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SAT 真题0601S7.docx

1、SAT 真题0601S71. Some fans feel that sports events are _ only when the competitors are of equal ability, making the outcome of the game _.A. successfulassuredB. boringquestionableC. dullforeseenD. interestingpredictableE. excitinguncertain2. Alfred Schnittkes musical compositions are _: phrases are cl

2、ipped, broken into sections, and split apart by long rests.A. garnishedB. improvisationalC. fragmentedD. cautiousE. uniform3. The consumer advocate claimed that while drug manufacturers _ the supposed advantages of their proprietary brands, generic versions of the same medications are often equally

3、_.A. toutefficaciousB. researchinnocuousC. marketprohibitiveD. laudcounterproductiveE. extractprescriptive4. Latoyas _ is shown by her ability to be _: she can see her own faults more clearly than anyone else can.A. perceptivenessself-centeredB. objectivityrestrictiveC. cynicismself-destructiveD. op

4、en-mindednesscomplacentE. insightfulnessself-critical5. The bearded dragon lizard is a voracious eater, so _ that it will consume as many insects as possible.A. abstemiousB. cannibalisticC. slovenlyD. insatiableE. unpalatable6. Because drummer Tony Williams paved the way for later jazz-fusion musici

5、ans, he is considered a _ of that style.A. connoisseurB. revivalistC. beneficiaryD. disparagerE. progenitor7. The politicians speech to the crowd was composed of nothing but _, a bitter railing against the partys opponents.A. digressionsB. diatribesC. platitudesD. machinationsE. acclamations8. Favor

6、ing economy of expression in writing, the professor urged students toward a _ rather than an _ prose style.A. spareornateB. terseopinionatedC. personalacademicD. baroqueembellishedE. repetitiveintricateSECTION 7The passages below are followed by questions based on their content; questions following

7、a pair of related passages may also be based on the relationship between the paired passages. Answer the questions on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passages and in any introductory material that may be provided. Questions 9-12 are based on the following passages.Passage 1Food has alw

8、ays been considered one of the most salient markers of cultural traditions. When I was a small child, food was the only thing that helped identify my family as Filipino American. We ate pansit lug-lug (a noodle dish) and my father put pads (salty fish sauce) on everything. However, even this connect

9、ion lessened as I grew older. As my parents became more acculturated, we ate less typically Filipino food. When I was twelve, my mother took cooking classes and learned to make French and Italian dishes. When I was in high school, we ate chicken marsala and shrimp fra diablo more often than Filipino

10、 dishes like pansit lug-lug.Passage 2Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarinwho in 1825 confidently announced, Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you arewould have no trouble describing cultural identities of the United States. Our food reveals us as tolerant adventurers who do not feel constrained

11、 by tradition. We play with our food far more readily than we preserve the culinary rules of our varied ancestors. Americans have no single national cuisine. What unites American eaters culturally is how we eat, not what we eat. As eaters, Americans mingle the culinary traditions of many regions and

12、 cultures. We are multiethnic eaters.9. Which of the following statements best captures the relationship between the two passages?(A) Passage 1 notes problems for which Passage 2 proposes solutions.(B) Passage 1 presents claims that are debunked by Passage 2.(C) Passage 2 furnishes a larger context

13、for the experiences described in Passage I.(D) Passage 2 provides an update of the situation depicted in Passage 1.(E) Passage 2 uses material presented in Passage 1to correct a popular misconception.10. The author of Passage 2 would most likely regard the mothers willingness to make French and Ital

14、ian dishes (lines 9-10, Passage 1) as(A) laughably pretentious(B) understandably conservative(C) typically American(D) a regrettable compromise(E) a surprising attitude11. The two passages differ in their discussions of food primarily in that Passage 1(A) considers specific dishes eaten by particula

15、r people, whereas Passage 2 comments on a cultures general attitude toward eating(B) contrasts the cuisines of different cultures, whereas Passage 2 emphasize culinary practices common to all cultures(C) presents an abstract theory of food, whereas Passage 2 offers a historical analysis of consumpti

16、on(D) emphasizes the role of nostalgia in food preferences, whereas Passage 2 rejects that approach as overly sentimental(E) outlines some popular choices in cuisine,whereas Passage 2 underscores those that are more unusual12. Unlike the author of Passage 2, the author of Passage 1 makes significant

17、 use of(A) direct quotation(B) sociological analysis(C) hypothetical assumptions(D) historical sources(E) personal experience Questions 13-24 are based on the following passages.The passages below discuss the possibility of locating intelligent life on other planets. Passage 1 has been adapted from

18、a 1999 book on the history of the universe. Passage 2 was excerpted from a 2000 book on the scientific quest for extraterrestrial life.Passage 1Generations of science-fiction movies have conditioned us to consider bug-eyed monsters, large-brained intellectual humanoids, and other rather sophisticate

19、d extraterrestrial Line creatures as typical examples of life outside Earth. The reality, however, is that finding any kind of life at all, even something as simple as bacteria, would be one of the most exciting discoveries ever made.The consensus within the scientific community seems to be that we

20、eventually will find not only life in other parts of10 the galaxy but also intelligent and technologically advanced life. I have to say that 1 disagree. While 1 believe we will find other forms of life in other solar systems (if not in our own), I also feel it is extremely unlikely that a large numb

21、er of advanced technological civilizations are out15 there, waiting to be discovered. The most succinct support for my view comes from Nobel laureate physicist Enrico Fermi, the man who ran the first nuclear reaction ever controlled by human beings. Confronted at a 1950 luncheon with scientific argu

22、ments for the ubiquity of20 technologically advanced civilizations, he supposedly said, So where is everybody?This so-called Fermi Paradox embodies a simple logic. Human beings have had modern science only a few hundred years, and already we have moved into space. It is not25 hard to imagine that in

23、 a few hundred more years we will be a starfaring people, colonizing other systems. Fermis argument maintains that it is extremely unlikely that many other civilizations discovered science at exactly the same time we did. Had they acquired science even a thousand30 years earlier than we. they now co

24、uld be so much more advanced that they would already be colonizing our solar system.If, on the other hand, they are a thousand years behind us, we will likely arrive at their home planet before they35 even begin sending us radio signals. Technologicaladvances build upon each other, increasing techno

25、logical abilities faster than most people anticipate. Imagine, for example, how astounded even a great seventeenth-century scientist like Isaac Newton would be by our current global40 communication system, were he alive today. Where are those highly developed extraterrestrial civilizations so dear t

26、o the hearts of science-fiction writers? Their existence is far from a foregone conclusion.Passage 2Although posed in the most casual of circumstances,45 the Fermi Paradox has reverberated through the decades and has at times threatened to destroy the credibility of those scientists seriously engage

27、d in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SET!) research program.One possible answer to Fermis question (If there are50 extraterrestrials, where are they?) is that extraterrestrials have in fact often visited Earth, and continue to do so. This is the answer of those who believe in the exist

28、ence of unidentified flying objects, or UFOs. But few scientists, even those engaged in SET1, take the UFO claims55 seriously. You wont find anyone around here who believes in UFOs. says Frank Drake, a well-known SETI scientist. If one discounts the UFO claims, yet still believes that there are many

29、 technological civilizations in the galaxy, why have they not visited us? Drakes answer60 is straightforward: High-speed interstellar travel is so demanding of resources and so hazardous that intelligent civilizations dont attempt it. And why should they attempt it, when radio communication can supp

30、ly all the information they might want?65 At first glance, Drakes argument seems very persuasive. The distances between stars are truly immense. To get from Earth to the nearest star and back, traveling at 99 percent of the speed of light, would take 8 years. And SETI researchers have shown that, to

31、 accelerate70 a spacecraft to such a speed, to bring it to a stop, and to repeat the process in the reverse direction, would take almost unimaginable amounts of energy.Astronomer Ben Zuckerman challenges Drakes notion that technological beings would be satisfied with75 radio communication. Drakes im

32、plicit assumption is that the only thing were going to care about is intelligent life. But what if we have an interest in simpler life-forms? If you turn the picture around and you have some advanced extraterrestrials looking at the Earth, until80 the last hundred years there was no evidence of intelligent life but for billions of years before that they could have de

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