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1、铯原子and铷原子D1D2线光谱【请教】外腔可调激光器,选那一种?最近实验室可能要买一台波长连续可调的激光器,联系了两个厂家的,一个是德国的sacher公司,另一个是美国的New focus公司我们需要的规格大概是中心波长780800nm左右,调谐范围20nm,功率1020mW,输出功率在整个调谐范围内基本不变。两个公司相中的型号分别是sacher : New focus: 以我自己非专业的眼光仔细比较了一下,发现两个公司的产品基本上相当,而售价前者为1W欧元多,后者是2W美刀。new focus的好像更有名些,国外的同行也推荐的是这个,技术支持也相当到位,我把他们网站上提供的mannual看

2、了看,学到不少东西,好像他们的激光器的计算机接口也做的蛮全。但与sacher的lion系列比,他们的velocity系列控制面板简陋许多,唯一吸引人的就是可以实时显示工作波长,而这个好像sacher的不行。而sacher的不仅便宜一些,而且看起来控制面板相当专业,感觉可以自己定制的激光器工作参数比较丰富,体现出德国人工作严谨认真的风格,但从他们的网站上,我也没能获得关于该激光器更深层次的信息,觉得很没底,不知道究竟怎么样。我们决定在12月份定下来一台,不过现在两个好难选择,有没有比较了解这两个公司产品的朋友能够给点参考意见? 万分感谢,比较急,谢谢大家指教了我认为,还是Sacher的比较好一点

3、,因为光机所用到现在正在打算购置新的波段的;Sacher是专门做这个的!Newfocus在其他很多方面比较有名气,而且他的产品也很好,但是做外腔可调激光器不是Newfocus的专长;一孔之见.这个东东市场太小了,而且操作要求技术高一些,也就那几个公司做。你想用的爽,就用Newfocs,你想用的合算,就用Sacher.你要是胆子大,你就用其他品牌的吧。Caesium Spectroscopy - D1 LineCaesium is a very reactive alcali metal of the first group of the table of elements. It was fi

4、rst discovered by Bunsen and Kirchhoff in 1860 using spectroscopic investigations. It is characterized by one valence electron. The spectra show the saturated absoption of the D1 line of Caesium at 895nm.The spectra are detected with a continuous scan with a Sacher Lasertechnik tunable diode laser s

5、ystem.Caesium Spectroscopy D2 LineCaesium is a very reactive alcali metal of the first group of the table of elements. It was first discovered by Bunsen and Kirchhoff in 1860 using spectroscopic investigations. It is characterized by one valence electron.The spectra show the saturated absoption of t

6、he D2 line of Caesium at 852nm.The spectra are detected with a continuous scan with a Sacher Lasertechnik tunable diode laser system. Rubidium Spectroscopy - D1 LineRubidium is a very reactive alcali metal of the first group of the table of elements. It was first discovered by Bunsen and Kirchhoff i

7、n 1861 using spectroscopic investigations. Due to its typical red color of the spectral lines it was named after the Latin word rubidus (darkred). It is characterized by one valence electron. The natural abundance of Rubidium isotopes is 85Rb(72.2%) and 87Rb(27.8%).The spectra show the saturated abs

8、option of the D2 line of Rubidium at 795nm. The spectra are detectedvia one continuous scan with a Sacher Lasertechnik tunable diode laser system. Rubidium Spectroscopy - D2 LineRubidium is a very reactive alcali metal of the first group of the table of elements. It was first discovered by Bunsen an

9、d Kirchhoff in 1861 using spectroscopic investigations. Due to its typical red color of the spectral lines it was named after the Latin word rubidus (darkred). It is characterized by one valence electron. The natural abundance of Rubidium isotopes is 85Rb(72.2%) and 87Rb(27.8%).The spectra show the

10、saturated absoption of the D1 line of Rubidium at 780nm. The spectra are detected with a continuous scan with a Sacher Lasertechnik tunable diode laser system. Electromagnetic Induced Transparancy (EIT)Electromagnetic Induced Transparency (EIT)Electromagnetic Induced Transparency (EIT) in a three-le

11、vel ladder-type Doppler-broadened medium,paying special attention to the case where the coupling and probe beams are counter propagating and have similar frequencies as to reduce the Doppler width of the two photon process.The pumping laser of wavelength 775.76nm couples the upper transition from st

12、ate 5P3/2, F=4 (state |2) to state 5D5/2, F=5 (state|3) and the probe wavelength of 780nm couples one hyperfine transition of state 5S1/2, F=3 (state|1) to state 5P3/2, F=4 (state|2) which is the RubidiumD2 line,Review Min Xiao et. al, Phys. Rev. A51, 576-584 (1995)for therory and experimental setup

13、.The data show the experimental results for Rubidium vapor at room temperature. The violet curve shows the Doppler broadened Rubidium D2 spectrumdetermined viaa low power laser system as reference. The yellow curve shows the EIT signal. The position of the EIT dip can be adjusted via thewavelength o

14、f thepump laser.Water Vapor SpectroscopyWater is the most important molecule on earth. Without water, there would be no life possible on this planet. However, in some applications the amount of water vapor needs to beexactly measured. In the Hitran datebase, many transitions can be found, and there

15、are serveral strong absorption lines the 1390nm regime, for example. Some of these strong line at 1388nm are shown in the figure, detected with a simple water vapor absorption experiment.In this figure, the detected optical density at the absorptionmaximum at a line at 1367.86nm is plotted versus th

16、e absorption coefficient calculated according to the Hitran database.In another experiment, wavelength modulation spectroscopy was accomplished by mixing a low and a high tuning frequency. The 2f absorption spectra recorded with a Lock-In amplifier are shown in the figure.These experiments have been performed with our TEC100 Littrow Laser System, as well as with our TEC500 Littman Laser System. We gratefully acknowledge finanical support by the BMBF within contract 13N7157. For more details, please check our publications.

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