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201X商务英语考试大纲优秀word范文 11页.docx

1、201X商务英语考试大纲优秀word范文 11页本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!= 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! = 201X商务英语考试大纲同学们报名商务英语之后,马上就要开始着手准备考试,最关心的肯定就是商务英语的考试大纲,小编为大家分享的201X商务英语考试大纲,欢迎大家观看Business Preliminary Reading and Writing paperFORMAT The Reading test consists of a range of business-related texts andacc

2、ompanying tasks. A text may consist of several short ieces.The Writing test consists of two business-related writing tasks inresponse to stimuli provided and for a given purpose and target reader.TIMING 1 hour and 30 minutes.NO.OF PARTS Seven in the Reading the Writing test.NO.OF QUESTIONS 45 questi

3、ons in the Reading test. Two tasks in the Writing test.TASK TYPES Multiple choice, matching, multiple-choice cloze,/note completion.TEXT TYPES From the following: notices, messages, adverts, lealets, contentspages,graphs, charts, tables, business letters, product descriptions,reports,minutes, newspa

4、per or magazine articles, memos.LENGTH OF TEXTS Reading: 150400 words per text. Approximately 600900 words overall.Writing: two compulsory writing tasks of 90120 wordsin total for the paper.ANSWER FORMAT Reading: candidates indicate answers by shading a box or writinga word ona machine-readable answ

5、er sheet.Writing: candidates write their answers in the boxes on theanswer sheet provided.MARkS Reading: Questions 145 carry one mark.WRITING Part 1 carries one third of the marks for this test.Part 2 carries two thirds of the marks for this test.Business Preliminary Listening paperFORMAT The paper

6、consists of four part Each part comprises a recorde or textsand a Listening task.TIMING 40 minutes, including time for the transfer of answers to the answer sheet.NO.OF PARTS 4NO.OF QUESTIONS 30TASK TYPES Multiple-choice questions, gap illing and note takingTEXT TYPES Monologues: these include prese

7、ntations, lectures, announcementsand brieings.Interacting speakers: these include telephone conversations,face-to-face conversations, interviews and discussions.ANSWER FORMAT Candidates are advised to write their answers in the spaces providedon the question paper.There are 5 minutes at the end of t

8、he test to copy the answers ontoa separate answer sheet.Candidates indicate their answers by shading a box or writing a word,or words, on a machine-readable answer sheet.MARkS Each correct answer receives 1 mark.Business Preliminary Speaking paperFORMAT The Speaking test consists of three parts.TIMI

9、NG 12 minutes.NO.OF PARTS 3INTERACTIONPATTERN Two candidates and two examiners.One examiner acts as both interlocutorandassessor and manages the interaction either by asking questionsor by providingcues for candidates.The other acts as assessor only and does not joinin the interaction.TASK TYPES Sho

10、rt exchanges with the interlocutor; a mini-presentation by each candidate;a collaborative task which candidates do together.TASK FOCUS Exchanging personal and factual information, expressing and inding outabout attitudes and opinions.MARkS The interlocutor gives an impression mark based on a global

11、achievement scale,while the assessor applies detailed analytical scales and gives separate marksfor Grammar, Vocabulary, Discourse Management, Pronunciationand Interactive Communication.Business Vantage Reading paperFORMAT The paper consists of a range of business-related texts andaccompanying tasks

12、.A text may consist of several short sections.TIMING 1 hour.NO.OF PARTS There are ive parts. Parts 1 to 3 test candidates reading comprehension.Parts 4 and 5 test candidatesunderstanding of the meaning of writtenEnglish at word, phrase, sentence and paragraph level.NO.OF QUESTIONS 45TASK TYPES Match

13、ing, 4-option multiple choice, 4-option multiple-choice cloze,proofreading.TEXT TYPES Informational texts, articles and reports.LENGTH OF TEXTS 150550 words per text.ANSWER FORMAT Candidates indicate answers by shading a box or writing a word ona machine-readable answer sheet.MARkS All questions car

14、ry 1 mark.Business Vantage Writing paperFORMAT The paper consists of two business-related writing tasks in responseto stimuli provided and for a given purpose and target reader.TIMING 45 minutes.NO.OF PARTS 2NO.OF QUESTIONS 2 (both are compulsory).TASK TYPES In the irst task candidates are required

15、to write an internal companycommunication. In the second task candidates are requiredto write either a piece of business correspondence, a report or a proposal.ANSWER FORMAT Candidates write their answers on the question paper.MARkS Part 1 carries one third of the total marks available andPart 2 car

16、ries two thirds of the total marks available.Business Vantage Listening paperFORMAT The paper consists of three parts. Each part comprises a recordedtext or texts and a Listening task.TIMING Approximately 40 minutes, including time for the transfer of answersto the answer sheet.NO.OF PARTS 3NO.OF QU

17、ESTIONS 30TASK TYPES Note completion, matching and multiple choice.TASK FOCUS These include listening for speciic information, gist, topic, context,and function, particularly opinion.TEXT TYPES Monologues: these include presentations, lectures, announcements,brieings and telephone messages.Interacti

18、ng speakers: these includemeetings, discussions, interviews and telephone conversations.ANSWER FORMAT Candidates are advised to write their answers in the spaces providedon the question paper. There are 10 minutes at the end of the test tocopy the answers onto a separate answer sheet. Candidates ind

19、icatetheir answers by shading a box or writing a word, or words,on a machine-readable answer sheet.MARkS Each correct answer receives one mark.Business Vantage Speaking paperFORMAT The Speaking test consists of three parts.TIMING 14 minutes.NO.OF PARTS 3INTERACTIONPATTERN Two candidates and two exam

20、iners. One examiner acts as both interlocutorand assessor and manages the interaction either by asking questions or byproviding cues for candidates. The other acts as assessor only and doesnot join in the interaction.TASK TYPES Short exchanges with the interlocutor; a mini-presentation by each candi

21、date;a collaborative task which candidates do together.TASK FOCUS Exchanging personal and factual information, expressing and inding out aboutattitudes and opinions.MARkS The interlocutor gives an impression mark based on a global achievement scale,while the assessor applies detailed analytical scal

22、es and gives separate marksfor grammar and vocabulary, discourse management, pronunciation andinteractive communication.Business Higher Reading paperFORMAT The paper consists of a range of business-related texts andaccompanying tasks.A text may consist of several short sections.TIMING 1 hour.NO.OF P

23、ARTS There are 6 parts. Parts 1 to 3 test candidates readingcomprehension skills.Parts 4 to 6 test candidatesunderstandingof the meaning of written English at word, phrase,sentence and paragraph level.NO.OF QUESTIONS 52TASK TYPES Matching, 4-option multiple choice, 4-option multiple-choice cloze,rat

24、ional deletion, open cloze, proofreading.TEXT TYPES These include extracts from informational texts, articles and reports.LENGTH OF TEXTS 150600 words per text.ANSWER FORMAT Candidates indicate answers by shading a box or writing a word ona machine-readable answer sheet.MARkS All questions carry one

25、 mark.Business Higher Writing paperFORMAT The paper consists of two business-related writing tasks in responseto stimuli provided and for a given purpose and target reader.TIMING 1 hour 10 minutes.NO.OF PARTS 2NO. OF TASKS 2 (both are compulsory).TASK TYPES In the irst task candidates are required t

26、o write a short report.In the second task candidates are required to write either areport or a proposal or a piece of business correspondence.ANSWER FORMAT Candidates write their answers on the question paper.MARkS Part 1 carries one third of the total marks available and Part 2carries two thirds of

27、 the total marks available.Business Higher Listening paperFORMAT The paper consists of 3 parts. Each part comprises a recorded text ortexts and a Listening task.TIMING 40 minutes, including time for the transfer of answers to the answer sheet.NO.OF PARTS There are 3 parts.NO.OF QUESTIONS 30TASK TYPE

28、S Gap illing, multiple matching and 3-option multiple choice.TASk FOCUS These include understanding speciic information, gist, attitude, opinion,topic, context, function, main points and detail.TEXT TYPES Monologues: these include presentations, lectures, announcements,brieings, etc.Interacting spea

29、kers: these include meetings, discussions,interviews, etc.ANSWER FORMAT Candidates are advised to write their answers in the spaces provided onthe question paper. There are ten minutes at the end of the test to copythe answers onto a separate answer sheet. Candidates indicate theiranswers by shading

30、 a box or writing a word, or words,on a machine-readable answer sheet.MARkS Each correct answer receives 1 mark.Business Higher Speaking paperFORMAT The Speaking test consists of three parts.TIMING 16 minutes.NO.OF PARTS 3INTERACTION PATTERN Two candidates and two examiners. One examiner acts as bothinterlocutor and assessor and manages the interaction either byasking questions or by providing cues for candidates. The otheracts as assessor only and does not join in the interaction.TASK TYPES Short exchanges with the interlocutor; a mini-presentation byeach candid

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