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大学英语语法第六讲 副词.docx

1、大学英语语法 第六讲 副词第六讲副 词 一、分类在意义上, 副词可以分为时间副词( now, late ) , 地点副词( here, up) , 程度副词( very, so) , 频率副词(often , rarely) , 方式副词( fast , easily) , 态度副词(maybe, honestly)和逻辑连接副词(hence, however)等。在功能上, 副词可以分为一般副词( there) , 疑问副词(when) , 连接副词( how, where) , 关系副词( as , why)和解释性副词( namely, for example, i . e . 那就是,

2、 e . g . 例如, viz 即) 等。关系副词引导定语从句, 连接副词引导主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句或不定式等。本书对关系副词和连接副词不作区分。Why she committed suicide is still a mystery . (主语从句) I.d like to know how she did it . (宾语从句) This is where you are mistaken . (表语从句) That is the place where he was ar rested . (定语从句) Ask her when to open it . 问她什么时候把它打开。(

3、不定式) 二、构成1 . 大部分副词由相应的形容词加上后缀-ly 构成, 但注意有变化1)一般情况slow slowly dear dearly coolcoolly badbadly final finally exact exactly 2) -y 结尾的词happyhappily angryangrily .但shyshyly(或shily) , gaygayly(或gaily) , drydryly(或drily) 3) -le 结尾的词, 省去-e 再加-y subtlesubtly noblenobly singlesingly idleidly ableably . 但: sup

4、plesupplely, solesolely, palepalely, vilevilely, stale stalely, wholewholly 4) -ue 结尾的词, 去掉-e, 再加-ly t ruetruly dueduly 5) -e 结尾的词, 直接加-ly completecompletely wisewisely widewidely lonelonely looseloosely definitedefinitely 6) -ic 结尾的词, 加-ally economiceconomically historichistorically新/ 世/ 纪/ 英/ 语/ 丛

5、/ 书268 第六讲副词 t ragict ragically phoneticphonetically automaticautomatically democraticdemocratically fantasticfantastically energeticenergetically fanaticfanatically . 但: publicpublicly, politicalpolitically 7) -ly 结尾的词, 去掉-y, 加-ily melancholymelancholily manlymanlily chillychillily 8) -ll 结尾的词, 只加-

6、y fullfully dulldully 9)其他词类+ -ly 构成的副词first (序数词)firstly over(介词)overly most (不定代词)mostly according(现在分词)accordingly determined(过去分词)determinedly matter-of-fact(短语)matter-of-factly kind-hearted(形容词)kind-heartedly ill-natured(形容词)ill-naturedly marked(过去分词)markedly lingering(现在分词)lingeringly 2 . 有些副词

7、是由介词或地点名词加后缀-ward(s)构成的, 意为“向.” forward( s) , backward( s) , downward ( s ) , northward ( s) , upward( s ) , stationward ( s ) , leftward( s) , homeward( s) , onward( s) , inward( s) 3 . 有些副词是由名词加后缀-wise 构成的, 表示位置、方向、状态、有关等意义sidewise, clockwise, crabwise, money-wise, saleswise, taxwise, lengthwise,

8、educationwise, weatherwise, corkscrew-wise Note: 有少数副词加后缀-ways , -long, -ling( s)构成。例如: sideways, lengthways , headlong, sideling( s) 有些副词是加a-, here-, there-, where-构成的。例如: away, ashore, aside herein( in this) , hereby, hereafter therein( in that) , thereby, thereafter wherein( in which 或in what ) ,

9、 whereby, whereon 4 . 某些以名词+ -ly 构成的词和其他结构的词, 既可作副词, 也可作形容词下面名词+ -ly 构成的词既是副词又是形容词: 1) hourly Their average hourly earnings are 20 yuan . 他们每小时的收入是20 元。(形容词) The guards shifted hourly . 卫兵每小时换一次岗。(副词) 2)weekly a weekly payment of 100 yuan每周100 元的报酬(形容词) They met weekly . 他们每周碰一次面。(副词) 3)yearly a yea

10、rly meeting 年会(形容词) The interest is normally paid once yearly . 利息通常每年付一次。(副词) 4) leisurely He often takes a leisurely walk in the garden in the evening . 晚间, 他常常在庭院里轻松地散散步。(形容词) He walked leisurely along the road . 他在路边悠闲地走着。(副词)大学英语语法讲座与测试(第二版) 269 二、构成. 其他如: daily paper 日报publish daily 每天出版quarte

11、rly review 季刊meet quar terly 每季开会一次the nightly skies 夜空appear nightly 夜间出现fortnightly publication 两周一次的刊物perform fortnightly 每两周表演一次monthly salary 月薪come monthly 每月来一次ghostly laugh 可怕的笑声ghostly pale 鬼一般地苍白worldly knowledge 人情世故worldly wise 善于处世jolly life 舒心愉快的生活jolly good 非常好cleanly room 清洁的房间cut cl

12、eanly 干净利落地切deadly poison 烈性毒药deadly serious 极为认真kindly heart 慈悲心肠speak kindly 亲切地说lively girl 活泼的女孩step lively 轻快地走Note:manly, costly 等名词+ -ly 构成的词只用作形容词, 参阅第五讲。另外, monthly( 月刊) , daily(日报) , weekly(周报) , quar terly(季刊) , bimonthly(双月刊)等还可作名词用, 如Beijing Weekly北京周报。5 . alike 是形容词也是副词英语中有些副词带有前缀a-, 这

13、类词有些同时也是形容词。例如: alone, adrift , astray 迷路, aslant 倾斜, afoot 徒步, aboard 在船上, abroad, askew 歪斜, ahead 等。They think alike . 他们有同样想法。The boy has gone astray . She went to the station af oot . 6 . 具有两种形式的同根副词有些副词具有两种形式, 一种与形容词同形, 一种是形容词加后缀-ly 构成的。这两种形式的副词有时含义相同或略有不同, 有时则意义完全不同。比较下面几组词。1) hard 和hardly It

14、is raining hard . (猛烈地) He works very hard . (努力地) She listened hard . (仔细地) I can hardly understand you . (几乎不) 2) clean 和cleanly I clean forgot about it . (完全地, 彻底地) The man got clean away . 那人逃得无影无踪。He is clean out of food . 他完全没有东西吃了。He pulled one cork cleanly, but the other crumbled . (利索地, 顺利地

15、) Note: cleanly 作“清楚地”解时, 读作.klinli, 也可用作形容词, 作“ 爱清洁的”解, 读作.klenli, 如a cleanly cat。3) late 和lately Very late at night , I got a phone call . (晚, 迟) I have lately received a number of letters about this . (最近) 4)most 和mostly新/ 世/ 纪/ 英/ 语/ 丛/ 书270 第六讲副词 The head is the most sensitive par t of the body

16、 . (最) The snake hunts mostly at night . (主要地) The guests are mostly friends of the bride . (大多数地) 5) close 和closely He stood close to the wall . (靠近) He was following close behind . (近) Watch what I do closely . (细心地) The prisons were closely guarded . (严密地) 6) dead 和deadly dead sure (的确) dead tire

17、d (极其) dead ahead (正好) dead drunk (完全地) stop dead (突然地) He was deadly pale . (死一般地) She is deadly sleepy . (非常) 7) sharp 和sharply We arrived at the station at ten o.clock sharp . (准时) look sharp 注意sing sharp 用升半音唱At the crossroads , we turned sharp ( sharply) to the left . (急剧地) (作“急剧地, 突然地”解时, 用sha

18、rp 和sharply 均可) 8) slow 和slowly The workers decided to go slow . (怠工) ( slow 通常与go, drive,walk 等动词连用, 置于动词之后, 其他动词多同slowly 连用, slowly 在句中的位置较灵活) Speak slowly, please . (慢) She awakened slowly . She slowly awakened . Slowly she awakened . . 但在下面几句中, 用slowly 和slow 均可: How slowly/ slow time passes ! Go

19、 slow/ slowly, coming to a sharp turn . You.d better go slow/ slowly in reaching a decision . 9) right 和rightly All went right . (好) He went right away . (立即) Go right home at once ! (直接) I haven.t read the book right through . (完全地) The book is right in front of her . (恰好) I rightly guessed t

20、hat he wasn.t coming . (正确地) He rightly guessed it . (正确地) (注意, rightly 通常放在动词前, 但也可以说: He guessed rightly(或right ) . ) 10) firm 和firmly大学英语语法讲座与测试(第二版) 271 二、构成Always hold f irm to your beliefs . Stand f irm . 但: He f irmly believes that . (坚定地) Fix the nail f irmly in the wall . (牢固地) 11) fair 和fa

21、irly We must play f air . (公正地) She hit him fair on the nose . (恰好) dealt fair and square with him . (公平地) 但: She told the facts fairly . (不感情用事或不带偏见地) He was f airly beside himself with joy . (相当地, 非常) fairly well (非常好) fairly good 12) easy 和easily Take it easy . (with sth . or on sb . 省着用,

22、 慢慢来) Go easy . (别急) Easy said, easy go . 轻诺者往往失信。get off easy 没受多大惩罚Stand easy ! 休息! Easier said than done . 做比说难。但: I can easily finish it today . (容易地) He is easily satisfied . (容易地) It is easily the best hotel . (无疑) 13)wide 和widely He stands with legs wide apart . (宽阔地, 张得很开) Her mouth is wide

23、open . (完全地) The ball went wide ( far away) f rom the right point . (偏斜地) Canning is the most widely used method of food preservation . (广泛地) They differed widely in opinion . (很大地, 在很多地方) He is widely known . (到处) 14) sure 和surely “Can I sit here ?” “ Sure . ”(当然可以) It sure was a mystery . (的确) He

24、will surely succeed . (一定) You don.t want to hurt his feelings surely . (当然) 15) loud 和loudly Don.t speak so loud . ( loud 指音量的大小, 常同talk, speak, sing, laugh 等连用) He is snoring loudly . Tell the children not to speak so loudly . ( loudly 指发音时用力的强度, 具有“大叫, 呼号”等含义, 有时相当于noisily, 常指“令人不快的噪音”) She is lo

25、udly dressed . (花哨地) Please read out loud ( aloud) . (“朗读”不可用loudly)新/ 世/ 纪/ 英/ 语/ 丛/ 书272 第六讲副词 . 但下面两句均正确: He spoke loud and clear . (口语) He spoke loudly and clearly . (书面语) 16) deep 和deeply (1)表示静止状态的具体深度一般用deep , 修饰形容词或动词表示抽象深度则用deeply。例如: She stood there, her feet deep in the grass . I enjoy it

26、 deeply . She was deeply grateful to you for your help . (2)在work deep into the night , go deep into the matter (深入探讨) , drink deep(痛饮) , deep-rooted eyes(深陷的眼睛)等词组中, 不用deeply。. 有时两者可以换用。例如: She is deep in love . She is deeply in love . dig deep dig deeply 17) near 和nearly The holiday is drawing nea

27、r . (接近, 指时间和空间) He was nearly run over by a car . (几乎, 差不多) 18) round 和roundly Turn your chair round and face me . (转过来) He was roundly criticized by the teacher . (狠狠地) . 下面两组句子都是正确的, 第一句用于口语, 第二句用于书面: She was sleeping sound . She was sleeping soundly . He lay quiet until the danger was over . He

28、lay quietly until the danger was over . Note: 在句首或动词前面时, 应用带-ly 的副词。例如: Slowly she walked towards the graveyard . (不用slow) 与形容词同形的单个副词不可在强调句中作被强调部分。例如: It was clear that she spoke . (误) It was clearly that she spoke . (正) It was loud and clear that she spoke . (正) greatly 通常被用来修饰动词, 除有时修饰形容词比较级或类似的词

29、如superior , inferior 等外, 一般不修饰形容词。例如: The book is greatly interesting . (误) The book is very( fairly) interesting . (正) This car , manufactured at a price greatly higher than that car , is greatly superior in many respects . (正) I greatly appreciate your suggestions . She was greatly frightened of h

30、im . 有些这类副词, 修饰动词有时不需加-ly, 但在修饰形容词、介词、现在分词或过去分词时, 却要加-ly, 常见的有high( ly) , direct( ly) , wide( ly) , tight ( ly)。当然, 这些副词另外还各自有其特定的用法, 参阅本章其他部分。比较: He will communicate with you direct . He was directly affected by the disaster . (不用direct )大学英语语法讲座与测试(第二版) 273 二、构成19) f ree 和f reely The dog ran f ree on the farm . (无约束地) The horse broke f ree . (松开着) He admitted the mistake f reely . (直率地) They walked f reely in the park . (自由地) The books are given away f ree . (免费) The books are given away f reely . (大量地、慷慨地) 20) large 和largely write large (很大地) sail large (顺风地) It is stupid t

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