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1、20XX20XX学年牛津英语沪教版八年级英语上册Unit6学案20XX-20XX学年牛津英语沪教版八年级英语上册Unit6学案20XX-20XX学年牛津英语沪教版八年级英语上册 Unit 6 Ancient stories一必背词汇及短语必记单词 1. ancient adj. 古代的2. war n. 战争 3. understand v.(understood, understood) 懂,理解 4. difference n. 差别,不同之处5. soldier n. 士兵 6. huge adj. 巨大的7. pull v. 拖,拉动 8. main adj. 主要的9. celebr

2、ate v. 庆祝,庆贺 10. stupid adj. 笨的,傻的 11. midnight n. 午夜,子夜 12. empty adj. 空的13. except prep. 除.之外 14. secret adj. 秘密的15. side n. 侧面 16. quietly adv 安静地17. army n. 陆军部队 18. enter v. 进来,进入19. succeed v.达到目的,实现目标 20. trick n. 计谋 21. prince n. 王子 22. queen n. 王后23. steal v.(stole, stolen) 偷,窃取 24. punish

3、v. 处罚,惩罚25. scene n.场 26. sir n. 先生27. captain n. 首领 (2) 重点词组 1. act out 将表演出来2. in ancient times 在古代 3. except for 除.之外4. be full of = be filled with 大量的,许多的,充满 5. in the end 最后6. xxe on 加油,加把劲 7. so much 这么多 8. in the future 将来,未来/ in future从今,以后=from now on of 想起,想到10. have been to 去过某地 have gone

4、 to 去了某地 have been in 在某地 11. make a joke/jokes about sb/sth 拿开玩笑=laugh at 12. look down at 俯视 13. fillwith 把 装/填/充满14. the differences betweenand 15. a ticket to 的票16. succeed in doing sth 成功干某事 17. within+ 一段时间 一段时间内 18. in+一段时间一段时间以后 (3) 重点句子: 1. I have not laughed like this since my childhood. 我

5、从小就没有这样笑过。2. By midnight, the main square was empty, except for the huge horse.到了午夜,除了这匹巨型木马之外,主广场空荡荡的。3. They quietly climbed out of the horse one by one.他们一个个悄悄地从木马里爬出来。4. Only a few people know about this information. 只有少数人知道关于这个信息的情况。25. The Greek army entered the city. 希腊军队进了城。6. In one night,

6、however, they succeeded in capturing it through a clever trick. 然而,在一个晚上,他们采取了一个聪明的计谋成功地攻下了特洛伊城。一必背词汇及短语单词1. ancient adj. 2. war n. 3. understand v.()4. difference n.adj.5. soldier n.6. huge adj. =7. pull v.8. main adj.adv.9. celebrate v.n.庆祝 10. stupid adj.=11. midnight n. 12. empty adj.反义词13. exce

7、pt prep.14. secret adj.n.15. side n.16. quietly advadj.17. army n.18. enter v. =19. succeed v. =n. adj.adv.20. trick a trick on sb=21. prince n.22. queen n.23. steal v.(/) n.偷窃者24. punish v.n.处罚,惩治25. sir n.26. scene n.n. 风景27. captain n.短语1. act将表演出来2. in在古代 3. except除.之外4. 最后5. be full= bew

8、ith 大量的,许多的,充满6. xxe on7. so much想起,想到 9.将来,未来/从今,以后=from now on10. haveto 去过某地 / haveto 去了某地/ have在某地 11. make a joke/jokessb/sth 拿开玩笑=laughsb 12. look down俯视 13. fill 把 装/填/充满14. thebetweenand 不同之处 15. a ticket 的票16. succeedsth 成功干某事 = managesth17. + 一段时间 一段时间内 18. +一段时间一段时间以后重点句子1. I have not lau

9、ghed like this. 我从小就没有这样笑过。2. By midnight, the main square was ,the huge horse.到了午夜,除了这匹巨型木马之外,主广场空荡荡的。3. They quietlythe horse .他们一个个悄悄地从木马里爬出来。 4. Only a few people know about this information. 只有少数人知道关于这个信息的情况。25. The Greek armythe city. 希腊军队进了城。6. In one night, however, theycapturing it through

10、a clever trick. 然语法:现在完成时【教材典句】1. Ive lived in Shanghai since November 1998. 我自从1998年11月就住在上海。 2. I have studied History for two years. 我学习历史两年了。【语法全解】表示过去某个时刻开始持续到现在,还有可能继续到将来的动作或情况,常与since,for连用。现在完成时的四个考点1. have been to /have gone to /have been in 的区别have been to +地点 表示曾经去过某地,现人已返回。(once ,twice.)

11、 have gone to +地点 表示人已去了某地,人还未返回。(where is sb ) have been in +地点 表示在某地呆多长时间。 eg: I have been to Beijing twice. 我去过北京两次。-Where is Tom He has gone to America. 汤姆在哪里? 他去了美国。 I have been in Shenzhen for two years/ since two years ago.我已经在深圳两年了。2. 现在完成时和一般过去时区别现在完成时与现在有关的时态,他侧重于过去的动作对现在造成的影响。一般过去时侧重于表示过去

12、的动作与现在无关,若询问该动作发生的具体的时间时,只能用一般现在时。试比较:The plane has arrived. 飞机已经来了。 The plane arrived a quarter ago. 飞机是一刻钟以前来的。I have taught here for fifteen years. 我在这儿教了十五年。I taught here a year ago. 我一年前在这儿教书。-Has he returned the library book-Yes, he has. When _ he _(return) it2-He _ (return)it yesterday aftern

13、oon.和for 区别since + 时间点 for + 时间段,与延续性动词连用。如: I have worked in Shenzhen since 20XX.I have worked in Shenzhen since five years ago.I have worked in Shenzhen for five years.Its five years since I worked in SZ.4. 短暂性动词和延续性动词区别 短暂性动词: 表示不能延续的动作,如:open, die, close, begin, xxe, go, move,borrow, lend, buy 等

14、 延续性动词:表示能够延续的动作,如:learn, work, stand, lie, know, walk,keep, have 等短暂动词不能和时间段连用,若与时间段连用,必须将短暂性动词改 成延续性动词。短暂性动词和延续性动词的转换(1) 短暂性动词转化为意思相同的延续性动词 borrow/lend_ 借保有 put onwear/ be _ 穿上 bexxe_ 变是 get to knowknow 了解 buy_/ own 买拥有 catch a cold_ a cold 感冒 receive have 收到拥有 go to sleepsleep 去睡觉 beginlast 开始持续

15、join_+组织_+ 组织 加入(2)将短暂性动词转化为be+形容词或副词beginbe _ 开始 go therebe there 去那 xxe backbe back 回来 xxe herebe here 来这 openbe _ 开 closebe _ 关着 diebe _ 死 marrybe _ 结婚 finishbe _ 结束 go to bedbe_ bed 睡觉 leavebe _ 离开 returnbe _ 返回 get outbe out 出去 fall asleepbe asleep 入睡 losebe lost 丢失 fall illbe_ 生病2buyhave 买;bor

16、row/lendkeep 借I bought the camera last week. 我上周买了部相机。I have had the camera for a week. 相机我买了一个星期。 diebe dead 死;leavebe away 离开The man died two years ago. 这个男人两年前死的。The man has been dead for two years. 这个男人死了两年了。 joinbe in the +组织/ be a member of+组织 She joined the army two years ago.She has been a s

17、olider for two years. 她入伍两年了。 open be open 开张; closebe closed 关闭The shop opened last year. =The shop has been open for a year. 商店开了一年了。5. 现在完成时的主要句型A). 主语+have/has +延续性动词的过去分词+ for+ 时间段 He has learned English for nearly two years. 他学习英语近两年了。 B).主语+have/has +延续性动词的过去分词+since 时间点 /since+一般过去时.I have w

18、orked in the factory since 20XX.We have lived in Shenzhen since I was born. 我自从出生以来就住在深圳。 C).Its +时间段+since +一般过去时It is two years since he died.= He died two years ago.= He has been dead for two years. 他死了两年了。His grandfather died two years ago . His grandfather has _ _ for two years. _two years _ hi

19、s grandfather _.课堂练习1.Have you _travelled on the train. Yes, I have.A. never B. everC. just D. yet 2.Have you finished your homework. Not _ . A. everB. alreadyC. yetD. just 3. We havent finished our homework _ . A. alreadyB. everC. yetD. never4.Have you _learned English Yes, Ive _learned a lot. A. n

20、ever, ever B. ever, never C. ever, already D. already, ever5.Have you finished your homework _ Yes, Ive _ done that.A. yet, alreadyB. already, yetC. ever, neverD. still, just26. He _ finished his homework yetA. doesntB. haventC. hasntD. doesnt have 7. My mother has worked in this factory _ 2 years.

21、A. aboutB. forC. inD. since 8. I havent heard from him_last week.A. sinceB. forC. ago D. before 9. His father joined the party_A. for three yearsB. since three years agoC. three years agoD. in two years time 10. We_to the Great Wall several times.A. goB. were goingC. have goneD. have been 11. He_for

22、 three years.A. has joinedB. has been in the armyC. joinedD. has served the army 12. His grandfather_for thirty years.A. diedB. was deadC. has been deadD. has died 13. I_ from my brother for a long time. A. not have heardB. have not heardC. have heard notD. do not hear14. Miss Zhang, the most beauti

23、ful teacher,many flowers and letters these days.A. receivedB. will receiveC. was receivingD. has received 15. Mike, why are you watching TV again- I my homework.A. finishB. finishedC. have finishedD. had finished 16. China develops so fast. Thats true. Ita lot today.A. changesB. changedC. will chang

24、edD. has changed 17. He promised to pick me up at the school gate. However, he yetA. didnt arrive B. doesnt arriveC. isnt arriving D. hasnt arrived用所给词的正确形式填空1. I have been in the city since I (bear). 2. He needed (lie) down and rest.3. She(build) a big house for his parents in ten years. 4. The gir

25、l (call) Tina is my cousin.5. The old man (live) here alone since 1999.课后作业1. He_for three years.2A. has joinedB. has been in the armyC. joinedD. has served the army 2. His grandfather_for thirty years.A. diedB. was deadC. has been deadD. has died 3. I_ from my brother for a long time. A. not have h

26、eardB. have not heard C. have heard notD. do not hear4. -Have you been to Shanghai No, I havebeen there, but I plan to go there this summer holiday.A. oftenB. alwaysC. everD. never 5. Its dark. Shenot gone home. A. has alreadyB. have, yetC. have, alreadyD. has, yet 6. He_ that factory since 1958.A.

27、has leftB. has worked in C. has gone from D. has xxe to 7. Our teacher_to Beijing three times.A. wentB. had goneC. has goneD. has been 8. - How long have youhere Since two years.A. beenB. goneC. xxeD. arrived9. - Do you get any letters from Li Lei No. Ifrom him until now. A. got everythingB. will ge

28、t somethingC. have got anythingD. have got nothing10. - Our countrya lot so far. Yes. I hope it will be even. A. has changed, betterB. changed, good C. has changed, goodD. changed, better 11. - Why dont you go to the movie with me, Gina- Because Iit twice.A. see B. have seenC. sawD. will see 12. - S

29、omeone the classroom, Its clean now.A. have cleanedB. cleanedC. cleaningD. is cleaning 13. - How long have you been collecting shells - . A. After I left schoolB. Before I move hereC. When I went to schoolD. Since I was ten years old14. - Where are you going for your holiday - Well, weyet. A. havent decidedB. hadnt decidedC. dont decided D. didnt

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