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1、江苏省泰兴市学年八年级英语上学期期中试题牛津版泰兴市八年级英语期中试题(考试时间:100分钟 满分:100分)请注意:1、本试卷分第一部分选择题和第二部分非选择题。2、考生答题前,必须将自己的姓名、考试证号、座位号用黑色或蓝色钢笔或圆珠笔填写在试卷和答题卡的相应位置,再用2B铅笔将考试证号、科目填涂在答题卡上相应的小框内。第一部分 选择题(60分)请注意:考生必须将所选答案的字母标号用2B铅笔填涂在答题卡上相应的题号内,答在试卷上无效。一、听力(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)第一节,本部分共有5道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。1. How does the girl go

2、to school? A B C2. When does the boy get up at weekends?A B C3.What will the woman do tomorrow? A B C4. Is Sandy able to fix a bike? A. Yes. B. No. C. Im not certain.5. Whats wrong with Sam ?A. Hes ill. B. He hurt his hand. C. He has a cold.第二节,你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。听一段对话, 回答第6至7题。6. Whats Marys hobby

3、?A. Playing football B. Swimming C.Playing tennis7. How many hours does she spend on her hobby?A. About an hour. B. About half an hour. C. About two hours.听第一篇短文,回答第8至10小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。School beginFirst term(9)termGo to schoolFinish school(8)September to JanuaryFebruary to JuneAt fiveAt(10

4、)8.A.September B.January C.February9.A.First B.Second C.Third10.A.seventeen B.sixteen C.eighteen听第二篇短文,回答第11至15小题。11. What is Toms weekend job? A. To print newspapers. B. To sell newspapers. C. To send out newspapers.12. Where does Tom put the newspapers on rainy days? A. On the bookshelves. B. In t

5、he milk boxes. C. In the letter boxes.13. Why does Tom fix a light onto his bike? A. Because he has poor eyesight. B. Because he wants to make his bike nicer.C. Because he often cant finish the task until after dark.14.How far is Toms working area? A. Close to his school. B. Close to his home. C. Ve

6、ry far from his home.15. Which word can best describe(描述)Tom? A. Honest B. Friendly C. Hard-working二、选择(20分)16. Can I have something to eat? _. What about some bread? A. Sorry B. Sure C. Not at all D. Right17. I dont know how to solve the problem._. Lets work together to solve it. A. Good idea B. Co

7、me on C. Sounds great D. Youre so kind18. Dont keep worries _ yourself. You should share them with your friends. A. for B. in C. at D. to19. The play is interesting but I feel a little _ with it. A. bored B. angry C. happy D. patient20. How does your mother sing? _ the famous singer, DengZiqi. A. As

8、 well as B. As good as C. As bad as D. So well as21. He is happier than I because he has _ friends and _ free time than I. A. more, less B. fewer, more C. more, more D. fewer, less22. How much TV do you watch every week? Not much. At _ 2 hours of TV. A. least B. most C. last D. present23. He _ the q

9、uestion quickly and answered them easily. A. looked after B. looked into C. looked though D. looked forward to24. _ on the chair. The paint is wet.A. Dont sit B. Sit C. Sitting D. To sit25. My watch is broken. I had better _ someone to repair it. A. ask B. asked C. asking D. to ask26. “Fall” in Amer

10、ican English means “_” in British English.A. winter B. spring C. summer D. autumn27. He makes a birthday present for her instead of _ one. A. buy B. bought C. buying D. to buying28. What a bright light! When did you _? Last week. A. put it on B. put it in C. put it out D. put it down29. The sweater

11、_ wool , so it feels very warm. A. is made of B. is made from C. is made in D. is made for30. How _ I am to see so many _ placesA. interested, interested B. interested, interestingC. interesting, interested D. interesting, interesting31. Not only Ann but also her friend _ crazy about doing DIY. A. i

12、s B. are C. to be D. were32, He got up late, but _, he didnt miss the first underground. A. lucky B. luckily C. unlucky D. unluckily33. Its great _ to tell _ jokes to my friends.A. fun, fun B. funny, funny C. funny, fun D. fun, funny34. A true friend is always willing _ share his joy and sadness _ o

13、thers. A. to, for B. to, with C. /, with D. /, for35. You need to pay _ 20 yuan if you want two footballs. A. other B. the other C. another D. more三、完形填空(10分)We all think eating fruits means just buying fruits, cutting them and putting them into our36 . Its not as easy as you think. Its important to

14、 know37 and when to eat.Fruit should be eaten on an empty stomach. If you eat fruit like that, it will go straight 38the stomach into the Intestines(肠道). It will be good to your health and provide you with plenty of39 for life activities. Fruit is the most importantfood.But when you eat two pieces o

15、f bread and then some fruit, it isnot good to do so.Do you know the reason?You have probably heard people saying every time I eat watermelon I burp(打嗝), when I eat a banana I want to40 to the toilet. When the fruit 41 with other food, it produces gas(气体). Thats why you will feel uncomfortable. Actua

16、lly, this will not 42 if you eat the fruit on an empty stomach.Eating a whole fruit is better than drinking the juice. When youreally want to drink fruit juice, drink only 43 fruit juice, NOT from the bottles or cans. Dont drink juice that has beenheated up. Dont eat cooked fruits because you dont g

17、et the nutrients(营养物)at all. You only get the 44 .If you have learned the45 way of eating fruits, you have thesecret of beauty, health, energy, happiness and a long life. Dark circles under the eyes will not appear.36. A. tables B. plates C. mouths D. boxes37. A. how B. what C. where D. who38. A. pa

18、st B. between C. among D. through39. A. water B. energy C. joy D. time40.A. return B. run C. jog D. stay41.A. fixes B. fills C. mixes D. joins42.A.give B. discuss C. arrive D. happen43.A. expensiveB. colorful C. fresh D. cold44.A. taste B. weight C. shape(形状) D. sugar45.A. possible B. correct C. new

19、 D. same四、阅读理解(15分)ATicket InformationDate: 30th July-8th August MonFri 10 am, 7 pmSatSun 10 am, 2 pm, 7 pmPlace: WandaCinemaDuration: 90 minutesPrices:¥35 per child or adult(day shows)¥40 per child or adult(evening shows)Packages:¥ 50 for 2 tickets for 2 children;¥ 65 for 2 tickets for 2 adults(day

20、 shows)¥ 60 for 2 tickets for 2 children;¥ 70 for 2 tickets for 2 adults(evening shows)Tickets for children below three are free.46. Where is the film on ? _ A. At a theatre. B. At WandaCinema. C. In a hall. D. In a school.47. If your mother is free only in the afternoon, she can watch this movie on

21、 _. A. Sunday B. Monday C. Thursday D. Friday48. How long will the film last(持续)? _ A. 1 hour. B. 1.5 hours C. 2 hours D.3 hours49. Who can watch the film for free? _. A. Children below three. B. Children bellow tenC. Old people D. Teachers and students 50. Parents should pay at least _ if they go w

22、ith their 2-year-old son in the evening. A. ¥110 B.¥80 C. 70 D. ¥90BMr. Smith is fifty years old .He began to teach in a middle school twenty-six years ago . He works hard and always comes to his office on time .He expects his students to be honest and is strict with them . Some of his students beco

23、me famous people ,but they still remember him and often write to him .Of course, the old man is proud of it . This term he began to teach Grade One . Some of the new students were told about him ,but the others didnt know him well .He told them how to be an honest person .He gave them several exampl

24、es and said ,“I hate telling a lie most .” Before class was over ,he told all his students to finish Exercise 8 in Unit 1.The next morning ,as soon as he came into the classroom , he asked , “Whos finished Exercise 8?”A few students put up their hands .He shook his head and said , “Open your workboo

25、ks and see whether theres Exercise 8 in Unit 1 or not ? ”The students had a look at their workbooks and their faces turned red at once .51. How long has Mr. Smith taught in the middle school ?_A. For fifty years . B. For twenty-six years . C. For twenty years . D. For thirty-six years .52. What is M

26、r. Smith proud of ? _A. All students are honest . B. He teaches math very well .C. His students often write to him . D. He is strict with students .53. 班级 姓名 考试证号 密封线内不要答题装订线Mr. Smith told his students _.A. how to study hard B. not to tell a lie C. how to be famous D. not to be late for class 54. Wh

27、y did Mr. Smith tell his students to finish Exercise 8 in Unit 1?_A. Because he wanted to know if they were honest .B. Because Exercise 8 was very easy for them .C. Because he wanted them to do more exercises .D. Because the students could do it well .55.The students felt _when Mr .Smith found them

28、telling a lie . _A. angry B. happy C. bored D. sorry CA few years ago, my husband and I were on an island for a long week with our two littledaughters. As we talked about what to do next, our daughter jumped in and told us exactly what they wanted to do. We agreed.As soon as we walked into the main

29、area of the butterfly museum, we saw thousands of beautifulbutterflies. They all flew with their colorful wings. My girls were jumping up and down, and I knew we had made the right decision to come to the museum. They were having so much fun.I turned to our guide (导游) and asked curiously(好奇地), “How long do butterflies live?”She said, “About ten days.”“What can butterflies do in ten days?”The guide stopped, looked at me, and said, “They make the world a more beautiful place.”After we said goodbye, I couldnt stop thinking about what the guide had said. She was right. We all have something to

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