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1、河海大学研究生英语教程第五版UU重点课文中英文对照河海大学研究生英语教程第五版-重点课文中英文对照作者:日期:ni 1osts fo Tea1 “en pnce for vewover t bay”, aiheolawi the tlescope. “Love lemrnng Have a lo at the od liguse and te remain of te geat shipwrc of 193. ”“十便士看一次海湾风光,”那个带着一架望远镜的老头说道。“多么晴朗美丽的早晨。请来看看那古老的灯塔和35年失事的大轮船残骸吧。”2 Ten pence wassheer obber,

2、bt the viewws ceranlymagniien.要十便士简直是敲诈勒索,可是海湾的景色确实壮丽。3 lifsstrce ino the istanc, spakg wave wippedy the wnd wee unolligo the beach, and a fwychs,th creaywht sl,wecurvng and doging gracefllyon tesea. Just bl, flock of segulseresreming t oeanoteras te twisted d giedovr the water. A mie ut to ea, thed

3、 ligthose stod on a ston ptfo onth rocs,ichwere eing greedly lick by he aes. In o wayinded didI grudmy mone As I irectte tescope oward the lihthouse, the man esideme ap m wri 峭壁向远方伸展,海风激起的阵阵波浪泛着白花,冲上海滩。海面上几艘游艇张着乳白色的风帆优雅地避开浪头蜿蜓前进。山崖下面,一群海鸥相互叫唤着,在海面上盘旋飞翔。 离岸一英里处,在海浪贪婪地吮舔着(拍打着)的岩岸上,那座古老的灯塔矗立在一座石头平台上。说

4、实话,我毫不吝惜那几个钱。当我把望远镜转朝灯塔时,站在我身旁的那个老头拍了拍我的手腕。4“Have youheard boute trrb traged tht occrd here inthat lighouse? he asked in he hiper. ” “I magine here my be plenty legndsttachd to sc adrtic-ookig lae” I sggete “t no lgend,clred th old a. Myfather knew the t mnivve. t al ook pace fiftyears otoday Let et

5、ell y. ”您听过在那座灯塔里发生的一起骇人听闻的惨案吗?”他压低了嗓声对我说。“我想这个地方看起来非常富有戏剧性,有关它的传说一定不少,”我说。“这可不是传说,”那老头郑重其事地说。“我父亲认识那起惨案的两个当事人。一切都发生在0年前的今天。让我说给您听听吧。”5 s vice seeed to grow deper ndmreamati. 他的声音似乎变得更低沉、更富有戏剧性了。6 “o a whlewe that ligthouse adbe iolaedby stoms”, he egan, “i terfn ses urging ad crasingov th rocks Peo

6、pleon srewere anxos aout th two men woring thee. The ben on tbest oferms util to othreeweek efre, when they hd uarreledoverardsin tevlge inn. Mrtinha accused lake ocheaing Blake hawdto vengeth insultto is hnr. But tans tohewis adce a ma tey otrepected, hey pologized ecothe, andsoo seed to ha ot or t

7、eir ireemen. B so slightesentent a bitteness emaind. And it was aredthat thestrin of continued soatioan rough weatr ight afc thir ervs,touh, needlssto say, thifrinds ha o idea hw seios the cosequecs oud be.” “整整一个礼拜,风暴困住了那座灯塔,”他开始说。“咆啸的大海波涛汹涌,海浪拍打着岩石,轰然作响。岸上的人们十分担心在那儿工作的两个人。他们俩是多年的挚友,但在两三个礼拜前,他们在乡村酒

8、店里玩牌时吵了一架。马丁指责布莱克打牌时耍赖,布莱克则发誓要对侮辱他人格的不实之辞进行报复。多亏一位他们 俩都尊敬的人好言相劝,他们才互相道了歉,并以乎很快地结束了他们之间的不快。不过各自心里还有些怨恨。因此,人们担心长时间与世隔绝所造成的极度紧张和恶劣的天气会使他们俩神经过敏,尽管不用说,但两人的朋友们根本没意识到后果会有多么严重。”“Fifty years ao -night, n ig apeae in te toer,n nyat two oclock in the moningdid the beam udenly strttoflsuis warnigaan. Te ext mor

9、ingthe ligh wa stl iile. The tom had almst lown tself ou,o a reifbot s out invstigat. grimdisvy awaied the cr. he mens lin-o ws ina horrfyingsate. heal ws oer-turnd: a pack ofpayig casws scateed erywhre:blootais pashed thefoor The reie me limbthewindng staio the latrn m ndthre discovee Martns bdy,ou

10、che bee the burning la. He ad bee sbd ad was da. To days later, lak oy waswashedu. satched, buis, and terbl ijred.” “离今0年前的那个晚上,灯塔上没有出现灯光,直到凌晨两点钟左右才有一束灯光突然发出警告信号。“第二天早上,灯光依然可见。风暴已经平息了,人们派出一条救生船前去查看情况。等待人们的却是一个不忍目睹的场面马丁和布莱克的起居室一片骇人景象,桌子翻倒在地,一副牌散得到处都是,地板上溅满了血迹。营救人员爬上旋梯来到灯塔间,在那儿发现了马丁的尸体蜷缩在仍然亮着的灯旁。他是被捅死

11、的。两天后,布莱克的尸体被潮水冲了上来,他身上划破多处,浑身青肿,伤得不轻。8“Only ten cudwe really tat uesingwhatadapeed. This reat tragedy cou only he en deto a newa oftheir qrr oredand depresed a a reslt of their iolation, Mrin an Blae must hae artd toplay ards. Agn suspecig cheating, atin hadccused his fo frind of dihonest; figh adb

12、ro ut an lae hd eied h knife. I ai omadness ha atckedi mpai,hohadfalen morally wund The,palld by hathe had done, heloneles, thebatrin of windanwaves,ae had rused o he preandlunghimelfon to ercks bel,hre he sea hadcaime him. “我们只是在那时才猜测究竟发生了什么事。这场大悲剧只是由于他们俩再次争吵而引起的。他们准是因为与世隔绝而内心焦躁,于是开始玩牌。马丁又怀疑布莱克耍赖,指

13、责这位原先的朋友不老实。接着一场格斗发生了,布莱克一把拿起刀子,在一阵狂怒之下向他的伙伴刺去,马丁受了致命伤而倒下。布莱克被自己的行为惊呆了。他受不了这里的孤独寂寞以及风浪的拍击声,于是狂奔到栏杆边纵身跳向下面的岩石。接着大海吞噬了他。9 “Butarti as sll aie. ourter,ate aress ha faen, he ad ecred consousess. H remembre his jo lghing the lamp; suern ntensein,the por rethcrawled slowly p the windigticas, aggig hiself

14、frm step to stptl h got to h lnter. At his las gasp e managdto light this beforefinly colapsig. “但当时马丁还活着。过了几小时,也就是在天色暗下来以后,他苏醒过来,想起了自己点灯的职责。于是,可怜的马丁忍着剧痛,慢慢地爬上旋梯,一步一步地爬到灯前。用最后剩下的一口气,他点亮了灯塔,然后倒下。10 “Fr ea aftewards it wa sdthattheligtuse was ane, and,owing o thee tie,hey didnt have any appliants fort

15、ejob of ighthoe-keeprromamong thuperstious lcal ihitants. And no thy sha on eveyairsrof thatay, espeily wh the seais rg, you cn stnd ithe lvig-rom,er hecardsfiing and th sound ofangrycrie, see theflasofa blad, and the gimpse figrushn t heprapet. An the youha teslw dragig of abody from etostep twrdst

16、he rom aboe “数年后,据说那座灯塔闹鬼了。就因为这些传说,当地迷信的居民中没有人愿意申请做灯塔维护员。如今发人们都说,每年到出事的那一天,尤其是当海浪很大的时候,人们站在起居室里就能听到摔牌声和怒吼声,就能看到刀刃的寒光,还会瞥见一个人影奔向栏杆,然后听到一个人缓慢地向塔顶爬去。”11 “The old man paedand I tnedto go. y the way, he ad,hav youny free timetiafternoon? Iso, why ontyuaeteaihe lghthose? We ar putn on a speiloat trip tod.

17、 We chaig a poud. An y roter, who bough h old lighthoue when tey ilthe new oejut o the poit, c erve vrgod ts thre ncluded in the rice of thbarip- bagain, onsierin eroble of otaining the ood Ad if ou are a al snsitive othesupenatra, youre liely ve aunuul, perhsn uncan exriece there. 老头停了停,我转身欲走。“对了,”

18、他又开口了,“今天下午您有空吗?要是有空,干吗不到那座灯塔去喝杯茶?今天我们开专船,收费一镑,我兄弟买下了那座旧的并在原址建造了一座新灯塔,。他能提供好的茶茶钱都算在船费里了价钱公道,要知道搞到食品是很费事的。如果您对鬼之类的神奇东西有那么一点儿兴趣的话,这可能是一次不寻常的,大概还是不可思议的经历呢。”12ydhiaprecately. Yore wati your ts,I said. ushud hae been ici writ. u donteieveit? exclaimd theold minignanty Idfind ita job, I ansered. Mythe,Hny

19、 o, started as keeeroft lighhouifty- yr go, d hedJi Dowly, ow etied n a no, were in hrge orte years. ome and semydd oe dayith hat tale; hedenoy t . utthe ldmanhdledturnedhisatetin t aore lielylnt. 我以赏识的目光打量了他一下说:“您真是在浪费您的才能。您应该当个小说家。”“你不相信吗?”老人很生气的呼喊。“很难相信,”我回答说。“我父亲叫亨利科克斯,年前就开始在那里当灯塔管理员,现在他和吉姆道利都已退

20、休拿养老金。他们一起看守灯塔有十年之久。哪天您不妨去看看我的父亲,并把故事讲给他听,他一定会欣赏的。” 但老头已把注意力转向一个更有可能上当的顾客身上去了Ut Indiusan Masse个人以及群体1A man woman makesdiret contac t socity in to y: as membr o oe familial,rofnl rreigiougroup, or s a membr ofa crowd. Groupsre caaleof beings moal a ntelligent as the indivials who for the; acrowd is c

21、haotic,ha no purpose f ts own a iscapableo anyhin excep tlligent actin anrlistic hinking. Aebld in aowd, people los hir powe ofreasoninand their cacty fororal chce. Tei sgetbility isincreasdt th poitwhee t case tohaveanyjudgeen or il otheir on. hybecom very excile, they lseall snseo indiviual or cll

22、cve responsibiliy, heyaesubject to sudnexcessf rge,eusiasm nd nic. In a ord,a ania crwd beaves stogh he ad allowd a largdose of some pwerful inicant. He i a vciof wat I hav alledhrdpoisoig. Like lcool, erd- pisonis anactive,extragant drg. Tecrwd-intoxicaed inivdl escaes rom rponsibily, itelignc ndor

23、aityino akind o frntic,anima indlsns. 一个人通过以下两种方式与社会直接接触:作为某个家庭、职业或宗教组织的成员,或者仅仅是隶属于某个群体。一个组织所表现出来的智慧和道义是与其成员的一致的,而一个群体却是无秩序的,没有特定的目的并且无法进行明智的行为和现实性的思考。在一个群体里,人们失去了用逻辑思维来推论和选择对与错的能力,取而代之的是那个群体的集体思维的选择。他们因此也变得极为亢奋,将作为个人和大众的责任全都抛之脑后,易受到意想不到的过多怒气、狂热以及恐惧而极度情绪化。总之,一个人身处某个群体里就好像吃了大量的烈性致醉药物,他自己便是这种有毒药物的牺牲品。

24、和酒精一样,这种药物能使人兴奋,并且是极度兴奋。被这种群体药物麻醉的人逃避责任,不愿动脑子,失去道德感,变得和疯子、动物没两样。2 Reads aprivae,ot a cllctiveativiy. Thewiter spea only t iivial, sittig yhemselves in sate of noral sobrety. e raor speak toasss ofndividuas, alraywel-prime wth herd-oison Theyre athis mer and, ifeknowhi bsines,e ca do wha he k wth e.

25、阅读是一种个人而不是集体的思维活动。作者叙述的对象是处于清醒状态的个人,而演讲家讲演的对象是由一个个被麻醉的个人组成的群体。这个群体已经处在他的控制当中,如果他知道这种情况的话,如果他愿意的话他可以随意的煽动这些人。3Unlke he asss, neltuasave a taste foroaity nd an nerst in facts. heir citical habt ofmid as thm estanto te kind of opagd hatwos swell onhe mrity. ntelectuasar the ki f peopewh demndeiecean ae

26、 shk blca iconsiseniesand fallacies. hey rgadover-sifatione oigal s of t mid andae o use fo e slogans,thunqualifi asrtion answeepg genralizatonshi reth propagandists stock-in-trade 和大多数人不一样,知识分子崇尚理性,讲究事实。对大多数人都有影响的宣传在他们这失去了应有的效果便是得益于这种思维方式。知识分子就是这么一些注重证据以及对逻辑的不一致与欺骗性感到震惊的人。他们认为过于简单化是思想的原罪,标语、毫无道理的断言和大量的概括性用语等宣传家们常用的伎俩对他们毫无作用。4 Philosoph teachesus teeunertinbout thehins ttseemo us l-evident. Ppganda, onthe hr and, ac usoaccept asef-e

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