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1、高中英语选修6重点词汇及句子可编辑修改,可打印别找了你想要的都有! 精品教育资料全册教案,试卷,教学课件,教学设计等一站式服务全力满足教学需求,真实规划教学环节最新全面教学资源,打造完美教学模式人教版模块六必背短语及句子Unit 1 Art Phrases.1. abstract adj.抽象的,深奥的 n.摘要(of) v.摘录,提取,分离(from) abstract idea/concept 抽象概念 concrete make an abstract of the company account 作一份该公司的帐目摘要Salt can be abstracted from sea wa

2、ter.2. take aim at 瞄准achieve ones aim 达到某人的目标aim to do sth. 意欲/力求做某事aim (sth.) at sb./sth. (用某物)瞄准某人/某物be aimed at 目标是;目的是He aimed the gun at a bird. 他用枪瞄准鸟a plan aimed at reducing road accidents 旨在减少道路事故的计划3. conventional morals 传统道德4. from an international perspective 从国际的角度 in perspective 用透视画法5.

3、 in possession of拥有 in the possession of sb = in ones possession 为某人所拥有 take possession of拥有(占有)be possessed of 具有(某种品质、能力)6by coincidence巧合地 pure/sheer coincidence7controversial issues 有争议的问题8attempt to do sth=make an attempt to do.企图做某事attempted murder 谋杀未遂10. take the place of sb = replace 代替,取代

4、take ones place代替,取代;入座;就位in place of in place11. break away from 脱离,摆脱,放弃13. as a consequence =in consequence = as a result 结果 consequently 因此,所以as a consequence of =in consequence of =as a result of 由于的原因 take/bear the consequence of ones action 承担行动的后果14. scores of许多,大量14. delicate 微妙的,精美的,纤细的,脆弱

5、的, The international situation is very delicate at present. Her delicate health needs great care. 虚弱的 The scientist needs some delicate instruments. 精密的a delicate fragrance/flavour 15. be allergic to sth 对过敏16. in the flesh活着的, 本人be excited about meeting a famous scholar in the flesh.17. convince vt

6、 使确信;使信服convince sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事convince sb. of sth. / that- 使某人相信be convinced. of sth. / that- 相信We convinced Anne to go by train rather than by plane.I am convinced that he is telling the truth.18. exhibition n.展览,陈列;展览会hold an exhibition on exhibition/show/display19. be contemporary with 与

7、属同时期20.9. carve the meat into slices 把肉切成片carved wooden chairs 雕木椅子carve out a new life/ a career 开拓新生活/一番事业12. would rather do sth(主语)宁愿做某事 would rather sb. did sth.宁愿某人做某事(现在或将来) would rather sb. had done sth宁愿某人做某事(过去)21. every two years 每两年 every second year every other year22ononehandontheother

8、hand一方面(但是)另一方面23Its evident/clear/ apparent that.Sentences1. Art is influenced by the way of life and faith of a people. 艺术受人们生活方式和信仰的影响。2. If the rules of perspective had not been discovered, people would not have been able to paint such realistic pictures. 如果没有发现透视法,人们就不可能画出如此逼真的画.3. Among the pa

9、inters who broke away from the traditional style of painting were the impressionists who lived and worked in Paris. 那些脱离传统绘画风格的印象派画家们在巴黎生活工作.4. When people first saw his paintings they were convinced they were looking through a hole in the wall at a real scene. 当人们第一次看到他的画时,他们确信他们是从墙上的一个孔看一个真实的场面.5.

10、 The garden of this lovely mansion is also well worth a visit. 这座可爱的花园大厦也是很值得一看的.6. In the Renaissance, new ideas and values took the place of those that were held in the Middle Ages.在文艺复兴时期,新的想法和价值观取代了中世纪的想法和价值观.7. People became focused more on humans and less on religion.人们的注意力更多地集中在人类本身,而对宗教的注意力减

11、少了.8. They paid famous artists to paint pictures of themselves, their houses and other possessions, as well as their activities and achievements.他们高价聘请著名艺术家来为自己画相,画自己的房屋和其它财物,以及他们的活动和成就。9. Nowadays, there are scores of modern art styles, but without the impressionists many of these painting styles w

12、ould not exist. 如今,现代艺术风格已经有好几十种,然而如果没有印象派,那么这许多不同的风格就不可能存在。10. (一句多译)这个地方值得参观。 This place is worth visiting/a visit. This place is worthy of being visited/a visit. This place is worthy to be visited. It is worthwhile visiting this place/ to visit this place.Unit 2 Poemsvn1. repeatrepetitionexposeex

13、posurearrivearrivaladdadditionrefuserefusalexplainexplanationargueargumentcreatecreationtransformtransformation变化,改观,改革 transformer变压器departdepartureadjncontradictorycontradictionflexibleflexibilitydreadfuldreadwarmwarmth2. tickIn the silence we could hear the clock ticking.While we waited the taxis

14、 meter kept ticking away.I have ticked the names of the people who have paid.3.concrete adj.具体的 n.混凝土;凝结物 Concrete is very strong and is used in many modern buildings.4. tease 取笑;招惹;戏弄Dont get upset. He was just teasing.He used to tease her mercilessly.Stop teasing that cat!We teasingly call him “su

15、perman”.5. sponsor sponsor the competition/the student sponsor a new law government-sponsored projects政府资助的He is looking for sponsors to support his plan.6. blank blank look/eyes/expression/face (vacant) a blank cassette My heart began to race and my mind went blank. 突然一片空白 a vacant job/post/seat7.

16、load load the truck with coal They loaded her with gifts.大量给予 a load of= loads of =plenty of大量,许多 teaching/working load教学/工作量 bear the load of bringing up the children reduce learning burden/load burden 指沉重、令人不快的负担;指精神负担时常有不堪忍受的意味II. Phrases 1. run out run out ofThe food is running out.He has run ou

17、t of ink.With money running out, he is going to draw some from the bank.2. make sense 有意义,说得通 (Sb.) make sense of sth理解 (Sth.) make sense to sb. 有意义,说得通in a sense 3. convey ones emotions/thanks表达情感a flexible schedule可变通的日程表4. bow to 向鞠躬 / 屈服 5. stay/sit up 熬夜 6. take it easy = take things easy放轻松,别

18、紧张 take ones time 别着急,慢慢来 7. make up 组成 / 编造 / 化妆 / 弥补 / 和解 be made up of = consist of 由组成 8. transform sth/sb intotransform ones life 改变某人的一生 9. an appropriate response/measure恰如其分的反应/恰当的措施10. try out 试验 try on 试穿11. let out 泄漏 / 发出(声音) / 释放 / 放宽(衣 服)12.holdon继续/别挂断(电话)III. Sentences1. We would hav

19、e won if Jack had scored that goal. (对过去的虚拟)如果杰克踢进了那个球的话,我们就赢了。2By playing with the words in nursery rhymes, children learn about language. 通过童谣中的文字游戏,孩子们学习了语言 3. With so many different forms of poetry to choose from, students may eventually want to write poems of their own.Translation:1. John wants

20、 to visit me today, but Id rather he came tomorrow than today.2. He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise he would have scored a goal.3. In the silence we could hear the clock ticking.4. He is looking for sponsors to support his plan.5. The Greens havetransformed their garage int

21、o a guest house.6. His casual clothes were not appropriate for such a formal occasion.7. She loaded a new film into the camera.她把新胶卷装到照相机里。8.The store will not exchange goods without a receipt. 这家商店没有收据不予换商品。9. Our supplies finally ran out.我们的供给终于耗尽了10. Dont let out the plan to the press.别把这项计划泄露给媒体

22、。英语选修六第3单元内容要点 1.abuse n.&v.滥用;虐待We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us我们滥用土地,因为我们把它当作属于自己的商品.He greeted me with a stream of abuse, which made me feel sad.他迎面对我一顿痛骂,这使我很难过.drug abuse滥用药品 child abuse虐待儿童2. a ban on关于的禁令From last June, there is a ban on offering plastic bags

23、 for free in supermarket.从去年六月份开始禁止超市无偿提供塑料袋。lift the ban on 取消限制 (place/impose)People are banned from smoking in many public places in England.在英国许多公共场所禁止吸烟3. due adj. 预期/定的;应付的,到期的,Their plane is due in 15 minutes. 他们的飞机预定在15分钟后到达The electricity bill is due today. 今天该交电费了. due to因为 归因于,归功于 be due

24、to do sth.定于某时做某事 由于这次全球性的金融危机,他被解雇了。这次峰会将在一个非洲国家举行。He was fired due to the global financial crisis.The summit is due to be held in an African country.4. be/become addicted to sth/doing对有瘾 a work addict 对工作入迷的人an alcohol addict 饮酒上瘾的人He is now fighting his addiction to alcohol.5. be desperate for a

25、cigarette be desperate to get a job Were in desperate need of help.desperately need/want sth try desperately to save his life be desperately ill/poor/worriedII. Phrases1. take a risk/risks 冒险at risk冒风险;处于危险中at the risk of sth./doing sth.冒的危险risk doing冒险做at ones own risk自担风险2. decide on sth对做出决定 3. b

26、e/become/get accustomed to sth./doing sth.accustom oneself to sth/ doing sth 习惯于某事/做某事 4. reach for sth 伸手去拿5. take off 开除;取消/脱衣/起飞/ /休假 He was taken off after twenty minutes.6.quit (doing) sth. 停止做某事 7. find a cure for the disease找到治疗方案8. take effect/come into effect 生效 produce the desired effect 产

27、生预期的效果 in effect/ in fact have an effect on9. lay/place/put stress on强调 stress the importance of be stressed out焦虑 under stress/strain stress-related medical problems Yoga is excellent for relieving stress. III. Sentences1. I think my long and active life must be due to the healthy life I live.我想我之所

28、以长寿而且精力充沛,要归功于我的健康生活。2. As you know, if you do the same thing over and over again you begin to do it automatically. 正如你所知道的,如果你反复的做同一件事情,你就会开始机械的地做它。3. I do hope so because I want you to live as long and healthy a life as I live.我的确希望这样,以为我想让你过上和我一样长寿而又健康的生活。此句型的结构:so/too/as+adj+a/an+名词Mary is as be

29、autiful a girl as Daisy.4. . It is only when the disease has progressed to AIDS that a person begins to look sick.只有当这种病毒发展成艾滋病时,人才会显出病态。5. He found it difficult to accustom himself to getting up early.6. In spite of all his efforts he failed. He was so upset about himself that he felt like crying.7

30、. The best way to deal with these drugs is not to get into the habit in the first place. Unit 4 Global warmingI. Phrases 1. a supply of /supplies of 大量的 supply and demand2. renewable source/energy3. a natural phenomenon phenomena4. come about 发生(不及物)How did the difference come about?How did it come about that the car fell off the bridge into the river?5. a quantity

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