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1、北师20秋专科英语一在线作业220秋专科英语(一)在线作业21:Can you ( ) an insect having eight eyes and still having poor eyesight?A、imagineB、supposeC、thinkD、expect答案:A2:Mr. Evans was killed in the air crash and ( ) his wife a large sum of money.A、gaveB、leftC、sentD、offered答案:B3:At Christmas it was ( ) for people to have turkey

2、 as the main course.A、customaryB、regularC、normalD、often答案:A4:( ) cross the road until the traffic lights turn green.A、NotB、WontC、DoesntD、Dont答案:D5:For the use of these tools, please make ( ) to the handbook.A、referenceB、notesC、studyD、use答案:A6:If it snows tomorrow, we ( ) able to throw snowballsA、are

3、B、can beC、will beD、be答案:C7:The ( ) cost of making a movie has risen by 20%.A、regularB、averageC、seldomD、balance答案:B8:He didnt want to become a ( ) of his family.A、weightB、loadC、stressD、burden答案:D9:I bought this watch ( ) a low price.A、inB、forC、onD、at答案:D10:I spent half an hour( ) this difficult math

4、problem.A、having worked onB、to work onC、on workD、working on答案:D11:I have a ( ) idea of what I want to express.A、generousB、generalC、regularD、widespread答案:B12:Id like to ( ) a special seat for the concert of May 5.A、serveB、reserveC、preserveD、conserve答案:B13:It is a teachers job to ( ) that all his stud

5、ents should feel confident in preparing himself for the future.A、be sureB、sure thingC、make sureD、for sure答案:C14:There was an ( ) silence, when no one knew what to say.A、clumsyB、embarrassC、awkwardD、discomfort答案:C15:On formal ( ), people pay more attention to manners.A、situationsB、casesC、conditionsD、o

6、ccasions答案:D16:Mr. Smith is too busy to ( ) any time except for Sunday afternoon.A、spareB、provideC、supplyD、bring答案:A17:They( )that the Science Museum be kept open during the vacation.A、urgedB、saidC、spokeD、talked答案:A18:I had a(n) ( ) to go to New York and study.A、chanceB、opinionC、opportunityD、time答案:

7、C19:She has decided to ( ) show business.A、quitB、drawC、giveD、tend答案:A20:It was unfortunate(不幸的) that my car ( ) on my way to the companyA、broke downB、broke inC、broke outD、broke up答案:A21:I never have meals in those dirty restaurants.( ).A、So do I.B、So have I.C、Nor do I.D、Nor have I.答案:C22:Our company

8、s service is ( ) in nearly 50 countries around the world.A、availableB、carefulC、naturalD、relative答案:A23:How many ( ) are there in the picture?A、womanB、womenC、buyD、milk答案:B24:The old methods werent ( ) to meet current needs.A、satisfiedB、betterC、wellD、adequate答案:D25:It is one of the poorest countries i

9、n Western Europe ( ) natural resources.A、in the form ofB、by means ofC、in terms ofD、on the basis of答案:C26:The booking office sells tickets 3 days ( ) .A、in the endB、at lastC、in advanceD、in time答案:C27:She thought the French dictionary of little ( ) and sold it together with the old newspaper.A、priceB、

10、costC、expenseD、value答案:D28:We were told the pizza would be ( ) in 20 minutes.A、takenB、gotC、deliveredD、caught答案:C29:The job is too ( )for me to do.A、demandingB、orderingC、beggingD、requesting答案:A30:Many deaths from heart disease are ( ) avoidable.A、realB、trueC、actuallyD、virtual答案:C31:John and Mary arri

11、ved, the ( ) wearing a red wool dress.A、latterB、otherC、laterD、one答案:A32:While working in that research center, I was responsible ( ) meeting the people.A、atB、inC、forD、on答案:C33:The mother was filled with ( ) about her sons health.A、disappointmentB、anxietyC、frightD、eagerness答案:B34:I m very sorry to te

12、ll you that ( ) of you failed in the test this time.A、fewB、fewerC、someD、that答案:C35:Poor ( )and excess(过量) smoking will seriously damage the health of your hair.A、eatB、foodsC、dietD、meal答案:C36:Dont ( ) such a little girl do what she cant do.A、forceB、obligeC、orderD、make答案:D37:We will double the number

13、of Safer Cities Schemes to cover 40 ( ) areas.A、industrialB、remoteC、ruralD、urban答案:D38:I asked for a(n) ( ) two weeks to finish the work.A、extraB、moreC、muchD、less答案:A39:Please practice ( ) English as much as you can.A、speakB、speakingC、spokeD、to speak答案:B40:The ( ) to ensure(确保) a bright future for m

14、yself pushed me to study harder.A、crisisB、ideaC、pressureD、thought答案:C41:The company is starting a new advertising campaign(广告战) to( ) new customers to its stores.A、joinB、attractC、stickD、transfer答案:B42:Of the two shirts, I like the darker one ( ).A、goodB、betterC、bestD、well答案:B43:The elderly man is qu

15、ite ( ).A、youngB、oldC、healthfulD、energetic答案:D44:A good and firm handshake is a strong ( ) for a lifelong friendship.A、baseB、groundC、foundingD、foundation答案:D45:He ( ) that the money had been paid.A、spokeB、calledC、confirmedD、talked答案:C46:I do not know much about ( ) history of ( ) Japan.A、the,/B、the,

16、theC、/,theD、the,a答案:A47:The clock ( ) 10 when I got up this morningA、toldB、saidC、readD、spoke答案:B48:After she became a lawyer, she decided to ( ) in contract(契约)law.A、studyB、learnC、contributeD、specialize答案:D49:What a lovely party! Its worth ( ) all my life.A、rememberingB、to rememberC、to be remembered

17、D、being remembered答案:A50:There ( ) two bowls of rice on the table.A、isB、haveC、hasD、are答案:D51:His constant ( ) with his peers(同龄人) has left its mark on his growth.A、consentB、contractC、contextD、contact答案:D52:As expected, ( ) drinking resulted in his death.A、exceedingB、excessC、exclusiveD、excessive答案:D5

18、3:She thought she had found the ( ) place to live.A、betterB、perfectC、wellD、nicer答案:B54:The singing group ( ) gathered round the piano to hear the teacher play.A、wereB、wasC、whoD、that答案:A55:The ( ) of blood always makes her feel sick.A、sightB、viewC、lookD、form答案:A56:How many students have ( ) for Engli

19、sh classes?A、bookedB、registeredC、orderedD、reserved答案:B57:Kate, ( ) your homework here tomorrow.A、bringB、bringsC、to bringD、bringing答案:A58:You may have seen him ( ) campus.A、inB、atC、onD、for答案:C59:His grandson ( ) the company after Mr. Smith died.A、took downB、took overC、took outD、took in答案:B60:He is tr

20、ying to ( ) the familys expenses.A、reduceB、releaseC、relaxD、relive答案:A61:Some people argue that ( ) regulations(规章制度) for water pollution will drive up costs and put jobs at risk.A、firmB、tightC、tenseD、close答案:B62:My family were very ( ) throughout the divorce(离婚).A、supportB、supporterC、supportingD、sup

21、portive答案:D63:I hope you wont be late for our date ( ).A、ahead of timeB、in timeC、in futureD、on time答案:C64:The seaman ( ) swim only half way before he drowned(淹死).A、couldB、mightC、was able toD、would答案:C65:It is said that the management will( )food and drink.A、benefitB、profitC、finishD、provide答案:D66:It

22、is difficult to ( ) the importance of the decision.A、assessB、attachC、assignD、assemble答案:A67:How does she manage to keep her ( ) when she eats so much?A、bodyB、figureC、stateD、outline答案:B68:That country claimed that its nuclear ( ) were safe.A、instrumentsB、facilitiesC、toolsD、devices答案:B69:The children

23、were excited ( ) opening their presents.A、forB、aboutC、inD、to答案:B70:She was forced to ( ) early from teaching because of illness.A、relaxB、relieveC、retreatD、retire答案:D71:He tried to ( ) with the manager for his salary.A、evaluateB、objectC、bargainD、pause答案:C72:The proof ( ) he killed the driver while ro

24、bbing the taxi was obtained by two passers-by.A、thatB、whatC、whichD、why答案:A73:I would be very ( ) if you could give me an early reply.A、gratefulB、helpfulC、thankingD、satisfying答案:A74:She is a ( ) woman who is certain of her ideas and actions.A、awareB、confidentC、importantD、average答案:B75:I hope we can(

25、)before noon.A、departB、comeC、setD、fix答案:A76:Theres been a whole( ) of accidents on this road.A、varietyB、bunchC、setD、series答案:D77:Ten minutes ( ) an hour when one is waiting for a phone call.A、seemedB、seemC、is seemingD、seems答案:D78:I ( ) my firm to attend that meeting last week.A、showedB、presentedC、re

26、ferredD、represented答案:D79:We must work out more ( ) ways to solve the problem.A、easyB、economicC、effectiveD、expensive答案:C80:It is expected that credit cards will eventually ( ) paper money in the future.A、replaceB、tradeC、reduceD、exchange答案:A81:Directions:There are five questions in this passage. You

27、are required to complete each question by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D)此篇短文后有5个问题,每个问题后有4个选项,请你从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳答案选项。John was ten years old and was a very lazy boy. He had to go to school of course, but he was bored there and tried to do as little work

28、as possible. His father and mother were both doctors. They hoped that their son would become a doctor, too, when he grew up. But one day John said to his mother, “When I finish school, I want to become a dustman.”“A dustman?” his mother asked. She was very surprised. “Thats not a pleasant job. Why d

29、o you want to be a dustman?”“Because then Id only have to work one day a week,” John answered.“Only one day a week?” his mother said. “What do you mean?”“Well,” John answered, “I know that the ones who came to our house just work on Wednesday, because I see them only on that day.”81.1:John _ at school.A、didnt do any workB、did much work C、did very little work D、tried to finish his work答案:C81.2:Johns parents wanted him to become a _.A、doctorB、dustmanC、teacherD、worker答案:A81.3:John hoped to become a dustman because _.A、he knew it was an important

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