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1、新课标高中英语必修三四必背句型新课标高中英语必修三必背句型1. Please make sure when and where the accident took place.请查清楚事故是何时何地发生的。2.Some festival are held to honour the dead, or satisfy and please the ancestors, who could return either to help or to do harm. 还有一些节日,是为了纪念死者、取悦祖先,使他们得到满足,因为(祖先们)有可能回到世上帮助他们,也有可能带来危害。3. In Japan

2、the festival is called Obon,when people should go to clean the graves and light incense in memory of their ancestors.(非限制性定语从句) 在日本,这个节叫孟兰盆节,在这个节日里,人们要上坟、扫墓、烧香,以缅怀祖先。4. They dress up and try to frighten people. 他们乔装打扮去吓唬别人。5. If they are not given anything, the children might play a trick. 如果你什么也不打发

3、给孩子,那么他们就可能作弄别人了。6. In India there is a national festival on October 2 to honour Mahatma Gandhi, the leader who helped gain Indias independence from Britain.在印度,10月2日是纪念马哈特马.甘地的全国性节日,他是帮助印度脱离英国而独立的领袖。7. The most energetic and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter an

4、d to the coming of spring.最富生气而又最重要的节日,就是告别冬天、迎来春天的日子。8. The country is covered with cherry tree flowers so that it looks as though it might be covered with pink snow.整个国度处处都是樱花盛开,看上去就像罩上了一层粉红色的雪。9. He spoke as if/though he had been there before.他说起话来就好像他去过那里似的。10. In European countries it is the cu

5、stom to decorate churches and town halls with flowers and fruit, and people get together to have meals. (形式主语) 在欧洲国家,人们习惯用花果来装饰教堂和市政厅,而且他们会聚到一起会餐。11. I apologised to her for stepping on her foot.我因踩了她的脚而向她道歉。12. It was obvious to everyone that he was lying. 每个人都明白他在说谎。13. “I dont want them to remind

6、 me of her.” So he did.“我不想因它们想起她来。” 于是他(把花和巧克力都扔了)。14. The food you eat helps you grow in different ways.你吃的食物能以不同的方式帮你成长。15. 站在高楼的顶部,我们能看到整个城市。Standing on top of the tall building, we could see the whole city.Standing on top of the tall building, the whole city could be seen.16. Which food contain

7、s more sugar?哪一种食物含有更多的糖?17. What could have happened?发生了什么事?18. Something terrible must have happened if Maochang was not coming to eat with him as he always did.要是茂昌不像往常那样和他一起吃饭,那问题一定严重了。19. Curiosity drove Wang Peng wei inside.王鹏伟受到好奇心的驱使,走了进去。20. We were surprised at finding the house empty.我们发现

8、这个房子空无一人,感到惊讶。21. They had me repeat the message.他们让我把口信又重说了一遍。22. I have a lot of work to do.我有很多工作要做。23. He did not look forward to being in debt because his restaurant was no longer popular.他可不希望由他的餐馆不再受欢迎而负债。24She did not look happy but glareed at him as she moved round the customers.她绕过顾客走过来,双眼

9、直瞪着他,看上去很不高兴。not but 不是而是25. I found your menu so limited that I stopping worrying and started advertising the benefits of my food.我发现你菜谱上的菜太有限了,所以我也就不着急了,并开始给我餐馆提供的食物做广告。26. Neither your restaurant nor mine offers a balanced diet.你我两家餐馆所提供的都不是平衡膳食。27. The shoes are comfortable rather than pretty.这鞋

10、与其说是漂亮,不如说是舒服。rather than在这里是并列连词,连接两个并列成分,意为“而不是”、“与其不如”。28. Have you ever made a bet with your friends?你曾和你的朋友们打过赌吗?29. Did he help you by accident or on purose?他是碰巧还是有意帮你?30. The next morning Id about given myself up for lost when I was spotted by a ship.次日清晨,我几乎因为迷失航向而绝望,这时一艘轮船发现了我。31. I wonder,

11、 Mr Smith, if/whether youd mind us moving your flowers outdoors.史密斯先生,我不知道你是否介意我们把你的花移到室外去。32. Youre about to hear the most incredible tale.你们马上就要听到一个难以置信的故事。33. Permit me to say a few words.请允许我说几句话。34. After the rain, we went ahead with our work.雨停之后,我们继续工作。35. And it was the ship that brought you

12、 to England.正是那艘船把你带到了英国。36. I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand, which account for my appearance.我是作为一个不拿工资的帮手赚来我的船费,这就是我为什么会衣冠不整的原因了。37. Dick found himself walking in the direction of the church.迪克发现自己不知不觉朝教堂方向走去。38. Even if/though we could he is very nice, I dont trust him.即使他很好,我也不太

13、相信他。39.We usually think of science subjects as physics, chemistry, biology, geology and mathematics. (把看作是,以为是)通常我们认为科学学科为物理、化学、生物和数学。40. When are they to hand in their plan?他们的计划什么时候交上来。41. Whether we help him or not, he will fail.不论我们帮助他与否,他都将失败。让步状语从句表示:虽然,尽管,即使等概念42. It exploded loudly with fire

14、 and rock, which were in time to produce the water vapour, carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen and other gases, which were to make the earths atmosphere.它(地球)巨大的爆炸喷出了烈火与岩石,最终产生了水蒸气、二氧化碳、氧、氮和其他多种气体,从而形成了地球的大气层。43. It was quite different from what I expected.它和我原来想的很不一样。44. This made it possible for us t

15、o learn English better.这使得我们有可能把英语学得更好。45. Scientist believe that taking carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and filling the air with oxygen helped life to develop.科学家认为,从大气中吸取二氧化碳,并向空气中释放氧气,有助于生命的发展。46. He has experience as well as knowledge.他既有学识又有经验。47. They are putting too much carbon dioxide int

16、o the atmosphere ,which prevents heat from escaping from the earth into space.他们把太多的二氧化碳释放到大气层中,这使得热量不能从地球上散发到太空中。48. Whether life will continute on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on whether this problem can be solved.生命是否会在地球上延续几百万年要取决于这个问题能否得到解决。49. The maths problem is too di

17、fficult for me to work out.这道数学题太难,我解不出来。50This tree is three times as tall as that one. (倍数词asas.)这棵书是那棵树的三倍高。The dictionary is exactly five times more expensive than that one.(倍数词比较级+ than)这本字典比那本恰好贵5倍。This house is twice the size of that one. (倍数词+ the.)这栋房屋是那栋面积的两倍。51Now that you are busy tomorr

18、ow, I wont call you up then.既然你明天忙,我就不给你打电话了。52. During the election period, a big strike broke out.竞选期间,爆发了一场大罢工。53. Canada is the second largest country in the world.加拿大是世界上第二大的国家。54. Success is within our grasp now.现在我们成功在望了。55. Im feeling slightly better today.我今天感到好一点了。56. I prefer to play foot

19、ball rather than stay at home.我宁愿踢足球而不愿呆在家里。perfer to do A rather than do B宁愿做A而不愿做B55. (1) He gave me money as well as advice. 和;同;也(= He gave me advice, and money as well.)他给我忠告并且给我钱。56. 表示同级比较,修饰动词:“和.一样做得好”He said he could sing as well as the birds.他说,他去和鸟儿一样能唱歌。57. These books are mine; the res

20、t are yours.这些书是我的,其他的都是你的。58. I asked her a question but she remained silent.我问了她一个问题,但她保持沉默。(连系动词,意思是“保持,仍然是”)59. Many people think it is the most beautiful city in Canada, as it is surrounded by mountains on the north and east and the Pacific Ocean on the west.许多人都认为温哥华是加拿大最美丽的城市,因为来自它的北面和东面都被大山包

21、围,而西面濒临太平洋。60. Many of them have a gift for working with animals and they can win thousands of dollars in prizes.他们中的许多人拥有与兽共舞的天分,因而能赢得数千美元的奖金。61. You can have a view of Paris from the Eiffel Tower.从埃菲尔铁塔上你可以看到巴黎全景。61. Around noon they arrived in Toronto, the most wealthy and biggest city in Canada.

22、 (同位语)中午时分她们到了多伦多加拿大最大、最富有的城市。They saw the covered stadium, home of several famous basketball teams.她们看到了有顶的大型体育场,是几支著名篮球队的驻地。62. I accompanied him as far as the bus stop.我陪他一直走到公共汽车站。新课标高中英语必修四必背句型Unit1重点句子1. She spent years observing and recording their daily activities.2. Only after her mother ca

23、me to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project.3. It seem that she had been very busy in her chosen career, traveling abroad to study as well as writing books and articles.4. Further reading made me realize that it was hard work and determination as well as her gentle n

24、ature that got her into medical school.5. Watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day.6. This means going back to the place where we left the family sleeping in the tree the night before.7. It was unusual for a woman to live in the forest.8. Her work changed the way people t

25、hink about chimps.9. She actually observed chimps as a group hunting a monkey and then eating it. helped her work out their social system.However the evening make it all worthwhile.We watch the mother chimp and her babies play in the tree.必修四M4 Unit2重点句子1. Dr Yuan Longping grows what is called super

26、 hybrid rice.2. The special strain of rice makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same field.3. Dr Yuan searched for a way to increase rice harvests without expanding the area of the fields.4. Dr Yuan is quite satisfied with his life.袁博士对生活非常满足。5. Using his hybrid rice ,farme

27、rs are producing harvest twice as large as before6. planting peanuts that use the grounds surface followed by vegetables that put down deep roots.7. Some organic farmers prefer planting grass between crops to prevent wind or water from carrying away the soil, and then leaving it in the ground to bec

28、ome a natural fertilizer.8. This also keeps the air, soil, water and crops free from chemicals.9. In addition, fruit, vegetables and other food grown with chemical fertilizers usually grow too fast to be full of much nutrition.10. One dream is not always enough, especially for a person who loves and

29、 cares for his people,11. Yuan Longping considers himself a framer, .必修四 M4 Unit 3重点句子1. He made people laugh at a time when they felt depressed, so they could feel more content with their lives.2. No one was ever bored watching himhis subtle acting made everything entertaining.3. Instead they are h

30、iding in a small hut on the edge of a mountain during a snowstorm with nothing to eat.4. Charlie Chaplin wrote, directed and produced the films he starred in.5. He walked around stiffly carrying a walking stick.6. You may find it astonishing that Charlie was .7. Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.8. Unfortunately his father died, leaving t

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