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1、数据库系统概念双语教学大纲教学大纲(数据库教学大纲(双语)发布时间:2016-01-10发布人:superadmin访问数量:93陕西师范大学本科计算机科学与技术、软件工程、信息管理与信息系统专业理论课教学大纲数据库原理与应用(双语)学时:72 学分:4.5课程属性:专业必修课开课单位:计算机科学学院先修课程:程序设计、数据结构、操作系统、编译原理等 一、课程的性质数据库技术是计算机科学的重要分支,也是信息领域的核心技术与重要支撑。在2002年编写的中国计算机科学与技术学科教程中,数据库课程被明确规定为计算机科学与技术学科专业的核心课程之一。数据库原理课程是一门理论性和实践性都很强的课程,具有


3、兴趣,培养学生独立探求新技术、新方法的能力,使其成为适应能力强、并富有创造才能的专门人才。课程的深入学习对增强学生的计算机科学理论素养,提高计算机技术应用水平,培养专业素质与创新能力有明显的帮助。近年来,计算思维作为人类科学思维的基本方式之一,受到国内外计算机界的广泛关注。ACM和IEEE-CS在修订后的计算机科学教程2008(Computer Science Curriculum 2008)中明确指出应将计算思维作为计算机科学教学的重要组成部分。当前培养大学生计算思维能力已成为计算机教育的一个重要内容和热点课题,这一新课题对计算机课程教学提出了新的要求。信息化社会,培养复合型创新人才的一个重


5、现代计算环境中的一个核心部分。随着计算机硬件、软件技术的飞速发展和计算机系统在各个行业的广泛应用,数据库技术的发展尤其迅速,引人注目。本课程包括数据库系统、数据库设计、数据库语言和数据库系统实现等方面的基本概念,数据库系统实现的核心技术,数据库查询语言、查询优化、模式设计、数据仓库、数据库应用开发、基于对象的数据库和XML、数据存储和查询、事务管理、数据挖掘与信息检索以及数据库系统体系结构等方面的内容。四、学时分配章 课程内容学时1 Chapter 1: Introduction42 Chapter 2: Introduction to the Relational Model43 Chapt

6、er 3: Introduction to SQL84 Chapter 4 Intermediate SQL45 Chapter 5 Advanced SQL46 Chapter 6: Formal Relational Query Languages67 Chapter 7 Database Design and the E-R Model48 Chapter 8: Relational Database Design69 Chapter 9: Application Development and Administration212 Chapter 12: Query Processing

7、613 Chapter 13: Query Optimization414 Chapter 14: Transactions415 Chapter 15: Concurrency Control616 Chapter 16: Recovery System417 Chapter 17: Database System Architectures218 Chapter 18: Parallel Databases (选修)219 Chapter 19: Distributed Databases220 Chapter20: Data Warehousing and Mining (选修)2合计7

8、2五、教学方式本课程以课内学习和信息化教学平台课外学习结合的方式,采用以多媒体教学手段为主,充分发挥多媒体教学手段信息量大的特点。本课程概念和上机操作较多,必须通过做大量的练习和上机实验来加深对概念的理解和掌握,从而达到消化、掌握所学知识的目的,提高动手能力。独立完成作业是学好本课程的重要手段。鼓励学生多做题,多看参考书籍。鼓励同学们利用丰富便捷的课程资源大力开展“自主性学习”,把课堂学习和课余钻研结合起来,以期很好地完成课程的学习任务。六、考核方式期末考试(70%)+平时作业(5%)+信息化平台课外学习(5%)+数据库系统项目设计(20%)。七、教材及教学参考书教材:1 Abraham Si

9、lberschatz, Henry F.Korth, S.Sudarshan. DATABASE SYSTEM CONCEPTS(Sixth Edition),高等教育出版社,2014.7,影印版参考教材:2 杨冬青 (改编, 译者), 西尔伯沙茨 (Abraham Silberschatz) (作者), Henry F.Korth (作者), S.Sudarshan (作者), 李红燕 (译者), 唐世渭 (译者), 等 (译者). 数据库系统概念(原书第6版本科教学版),2013.13 Jeffrey Ullman,Jennifer Widom. 数据库系统基础教程(英文版)(第3版),机

10、械工业出版社,第3版,2008.84 郑阿奇,刘启芬,顾韵华,SQL Server数据库教程(2008版),人民邮电出版社 2012.35 闪四清,SQL SERVER 2008基础教程(高等学校计算机应用规划教材),清华大学 2010.8八、教学基本内容及要求Chapter 1: Introduction1. 教学基本要求 A database-management system (DBMS) is a collection of interrelated data and a set of programs to access those data. The collection of d

11、ata, usually referred to as the database, contains information relevant to an enterprise. The primary goal of a DBMS is to provide a way to store and retrieve database information that is both convenient and efficient.Database systems are designed to manage large bodies of information. Management of

12、 data involves both defining structures for storage of information and providing mechanisms for the manipulation of information. In addition, the database system must ensure the safety of the information stored, despite system crashes or attempts at unauthorized access. If data are to be shared amon

13、g several users, the system must avoid possible anomalous results.Because information is so important in most organizations, computer scientists have developed a large body of concepts and techniques for managing data. These concepts and techniques form the focus of this book. This chapter briefly i

14、ntroduces the principles of database systems.本章重点:1)Database management system2)Purpose of Database Systems3)View of Data4)Data Definition Language5)Data Manipulation Language6)Data Models7)Query processor8)Transaction Management9)Database architecture10)Data Mining11)Database Administrator2. 教学具体内容

15、说明本课程的性质,与学习其他课程的关系,介绍本课程的主要教学内容,主要参考书。1.1 Database-System Applications1.2 Purpose of Database Systems1.3 View of Data1.4 Database Languages1.5 Relational Databases1.6 Database Design1.7 Data Storage and Querying1.8 Transaction Management1.9 Database Architecture1.10 Data Mining and Information Retr

16、ieval1.11 Specialty Databases1.12 Database Users and Administrators1.13 History of Database Systems1.14 Summary3. 考核要求:1)理解:数据库常用的基本术语,包括数据库、数据库管理系统、实例、模式、物理模式、逻辑模式、子模式、物理数据独立性、数据库语言、数据库用户和DBA。2)理解:数据库系统的优点。3)理解:数据视图和数据抽象的三层结构。4)理解:数据模型,包括实体-联系模型和关系模型。5)理解:事务管理。6)理解:数据库系统的基本组成结构及存储管理器和查询处理器的作用。7)了解:

17、数据库系统的发展历程。Chapter 2: Introduction to the Relational Model1. 教学基本要求A data model is a collection of conceptual tools for describing data, data relationships, data semantics, and consistency constraints. In this part, we focus on the relational model.The relational model, which is covered in Chapter 2

18、, uses a collection of tables to represent both data and the relationships among those data. Its conceptual simplicity has led to its widespread adoption; today a vast majority of database products are based on the relational model. The relational model describes data at the logical and view levels,

19、 abstracting away low-level details of data storage. The entity-relationship model, discussed later in Chapter 7 (in Part 2), is a higher-level data model which is widely used for database design.The relational model is today the primary data model for commercial data processing applications. It att

20、ained its primary position because of its simplicity, which eases the job of the programmer, compared to earlier data models such as the network model or the hierarchical model.In this chapter, we first study the fundamentals of the relational model. A substantial theory exists for relational databa

21、ses. We study the part of this theory dealing with queries in Chapter 6. In Chapters 7 through 8, we shall examine aspects of database theory that help in the design of relational database schema, while in Chapters 12 and 13we discuss aspects of the theory dealing with efficient processing of querie

22、s.本章重点:1)Structure of Relational Databases2)Keys, Foreign Key, Referential integrity constraints3)Schema Diagram4)Relational Query Languages5)Relational Operations6)Relational Algebra本章难点:Schema Diagram2. 教学具体内容2.1 Structure of Relational Databases2.2 Database Schema2.3 Keys2.4 Schema Diagrams2.5 Re

23、lational Query Languages2.6 Relational Operations2.7 Summary3. 考核要求:1)理解:关系模型的基本概念(包括属性、域、关系、元组、元组变量;数据库模式、数据库实例、关系模式、关系实例;超码、候选码、主码、外码等)和关系数据库结构。2)熟练掌握:根据主码、外码画出数据库模式图。3)理解:关系查询语言,理解关系操作。4)掌握:用关系代数表达查询要求。Chapter 3: Introduction to SQL1. 教学基本要求There are a number of database query languages in use, e

24、ither commercially or experimentally. In this chapter, as well as in Chapters 4 and 5, we study the most widely used query language, SQL.Although we refer to the SQL language as a “query language,” it can do much more than just query a database. It can define the structure of the data, modify data i

25、n the database, and specify security constraints.It is not our intention to provide a complete users guide for SQL. Rather, we present SQLs fundamental constructs and concepts. Individual implementations of SQL may differ in details, or may support only a subset of the full language.。本章重点:1)SQL Data

26、 Definition2)SQL Query Structure3)Natural join operation4)Correlation name (Correlation variable, tuple variable)5)Set operations6)Null Values7)Aggregation functions8)Nested Sub-queries9)Scalar Sub-queries10)Database Modification本章难点:1)Null Values2)Aggregation function group by3)Nested Sub-queries2.

27、 教学具体内容3.1 Overview of the SQL Query Language3.2 SQL Data Definition3.3 Basic Structure of SQL Queries3.4 Additional Basic Operations3.5 Set Operations3.6 Null Values3.7 Aggregate Functions3.8 Nested Sub-queries3.9 Modification of the Database3.10 Summary3. 考核要求:1熟练掌握:定义基本表。2熟练掌握:用SQL语句表达单表查询、连接查询。3

28、熟练掌握:用SQL语句表达涉及查询结果排序、分组处理的查询。4熟练掌握:用SQL语句表达数据的更新。5基本掌握:用SQL语句表达嵌套查询。6理解:空值的概念。Chapter 4 Intermediate SQL1. 教学基本要求In this chapter, we continue our study of SQL. We consider more complex forms of SQL queries, view definition, transactions, integrity constraints, more details regarding SQL data defini

29、tion, and authorization.本章重点:1)Join types2)View definition3)View update4)Integrity Constraints5)Authorization本章难点:View update2. 教学具体内容4.1 Join Expressions4.2 Views4.3 Transactions4.4 Integrity Constraints4.5 SQL Data Types and Sachems4.6 Authorization4.7 Summary3. 考核要求:1)熟练掌握:外联查询。2)熟练掌握:视图定义和查询。3)熟

30、练掌握:完整性限制定义。4)熟练掌握:授权和回收。5)基本掌握:视图更新。Chapter 5 Advanced SQL1. 教学基本要求In Chapters 3 and 4, we provided detailed coverage of the basic structure of SQL. In this chapter, we cover some of the more advanced features of SQL.1 We address the issue of how to access SQL from a general-purpose programming lan

31、guage, which is very important for building applications that use a database to store and retrieve data. We describe how procedural code can be executed within the database, either by extending the SQL language to support procedural actions, or by allowing functions defined in procedural languages to be executed within the database. We describe triggers, which can be used to specify actions that are to b

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