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1、高中必修一module5Module 5A Lesson in a Lab基础自主回顾.课标单词1_(vi. & n)收缩;(订)合约2_(vi.)漂浮3_(vi.)膨胀_(n.)4_(n.)混合物_(vt.)混合5_(n.)电_(adj.)电的;用电的_(adj.)与电有关的;电气化的6_(n.)结论_(v.)下结论7_(n. & v)目标;以为目标_(adj.)漫无目的的8_(vi.)(化学)反应_(n.)反应9_(n.)设备;装备_(vt.)装备;配备10_(adj.)部分的;局部的_(n.)部分;角色11_(adj.)普通的;平常的_(adj.)异乎寻常的12_(vi. & n)形成;

2、形式_(adj.)正式的13_(n.)天平;平衡_(adj.)平衡的14_(n.)演讲_(n.)演讲者15_(adj.)吃惊的;惊愕的_(adj.)令人吃惊的_(vt.)使吃惊_(n.)惊奇.常用短语1_与反应2_使有条理;使整齐3_在的顶/底部4_防止进入;不让靠近5_为感到骄傲/自豪6_弄清楚;弄明白7_往加入8_先走;发生;开始做,进行吧9_过去(常常)10_应当;理应.重点句型1The earth is _ the moon.地球是月球的两倍大。2_ think of a world without metals.很难想象一个没有金属的世界。3_ with the metals tha

3、t react most at the top, and the metals that react least at the bottom.这儿有一个图表,那些反应最强烈的金属在上面,反应最不强烈的在下面。4_ you are, _ youll see.你靠得越近,你看到的就越多。.模块语法1Can we do our work better with _ money and _ people?Alesser;few Bless;fewerClittle;less Dfew;less2What a wonder!They have finished _ 30% of the task wit

4、hin one week.Ano more than Bno less thanCnot more than Dmuch less than3Which do you think tastes _,the chicken or the fish?Awell BgoodCbetter Dbest5The pianos in the other shop will be _ but _.Acheaper;not as betterBmore cheap;not as betterCcheaper;not as goodDmore cheap;not as good6What do you thin

5、k of French?In my opinion, French is _ English.A. a subject so difficult asB. as difficult a subject asC. as a subject difficult asD. difficult as subject as考点探究解密考 点 解 读1expand v(使)膨胀,扩大,扩张;阐述,详谈expand on细说,阐述expand in/into把扩展,发展,膨胀expansion n扩充,开展,膨胀,扩张物,辽阔,浩瀚expansive adj.易膨胀的,易扩张的,广阔的expansively

6、 adv.可扩张地,辽阔地误区警示:expand是“范围”扩张;extend是“延伸”。朗文在线:Metals expand when heated and contract when cooled.金属热胀冷缩。The boy expanded his chest by breathing deeply.那个男孩深呼吸而鼓起胸部。He expanded on his new theory.他详细地谈论了自己的新理论。命题方向:高考中会考查expand与其它相近含义的动词的辨析。活学巧练:Why not try to _ your story into a novel?It is very p

7、opular.Aexpend BexpandCexpense Dexpect2conclusion n结论,决定,结束,结局,协定,协议reachdrawcome toarrive ata conclusion得出结论in conclusion最后 a conclusion结束jump at conclusions匆匆作出结论conclude vt.结束,断定,推断出to conclude 最后(一句话)conclude sth.with sth.以使某事物结束conclude sth. with sb.与某人达成、缔结(条约等)conclusive adj.最后的;结论性的;

8、确定性的误区警示:in conclusion这个短语中没有冠词朗文在线:I found the conclusion of the film very moving.我觉得这部电影的结尾很让人感动。the successful conclusion of a trade treaty贸易条约的成功签署I will in conclusion(最后)say a few words about discipline.The outcome of the election is a foregone conclusion(结尾)To conclude(最后),I wish you all good

9、health and a long life.命题方向:(1)to conclude, in conclusion可以用在写作中。(2)作为独立成分来考查in conclusion和in a word等的区别。活学巧练:(1)We_(决定) not to go.(2)The judge_(确信)from the evidence that the young man was guilty.(3)Premier Wen_(结束)his speech with a famous Chinese saying(4)_,Id like to show my appreciation to whoeve

10、r is present.AWith conclusion BIn conclusionCFor conclusion DTo conclusion3aim nC目标;目的;U瞄准;对准 vt.&vi.瞄准;对准;旨在;立志Whats your aim in helping that man?aim 瞄准be aimed at 瞄准,针对aim at sth./doing sth.以为目标aim to do sth.打算做某事take aim at sb./sth.把目标对准某人/某事物without aim无目的地aimless adj.无目的的;无目标的aimlessly a

11、dv.无目的地,盲目地朗文在线:Our aims are to become famous football players.我们的目标是成为著名的足球运动员。Take careful aim (at the target) before firing.开火之前仔细瞄准(目标)。He aimed (his gun) at a deer, fired and missed it.他(用枪)瞄准一只鹿开火,却未打中。She is aiming at a scholarship.她争取获得奖学金。命题方向:考题常在完形填空中考查aim的语义。活学巧练:(1)He_(瞄准)(his gun)at th

12、e target, fired and missed it.(2)Shes_(争取,努力)at a scholarship.(3)We must_(力求)at increasing/to increase exports.(4)He has only one_(目的)in lifeto become rich.(5)Would you like to go to the party tonight?Id like to,but I must go over my lessons,_ tomorrows exam.Aaiming to pass Bmeaning passingCintendin

13、g at passing Dpointing at passing4react vi.回应,起作用,起反应reaction n反应,回应;反动;化学反应act n行为,举动;v.表演,表现,装作action n行为,作用,情节特别提示:“作出反应,回应”时与to连用。“反对,反抗,反动”时与against连用。“指物质起化学反应”时与with连用。“对某物有影响,对某物产生变化”时与on连用。respond除了“响应,作出反应”(与to连用)外,还有“回答,答复”的意思。朗文在线:How did he react to your advice?他对你的建议反应如何?Iron reacts wi

14、th water and air to produce rust.铁与水和空气起化学反应而生锈。活学巧练:(1)The football player reacted_the judges decision by withdrawing from the match.AonBtoCagainstDby(2)Did you ask him the question?Yes,but he didnt_to it.Areact BanswerCrespond Dtalk5ordinary adj.普通的,平常的精讲拓展:ordinarylooking相貌平平的,相貌普通的out of the ord

15、inary不寻常的,例外的in the ordinary way一般,通常ordinarily adv.通常地ordinariness n平常,普通误区警示:ordinary与common,usual等是同义词,但语意的侧重点并不同,请勿混淆。词语辨析:ordinary, common, usual与normalordinary普遍的,平常的,平凡的。强调等级和类属方面普通。指人时,该词指既不显赫也不低贱;指物时指品质或质地水平一般。有“平庸无奇”之意。His abilities were hardly above the ordinary.他的能力平常。(并不出色)common普通的;常见的

16、。强调经常发生,司空见惯,不显赫或不特别,可修饰人或物。也可指共同的,共存的。He wasnt a hero, just a common man.他不是英雄,只是一个普通人。usual通常的;惯常的,惯例的。强调依照惯例来判断,有“遵循常规“之意。That morning he came earlier than usual, for it was not an ordinary day.那天早上他来得比平常早,因为那天不是一个平常的日子。normal正常的,合乎标准的,强调在正常情况下应有的。37 is the normal temperature of the human body.37

17、是人体的正常体温。朗文在线:Housing prices in New York are out of reach for ordinary people.纽约的房价不是普通人能支付得起的。命题方向:此词ordinary常与同义词以词语辨析题的形式被考查。活学巧练:用ordinary,common,usual,normal填空(1)Whoever has _sense(有点常识的任何人)knows that smoking is harmful to peoples health.(2)Last Sunday,he went to work as_(像平常一样)(3)Free medical

18、treatment in this country covers sickness of mind as well as_illness(普通疾病)(4)It is known that a persons _temperature(正常体温)is about 37.6be supposed to do被期望或被要求做某事;理应做,应该做Am I supposed to clean all the rooms or just this one?be not supposed to do不可,不许were/was supposed to do意为“本应该”suppose sb./ b

19、e认为某人/某事怎样I suppose so/not我也这样认为/我不这样认为suppose/supposing引导条件状语从句supposed(定语)误信的,误传的supposedly据认为,据称,大概,可能朗文在线:You dont mind my smoking, I suppose.我想,我抽烟你不会介意吧。(插入语)What makes you suppose him to be connected with them?什么使你想到他和他们有联系?(不定式复合结构)He was supposed to be an expert in this field.人们认为他是这方面的专家。(

20、被动语态)You are supposed to have finished the work by now.这项工作你现在应该已经完成了。(但没完成)She is not supposed to be doing such heavy work. She isnt quite recovered.她不应当干这样的重活,她的身体还没有完全恢复。Suppose it rains, what shall we do?如果下雨的话,我们该怎么办?活学巧练:(1)You_(不应该)smoke in this building.(2)He_(按理应该)be there on time.(3)_(假如)y

21、ou had a million pounds, how would you spend it?(4)This picture is_(大概)worth more than a million dollars.高考链接:(5)Why did you eat your words,Billy?Sorry,dear.But I really forget where I was_to meet you.Ademanded BaboutCsupposed D/7go ahead口进行吧,干吧;开始精讲拓展:go ahead在口语中表示告诉别人可做,意为“进行吧,干吧”。go ahead with s

22、th./doing着手做go ahead of sb.比某人先走go after追逐,逐求go against违背go away离开,走开;外出(度假)误区警示:go ahead无被动语态。朗文在线:“Can I have the sports section?”“Yeah,go ahead,Ive read it”“我可以看看体育版吗?”“当然,拿去吧,我已经看过了。”Frankll be late but well go ahead with the meeting anyway.弗兰克会晚些时候到,不过,我们还是先开会。Kemp went ahead of the convoy to t

23、ake a look.肯普比护送车队先走一步去看看情况。命题方向:在交际用语中经常考查到。活学巧练:I wonder if I could possibly use your car for tonight._.Im not using it anyhow.ASure,go ahead BI dont knowCYes,indeed DI dont care8The closer you are,the more you will see.你越近,看到的就越多。本句运用了“the比较级,the比较级”的句型,表示“越,就越”。比较级可以是形容词,也可以是副词。主句常用一般将来时,则前面的状语从

24、句就用一般现在时代替将来时。活学巧练:(1)_,_.越快越好。(2)_I get to know him,the better I like him.我越是了解他,越是喜欢他。(3)The harder you work,_ youll make.你学习越是刻苦,取得的进步就越大。9Here is a table.Here is a table with the metals that react most at the top, and the metals that react least at the bottom.这儿有一个图表,那些反应最强烈的金属在上部,反应最不强烈的在下部。这是一

25、个倒装句,正常语序是:A table with. is here.。在there,here引导的句子中,谓语是be,exist等表示状态的不及物动词时,句子要全部倒装。在there,here,now,then,thus等开头的句子里,谓语动词是come,go,follow等时,句子要全部倒装。here,there引导的句子,当主语是代词时,不倒装,且此类句子不用进行时。误区警示:此种倒装只限于主语是名词的情况下,若主语是代词,不倒装。朗文在线:Quick,here comes the bus.Have you got the right money?快,公共汽车来了。准备好零钱了吗?Oh,he

26、res the knife,it was under these dishes.啊,刀子在这儿呢!就在这堆盘子底下。Here she is,hiding behind the curtains.她在这儿呢,藏在帘子后面。命题方向:在考查时,语序的倒装形式经常被体现在题目中。活学巧练:In the dark forests_,some large enough to hold several English towns.Astand many lakes Blie many lakesCmany lakes lie Dmany lakes stand10形容词和副词的比较等级的用法一、形容词的比

27、较级用于两者或双方之间的比较,常用于下列结构:1表示倍数的三个句型:(1).times as形容词、副词原级as.This table is three times as big as that one.这张桌子是那张的三倍。(2).times the性质名词of.This table is three times the size of that one.这张桌子是那张的三倍。(3).times形容词、副词比较级than.This table is twice bigger than that one.这张桌子比那张大两倍。2同程度级的比较,用,the,such.as引导:Henry is a worker as good as Peter(is)Henry is as good a worker as Peter(is)Henry is such a good worker as Peter(is)亨利和皮特一样是个好工人。3the比较级.,the比较级.,表示“越

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