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1、雅思写作70课程讲义 2010年冲刺班雅思A类写作讲义主讲:刘巍巍第一讲 雅思高分写作思路总览雅思写作高分:7分或7分以上第一节的内容:1 雅思写作的整体介绍2 高分写作的要求3 解决问题的方案4 课程的总览一 雅思写作的整体介绍 General Introduction听力、阅读考试之后60分钟 Task 1 and Task 2A类和G类的区别:task 2 议论文task 1 A:图表作文 G:书信评分:以Task 2 为主二:高分写作的要求评分标准:Vocabulary and Sentence Structure(词汇与句子结构)Arguments, Ideas and Eviden

2、ce(论证,论点和论据)Communicative Quality(交流质量)Vocabulary and Sentence Structure(词汇与句子结构)1. 避免使用过于低级的单词The problem becomes worse by the poor effects we made.The problem was compounded due to the ineffective measures we had taken.They claim that sports lead to competition rather than cooperation is only an i

3、ncorrect argument.The claim that sports lead to competition rather than cooperation is only a lame argument.People face violence and crimes on TV and films every day.People are bombarded by violence and crimes on TV and films every day.The kind of growth may lead to very bad results.The kind of grow

4、th may lead to dire consequences.consequence:far-reaching(深远的), profound(深刻的), adverse(不利的), catastrophic(灾难的), damaging(破坏性的), devastating(破坏性的), dire(可怕的), disastrous(灾难的), fatal(致命的), tragic(悲惨的), severe(严重的), 2. 避免过分重复同一样的单词Mothers enjoy the same right for career advancement as fathers do.Mother

5、s are just as entitled to career advancement as fathers.Mothers are empowered to career advancement as fathers.3. 尽可能展示多变的句型定语从句:China is the largest developing country and is enjoying rapid economic growth. As a result, in the streets of major cities in China, there are thousands of vehicles of all

6、 kinds.As the largest developing country, China is enjoying rapid economic growth, the evidence of which can be seen in all major cities whose streets are teeming with thousands of vehicles of all kinds. 倒装句:Young people are so impulsive and easily influenced that they are constantly tricked by adve

7、rtisement in all forms of media. Impulsive and easily influenced as young people are, they are constantly tricked by advertisement in all forms of media. 伴随状语:It is common now for kids to spend six and a half days in school each week because they have to sit through one extra class after another.It

8、is common for kids to spend six and a half days in school each week, sitting through one extra class after another.设问句:Even if machine translation were able to eradicate all the language barriers between peoples, learning foreign languages still make sense.Even if machine translation were able to er

9、adicate all the language barriers between people, would there be no point in learning foreign languages? By no means.Arguments, Ideas and Evidence(论证,论点和论据)Some people think that in order to improve the quality of education, high school students should be encouraged to evaluate and criticize their t

10、eachers, but other people maintain that such evaluation and criticism may cause loss of respect for teachers and discipline. What do you think? 有人认为,为了提高教育质量,我们应该鼓励高中生对自己的老师进行评估;别的人却认为这种评估是不尊重教师、违反学校纪律的行为。请给出你的看法?学生评价老师的理由:1. 通过评估,老师可以知道学生究竟想些什么、需要什么If students are not allowed to evaluate or critici

11、ze the teachers, it is hard for the teachers to find out what the students think or what they need.2. 评价和批评本身也是一种有效的交流方式Evaluation and criticism are themselves effective forms of communication3. 听取学生的真实意见和想法,教师自己也能够受益匪浅Teachers will benefit a lot when their minds are open to the ideas and honest opi

12、nions of the youngsters.高分作文两个注意事项:1 论据尽可能新颖:论据新颖,文字才更有可能新颖2 新颖应该让位于准确性:确保文字没有错误Communicative Quality(交流质量)1 高分作文,在于文字和论据精彩,不在于结构另类2 雅思作文类型固定,写作模式也固定,高分作文亦然三:解决问题的方案1 Vocabulary and Sentence Structure(词汇与句子结构)总结大量经典搭配,交替使用2Arguments, Ideas and Evidence(论证,论点和论据)范文讲解附带论据整理3Communicative Quality(交流质量)

13、给出固定写作思路,不求变革四:课程总览八节课程第一节:整体介绍第二至第七节:各类议论文的高分写作思路1.该类议论文的写作思路点拨2.范文讲解3.课后作业及范文第八节:A类:图表作文高分写作思路G类:书信类作文高分写作思路第二节 观点类雅思作文高分写作思路范例:Nowadays computers are widely used in education. As a result, some people think teachers no longer play an important role in classrooms. To what extent do you agree or di

14、sagree?Some people think that machine translation is highly developed in todays society. Therefore it is not necessary for children to learn a foreign language. Whats your opinion?University should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. Do you agree or disagree?Some peopl

15、e think that it is the responsibility of the government to ensure that people in the country have healthy lifestyles. Other people believe that individuals should be free to decide their own lifestyles. Please give your opinion.标志性文字:Do you agree or disagree? To what extent do you agree or disagree?

16、Whats your opinion?Please give your own opinion. 重点在于:就题目讨论的问题,给出自己的观点结构构思:1. 传统的写作思路: 第一段亮出观点,然后分段给出不同的论据,最后一段收尾,总结全文,同时再次重申自己的观点2. 高分作文,在于文字(词汇、句型、观点)方面制造亮点,不在于在结构方面铤而走险尝试新的方式范文讲解1:Nowadays people can use computers to talk, learn and communicate without leaving home. There is a danger that it will

17、 cause more isolation and a lack of communication among people. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?写作思路:1.观点:电脑不会妨碍人和人之间的交流小提示:科技类的文章,尽量选择正观点,讲述科技为人类做出的贡献为佳2. 论据:(1). 不能狭隘地理解交流和隔阂,在电脑屏幕前花很多的时间不等于缺乏与世隔绝, Communication and isolation must not be defined in a narrow sense. Alien

18、ation of people is not caused by how little they talk or meet each other but by lack of interest in our fellow creatures or the world at large. 隔绝、疏远: isolation alienation (2). 计算机让大家有了共同的兴趣,促进了人们之间的共鸣common 共同的Computers help to prevent isolation by bringing every possible field of interest onto the

19、 screen. You can broaden your interests and enrich your life by accessing whatever and whoever you are interested in. (3). 不同的时代有不同的交流方式,电脑就是当今时代的交流工具之一Our mode of communication is forever changing and computers represent the latest way of communication. 远古时代: primitive primeval times shouts and ges

20、tures 呐喊和手势后来: 文字和语言 spoken and written language现代: we prefer emails to ordinary mails, chat room, forum, tele-conference (4). 互联网让我们时时刻刻都连接在一起,一切都可以在指尖上实现The Internet keeps us linked to each other all the time. Everything is at the touch of a fingertip.开篇:引入观点的技巧Some people think. Other people thin

21、k I think . has been a hot topic. Different people hold different views. In my opinion, . has caused a lot of controversy. Some people think . but I think .(以下开始逐句讲解范文,请跟随讲解的进度,以flash的形式,屏幕上逐句出现范文的文字,并在需要讲解的地方,插入讲解内容的文本)Invented some 60 years ago, computers have already transformed the way most of u

22、s live. The advent of the Internet opens up the possibility of communicating and interacting via the computer. impending advent 即将来临将话题引入电脑With more time spent on computers and less with each others, people start to fear the dehumanizing effect of this wonderful human contrivance. 提出题目中以及提及到的观点 特别提醒

23、:切忌不要重复题目中出现的语句,要适当地paraphrase,用不同的文字,来表达同样的内容亮点: contrivance 发明物 普通词汇: invention This inordinate concern is quite groundless. 简单地亮出自己的观点。Inordinate 过量的Several countries have been using nuclear energy technologies safely and see no inordinate concern in using and developing additional technology.第二段

24、 给出第一个论据One doesnt necessarily become isolated if he spends most of his time alone using a computer. Isolation only occurs when one is obsessed by his own affair and cares nothing about anything else.着迷于某事、专注于某事be obsessed by be absorbed intobe fascinated withbe crazy aboutbe captivated withis in my

25、 blood.Music is in my blood.Indeed, many feel isolated and lonely in the midst of crowds or even while talking to others because they are trapped in their own world or because others are in theirs.句式的多样和地道原始版本:because they are trapped in their own world or because others are trapped in their own wor

26、lds.升级版本:because they are trapped in their own world or because others are in theirs第三段:As far as communication is concerned, the using of computers is by no means detrimental.产生不好的影响:negative effect dehumanizing effectdetrimental effectdeleterious Why should computers be singled out as particularly

27、 deleterious?出现问句,达到“句式多变”的高分必备要求Single out 挑选出What matters is not whether or not we communicate in the orthodox or traditional ways but the very fact that we do communicate.orthodox 规范的、普遍赞许的、正统的尾段:再次重申观点Computer is but a tool, the misuse of which it is not responsible for. 以定语从句结尾,全文中出现了五种句式,除了普通的

28、陈述句式之外,还出现了:(1)动词的分词引导的状语从句:Invented some 60 years ago, computers have already transformed the way most of us live.(2)一般疑问句Why should computers be singled out as particularly deleterious?(3)定语从句Communication is made easy by technology, which promises infinite possibilities ahead. (4)部分省略句Indeed, man

29、y feel isolated and lonely in the midst of crowds or even while talking to others because they are trapped in their own world or because others are in theirs.(完整版范文请收集在电子讲义中)Nowadays people can use computers to talk, learn and communicate without leaving home. There is a danger that it will cause mo

30、re isolation and a lack of communication among people. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?Invented some 60 years ago, computers have already transformed the way most of us live. The advent of the Internet opens up the possibility of communicating and interacting via the comp

31、uter. With more time spent on computers and less with each others, people start to fear the dehumanizing effect of this wonderful human contrivance. This inordinate concern is quite groundless. One doesnt necessarily become isolated if he spends most of his time alone using a computer. Isolation onl

32、y occurs when one is obsessed by his own affair and cares nothing about anything else. Indeed, many feel isolated and lonely in the midst of crowds or even while talking to others because they are trapped in their own world or because others are in theirs. Alienation of people is not caused by how little they

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