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1、英语国家概况加拿大篇中英翻译Part ThreeChapter 23 Canadas geography and history加拿大的地理特点:Canadas geography features:1) 座落于美国的北部,仅次于俄罗斯的世界第二大国; lies to the north of the US; the worlds second largest country after Russia.2.地形十分复杂:东部山区沿海省份沿劳伦斯湾和大西洋形成不规则的海岸;西部,太平洋沿岸地区被南北走向的山脉分离,其中包括落基山脉;中部是一个大平原;it has an extremely var

2、ied topography:the east part is mountainous maritime provinces have an irregular coastline on the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Atlantic;The west part, the Pacific border is separated from the rest of the country by mountain ranges from north to south including the Rockies; the central part is a vast

3、 plain.3.气候不甚宜人,大部分地区冬季既漫长又寒冷,积雪深厚;所以,大多数人都居住在南部边境地区the climate is unfavorable, much of Canada has long and cold winters with deep snow. So,a major part of the population lives along the southern border. 4.最高峰是落根峰,主要的两大河流是马更些河与圣劳伦斯河。The highest peak is Mount Logan; The two principal river systems ar

4、e the Mackenzie River and the St. Lawrence River大约80%的加拿大人住在临近美国边界的大城市中,多伦多是加拿大最大的城市Nearly 80% of Canadians live in large cities near the border with the United States. Toronto, Canadas largest city地理区域及其特点Geographical regions and their characteristics1、大西洋沿岸诸省区:Atlantic Province该地区盛产土豆,旅游业是该地区经济的主要

5、部分potatoes grow well there ,The tourist trade is an important part of the regions economy. 纽芬兰省东部附近的大浅滩是世界上的大渔场之一,off the eastern shore of Newfoundland, form one of the worlds great fishing grounds.哈利法克斯市,拥有一个长年不冻的天然良港。Halifax, has a good natural harbor that is ice free.2、圣劳伦斯及五大湖省区St. Lawrence-Grea

6、t Lakes Provinces这是加拿大最发达的地区。这个地区因均靠近圣劳伦斯河和五大湖区而获益匪浅。This is the most highly developed part of Canada. The region benefits from being near the St, Lawrence River and the Great Lakes.目前它是加拿大人口密度最大的地区,也是工业化程度最高的地区。 魁北克省是加拿大两个最重要的省份之一。法国文化的巨大影响使它与其他省区有所不同。This area is today the most densely populated a

7、nd industrialized part of Canada. Quebec is one of Canadas two most important provinces. It differs from the other provinces of Canada because it has a strong French culture.渥太华,加拿大的首都,也位于安大略省。在首都,一半人说法语,一半人说英语。Ottawa, the capital of Canada, is in the province of Ontario. Half of the population of t

8、he capital city are French speaking and half are English speaking. 3、加拿大地盾区the Canadian Shield 几乎半个加拿大被加拿大地盾所覆盖,对居民没有什么吸引力,但却蕴藏着丰富的矿产资源、水力资源和大片的森林。Almost half of Canada is covered by the Canadian Shield.The Shield, although uninviting to settlement, contains a wealth of minerals, much water power an

9、d great forests. 4、大草原诸省区Prairie provinces它很适于种植小麦It is ideal for growing wheat.5、不列顛哥伦比亚区British Columbia 最重要的山脉是落基山脉和海岸山脉,它们贯穿全省The most important mountain ranges are the Rocky Mountains and the Coast Mountains, which extend the length of the province. 6、北部诸省及地区Northern provinces and territories光秃

10、秃的、人烟稀少的加拿大北部地区占整个国土的4/5。尽管该地区气候恶劣,但成千上万公顷的森林、丰富的矿产资源和许多水资源都正在被开发。The bare, thinly settled region of northern Canada takes up four fifth of the country. In spite of its severe climate, thousands of hectares of forest land, rich mineral deposits, and many sources of water are being developed. 加拿大的形成T

11、he Making of Canada 1.欧洲人发现加拿大 The European discovery Kanata是印第安语居住者, 英国人和法国人逐渐征服了西班牙人没有提出主权要求的北美领土,当时被称作新法国的定居点始于1604年,建在皇家港口,在现今天的新斯科舍省。”Kanata”was an Indian Word for “settlement”, The English and French became rivals in the gradual conquest of those parts of North America not claimed by the Spani

12、sh. The actual settlement of New France, as it was then called, began in 1604 at Port Royal in what is now Nova Scotia.2、英法竞争:在7年的英法战争后1756-1763,整个加拿大属于英国统治,The rivalry between the British and the French,the whole of Canada came under the British rule, after the Seven Years war betwenn England and F

13、ranch from 1756-17633、英国统治下的加拿大British Canada在魁北克法案中,英国议会赋予了魁北克人作为法裔加拿大人的权力。by the Quebec Act ,British Parliament granted the people of Quebec rights as French Canadians.第一批在加拿大的英国定居者是美国难民,为讲英语的加拿大奠定了基础。The first British settlers in Canada were American refugees,lay the base of English-speaking Cana

14、da.根据1791年法案,建立了上加拿大(英国人)和下加拿大(法国人),根据 1848年的联合法案),上、下加拿大又合二为一,并且1848年成立了内部自治政府。1867年的英属北美法案,宣布其为自治领。By an Act of 1791 Upper Canada(British)and Lower Canada (French)were created. Act of Union in 1840, the Upper Canada and Lower Canada were united again,it was made a dominion in 1867 by the British N

15、orth America Act. 4. 自治政府和联盟制 Self-government and Confederation 1869 年第一位首相约翰麦克唐纳执政(保守党)In 1869 the first prime minister is Sir John Macdonald(Conservative Party),自由党于1896年接管了政权,一位著名的法裔加拿大人,威尔福德鲁瑞尔任总理。他创立了加拿大海军。In 1896, the Liberal Party took over and the country was ruled under Sir Wilfrid Laurier,

16、 an eminent French Canadian, He founded the Canadian Navy在自由党执政时期,加拿大发展很快。During this period Canada experienced rapid growth. 加拿大参加了第一次世界大战,还成为了国际联盟成员国。Canada entered World War I and to take a seat as a member of the League of Nations. 5、加拿大国The Canadian nation 根据1931年的威斯敏斯特条例,加拿大就成为英联邦国家的成员。二战作为英国的

17、同盟参与作战。By the Statute of Westminster in 1931,Canada became a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. During WW II ,Canada fought as an ally of Britain in WW IIChapter 24 经济 . 自然资源I. Natural Resources 自然资源,它们在加拿大的经济中占重要位置。natural resources are significant in the Canadian economy. 加拿大的河流流量几乎占全世界河流总量的1/

18、10。湖泊是河网的天然调节器The flow of Canadian rivers represents almost one-tenth of the water carried by all the waterways of the world. Lakes are the natural regulators of the network. 这些河湖的发电量占加拿大总发电量的3/4,居世界第三位。These waters generate three quarters of all electric power in Canada. Canada ranks third, 加拿大是世界上

19、拥有最长海岸线的国家之一。大西洋和太平洋沿岸的水域是世界上最富饶的捕鱼场。已经成为世界上最大的鱼类出口国,Canada has one of the longest coastlines of any country in the world. The Atlantic and Pacific coastal waters are among the worlds richest fishing grounds. Canada has become the Worlds largest exporter of fish. 新斯科舍人为他们能造出世界上最大的帆船而骄傲。Nova Scotians

20、 are proud of having built some of the worlds greatest sailing ships.加拿大几乎有一半的国土被森林覆盖,伐木业、纸浆和造纸位居加拿大最重要的行业之列,加拿大是世界上最大的新闻纸生产国,Almost half the land area of Canada is covered by forests. Lumbering and the manufacture of pulp and paper products are among Canadas most important industries. Canada is the

21、 largest producer of newsprint in the world,毛皮是另一项重要的资源。许多早期的定居点都是由狩猎者和皮毛商建立的。Furs are another valuable resource. Trappers and fur traders founded many of Canadas earliest settlements. .矿产资源 Mineral Resources矿产是加拿大最有价值的资源,几乎所有现代经济所必需的矿产在该国都能找到。Minerals are the most valuable of Canadas resources. Alm

22、ost all minerals necessary to a modem economy are found in the country.主要矿床都是在加拿大地盾发现的Major deposits of Canada, are found in Canadian Shield .加拿大的煤矿可能是世界上最大的之一the coal fields of Canada may be among the largest in the world.农业 Agriculture 加拿大农场主要生产小麦、动物饲料谷物、牛奶制品和水果。Canadian farms specialize in produc

23、ing wheat, food crops for animals, dairy products, and fruit. .制造业 Manufacturing 制造业是加拿大最重要的经济活动,食品加工是最主要的产业,4/5的外国投资来自美国。Manufacturing is the most important economic activity in Canada. Food processing is the leading industry. A total of about four fifths of all foreign investments in Canada are Am

24、erican. . 目前的经济The Economy Today 1.工业和服务行业Industries and services 几十年来,加拿大不断地从以自然资源为基础的经济向白领或服务性经济过渡。For decades, Canada has been shifting from a natural resource-based economy towards a white collar or service economy. 加拿大是世界上经济最发达的国家之一,也是世界上主要的工业化国家之一。Canadas economy is one of the largest in the w

25、orld,It is also one of the worlds leading industrialized countries.近25%的国民生产总值来自制造业。Nearly 25% of Canadas GNP comes from manufacturing.加拿大也是世界最主要的贸易大国之一。国民生产总值的25%来自于向国外出售商品和提供服务。Canada is also one of the worlds most important trading nations. Some 25% of GNP comes from the sale of goods and service

26、s abroad.另一种重要的出口产品是知识技术。Another major export is expertise. 加拿大设计并制造了世界上最先进的通讯卫星之一Anik B卫星,Canada has designed and manufactured one of the worlds most advanced communications satellites, the Anik B. satellite,加拿大的主要贸易伙伴是美国。加拿大近2/3的贸易是同美国进行的,包括进口和出口。Canadas main trading partner is the United States.

27、Nearly two thirds of Canadas trade is with the United States including exports and imports. 2.经济管理 Economic management 私有制是加拿大的经济生活的基础,政府在一些领域的参与还是很广泛的,诸如卫生保健、社会服务和交通。Although private ownership is basic to Canadas way of economic life, government involvement has traditionally been extensive in some

28、areas such as health, social services and transport.省和联邦政府控制矿产资源和近80%的森林区。这就保证了资源得到完善的保护,也保证了自然资源为所有加拿大人造福。Provincial and federal governments also control mineral resources and nearly 80% of the forested lands. This ensures that proper conservation is carried out and that the countrys natural wealth

29、 is used for the benefit of all Canadians. 加拿大企业扩展所需的大部分资金都由加拿大银行和其他的金融机构提供。Much of the capital needed for Canadian business to expand is provided by Canadian banks and other financial institutions. 3.劳动力 The work force 大多数加拿大人受雇于服务业和制造业。Most Canadians are employed by the service sector and manufact

30、uring.1/3的工人加入了工会。70%以上的工会成员从属于加拿大劳工大会。One third of all wage-earners belong to a labor union. More than 70% of union members are affiliated with the Canadian Labor Congress. 4.经济问题 Economic problems 在过去的几年里加拿大的失业率一直很高,加拿大的生产成本增加了,但人均生产力下降了,这不仅仅造成了巨大的利润损失,而且还导致工厂和公司的倒闭,这又导致了工作时间的减少和失业。In the past few

31、 years, however, Canadas unemployment rate has been high. the cost for manufacturing has increased while the productivity per worker(output)has decreased,This not only caused a great loss in profit but also the closing down of factories and companies and this in turn led to the decrease in working h

32、ours and employment.由于地理条件所限,海滨地区和不列颠哥伦比亚省的人们已与加拿大市场在某种程度上隔断了,这在一定程度上影响了该地区的经济增长。Because of the geographical conditions, the people of both Maritime provinces and British Columbia have partly been cut off from the major Canadian markets, which to a certain extent influences the economic growth in these regions. 联邦政府已采取了一些措施来帮助那些发展速度慢的地区。Some measures have been taken by the Fe

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