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广东版高中英语全程复习方略素能提升演练十必修2Unit 5人教版.docx

1、广东版高中英语全程复习方略 素能提升演练十必修2 Unit 5人教版素能提升演练(十)必修2 Unit 5. 单词拼写1. Its not a good idea to discipline the class by giving them _ (额外的) homework. 2. His research _(形成)the basis of his new book. 3. He has _ (赚) a lot of money this month by working on a part-time job. 4. I hear the concert will be _ (广播) liv

2、e on TV tomorrow evening. 5. Applying for jobs can be a long and _ (痛苦的)process. 6. She is in a relaxed, _ (自信的)mood. 7. He _ (表演) quite successfully on the stage last night. 8. The toys are _ (有吸引力的) to children due to the appearance. 9. He gave a _ (幽默的)account of their trip to Spain. 10. She _ (假

3、装) that she likes them so that she can get their help. . 完成句子1. With _, they both have to work very hard. (support)有这么多孩子要养,他们俩不得不辛勤工作。2. The little girl _ and even didnt raise her head when her mother entered the room. (pretend)这个小女孩假装在读书,她妈妈走进房间时她连头都没抬。3. Not until Tom told me what was happening d

4、id I realize that _. (play)直到汤姆告诉我所发生的事时,我才知道我正在被人戏弄。4. There are two buildings, _ stands nearly two hundred feet high. (larger)有两幢楼,较大一些的那个有将近二百英尺高。5. They _ the partnership.(break)他们决定解除合作关系。6. You may _ he will be successful one day. (rely)你可以确信早晚他会成功的。7. It was because I _ that I caused the argu

5、ment. (familiar)是因为我不熟悉当地的法律才引起的这次争论。8. Only after the result of the competition was announced over the loudspeaker _. (burst)只有当广播里宣布竞赛结果之后,同学们才欢呼起来。9. It was _ that they came up with a good suggestion. (midnight)直到半夜他们才提出一条好的建议。10. He is said to be working in a very famous company, so he must _.(e

6、arn)据说他在一个著名的公司上班,所以他肯定挣钱很多。. 完形填空A little girl wanted to become a great pianist,but all she could play on the piano was the simple little tune,“Chopsticks”. No matter how hard she tried,that was the 1 she could do. Her parents decided after some time to arrange for a great pianist to teach her to p

7、lay properly. Of course,the little girl was 2 . When the little girl and her parents arrived at the pianists house for the first lesson,they were led by a servant into the living room, where they saw a beautiful concert grand 3 . Immediately,the little girl 4 over to the piano and began playing“Chop

8、sticks”. Her parents felt 5 of their daughters behaviour and started cross the room to tell her to stop. However,as she played,the pianist 6 the room and 7 the little girl to continue. The pianist then took a 8 on the piano bench next to the little girl,listening to her play. After a moment he began

9、 to play along with her,adding some basic tones. The little girl 9 to play “Chopsticks”. The parents couldnt believe their 10 . They were hearing a beautiful piece of music,played by their daughter and the pianist,and 11 enough, the central theme of it was still“Chopsticks”. At times you may feel li

10、ke youre a(n) 12 that you will never accomplish great things. But think of that little girl. All she could play was“Chopsticks”. Nobody wanted to hear“Chopsticks”. It was an embarrassment to her parents and 13 to everyone else. Yet the musician encouraged her to keep on playing. We were born with gi

11、fts and 14 . Sure,compared to some peoples abilities,our gifts and talents may seem like“Chopsticks”not very original and not very spectacular. But keep on playing and make some room on the piano 15 for our pianists. 1. A. best B. worst C. hardest D. easiest2. A. pleasing B. sorry C. worried D. deli

12、ghted3. A. violin B. bench C. room D. piano4. A. walked B. went C. rushed D. moved5. A. ashamed B. frightenedC. pleased D. excited6. A. left B. entered C. cleaned D. locked7. A. told B. encouragedC. advised D. forbade8. A. book B. cup C. step D. seat9. A. stopped B. improvedC. continued D. repeated1

13、0. A. daughter B. eyes C. pianist D. ears11. A. amazingly B. sadlyC. happily D. disappointingly12. A. somebody B. nobodyC. anybody D. everybody13. A. tiring B. pleasantC. annoying D. surprising14. A. abilities B. advantagesC. talents D. goods15. A. piece B. music C. table D. bench. 语法填空Chinese prove

14、rbs are rich and they are still widely used in Chinese peoples daily life. 1 these proverbs there are often interesting stories. For example, the proverb, “plucking up a crop 2 (help) it grow”, is based on the following story. It 3 (say) that a short-tempered man in the Song Dynasty (9601279) was ve

15、ry anxious to help his rice crop grow up quickly. He was thinking about 4 day and night. But the crop was growing much slower than he expected. One day, he came up with an idea 5 he would pluck up all of his crop a few inches. He did so the next day. He was very tired 6 doing this for a whole day, 7

16、 he felt very happy since the crop did “grow” 8 (high). His son heard about this and went to see the crop. Unfortunately the leaves of the crop began to wither. This proverb is saying we have to let things go in 9 natural course. Being too anxious to help an event develop often 10 (result) in the co

17、ntrary to our intention. . 阅读理解Just 25 years ago, the top three career hopes for young people in Britain were teacher, banker and doctor. Now, they want to be sports star, pop star and actor, according to a survey by The Guardian newspaper. Rachel, a character in the popular TV show Glee, may be sai

18、d to speak for British teenagers. “Nowadays being nobody is worse than being poor. ” he said.Emma Brockes, a reporter with the Guardian, believes it is “the bad influence of celebrity(名人) culture” that is to blame. “When children wanted to be doctor, it wasnt because they were really more interested

19、 in the functions of human organs than they are now; you go where the respect is. ” she wrote. It could explain why there has been such an increase in levels of anxiety and depression. Dr Carlo Strenger, of Tel Aviv University, studied the sense of self for his new book The Fear of Insignificance: S

20、earching for Meaning in the 21st Century. He told the Daily Mail that young people now are “affected by the close connection to the global entertainment network, which has turned ranking and rating people according to wealth and celebrity into an obsession(痴迷). ”“As humans, we naturally measure ours

21、elves to those around us, but now we live in a global village. We are comparing ourselves with the most important people in the world and finding ourselves wanting, ” he said. Today, even high achievers constantly fear that they are insignificant when they compare themselves to success stories in th

22、e media. The way out? Simply stop measuring your achievement through a fantasy of wealth and celebrity. Dr Strenger said that it is a process called“active self-acceptance through a constant search for self-knowledge through life. ”“The fear of insignificance can only be overcome through strong indi

23、vidual and cultural identity over and above measurable achievement, ” he said. 1. Nowadays, young people in Britain want to _. A. choose jobs based on interestsB. become famousC. be teacher, banker and doctorD. earn more money2. According to Emma Brockes, what causes the increasing level of anxiety?

24、 A. Choices of future careers. B. Access to the global network. C. Bad influences of celebrities. D. Endless comparison with others. 3. Which of the following is TRUE of Dr Carlo Strenger? A. He is a newspaper reporter. B. He is the spokesman of teenagers. C. He tells success stories on TV. D. He is

25、 against ranking people according to wealth. 4. Dr Carlo Strenger suggests that young people should _. A. seek active self-acceptanceB. stick to their own dreamsC. make great achievementsD. search for the secret of wealth5. The text is mainly written to _. A. talk about job choicesB. analyse a socia

26、l phenomenonC. encourage celebrity cultureD. introduce three famous people6. 请用30个左右的词概括文章大意_答案解析. 1. extra 2. formed 3. earned 4. broadcast 5. painful 6. confident 7. performed 8. attractive 9. humorous 10. pretends. 1. so many children to support2. pretended to be reading 3. I was being played jok

27、es on4. the larger of which5. decided to break up 6. rely on it that 7. was not familiar with the local laws 8. did the students burst into cheers9. not until midnight 10. earn a lot of money. 1.【解析】选A。no matter how引导的是让步状语从句,后面应该是和前面相反的意思,所以选best。2.【解析】选D。自己弹得不好,现在有高人指点,小女孩肯定“高兴”了,所以选delighted。3.【解

28、析】选D。根据后文的“the piano”可以得出答案。4.【解析】选C。小女孩见到好钢琴,急切地去弹,所以用rushed。其他词均不能表达小女孩的急切心情。5.【解析】选A。小女孩的父母知道自己孩子的钢琴水平,极力要阻止她弹,怕她被笑话,所以当时很尴尬,因此选ashamed。6.【解析】选B。他们是由仆人领进来的,在小女孩弹钢琴时,音乐家进来了,所以选entered。7.【解析】选B。根据后面“Yet the musician encouraged her to keep on playing. ”可知,音乐家鼓励小女孩弹钢琴,所以选encouraged。8.【解析】选D。take a se

29、at意为“坐下”,根据后面的on the piano bench可以推出钢琴家在小女孩旁边坐了下来,所以选seat。9.【解析】选C。因为他们一起弹奏,所以小女孩应该是继续弹,因此选continued。10.【解析】选D。根据后文“They were hearing a beautiful piece of music. . . ”,可知小女孩的父母简直不敢相信他们的耳朵,说明小女孩和钢琴家一起弹得太好了。11.【解析】选A。小女孩仍然弹奏原来的那首曲子“Chopsticks”,但是曲子听起来很优美,这很令人吃惊,所以选amazingly。12.【解析】选B。根据后面的句子“you will never accomplish great things”可以看出你什么都做不好。nobody意为“小人物,无足轻重的人”。13.【解析】选C。根据文章的描述,小女孩的钢琴弹得很糟糕,所以选annoying。tiring意为“令人疲倦的”。14.【解析】选C。根据后面的句子“our gifts and talents may seem likeChopsticks”可以得出答案。15.【解析】选D。从上文可知钢琴家“took a 8 on the piano bench ne

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