started with the publication of ( ) and ended with Leaves of Grass . (满分:2.5) A. The Sketch Book B. Nature C. Leatherstocking Tales

2、3.Here are four lines from a long poem: “Others for language all their care express, / And value books, as women men , for dress.” The poem must be (满分:2.5) A. Thomas Grays “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” B. John Miltons Paradise Lost C. Alexander Popes Essay on Criticism D. Shakespeares Mid

3、summer Nights Dream4.Angry Young Man of the 1950s most came from (满分:2.5) A. the lower class B. the upper class C. peasants D. workers5.“The novel is structured around the discovery of the heros origin.” This novel is most probably . (满分:2.5) A. Charles Dickenss David Copperfield B. James Joyces A P

4、ortrait of the Artist as a Young Man C. Thomas Hardys Far from the Madding Growd D. Henry Fieldings Tom Jones6.Hardy started as a poet and ended as a (满分:2.5) A. playwright B. novelist C. poet D. critic7.Mary Ann Evans was the original name of one of the following writer: (满分:2.5) A. Mrs. Gaskell B.

5、 Charlotte C. Austen D. Eliot8.She lived unknown, and few could know When Lucy ceased to be; But she is in her grave, and, oh, The difference to me! The word me in the last line of the above stanza quoted from Wordsworths poem She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways may possibly refer to ( ) . (满分:2.5) A

6、. the poet B. the reader C. her lover D. everybody9.“Rip Van Winkle” reveals the theme of ( ) the past. (满分:2.5) A. nostalgia for B. rejection to C. detachment from D. nothing related to10.Robert Frost combined traditional verse forms - the sonnet, rhyming couplets, blank verse - with a clear Americ

7、an local speech rhythm, the speech of ( ) farmers with its idiosyncratic diction and syntax. (满分:2.5) A. Southern B. Western C. New Hampshire D. New England11.Here is a passage from Middlemarch, a novel by George Eliot: Her blooming full-pulsed youth stood there in a moral imprisonment which made it

8、self one with the chill, colourless, narrowed landscape, with the shrunken furniture, the never-read books, and the ghostly stag in pale fanatic world that seemed to be vanishing from the daylight, Who is the lady mentioned in the quoted passage? (满分:2.5) A. Dorothea B. Emma C. Molly D. Irene12.the

9、most significant idea of the Renaissance is( ). (满分:2.5) A. humanism B. realism C. naturalism D. skepticism13.John Bunyans pilgrims progress is often regarded as a typical example of( ). (满分:2.5) A. allegory B. romance C. epic in prose D. fable14.( ) pen name was Mark Twain . (满分:2.5) A. Samuel Lang

10、horne Clemens B. Henry James C. William Dean Howells15.And where are they? And where art thou, My country? On thy voiceless shore The heroic lay is tuneless now- The heroic bosom beats no more!(George Gordon Byron, Don Juan) In the above stanza, art thou literally means ( ) . (满分:2.5) A. are you B.

11、art though C. are though D. art you16.All the qualities can be contributed to Portia except (满分:2.5) A. nosy B. cultured C. courteous D. kind-hearted17.The one who translated Homers epics into English is (满分:2.5) A. Shakespeare B. Marlowe C. Chapman D. Sidney18.In his poem“Tyger,Tyger,”William Blake

12、 expresses his perception of the“fearful Symmetry”of the big catThe phrase“fearful Symmetry”Suggests( ). (满分:2.5) A. the tigers two eyes Which are dazzlingly bright and Symmetrically set B. the poets fear of the predator C. the analogy of the hammer and the anvil D. the harmony of the two opposte as

13、pects of Gods creation19.The statement “A demanding mother turns away from her husband and gives all her affection to her sons” sums up the main plot of D. H. Lawrences . (满分:2.5) A. Lady Chatterleys Lover B. Women in love C. Sons and Lovers D. The Plumed Serpent20.In William Blakes poetry, the fath

14、er(and any other in whom he saw the image of the father such as God, priest, and king)was usually a figure of ( ) . (满分:2.5) A. benevolence B. admiration C. love D. tyranny21.The first novel of Thomas Pynchon is ( ) . (满分:2.5) A. V. B. The Crying of Lot 49 C. Entropy22.Irvings Rip Van Winkle is famo

15、us for ( ) . (满分:2.5) A. Rips escape into the mountain B. Rips seeking for happiness C. Rips 20year sleep23.Tennysons“Ulysses” is a ( ). (满分:2.5) A. English sonnet B. Thomas C. Italian sonnet D. Free verse24.As an autobiographical play, ONeills ( ) (1956)has gained its status as a world classic and

16、simultaneously marks the climax of his literary career and the coming of age of American drama. (满分:2.5) A. The Iceman Cometh B. Long Days Journey Into Night C. The Hairy Ape D. Desire Under the Elms25.All of the following are written by Hemingway except ( ) . (满分:2.5) A. The Sun Also Rises B. For W

17、hom the Bell Tolls C. Sartoris26.provides the main source of influence on American naturalism. (满分:2.5) A. The puritan heritage B. Howells ideas of realism C. Darwins theory of evolution D. The pioneer spirit of the wild west27.The novelist who was born in Poland wrote (满分:2.5) A. The portrait of A

18、Lady B. A Passage to India C. The Heart of Darkness D. Dubliners28.( ) has been regarded as the “founder of the American Drama”. (满分:2.5) A. Tennessee Williams B. Eugene ONeill C. Arthur Miller D. Hendrik Ibser29.Dramatic monologue was created by the author who wrote (满分:2.5) A. Crossing the Bar B.

19、Ode to the West Wind C. The Ring and the Book D. Jude the Obscure30.( ) was written by James Joyce. (满分:2.5) A. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man B. Portrait of a Lady C. Picture of Dorian Gray D. To the Lighthouse31.Not on thy sole but on thy soul, harsh Jew,/Thou makst thy knife keen. In the

20、 above quotation taken form The Merchant of Venice, Shakespeare employs a(n)( ) . (满分:2.5) A. oxymoron B. pun C. simile D. synecdoche32.G.B.Shaws play Mrs.Warrens Profession is a realistic exposure of the ( ) in the English society. (满分:2.5) A. slum landlordism B. inequality between men and women C.

21、 political corruption D. economic exploitation of women33.The statement It reveals the dehumanizing workhouse system and the dark, criminal underworld life may well sum up the main theme if Dickenss ( ) . (满分:2.5) A. David Copperfield B. Bleak House C. Great Expectations D. Oliver Twist34.Which of t

22、he following information about John Milton is NOT true? (满分:2.5) A. John Milton was the greatest English Poets after Shakespeare. B. Milton was born in a Roman Catholic family and both his parents were understanding parents. C. He received education at Cambridge and in 1632 he completed his M.A D. H

23、is masterpiece is Paradise Lost35.“My last Duchess” is a poem that best exemplifies Robert Brownings ( )( )( ). (满分:2.5) A. sensitive ear for the sounds of the English language B. excellent choice of words C. mastering of the metrical devices D. use of the dramatic monologue36.The publication of ( )

24、 established Emerson as the spokesman of Transcendentalism . (满分:2.5) A. Nature B. Selfreliance C. The American Scholar37.Romanticism shares the following common features except (满分:2.5) A. imagination B. intuition C. restraint D. natural sentiment38.In Hardys Wessex novels,there is an apparent( )to

25、uch in his description of the simple though primitive rural life (满分:2.5) A. nostalgic B. humorous C. romantic D. ironic39.Dreisers Trilogy of Desire includes three novels. They are The Financier, The Titan and ( ) . (满分:2.5) A. The Genius B. The Tycoon C. The Stoic D. The Giant40.The one who propos

26、e the story-telling in the Canterbury tales is (满分:2.5) A. the poet B. the knight C. the boss D. the pardoner英美文学15春在线作业2一、单选题:1.The Pilgrims Progress by John Bunyan is often said to be concerned with the search for ( ) . (满分:2.5) A. material wealth B. spiritual salvation C. universal truth D. self-

27、fulfillment2.The subject matter of Robert Frosts Poems focuses on . (满分:2.5) A. ordinary country people and scenes B. battle scenes of ancient Greek and Roman legends C. struggling masses and crowded urban quarters D. fantasies and mythical happenings3.John Milton wrote his masterpieces after blindn

28、ess expect (满分:2.5) A. Paradise Lost B. Paradise Regained C. Samson Agonistes D. Areopagitica4.ChineseAmerican Literature can be defined as literature by and about ( ) in America . (满分:2.5) A. Chinese immigrants B. Chinese students C. Asian immigrants5.The following poets are all Poet Laureate except( ) (满分:2.5) A. Ben Jonson B. Thomas Gray C. Robert Southey

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