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1、CATTI二级口译综合能力真题2004年11月CATTI二级口译(综合能力)真题一、Part (B)(共10小题,共10.0分)Listen to the following short statements and then choose one of the answers that best fits the meaning of each statement by blackening the corresponding circle. There are ten questions in this part of the test, one point for each questi

2、on. You will hear both the statement and the question only once. 第1题 Which of the following statements is true according to what you hear?A The growth rate in 2003 is lower than that of the previous year.B This year the government will continue to support lending and investment in construction.C The

3、 government will cut state bonds by 35% in 2004.D State bonds issued to finance construction will be $3.6 billion less this year than last.【正确答案】:D【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】特定信息的找寻和判断。本题要求识别并判断MrWen所说的政府工作目标的各细节信息。根据题干中的关键词,找寻原段落中相关部分将a与第一句对照;b与第二句would also restrain lending and investment对照;c和d与第二句governmen

4、t would reduce the issuance of state bonds intended to finance construction by about $3.6 billion,or 25 percent对照,可发现只有d的说法与原文相符,因此,选项d是正确的。 注意:掌握同义词或近义词的替换。如原文中slower。与选项a中lower替换;原文中restrain与选项c中cut替换;原文中reduce和选项d中less替换。第2题 What conclusions can you make about the people in New York City?A You ca

5、nt please anyone in New York City.B They dont like to recycle their trash.C Mayor Bloomberg always turns a deaf ear to peoples complaints.D People want to have their trash collected more frequently.【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】隐含事实的判断。从原文中纽约人对回收垃圾的态度可知,他们对回收垃圾持抱怨的态度;对市长取消大部分回收项目持抱怨态度;对他恢复对某些垃圾的回收且回收次数改为

6、隔周一次的态度有褒有贬众说纷纭。由此可推测出无论怎么做,都不可能使所有纽约人满意。因此,选项a的说法是正确的。 注意:掌握某些表态度的关键词有助于得出正确答案,如根据原文complained和howled in confusion推断出正确答案。第3题 According to the passage, which of the following is NOT the result of globalization and liberalization?A The gap between the developed and the developing countries has widen

7、ed.B The industrialized world has witnessed unprecedented wealth.C The wealth of the world has been redistributed.D The current developing countries will become the most rapidly rowing economies.【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】事实细节的找寻。根据题干中的关键词与原段落中的各项事实细节相对照,发现只有a中the gap between the developed and the dev

8、eloping countries在原文中没有提到。因此,只有选项a的内容不是globalization and liberalization所带来的结果。 注意:掌握选项中相关信息在原文中的正确定位。第4题 Which of the following places have approved gay marriage?A San Francisco and California.B California, New Mexico and Oregon.C California, New Mexico, Oregon and Massachusetts.D California and New

9、 Mexico.【正确答案】:B【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】对信息的推断。原文中提到California,New Mexico和Oregon允许同性婚姻,而“Massachusetts has signaled its approval”,即“Massachusetts发出同意的信号”,由此可推测,虽然Massachusetts不反对同性婚姻,但还没在法律上正式承认。因此,选项b的说法是正确的。 注意:掌握主要短语的深层含义,如signaled its approval表示对某事并不反对,但尚未公开承认的状况。第5题 The Mediterranean region is cited a

10、s an example of_.A the ability of nature to remedy human destructionB the ability of people to make use of natural resourcesC the manner in which people replenish the environmentD the effects of human abuse of natural resources【正确答案】:D【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】篇章逻辑关系的理解。本题主要考查中心句和支持性细节间的关系识别。本段落首先在第一句批驳了错误观点

11、,而后在第二句提出正确观点,即中心句:历史证明一旦文明社会中的自然生命供给系统遭到严重破坏,便难以修复。下文通过地中海地区的例子加以证明。因此,只有选项d的说法符合这一逻辑关系。 注意:正确识别篇章逻辑结构是解题的关键。第6题 According to the passage, what has made Americas system of higher education a great success?A Accessibility, diversity, academic freedom and centralized governance.B Diversity, academic

12、freedom, democracy and centralization.C Shared governance, diversity, academic freedom and accessibility.D Decentralization, diversity, academic freedom and shared governance.【正确答案】:D【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】因果关系的判断。根据原文可知“the decentralization,diversity,academic freedom and shared governance”使得美国高等教育体系成为世界上

13、最易接近、最民主的教育体系。由此可见,只有选项d的内容符合这一逻辑关系。 注意:近义词替换。此题能够正确找到原文相关处的关键是理解题干中a great success与原文the most accessible and democratic意思相近。第7题 What has happened to the capital flow into the emerging market economies?A It has become difficult to get foreign direct investment.B Banks no longer offer any loans.C Por

14、tfolio investment has increased.D Those market economies didnt take advantage of different kinds of capital.【正确答案】:C【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】事实细节的找寻和判断。原文认为资本向正在出现的市场经济流动的构成出现巨大变化,而后列举三方面事实细节(bank lending,portfolio investment,foreign direct investment)予以说明,将题干中相关信息与原文对照,可发现只有选项c的说法与原文相符。 注意:同义词替换。原文中has gon

15、e up与选项中increased同义。第8题 The blacks who received Nobel Prizes for Literature are:A Toni Morrison and Dereck Walcott.B Toni Morrison, John Steinbeck and Wole Soyinka.C Toni Morrison, Dereck Walcott and Wole Soyinka.D Toni Morrison, Dereck Walcott and John Steinbeck.【正确答案】:C【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】特定信息的找寻和判断。

16、本段落人名等专有名词较多。本题要求根据题于中的关键词,回原文找寻获诺贝尔文学奖的黑人姓名,将听力材料中其它无关的专有名词干扰项排除后,可知只有选项c的说法是正确的。 注意:根据要求迅速排除干扰项的影响。第9题 Why did Israelis prefer the Red-Dead canal to the Med-Dead proposal?A Because they wanted to cooperate with their former Arab enemies.B Because the Red-Dead canal would run across the desert.C Be

17、cause the Med-Dead canal would be much longer.D Because they didnt want to take water from the Mediterranean Sea.【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】因果关系的判断。根据题干中关键词the“Red-Dead”canal和“Med-Dead”proposal可定位原文相关部分为“Israeli officials cite the importance of cooperation with former Arab enemies as one of the main r

18、easons they favor the Red-Dead canal over an olderMed-Deadproposal”,其中信号词“reasons”说明该词前后部分为因果关系,既然该词后部分为题干内容,显然该词前部分的内容应为正确答案。因此,选项a的说法是正确的。 注意:掌握通过信号词正确判断语义逻辑关系,如通过原文reason可判断出其上下文的因果关系。第10题 What does Dr. Kay believe?A The Bush administration is justified to launch military operations in Iraq.B Ira

19、qs weapons of mass destruction have not been found yet.C Iraqs weapons of mass destruction were destroyed during the Gulf War.D Iraq destroyed all its weapons of mass destruction in the 1990s.【正确答案】:D【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】特定信息的找寻和判断。根据题干中关键词DrKay,在原文中找寻与其相关的特定信息,可发现原文相关部分为“DrKay has said he believes that

20、 Iraq largely abandoned the production of weapons of mass destruction after the first Gulf War, and that it gradually destroyed its remaining stockpiles during the 1990s”只有选项C和d的内容与其相关,但选项C中“were destroyed”与原文“abandoned”含义不相符,而选项d的内容则是正确的。 注意:近义词辨析,如选项中destroy(毁灭)和原文abandon(放弃)的含义是不同的。二、Part (共20小题,

21、共40.0分)Listen to the following passages and then choose the best answer to each question by blackening the corresponding circle. You may need to scribble a few notes in order to answer the questions satisfactorily. There are three passages in this part, each with five questions. And each question ca

22、rries two points. You will hear the passages only once. 第1题 Which of the following is considered a landmark ruling in interracial marriages?A Loving v. Alabama.B Loving v. Virginia.C Loving v. U.S.D Loving v. Richard and Mildred.【正确答案】:B【本题分数】:2.0分【答案解析】特定信息的找寻和判断。根据题干中关键词“a landmark ruling”在原文中找寻与其

23、相关的特定信息部分为原文第一段第二句中“a landmark Supreme Court decision,Loving VVirginia”。由此可见,选项b的说法是正确的。 注意:掌握单词的归类。原文中Supreme Court和题干中ruling同属于法律范畴,因此正确答案就在有Supreme Court出现的上下文中。第2题 How many marriages in the U.S. are between blacks and whites?A 2 million.B 5%.C 2.5%.D Half a million.【正确答案】:D【本题分数】:2.0分【答案解析】数字信息的

24、找寻和判断。原文关于跨种族通婚的数据颇多,根据题干内容可确定原文第一段最后一句中“almost half a million of them are between blacks and whites”是正确:答案,符合这一说法的只有选项d。 注意:迅速找寻有关数字信息并做出正确判断。第3题 Why is Thomas Jefferson mentioned in this passage?A As an example of interracial intimacy.B Because he was a slave owner and was strongly against interra

25、cial marriages.C Because he was one of the early advocates of interracial marriages.D Because he married a black woman.【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:2.0分【答案解析】隐含事实的判断。根据原文第三段第一句,可知该句隐含的事实就是Thomas Jefferson被当作一个例子来说明“interracial intimacy”。因此,选项a的说法是正确的。 注意:正确判断主题句和支持性细节间的关系。Thomas Jefferson为interracial intimacy这一主题

26、的支持性细节,第4题 What can be inferred from the passage?A The resistance to interracial marriages in the South still stays firm.B The number of interracial marriages involving Asians, Latinos and Native Americans is greater than that of black-white marriages.C There were no mixed marriages in Alabama until

27、 three years ago.D The rise of an educated black middle class has increased opportunities for blacks and whites to develop romantic relationships.【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:2.0分【答案解析】推理判断题。根据原文第二段第一句“the resistance to mixed nuptials in the South seemed to stay as firm as”即“在南方人们对(黑人和白人间)通婚的行为依然坚决反对”,显然选项a的说法是正确

28、的。因此,该项为正确答案。 注意:掌握同义词替换。原文中mixed nuptials与选项中interracial marriages均指不同种族间的通婚。第5题 How did interracial marriage get approved in Alabama?A By a Supreme Court ruling.B By state legislation.C By a vote of the residents.D By the social trend that interracial marriages keep increasing.【正确答案】:C【本题分数】:2.0分【

29、答案解析】特定信息的找寻和判断。通过对Alabama婚姻情况这一特定信息进行找寻,发现原文第二段最后一句提到Alabama是最后一个放弃混合婚姻禁令的州时说明这是“just a 60%-to-40% vote by residents”,即“当地居民60%对40%投票的结果”,这与选项c内容吻合。因此,该选项的说法是正确的。 注意:根据数字信息迅速做出推断是解答本题的关键。第6题 What does the passage mainly discuss?A Trends in teaching mathematics to children.B The use of mathematics i

30、n child psychology.C The development of mathematical ability in children.D The fundamental concepts of mathematics that children must learn.【正确答案】:C【本题分数】:2.0分【答案解析】主旨题。该题的解题关键是把握整个听力材料内容的脉络。文章一开始声明儿童似乎天生具有计算能力,而后举例说明,但随后话锋一转,作者提出实际情况并非如此简单,认知心理学家的研究证明,儿童是逐步通过自身努力来学习掌握数学基础知识的。总之,虽然作者对儿童数学能力的发展有不同见解,

31、但全篇都围绕该话题展开。因此,选项c的说法是正确的。 注意:掌握全文的主要内容是解题的关键。第7题 It can be inferred from the passage that children normally learn simple counting_.A soon after they learn to talkB by looking at the clockC when they begin to be mathematically matureD after they reach second grade in school【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:2.0分【答案解析】推理判断题。文章在第一段第二句说明“The numerical skills of children develop so early”,即“儿童数字能力在早期便得以发展”,随后在第三句作者用儿童学会走路和说话不久便在摆放刀叉方面显现出的数字能力来说明上述观点,由此可推断,儿童是在学会说话后就可学会简单的计数,这与选项a的观点是吻合的。因此,选项a的说法是正确的。 注意:正确判断主题和支持性细节之间的关系,本文中develop so early是主题,其后具体提及的时间段是支持性细节。第8题 The author imp

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