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1、湖北省仙桃市学年八年级下学期期中考试英语试题春季学期期中学业水平监测试题八 年 级 英 语温馨提示:1本试卷共8页,十一个大题,满分100分,考试时间120分钟。2在密封区内写清学校,姓名和考号,不要在密封区内答题。3相信自己,仔细审题,先易后难。祝你取得好成绩! 听力部分(20分)得 分评卷人一、听句子,选图片。你将会听到5个句子,请将与你听到的句子内容相符的图片的序号写在相应的横线上。每个句子听两遍。(5分)A. B. C. D. E. 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 得 分评卷人二、听问句,选答语。你将会听到5个问句,请从每小题所给选项中分别选出一个最佳的应答语。每小题听两遍。(

2、5分)( )6. A. Sure. B. No, I dont. C. Robots can help us a lot.( )7. A. Youre welcome. B. Why dont you talk to him about it? C. But there were some really smart seals.( )8. A. I was sitting in the barbers chair. B. She was reading an interesting book. C. A UFO? Thats amazing!( )9. A. Whats his name? B

3、. He said I was hardworking.C. Yes, Id love to.( )10. A. Sorry, I dont have any money. B. It was nice.C. I went to the aquarium.得 分评卷人三、对话理解。你将会听到5段小对话,请根据对话的内容,从所给选项中选出一个能回答各小题的最佳答案。每小题听两遍。(5分)听第一段对话,回答11-12小题。( )11. Where is the bank?A. Its next to the restaurant. B. Its next to the hospital.C. It

4、s behind the hospital.( )12. How far is the bank from here?A. About 30 minutes walk. B. About 13 minutes walk.C. About 30 minutes ride.听第二段对话,回答13-15小题。( )13. Whats wrong with Peter?A. He argued with his best friend. B. He didnt have enough money for the tickets.C. He couldnt find a place to call hi

5、s friend.( )14. How many suggestions does the girl give him?A. 3. B. 4. C. 5. ( )15. Why doesnt he want to write a letter?A. He doesnt want to surprise him. B. Its not easy to say sorry.C. He doesnt like writing letters.得 分评卷人四、听短文,选择答案,你将听到一篇短文,请根据你所听到的短文内容,选择能回答所给问题的最佳答案。短文听两遍。(5分)( )16. Whats the

6、 name of the film? A. The Sound of Music. B. Titanic.C. Love Me Once More, Mom.( )17. When will the film start? A. 1:15 p.m Thursday. B. 2:00 p.m Thursday. C. 4:00 p.m Friday.( )18. How will the students go to the cinema? A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By bike.( )19. Whats the matter with Wang Lian? A. S

7、he doesnt have enough money to pay for the ticket.B. She wants to say something important to the class. C. She lost her English book this morning.( )20. What does the last sentence mean? A. Please look in your schoolbag to help her find the book. B. Please look in your schoolbag to find some money t

8、o pay for the ticket. C. Please go to the teacher for your ticket.笔试部分(80分)得 分评卷人五、找出下列每组单词中画线部分读音与众不同的一个选项。(5分)( )21. A. why B. shy C. my D. country( )22. A. sound B. laugh C. argue D. bargin( )23. A. husband B. during C. culture D. summer( )24. A. take B. mad C. panda D. factory( )25. A. stop B. b

9、ox C. money D. drop得 分评卷人六、选择填空.(15分)( ) 26. _ you eat hamburgers every day, youll get fat.A. If B. When C. After D. How( ) 27. Meimei is _ in the dining room. She enjoys her food very much. A. talking B. eating C. studying D. playing( )28. The dog _ the box and ran away. A. got along with B. got on

10、 with C. got out of D. got over( ) 29. I want you _ the rules for school parties. A. remember B. rememberedC. are remembering D. to remember( ) 30. Im so cold. _ I borrow your jacket? A. Can B. Must C. Do D. Will( ) 31. This is my pen. is over there .A. You B. Yours C. Your D. Her( ) 32. What did he

11、 say? He said he _ to the movie tonight. A. goes B. went C. is going D. was going( ) 33. A UFO landed right in front of me. How _ it was! A. happy B. excited C. strange D. famous( ) 34. When you feel _ pressure, what should you do to relax? A. in B. on C. under D. over( ) 35. A moment, please. It wi

12、ll _ about five minutes to cook your dishes.A. spend B. buy C. pay D. take( ) 36. Will you buy Linlin a ball as a birthday present? No, I _ girls like balls.A. did not think B. am not thinking C. dont think D. thinks( ) 37. The old man looks happy in the day, _he feels upset at night.A. and B. but C

13、. or D. so( ) 38. Which sport do you like _, swimming or volleyball? Neither. I like basketball.A. good B. well C. better D. best( ) 39. We can use MSN to talk with each other on line. Great! Will you show me _ to use it?A. when B. where C. how D. what ( ) 40. What did the teacher say? He asked Lucy

14、 _.A. where does she come from B. what did she like best C. if she could speak Chinese D. when was she born得 分评卷人七、完型填空。(10分)very important for riders to remember the traffic rules. Before you ride your bicycle 42 on the roads you must register (登记) it and get a number for it, and check it to make s

15、ure it is good enough to ride on. You should ride on the right of the road. Like a 46 of a car or a bus, you 47 obey all traffic signals. Everybody knows that you must not turn left or go across at a 48 traffic light. Usually you can turn right, 49 you must first make sure the road is clear. If you

16、want to turn or stop, you must give a signal to other riders. They are riding 50 you. Give a signal with your hand at least ten metres before you turn or stop.( ) 41. A. be B. am C. is D. are ( ) 42. A. up B. down C. out D. far( ) 43. A. because B. before C. after D. when( ) 44. A. bag B. number C.

17、foot D. hand( ) 45. A. two B. one C. no D. three( ) 46. A. policeman B. rider C. children D. driver( ) 47. A. must B. may C. can D. do( ) 48. A. green B. red C. yellow D. color( ) 49. A. but B. and C. or D. /( ) 50. A. before B. on C. behind D. of得 分评卷人八、阅读理解。(20分)ADear Betty, Im thinking about what

18、 Im going to do this summer. Maybe Ill get a job. If I get a job, Ill have enough money to buy some new things. Maybe Ill buy some new clothes. Id like to have some new dresses when I start school again in September. Or I can buy some books, or some music CDs. I really love jazz. I could buy some mo

19、re CDs for my jazz collection. Or I can use the money to pay for tennis lessons. I play tennis well, but Id like to learn to play it better. Or maybe I can use the money to pay for piano lessons. Id like to learn to play it. If I dont get a job this summer, Ill visit my grandparents in Dalian. They

20、live in a beautiful old house near the beach. That will be fun. My grandparents are always very nice to me. Theyll let me sleep late. I wont have to get up until 10 oclock every day. Ill eat delicious food because my grandmother is an excellent cook. She always cooks my favorite food. Ill also go to

21、 the beach with my grandparents. I like swimming in the sea. My grandparents like to go to museums but I dont enjoy museums so much, so maybe Ill stay at home to watch TV.Karen根据短文内容,判断正(T),误(F)。( )51. Karen will get a job this summer.( )52. Jazz music is her favorite.( )53. Her grandparents live in

22、 the seaside.( )54. Her grandmother isnt a good cook.( )55. She likes to go to the museums with her grandparents.BMy name is Alex. I had an interesting and kind of scary experience last Saturday. At about three oclock in the afternoon I was walking down Main Street. I stopped in front of a jewelry s

23、tore to look at some rings in the window. I really liked one of the rings. While I was standing there, two men came out of the store. They ran across the street, got into a car, and drove away quickly. Then I saw something in the street. It was a black bag. I thought maybe they dropped the bag while

24、 they were driving away in the car. I went and picked up the bag and opened it. There was a diamond(钻石) watch in the bag. I took the bag with the watch into the jewelry store and showed it to the store manager(经理 ). The manager looked scared by what happened but he was very happy to see the watch. H

25、e said the two men were thieves, and that the police were looking for them. He also said the watch was very expensive. To thank me for my help, he gave me fifty dollars. I was happy that I helped. However, the thieves stole many pieces of jewelry. They took ten rings, three watches, four necklaces,

26、and ten pairs of earrings. I hope the police will catch them soon.根据短文内容,选择答案。( )56、What was Alex looking at in the store window? A. Rings. B. Watches. C. Clothes. D. Shoes.( )57、Who came out of the store? A. The manager. B. Two men. C. The police. D. Alex.( )58、What did he see in the street? A. Two

27、 men. B. One car. C. A black bag. D. All the above.( )59、What did he do with the watch? A. He took it home. B. He took it to the store. C. He took it to the police. D. He gave it back to the two men.( )60、Which of the following is not TRUE? A. Alex is telling an experience of his own. B. Alex is tal

28、king to a police officer.C. The manager was too scared to stop the two men.D. Alex didnt know the two men were thieves until he went to the manager.得 分评卷人九、交际运用。将下列问题与合适的建议配对连线。(10分)61. Its my mothers birthday next month and I dont have any money to buy her a present.62. My friends tell me that my c

29、lothes are out of style.63. My friend is always late.64. I dont know how to do my English homework.65. Im trying to do my homework but my brother is playing loud music.a.You shouldnt listen to them everyone has their own sense of style.b.You could ask the teacher for help.c.Why dont you get a part-t

30、ime job?d.Why dont you study in the library?e.You could ask her to come earlier next time. 61、_ 62、_ 63、_ 64、_ 65、_得 分评卷人十、完成句子。根据中文意思,完成下列句子,每空限填一词。(10分)66、我想100年后所有的东西都会是免费的。I think everything will in 100 years.67、他说他要为玛丽举办一个惊喜派对。He said he was having a for Mary.68、每次我看到学校邮件的信封时,就会很紧张。I always when I see the envelope from school in the mail.69、如果这样,你就会迟到。 you , youll be late.70、她三岁的时候就成了电影明星She a movie star she was three years old.得 分评卷人十一、书面表达。根据所给图片写故事。要求1、涵盖四副图片所

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