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初四Unit 6 By the time I got outside复习学案及单元检测.docx

1、初四Unit 6 By the time I got outside复习学案及单元检测 Unit 6 By the time I got outside,the bus had already left.复习学案一单词:1 睡过头 2.筋疲力尽的 3. 尴尬的 4. 愚弄 5. 锁 6.l 铃 7.铃响 8. 冲 9. 空的 10.女朋友 11. 回答 12.嫁, 娶 13.结局 14. 描绘 15. 宣布 16. 亲戚 17 服装 18.使相信,确信 19. 惊恐 20 权威机构 21. 揭露 22.非常紧张的 23. 令人为难的 二、单元短语1.到时候 _ 2. 走进浴室_3.把背包落在家

2、了_4.发出响声 _ 5.走进浴室 _6.跑掉_ 7.按时_ 8.路过_ 9.让某人搭便车 _ 10.忘记亲属的生日_11.忘记医生或牙医的约会 12.停止运转,出故障 _ 13.穿好衣服 _ 14.出现,露面 15.感觉尴尬的feel _16.是精疲力尽的 be _ 17.熬夜学习_ 18.一个化妆舞会a _ party19.在愚人节那天 _ April Day 20.横穿美国 _ _ the United States 21.本地超市 the _ supermarket 22.尽可能多的面条 as _noodles as possible 23.被卖光 be _ _ 24.畅销 24邀请他

3、的女友去他的节目 _ his girlfriend his show25.结婚 _ _26.某人发生某事 27.醒来 28.叫醒某人 29.做到,成功 30.不再 / 31.如此。以至于。 32.以便于 33. 数以千计的,成千上万的 三、单元重点句型1.你看上去筋疲力尽。 _2.开始睡过了头。 _ 3.当我起来时我妈妈早已经进了浴室 ._4.当我出去的时候公共汽车早已经开走了。_ _5.当她到课堂的时候老师早已经开始上课了。_6.当她到学校的时候她意识到她已经把背包落家了。_ 7.当我返回学校的时候,铃早已经响过了。_ 8.What happened _ Dave _ April Fools

4、 Day?9.这个演员主持的电台节目宣称来自火星的外星人已经在地球上着陆。The radio program _ the actor _ that aliens from Mars _ (land) _ the Earth. 10.他是如此令人信服,以至于数百人相信这个故事。He was so _ _ _ of people believed the story. 11.恐慌遍布整个国家。_ _ _ _ the _ country. 12.当官方揭露这个故事是个骗局时,数千人已逃离他们的家。By the time the _ _ that the story was a _, thousand

5、s of people_ (flee) from their homes. 13.将不再有面条。 There _ _ no _ _.14.她报道说农民已停止种植它。She reported that farmers _ _ _ it. 15.他要求她嫁给他。He asked her _ _ him. 16.她很激动。 She was _. 17.这个玩笑有个很好的结尾。This _ _ a very good _. 四、单元单项精选1. He could _ neither French nor German. So I _ with him in English.A. speak, talk

6、ed B. talk, told C. say, spoke D. tell, talked2. It wont _ them much time to fly to Beijing from Shanghai. A. spend B. use C. take D. pay3. By the time we got there, the film _ already.A. began B. has begun C. have begun D. had begun4. Please stop _. The baby is sleeping.A. to sing B. singing C. san

7、gs D. sing5. Could you _ me a ride? The bus has left.A. give B. get C. take D. pass6. What did you give to your teacher _?A. in Teachers Day B. on Teachers Day C. on Teachers Day D. in Teachers Day7. -_ is today? -Its April Fools Day.A. What B. How C. What day D. What date8. How long have you _?A. g

8、ot married B. married C. be married D. been married9. What happened _ you, David?A. to B. for C. at D. in10. Im very tired and I want to stop _ a rest.A. having B. to have C. has D. to having11. Your voice sounds quite _.A. strangely B. stranger C. strangest D. strange12. The shirt looks _ and sells

9、_.A. good, good B. good, well C. well, good D. well, well13. There are _ readers in the library.A. hundred of B. three hundreds C. hundreds of D. three hundred of14. The little boy has know _ of the words in this book.A. two thirds B. two third C. second three D. second threes15. -I cant walk any lo

10、nger, Mum. -Why? _, dear?A. What has happened B. What did you happen C. What have you happen D. What is happened to you16. There was an important meeting last night. Mr. Smith _ to it. A. was invited B. invited C. is invited D. invites17. If you finish the reading passage, I can give you another one

11、. A. an else B. one more C. more one D. other18. When my uncle got to Beijing yesterday, it was raining hard. A. left B. arrived in C. visited D. stayed in19. -Do you like the music the Moonlight Sonata?-Yes, it _ really beautiful.A. feels B. sounds C. listens D. hears20. People can _ running everyw

12、here. Do you know what _?A. see, has happened B. see, happens C. be seen, is happened D. be seen, is happening21. -Will you come to the dinner party?-I wont come unless Jenny _.A. will be invited B. can be invited C. invited D. is invited22. -How much should I pay for a round-trip ticket, sir?-_ 80

13、dollars, please.A. Every B. Another C. Together D. All23. When did you reach Shagnhai?A. get B. arrive C. arrive at D. arrive in24. -Who made a phone call for me just now, David?-I dont know, but it was a girls _.A. sound B. number C. answer D. voice25.-How many people will come to Beijing for the O

14、lympic Games in 2008?-Its hard to say. _ people, I think.A. Million of B. Millions of C. Two millions of D. Two million of26. There are _ CDs and DVDs in the big video shop.A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundreds of27. She was so angry at _ he was doing _ she walked out, and closed the door

15、 heavily behind her.A. what, that B. that, what C. that, that D. what, what28. There _ a football match on TV this evening.A. will have B. is going to be C. has D. is going to have29. There is a tall statue _ the two buildings.A. between B. among C. at D. around30. The man _ is smoking is my father.

16、A. what B. whose C. where D. that31.- Did you meet Mr. Smith yesterday morning?- No. By the time I _ to the office, he _ for a meeting.A. had got; had gone B. had got; wentC. got; went D. got; had gone 32. He _ very late last night to finish the novel.A. got up B. showed up C. stayed up D. called up

17、 33. She had _ the man for 6 years.A. married with B. got married to C. been married to D. been married with34. The knife hidden in the room _ the truth his death.A. found B. revealed C. showed D. invented35. This dictionary mustnt _ from the library.A. take away B. taken away C. are taken away D. b

18、e taken away36. The train is leaving right now, but David hasnt arrived yet. Well, he said he _ here on time.A. came B. will be C. would come D. can be37. Im sorry, Cathy. I _ your radio for such a long time. Never mind.A. have borrowed B. have lent C .have kept D. have returned38.Is he _ back ?A. a

19、lready B. yet C. still D. too39.I was late, for the car we took _.A. broke up B. was broken into C. broke down D. was broken away40.This new toy was _ by a small child aged 6.A. discovered B. invented C. found D. found out41.On Saturday we were _ because of going outing.A. exhausted B. sleepless C.

20、funny D. sad42.The lecture was so _ that all the people in the hall were _.A. moving; exciting B. moving; excited C. moved; exciting D. moved; excited 43.The population in China _ large, and eighty percent of the population in China _ farmers.A. is; is B. are; are C. is; are D. are; is44.Ill go swim

21、ming instead of _.A. going shop B. to go shopping C. to go to shops D. going shopping45.Now his _ has been improved.A. spoken English B. speaking English C. English-speaking D. English spoken五、完形填空(15分,每小题1分)Several years ago I found work in a town outside London. I worked in Mr. Blacks shop by a mi

22、ddle school. The 46 was able and did his best to find out what the 47 wanted. So he could sell more books and got much 48 . He was friendly to me because I worked harder than my 49 . Sometimes he asked me to have dinner when we were free. His wife was able, too, and could 50all kinds of delicious di

23、shes. Mr. Black had a 51 . His name was Dick. He liked neither soap nor water. Three or four times every 52 his mother said to him, “Dick, your hands are very dirty. Go and53 them.” But the boy never really did as she said. As soon as he54 his hands in the water, he took them out.Dicks uncle and aun

24、t lived in 55 town. One day they came to stay with Dicks parents, and they 56their small son Sam here with them. Sam was a year 57than Dick and did not like soap or water, either.One afternoon, after they had 58 , the two boys sat at the table with their parents for a few minutes, then they went 59

25、Sitting by the garden, Sam looked at Dicks hands and said proudly, “My hands are dirtier than yours.” “Of course they are,” Dick said 60“Im a year younger than you.”46.A.shopkeeper B. policeman C. bookseller D. driver47.A.young B. old C. poor D. rich48.A.time B. money C. sugar D. earth49.A.classmate

26、s B. friends C. brothers D. B. cook C. sell D. show51.A.son B. daughter C. brother D. sister52.A.year B. month C. week D. day253.A.hit B. cut C. wash D. tidy54.A.fall B. drop C. play D. put55.A.another B. an other C. the other D. other56.A.sent B. took C. brought D. pulled57.A.tall

27、er B. older C. shorter D. younger58.A.breakfast B. lunch C. supper D. dishes59.A.outside B .inside C. asleep D. upstairs60.A.carefully B .happily C. angrily D. noisi六、根据句意及首字母的提示,填写所缺的单词。1. When I got to school, I r _I had left my backpack at home.2. U_ ,by the time I got there, the bus had already

28、left.3. L_, my friend Tom and his dad came by in his dads car and they gave me a ride.4. Sally i_ me to her birthday party ,Its at her house on Saturday .5. In 1938, a radio program a_ that aliens from Mars had landed on the earth.6. He was so c_ that many people believed the story.7. He was going to meet me earlier bu

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