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1、八年级英语上册单元质量检测试题 八年级英语上册单元质量检测试题一 选择题1. A: Hw uh des this ar _?B: Ten thusand yuan.A st B spend take D pay2. hen I _there, everything _ ready.A reah t;was B gt t; were arrived; was D arrived; were3. A: h, we are t late fr lass!B: _ _. e still have plenty f tie.A I srry t hear that B Dnt pani hat are

2、yu up t? D hat d yu think?4. There are _ students in ur shl.A several hundred B several hundreds se hundredsD hundred f5. y friend shwed her new shes _ e.A f B fr at D t6. A: h, Ive left y shlbag n the p l aygrund.B: Dnt wrry. I will _ it fr yu.A bring B get take D arry7. Has he reahed Beiing _?A ev

3、er B never yet D still8. r. Blak has tw daughters. ne is a teaher, _ is a dtr.A ther B the ther anther D thers9. It _ ike twenty inutes t walk t shl everyday.A spends B pays takes D sts10. st students have _ hewrk t d every day .A t any B t uh uh t D s any二. 完型填空id-Autun Festival is an iprtant day f

4、r the hinese peple, It falls n August 15 f hinese lunar alendar. e eat nakes n that day . A nake is a rund_1_. It lks like the _2 _. But what d yu knw abut the n?The n is a _3_ like the earth. The eart h is 4 than the sun. The n is saller than _5_ . S it is the sallest f the _6_ . A an is _7 _n the

5、n than n the earth. alking _8_ the n is harder than _9_ n the earth. Its like uping and flying. I think it is very interesting. I want t 10 the n se day. hat abut yu? D yu want t g t the n?1. A. akeB. eat . nutD. apple2. A. treeB. n. range D. banana3. A. sethingB. bell. ball D. ring4. A. dearerB. gr

6、eater. bigger D. saller5. A. a huseB. the hill. a riverD. the earth6. A. twB. three. furD. five7. A. lighterB. heavier. tallerD. shrter8. A. inB. n. nearD. utside9. A. walk ingB. walk . t walkD. running三 阅读理解。Ar. Sith lives in Trnt. Hes a dtr. His wife teahes English in a iddle shl. They have tw hil

7、dren: ne is a sn alled ike and the ther is a daughter. Shes nly three nths ld. ike lves the baby very uh. He ften shws her t the guests. Hes yung and desnt g t shl. He stays at he t help his ther lk after the day, ikes aunt es t see her sister. She wrks in anther ity and sees the baby fr the

8、 first tie. The by shws the baby t her aunt.“Lk at the baby, Aun t,” says ike. “Shes beautiful. I think she lks like e !”“Des she like playing with yu?” Asks his aunt .“I dnt knw,” answers the by. “She ant speak yet.”根据短回答下列问题1 hih untry des ike live in ?_2. Hw any peple are there in r. Siths faily?

9、_3. hats rs. Sith?_ _4. Is the baby ikes yunger brther?_5. Des Little ike think hes gd-lking , t?_ _Byang Liwei irled the earth 14 ties in 21 hurs n tber 15 and 16, 2003, land&nt;ing n the grasslands f Inner nglia. Lking a little tired, yang stepped ut f Shenzhu V, siling and waving at the waiting p

10、eple “I feel very gd” yang said t preier en iaba n the phne. yang said t a newspaper, “T ur therland and e, this is a great ent.”hinas launh f Shenzhu V shws a higher starting pint. It has tw spei al sys&nt;tes)系统)t prtet the spaean, but neither Russian rkets(火箭)nr Aerian nes have.yang didnt knw tha

11、t he was hsen as hinas first spaean until ust befre the launh. Althugh yang was exited at the news, he still s lept at 8p. . as usual and was wken up at 2 a. . the next rning. Befre the launh, yang ate hinese traditinal fd-duplings. e all knw that tra velers usually eat the befre ging n a urney fr g

12、d luk.A stap Suess f hinas First anned Spae Flight was issued(发行)n tber 16,2003,aking hina the third untry t send a spaean int uter spae.1.It tk yang t travel arund the earth every irle.A. 6 hurs B. 90 inutes . 1.5 hurs D. 21 hurs2.Hw did yang feel after he ae bak t the earth?A. Quite tired.B. A lit

13、tle afraid. Tired but exited.D. A little nervus.3. hih f the fllwing stateents(叙述)is right?A. There is n differene between hinas spaeship and ther untries.B. yang knew hed be hinas first spaean lng befre. At the news, yang was t exited t fall asleep.D. yang was prud f the flight.4. hat des the under

14、lined(划线的)wrd launh ean?A. 发射B. 出发. 制造D. 设计5. hina issued the staps t _ _.A. leave the in spaeB. give the t yang Liwei as a reward. elebrate the suessD. give the t Russian and Aerian四 根据所给短内容和首字母提示补全单词,使短完整。The universe eans the e_, the sun, the n, the stars and the spae between the. any f the stars

15、 a_ s far away that we an nt see the. The n travels a_ the earth. an has already visited it in s_. any untries have s_ an-ade satellites up int spae. They g arund the earth . They help us t l_ re abut the earth, the weather and ther things . e als use it t send and reeive _ . It akes peple fr d_ unt

16、ries understand eah ther better . S peple say the w_ itself is being a uh saller plae.五 补全对话A: Hell, David. Have yu finished spae travel hewrk yet?B: yes, lk! Ive ade a del f the spae statin. _1_A: Great! Hw an yu ake it s well?B: _2_ Theres a lt f infratin abut the universe in it.A: Really? _3_.B:

17、yes, yu an. hat abut yur spae travel hewrk?A: _4_ I think I need t knw re abut the universe. B:_5_ iss Zhang wants it next week.A. an I brrw this bk?B. Dnt pani!.I have read a bk.D.hat d yu think f itE. I havent started.六 句型转换1I have heard the latest news. (改为一 般疑问句)_ _ heard the latest news?2. y pa

18、rents have reahed Beiing. (改为同义句)y parents have _ _ Bei ing.3. eve been t the n. (改为否定句)_ _ been t the n.4.I have heard the latest news. (改为一般疑问句)_ _ heard the latest news?5. I prefer ba sketball t ftball. (改为 同义句)I _ basketball _ _ ftball.七 用所给词的适当形式完成句子。1_ (nne) has disvered any life .2. _(siene)

19、have disvere d any ther galaxies in the universe.3. Have yu tried _(send) infra tin t us?4. There are re than 200 _(illin) stars in ur galaxy.5. Have they fund any _(life) in spae.6. I prefer _(stay) at he t ging ut n Sundays.7. Sene _ already _ (disver) the dg.8I _(read) the bk befre .9His sister _

20、 (g) t Shanghai . She _(leave) this rning.10I _ (nt finish) the wrk yet.11 He _ ust _(d) it.12Sa _ already _ (have) his breakfast.八 根据句意及首字母完成单词。1. Every year _ f visitrs e t hina.2. Se spaerafts have gne b_ the slar syster.3. He is aking a _ plane.4. e an get the l_ news n the Internet.5. yang Liwei is a faus a_.九 写作根据下列表格提示,用英语写一篇有关自己经历的短。词数在60-70 左右。参加人员 全班学生和老师活动内容 自带了食品和饮料,去黄山旅游并野营, 看了景色出发时间上个星期六早晨七点三十分集合地点 学校大门口交通工具 乘公共汽车

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