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1、毕马威KPMG笔试经典KPMG Numerical 24 1. 顾客题:难餐馆名字每星期的熟客光顾四次或平均每位顾客顾客总人数所占比例以上的熟客数的消费金额2. 黄金买卖:汇率题的翻版月份数 对应黄金价格 兑换美元的金额3.学校的考试成绩问题,有问单科通过率、两门课对比4.传说中的税率题,条形图。分别为各年的销售量和价内含税销售额,旁边给出 各年税率。5. 某天的午间健身班:班级总人数 首次参加人数 参加 5 次以上人数问题:两个班级特定人数比较,某一个班级除第 1 次月 5 次以上的剩余人数,根 据增长率求出第二天某班特定人数。6.经济类犯罪率:图标,给定两年的数据,有犯罪总数,各分类比例。

2、问题是比 较、求增长率、推算其他年份一些数据。7.东南亚各国 5 年销售额,条形图,简单。各年总销售额需要自己加和。问题如 同年两个销售额的比较,已过不同年销售额的比较,两国增长率的比较。8.涉及到各学院的学生考试成绩,分优秀良好及格和不及格条形图,简单计算。9. 国家的农场数量,农户数目,表格,超多数字,后面有个总计。10.参考:如果他说 A 年是 B 年的五分之三或者增长了 20%之类的求 B 的,不要 再列什么式子了,直接 A/0.6 或 A/1.2 就行了。KPMG 经典 24 题The classical 24 numerical reasoning 经典的 24 数值推理一bar

3、chart below shows the number of temporary and permanent staff working in five regional call centres:这个柱状图下面显示的数量和永久性的工作人员临时在 5 个地区的呼叫中心:1.the actual number of calls taken per hour in region sw fell 10% short of the target set what was the target number of calls per hour? 采取实际的通话次数每小时在地区下降了10%的sw -短设

4、定的目标是什么电话数 量每小时的目标吗? E(28x200+25x100)/(100%-10%)=9000 increase of 6% in both the number of temporary and permanent staff in region NW is planned. If the average number of calls taken per hour stayed the same for all staff, what would be the increase in the total number of calls taken per hour?

5、每年增加 6%的数量在两个临时及永久性员工在滇西北地区是必要的。如果平均 每小时的通话次数采取停留在同一对所有员工,什么会是增加了总人数的每小时 电话吗? C。 20x250+16x300) x6%=588 3.if the ratio of permanent to temporary staff in region SE was the same as for region E, but the total number of staff remained the same, what would be the change in calls handled per hour?如果的比率来

6、临时员工在地区永久SE是一样的,但至于地区E总人数的员工保持 不变,什么会是改变电话每小时处理吗?BRegion E (permanent: temporary)=3:2Region SE Total: 400 ,Permanent: 150 Temporary: 250 (New) Permanent: 400x3/5=240 , Temporary: 400x2/5=160所以我们可以得出 P 增加了 90 人,T 减少了 90 人90x(30-18)=1080 (我们可以用其他方法算,但是却不是最节约时间的算法)4.which two regions had the highest to

7、tal number of calls handed per hour by permanent staff?哪两个地区都有最高的总传每小时的通话次数永久的员工吗?E 目测,(SE 和 SW 的 P 每小时接的电话数是最高的,而且 SW 的 P 的人数多,所 以总数上 SW 可定比 SE 要高。虽然 E 的每小时接电话数不高,但是他人数最多,所以总数也很高)二able below shows coach travel limiteds ticket prices and sales targets to three destinations over a 4-week period:下表显示有

8、限的教练旅行票价和销售目标,在一个为期三个目的地期间:destinationaverage4-week salesweek 1week 2priceper tickettargetrevenuerevenuehopworth48432001123212096jumpford50800002160019200skipdown4016000416046405.if the combined sales target to all three destinations over the current period in creased by 5%,what is the total amount

9、of revenue that remains to be earned by the end of this four-week period in order to meet the target ? 如果合并的销售目标,所有的三个目的地对当前时期是什么弄皱了 5%,收入总额 这仍有待赢得的一个牧场时期结束时为了适应目标吗? C (43200+80000+16000) x105%-11232-12096-21600-19200-4160-4640=73232 6.for the next four-week period ,the intention is to sell 120 tick

10、ets to skipdown per week at the same average pared to the current four-week period,by what percentage would the revenue target for skipdown increase?为下一个为期四周的时期,其意图是卖 skipdown 120 票在相同的平均每周 price .compared 为期四周的时期,对当前收入的百分比由什么目标 skipdown 会增加吗? A(40x120x4-1600)/ many fewer tickets to ho

11、pworth would need to be sold if the average ticket price was increased to 50 GBP and the sales target was to increase to 44,000 GPB? 门票多少少需要出售hopworth如果平均票价是增加到50英镑和销售目标是增加 到大约 4,4000 GPB 吗? A 43200/48-44000/50=20 8.if 25 seater coaches are used on the jumpford route and all tickets on these coaches

12、 were sold , how many coach journeys would need to made during the four-week period to reach the sales target? 教练。如果使用在 jumpford 路线和所有门票在这些教练被卖,多少教练的旅程将 需要在为期四周的时期达到销售目标吗? D 80000/50/25=64 三e table below shows the commuter population and number of train users for new city:下表显示了火车通勤种群和数量,用户对新的城市:june

13、julyaugseptocttotal nubberof commuters(millions) nubberof commuters bytrain1.41.080.881.11.7commuters using metro traiinservices%2020101515Note: metro train user levels are based up on a proportion of those who commute using all train services.注:用户水平为基础的地铁列车上的比例使用所有那些通勤列车服务。9.ass

14、uming the per centage growth trends in total commuters and train commuters between July and September were applied to the period between September an November,hat would be the number of non-train commuters in november? 假定你的每 centage 发展趋势在火车通勤者总通勤者,在 7 月和 9 月之间被运用 于 9 月 11 月之间的时期,帽子会一 non-train 通勤者的数

15、量在 11 月吗? E (2.50-2.40)/2.40x2.50+2.50=2.604 (1.10-1.08)/1.08x1.10+1.10=1.120 2.604-1.120=1.48 October how many fewer people were non-train commuters compared to train commuters? 在 10 月份有多少更少人被 non-train 通勤者相比,火车通勤者吗? A 1.70-(3.20-1.70)=0.2 11.if the number of rail commuters in November fell b

16、y 0.3 million compared to October , how many rail commuters did not use metro train services if rail commuter usage of metro train services was 15%? 如果铁路通勤者的数量在11月份相比下降了30万到10月期间,有多少铁路通勤 者不使用地铁列车服务如果铁路通勤用法的地铁列车服务是 15%吗? C (1.70-0.3)x(1-15%)=1.19 12.what percentage of communters traveled by train dur

17、ing july but did not use metro train services? 多少百分比的 communters 乘火车在 7 月进行,但是没有使用地铁列车服务吗? E 1.08x(1-20%)/2.40=36% 四r chart and figures below show a factorys pro ducticity report over sixteen weeks, divided into 4 equal 4-week periods:艾凡柱状图和数字下面显示一个工厂的职业 ducticity 十六岁以上的周报告,分为四个时期:平等开设的13.what was t

18、he difference in units produces between periods 1 and 2, if no overtime was worked? 是什么单位生产的不同时期之间 1 和 2,如果没有加班工作吗? G (70-50)x4x40x3=9600 14.during period 2 employees worked an average of 4 hours overtime per week , in addition to their standard 40 hours per week . what was the total pay bill for th

19、at period? 2雇员工作期间的平均每周 4 个小时的加班,除了他们的标准每周工作 40 小时。 那里的收入总额比尔那个时期? B 50x40x4x6+50x4x4x10=56000 15.if during period 4 productivity fell to 2.4 units per person per hour , by how many would the workforce have to be increased by so as not to affect the total output for that period? 如果期间跌至 4 生产力每人每小时 24

20、0 单位,到底有多少人会劳动力已经增加了 以免影响总产出那个时期? E 3/2.4x40-40=10 16.the factory is considering cutting the working week to 38 hours. If they had done this for periods 3 and 4 , how many fewer units would have been produced, if no overtime were worked? 工厂正在考虑削减工作时间的 38 小时。如果他们已经完成了这期 3 号和 4 号, 有多少会被产生更少的单位都是,如果没有加

21、班吗? C (40-38)x4x3x(55+40)=2280五 table below shows the currency rates in operation for two successive years 下表显示了货币汇率连续两年在运行17.a travelller buys 8000 thai baht in year 1 , and then year 2 converts some of this amount to 100 euros and the remainder into GBP, what is the amount converted into GBP? 买一 t

22、ravelller 8000 泰铢在 1 年,然后二年级转换一些这样的达 100 欧元,其馀 的则变成英镑,什么是量转换成英镑吗? C 8000/61.8-100/1.62=67.72 不管在 Yr 1,用了多少英镑买泰铢,我们要知道的是在 Yr 2,8000 泰铢可换多 少英镑,所以用第二年的汇率,而不是第一年的。 注意 remainder 说明是算差的 18.if 1000 GBP of euros were purchased in year 1, what would be their approximate value in hong kong dollars when exchan

23、ged in year 2? 如果 1000 英镑,欧元被购买在 1 年,什么会是他们在香港美元大约值在二年级的 时候交换吗? F 1000x1.52/1.62x11.1=10415 19, between year 1 and year 2, what was the approximate change in value (expressed as a percentage) of the thai baht in relation to great British pounds(GBP)?1 年和二年级之间,什么是近似变化值(百分比来表示)的关系,以伟大泰铢(英镑) 英镑吗? D(65.

24、4-61.8)/61.8=5.8% 升值,这是直接法,所以在 Yr 1,1 英镑可换 65.4 泰铢,而 Yr 2,1 英镑之可以换到 61.8 的泰铢,这说明泰铢升值了。(这里英镑 是基准货币) 这道题原始的解法应该是:(1/61.8-1/65.4)/1/65.420. in relation to great British Pounds (GBP), which two currencies have shown the largest proportional change in value between year 1 and year 2?在关系到英国大磅(英镑),这两种货币所显示

25、出来的最大的比例变化值之间的 1 年和二年级吗? B目测法看两年直接之变化最大的,注意单位(全部看作是百位数)那应该是 THB。六e table below shows the production statistics for Ruritanian Gold Fields Ltd, over a six-year period:下表显示了金矿区生产统计数据为 Ruritanian 有限公司,在六年的时间:薰衣草 lavender21.what was the overall percentage increase(to the nearest%) in the amount of mined

26、 ore , from year 1 to year 5? 什么是整体数量增加(到最近的%)的大量开采矿石,每年从 1 到五年级吗? E (150-110)/110=36% 22.if the total cost of gold production in year 2 was &1 million, how much ore would need to be mined and milled in that year, so that the gold produced would meet this cost? 如果黄金生产的总成本是在二年级及 1 份万,多少矿将需要是开采、研磨在那一

27、年,因此黄金生产会达到这一成本吗? G 1000000/8/5=25000 23.if the general inflation rate between year 4 and year 4 was 10%, by how much was the increase in the price of gold above that accounted for by inflation? 如果这位将军通货膨胀率之间是四年级和四年级的 10%,多少是价格的提高黄金 那上面所占通货膨胀吗? A 10.5-9.5x(1+10%)=0.05 24.which 2 years generated the

28、worst financial return per thousand of ore mined? 2年以上所产生的最糟糕的金融回报的矿石开采每千人吗? A 目测法,1&2 年,价格最低,产量也最低。 The big economic difference between nuclear and fossil-fuelled powerstations is that nuclear reactors are more expensive to build and decommission, but cheaper to sun. So disputes“大的经济差距 powerstation

29、s 核和 fossil-fuelled 是核反应堆是更昂贵的构建和报废,但更便宜到另一个太阳。所以纠纷KPMG 经典 36 题Example : Individuals who are responsible for databases that hold information about people are now bound by the data protection act (PDA). This act covers any information stored on a computer that identifies a living individual. Companie

30、s holding such information must, under the terms fo the act , make sure that they take adequate care of the data , both technically and in terms of the behavior of the organization. The personal data stored has to be protected from loss, destruction or damage.负责例子个人信息数据库,人们现在持有的约束数据保护法案(PDA)。这种行为涵 盖

31、了任何信息被存储在一个电脑,用于标识有生命的个体。公司拥有这些信息的 条件下,必须有必要行动,确保他们采取足够的照护的数据,无论是在技术上来说 行为的组织。个人资料储存必须被保护不受的损失、毁坏或损害。Example1. any information stored about a named individual currently working for an organization is subject to the data protection act. Example1.任何资料储存大约一个名字命名的个人目前的工作对组织是受数据保 护法案。TExample2. as long as any data about a named individual is managed in a technically adequate way , there

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